As a Michigan resident, I was both stunned and pleased to learn that after decades of Republican Gerrymandering, that kept them in control of both Houses, our 2018 effort to end partisan Gerrymandering has created districts that more fairly represent the people that live here, and as a direct result, Democrats have taken both Houses, the Governorship, Atty General and Secretary State

Lesson? Follow Michigan’s lead to end partisan Gerrymandering

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We Did It In Michigan!!! You Folks Can Do It Too!! The 2018 redistricting petition for redistricting started with just a couple folks!

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Voters, Not Politicians

Grass roots democracy

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Dave, I lived in Michigan for 10 years. It gladdens my heart to know Democrats now hold the reins of power there. I hope they use power wisely to improve the lives if ordinary Michiganders.

Here in my home state of NC, the fascist war on public education and the social safety net continues. If any low wealth folks in rural NC think that Ted Budd and David Rouzer, election deniers and seditionists, think have even a remote interest in their welfare they have another think coming. Budd would gladly vote ti eliminate Social Security and Medicare and Medicaid.

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Our Secret in Michigan?


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I sum up thusly: half the country is batshit insane.

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Half the country is gerrymandered into silence. Look what happened after they fixed the batshit crazy map in Pennsylvania.

Both parties have had their thumb on the voter scale for decades. Otherwise we’d have more than 435 members of the House of Representatives.

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You are absolutely right. The two-party system is toxic, and is a major factor in why government is dysfunctional.

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Yup! Look to Michigan's redistricting results!!!

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Like the sailor in the Rime of the Ancient Mariner, the GOP is stuck with the rotting corpse of the trump albatross around its neck. Good for them…they welcomed the home wrecker in along with his MAGAt horde and now that they’ve wrecked the furniture along with all the rooms in the house, the GOP can’t get rid of them because they’re the only future left for the party. How much longer will the head last while the rest of the body decays? Guess we’ll find out soon enough…

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It's more like a zombie horde than a single rotting body with a functional head. There is a video game called Days Gone that comes to mind when I look at the GOP. They are a horde that eats itself and everything else.

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Thanks for the Ray Charles version of Oh Beautiful. You have a sweet and open heart, TC. (I know, I know, folks, “but his language!”). I first realized it when you referred to your wife as She Who Must Be Obeyed.

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what language?

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Let's just say he doesn't hold back in calling a fool a fool ... except using more colorful words.

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Last night, 8:30 pm, you posted you had “gone out on a limb to check and the red wave wasn’t going to happen.” Had stopped with the MSM two weeks ago; relied mostly on Substacks and TargetEarly and my gut-sense of more optimistic than not. Last night was first time since the 1970’s I didn’t watch any returns. I’m so grateful you suited up, weathered some MSM and posted your no red wave notice. With the many gifts you share I believe you are a Sanity-Savior.

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At'cher service, ma'am. :-)

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For the first time since I registered to vote 50 years ago, I did not watch election night coverage. I have stopped watching tv "news". I also rely on Substack. I totally ignore polls; they are notoriously wrong.

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Actually, the good polls, and the aggregators like 538, were on the money. It wasn't the numbers that were wrong, it was the willingness to uncritically go along with "conventional wisdom" and Republicans "working the refs." There was an excellent examination on this with a panel led by Chris Hayes tonight on MSNBC. The outcome possibilities that we are seeing now were there in the polls, but missed by the "analysis."

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I recommend substack posts today on this topic by James Fallows and Brad DeLong



Detailed analysis on why pundits suck.

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Still rolling BLUE in a red state. Pusing forWarnock in December.

Good breakdown TC. Bombrts gone, next MTG.

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Theirs to win and the front stopped at the polls. I think on their hubris. Must be a lesson here for 2024 when the House will have achieved nothing and the 3-day-old fish will be up for recycling.

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Two things happened:

1. Fall of Roe V Wade

2. Paul Pelosi.

Roe portends loss of other popular federal protections. If SCOTUS continues to March to its’ own “originalist” path, that will continue to push voters to progressive candidates.

Also, Gen Z only looks distracted and disengaged.

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Respectfully do not agree. The only Dem to win in Florida is Maxwell Alexander Frost, a 25 yr old Gen Z’er. He is rubbing his hands in anticipation and ready to put some stodgies in place. He was elected because he is one of few young representatives of the Gen Zers on any ballot.

I believe our young people saved Democracy yesterday. I can not be prouder of them. And those of us that raised them up.

Unita. 🗽

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Yes, he won in a DISTRICT election. So long as there is the Florida panhandle, statewide is going to be "a bridge too far" until something happens to the Republicans, self-inflicted.

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Agree. And it will be self inflicted. Starting at local levels. Especially school boards.

