WARNING: There’s a lot of “shouting” in this post because I have a subterranean pain threshold for morons. Especially when they’re dumb enough to claim they’re Democrats and on my side.
The Tom Nichols Democracy test: "Does this House candidate support democracy or will they caucus with/vote for Kevin McCarthy as Speaker?" If they will caucus with/vote for McCarthy, vote for the other candidate.
That’s nice and simple, and should be simple enough for the Dim-ocrats to understand.
Poor little Trust Fund Twit (born with a $50 million trust fund) Peter Meijer has been crying that the Bad Mean Not Very Nice Democrats wouldn’t support him for his ONLY GOOD VOTE in the two years he has wasted oxygen in the House of Representatives by sitting there, voting straight Republican on all other issues, when they took out ads saying that his opponent in the primary was a Trump-loving election-denying fascist-adjacent scumbag. And because they did that, the voters in his district chose the Trump-loving election-denying fascist-adjacent scumbag over the Very Nice Republican who said over the weekend that “We cannot allow the Democrats to win this election” and who would have returned to Washington to vote for Qevin McQarthy for Speaker.
Last week, Meijer went crying to Bari Weiss’s Substack about the Terrible Mean Not Very Nice Democrats were being unfair to him by running ads which accurately described his primary opponent, the conspiracy-nut and MAGA standout John Gibbs.
“You would think that the Democrats would look at John Gibbs and see the embodiment of what they say they most fear. That as patriots they would use every tool at their disposal to defeat him and similar candidates that they’ve said are an existential threat.”
HEY MORON - THAT’S WHAT THEY DID! They told voters he is an existential threat.
“Instead they are funding Gibbs.”
NO THEY ARE NOT!!! Jesus, you would think $50 million would have at least gotten you an education where you didn’t end up sounding like a FUCKING MORON!
And then he proceeded to demonstrate exactly what a trust fund ignoramus born on third base who thinks he hit a triple he is:
“Over the past year, in private and in public, these Democratic colleagues praised the courage of Republicans like me. Majority Leader Steny Hoyer called my vote “an impressive display of courage and integrity.” To leading Democrats, we were the Good Republicans.
“At the same time, to some in my party, we were Bad Republicans—RINOs at best, traitors at worst. After the impeachment vote, I was immediately censured by two county parties in my old district. In my new district, the Republican Party of the largest county repudiated me a few weeks ago. The Michigan GOP Chair joked about my assassination. There have been too many online threats to count.
“Watching this unraveling inside my party has been utterly bewildering. The only thing that has been more nauseating has been the capacity of my Democratic colleagues to sell out any pretense of principle for political expediency—at once decrying the downfall of democracy while rationalizing the use of their hard-raised dollars to prop up the supposed object of their fears.”
The only thing that’s worse than this is all the Chardonnay-slurping, cucumber sandwich-snarfing, Volvo-driving DIM-ocrats out there who buy this line of horse shit. “Oh, we should help these people because they are Good People like we are Good People.”
No, you people are MORONS, FOOLS, IDIOTS AND IGNORAMUSES if you are stupid enough to say that. You should apply to work at the New York Times or Washington Post, since you would obviously flunk the IQ test low enough to qualify.
REPEAT AFTER ME: It is not the job of Democrats to save Republicans who are too afraid of the feral losers they call their base to take the action necessary to save Conservatism from the Fascists.
The DCCC ran ads EXPLAINING to Michigan voters what sort of crazy person Meijer’s opponent was. These were not positive ads. THEY ACCURATELY DESCRIBED GIBBS’S NUTTINESS.
These ads were purely negative. But also the DCCC knew what they were doing. They were helping Gibbs by raising his name ID with voters who would see the negatives as positives—by voters who WANT CRAZY.
But Peter Meijer says that Democrats opportunistically running a negative ad that accurately described his opponent was MORE NAUSEATING THAN MEMBERS OF HIS OWN PARTY THREATENING HIM WITH VIOLENCE AND DEATH.
Jonathan V. Last - a Conservative who really is intelligent - has a great analogy for this:
Let’s pretend that you make Coxonium and this product is poison.
I decide to run ads promoting Coxonium that say,
“Coxonium is good for your health! Tastes great, goes down smooth, and cures whatever ails you!”
If people buy Coxonium, maybe that is my fault? I have lied to them about Coxonium and what it does. Sure, maybe they should have done their own research. Not relied on a single ad. Checked the news to see if anyone had died from Coxonium. But whatever. I’ve still got some culpability. I was selling people a bill of goods.
But what if I run Coxonium ads like this:
“Coxonium is poison. Real, genuine poison. If you take it, you will probably die. Do not buy Coxonium because it will kill you.”
And what if people who see this ad say, “Well shit, Lurleen. I been fixin’ to git myselfs some poison and damned if that Coxonium don’t look like the finest poison there is. Let’s buy it!”
Is that really on me and the ad?
Because it seems to me like the culpability lies with the guy who loves poison and can’t wait to buy it, even after being told what it does.
JVL is right.
Meijer and his apologists insist that his own voters lack agency and that they would have made “the right choice” if only Democrats hadn’t told the voters who and what John Gibbs is.
Let’s remember that “the right choice” would have been a “Good Republican” who would have gone to Washington in January if he had been re-elected, and would have voted for Qevin McQarthy and all the other election-denying, Trump-loving, fascist-adjacent traitors who run his party, now The Party of Authoritarianism, the Party of Anti-Democracy. A “good Republican” who would have continued voting in favor of Republican positions, as he did with EVERY OTHER VOTE HE MADE IN CONGRESS, who believes that if Democrats win the political races the world will go to hell. Because protecting that $50 million trust fund is really the most important thing in his life.
The Tom Nichols Democracy test: "Does this House candidate support democracy or will they caucus with/vote for Kevin McCarthy as Speaker?" If they will caucus with/vote for McCarthy, vote for the other candidate.
At the end of the day, the problem isn’t that Democrats tricked Republican voters into choosing John Gibbs. The problem is that REPUIBLICAN VOTERS WANT JOHN GIBBS. And that Republican office holders are in fear of their feral base.
And Peter Meijer and the rest of the anti-anti-Trumpers can’t bring themselves to say that.
Harry Truman was right: “The only ‘Good Republicans’ are pushing up daisies.”
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Exactly! The Michigan gop is as crazy as the national gop. All you have to do is look at their candidates. The democrat running in the Michigan 3rd district is super on so many issues and she is smart. Meijer has had lots of money behind him. The issue is the gop and its commitment to Fascism. Unfortunately there are plenty of crazies in Michigans who drank the gop kool-aid years ago. And they've got a media person now who will run against Whitmer for the Governor's seat. I hope folks understand what we're all up against in this state. I put Meijer in the same boat as Cheney. I mean - her history is to support the previous "president" with her votes 97% of the time! Give me a break! She is no hero and neither were the others. They chose correctly with regard to impeachment. But that others did not join them - that there were only TEN in the house -- that is a disgrace and tells you all you need to know about the gop and why you should never give them your vote - perhaps for the next 20 years.