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I have family in the western panhandle, Matt Gaetz's district. The people there are bats**t crazy, as are the people in "Trump country" on the two lane back roads north of Orlando. That Republicans won the races that they did just goes to show you can't make this s**t up and sadly, there is no dumbass vaccine. Monday's coming; work for the 2024 starts then. Fix the damn messaging Dems. We have nothing to be ashamed of, the screw up in NY redistricting not withstanding. Thanks, TC, for the military history comparison. It gives me some hope, which has been in short supply.

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Re-read her line Christine. They only *look* distracted and disengaged (but they aren't). Which you agree with.

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Exactly correct. Looking at a lot of vids from young people after voting, their “look” has flown them under the radar. They are truly a force. I am so happy about it.


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I agree, I think though what mobilized them is: 1. Fall of Roe V Wade, and the possibility SCOTUS will do that for more protections. Their #2? George Floyd.

These were the Gen Z issues I saw that got my 20 year old child and their friends off the couch and in the voting booth.

Paul Pelosi scared anyone who wanted to believe that 1/6 was a fluke.

They're adding - "all those crazy people saying that Drag Queens are child predators but not priests aren't and those wanting to take away medical care from trans individuals. That's fucked, mom."

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They are paying attention. I like how they approach a fight.


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The Gen Z candidate that will be in Val Deming’s seat in Congress.

“FL-10: Democrat Maxwell Frost will be the first member of Generation Z elected to Congress, CNN projects, winning the open seat for Florida's 10th Congressional District. Generation Z refers to those born after 1996. Frost will succeed Democrat Val Demings, who vacated the seat to run for Senate.

The 25-year-old representative-elect told CNN's Poppy Harlow on Wednesday that when President Joe Biden called to congratulate him, the President recalled being too young to be sworn in as a senator when he was first elected at age 29.

"He asked me if it was the same situation. I said, 'No, Mr. President, you had me beat on that. I'm already old enough to be sworn in on January 3.' So, it was great to talk with him. You know, he was elected at a very young age, too, so he understands that experience," Frost said on "CNN This Morning."

Frost, who made reducing gun violence a central part of his campaign, also told CNN that he will work to pass universal background checks in Washington.”

Frost slipped under the radar in Florida. Repubs tend to overlook youngins’ round here. Or dismiss them. Or try to indoctrinate them.


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Thanks TC for all your commentary, and thank you too for the Ray Charles video. Judging by the tears that flooded my face, I rediscovered I really am an American.

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yeah, me too. but RC's cover ALWAYS does that to me. as far as I'm concerned, it's the de facto National Anthem. not unlike "Jerusalem" in the UK (that also always makes me cry, but that's because I'm a born English major).

it's BEEN time to retire the really shitty "Star-Spangled Banner." I love the "Battle Hymn of the Republic," but it's a fucking BATTLE HYMN. I know a lot of folks like "This Land is Your Land," but I realize it's a little Leftie for all those "Conservatives" we'd like to be "the loyal opposition." and let's face it: it's not as pretty as "America the Beautiful."

and nobody asked me anyway.

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Had the American leader of he US Olympic Team at the 1896 first modern Olympics followed the suggestion of the Greek bandmaster that they use America the Beautiful to celebrate an American victory (since at the time we did not have a national anthem), which the bandmaster liked and could play well, we might have ATB for our anthem. When the decision was made, the fact the Star Spangled Banner had been used at the first modern Olympics (where we cleaned up like we never did again), was a strong argument in favor and ultimately won the day.

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I understand. I think. Of course, there is that little problem with This Land is Your Land…my land”. Some may take issue with the implied assumption there 😊

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you're right, of course. it's funny that it hadn't occurred to me.

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So, apparently a Red wave has not drowned the nation, and that's a good thing.

As to my home state, the election results are welcome news...the executive offices and both chambers of the state house went blue, the 1st time in 40 years that the Republican firewall of the state senate will no longer serve as such. So, MI is a lot less the color of a bruise today than it was yesterday, especially considering that all 3 ballot proposals passed, nullifying an early 20th century law making abortion in the state illegal (held in limbo since the fall of Roe by a court order) and also nullifying the effect of that fall by cementing reproductive rights in the state's constitution; making needed and sensible changes to state officeholder term limits, and finally instituting something in the way of meaningful financial reporting requirements for state office holders.

So, was this a Blue wave in the state? I don't think I'd call it that, though I'm sure a few D's would like to. I think it might better be characterized as a rising tide. And maybe it will be a sign to the state GoP that it's time to throw the crazy ass hats who've helmed and manned that ship of late over the side and find a new skipper and crew, one that knows how to obey the laws of common sense, common decency and perhaps has a modicum of regard for the common good as opposed to just their own. May not happen. Probably won't happen. But then, no one thought this would happen either.

Wave or tide, if you've got a fire burning and spreading along the shores of your democracy and headed for the heart of it, it doesn't really matter how the water gets there to put it out. Or what color it is. That it just gets there at all is far more important. Perhaps the tide that rolled in here yesterday is a reason for at least a bit of optimism as regards that fact.

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I think the Rs are going to have to be thumped harder, since they have granite skulls, for the message to get to the destination.

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Acknowledged as much with "Probably not." And I'm more than happy to keep on thumpin' on my end. But as you wrote yourself not all that long ago, while you (or I, for that matter) may not agree with or perhaps even like a lot of Rs - even in 'normal times' - we do, in fact, *need* a 'healthy' Republican party, lest the current 'good guys' fall into the same trap of self-interest from only having to answer to themselves. Hence, I really hope they get the message sooner rather than later. After all, 'hoping' doesn't cost me a darned thing. ;-)

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We need a conservative party, run by Actual Conservatives.

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Well, yes. Sorry. My mistake. But I have an excuse. I've been around since about the middle of the last century and spent too many years before the millennium associating the word 'Republican' with the word 'conservative', not Conservatism Inc., conmen, conspiracy theorists, varied and sundry creeps and full-on crazies. That's a lot of c's for a tired old brain like mine to keep track of. And old habits often die hard.

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I sort of agree, even if I'd never vote for one. the problem for me at this point is that the crazies have been representing them for so long (and whatever one might think about Reagan--and I loathed him from the get-go--he brought them in, so fuck him and his "blessed memory) that I don't think anybody has any idea what an actual "conservative party" would even look like.

there are some folks I know who'd point to that position now defined as "libertarian," but those guys are even weirder. and Ayn Rand, one of the greatest hypocrites of the last century, doesn't travel well after tenth grade. in the tenth grade, I very uncharitably referred to her "followers" as "the girls with whom nobody wanted to go out," but that might have just been in Forest Hills High School. that last was a not-so-veiled call-out to any other alums out there.

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Mostly Randians are "the boys with whom no one wants to go out."

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imagine a laughing emoji.

again, I'm talking FHHS, famous for its cheerleaders. but you're completely correct, as usual.

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TC! My fave version of America the Beautiful. I hummed it today in my head as I had to stomach a few race results in Florida (expected) and Ohio (really worked toward an upset. Vance is totally surprised he won.) And RonJohn in Wisconsin just pissed me off, period.

Florida is so red and stupid that a bloodbath is brewing. Do not think we have to wait for 2024 for DeSantis to implode. He’s too short anyway to be elected president. Groups here in Florida are working already for 2024, ESPECIALLY regarding public education. I plan on running again in my county unless we decide to get a young’un ready.

I totally agree about Beasley. I put that one totally on the Dem leadership missing a victory. What a candidate. Demings, Beasley and Abrams will be on the radar for 2024. I do believe Nancy Pelosi will retire from the House and get back to what she does best. Continued leadership at a very high level. Perhaps even getting the Democratic Party on track. I took everything she said to heart in her interview with Anderson Cooper. She is so brilliant at writing legislation and such a force for Democracy. Congress will miss her 60 seconds after she leaves.

I am still watching close races and will be phonebanking for Warnock. I feel that We the People, all of us this time, came out of the 7th inning stretch and realized we had a lot to do in a short time.

Thank you for your sizzlin’ analysis, commentary, and storytelling. You are one of my touchstones.

Here’s my song today. Well, one that’s been going through my head for the past couple days.


We go forward together. 🗽

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If the Ds hold the House, which will be by a small majority (and the California races are looking like they could do the job), Pelosi will stay on because there will be a need for her the next two years to cement Biden's achievements before 2024.

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Hmmm. Well. That would be so sweet to watch her give a withering glance to McCarthy. And so beneficial to President Biden. She will need a lot of security.

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‘Yesterday, the Future spoke up. Young American voters saved democracy.’


Who are they?

-- '89% of Black youth and 67% of Latino youth voted for a Democratic candidate in the midterms'

‘The strongest support for Democrats came from youth of color. Young white voters were more evenly split across party lines with 58% supporting Democrats and 40% backing Republicans.’

-- 63% of young Americans voted for a Democratic candidate for the U.S. House, while 35% of young Americans backed Republican candidates.’

‘Americans ages 18-29 were the only age cohort to support Democrats for the U.S. House by such a large margin. Voters ages 30-44 split their votes more evenly, 51% for Democrats and 47% for Republicans

(Sources: Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement at Tufts (CIRCLE) and CIRCLE’s analysis of the Edison Research National Election Pool exit poll)

“It’s never been just about Trump for us. It’s about stopping the climate crisis, protecting our reproductive freedoms, and ending gun violence in our classrooms,”

____ Ellen Sciales, Sunrise Movement’s 25-year-old national spokesperson.(TeenVogue) See link below.


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Our secret in Michigan?


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Excellent post, TC. I appreciate your astute insight and analysis of the midterm results.

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TC-- look at election outcomes in NC, and share your thoughts.

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