Exactly! The Michigan gop is as crazy as the national gop. All you have to do is look at their candidates. The democrat running in the Michigan 3rd district is super on so many issues and she is smart. Meijer has had lots of money behind him. The issue is the gop and its commitment to Fascism. Unfortunately there are plenty of crazies in Michigans who drank the gop kool-aid years ago. And they've got a media person now who will run against Whitmer for the Governor's seat. I hope folks understand what we're all up against in this state. I put Meijer in the same boat as Cheney. I mean - her history is to support the previous "president" with her votes 97% of the time! Give me a break! She is no hero and neither were the others. They chose correctly with regard to impeachment. But that others did not join them - that there were only TEN in the house -- that is a disgrace and tells you all you need to know about the gop and why you should never give them your vote - perhaps for the next 20 years.

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TC, you wrote: "Because it seems to me like the culpability lies with the guy who loves poison and can’t wait to buy it, even after being told what it does."

That's what I read with every whine coming out of his mouth, every attempt to hang his defeat around those bad old Dems. When you lie with dogs, be prepared to have fleas. He's chosen a pack of them to cuddle with and he can't stand the results.

He's rich. He'll figure out some other way to screw the little people.

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Aug 3, 2022·edited Aug 3, 2022Liked by TCinLA

Yes. I blasted a commenter on another Substack appalled at the DNC for not “repaying” Meijer with support because of his brave impeachment vote and then showing “obvious” support to the Trump endorsee. And on and on. I told him Dems do not owe and are not obligated to “repay” any Republican. This commenter then said that Adam Kinzinger has the same opinion as he about the Dem Nat’l Committee. Duh.

Get out ‘the dang way. I’m out to defeat some fascists.


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Aug 3, 2022Liked by TCinLA

“And then he proceeded to demonstrate exactly what a trust fund ignoramus born on third base who thinks he hit a triple he is:”

“Qevin McQarthy“

Brilliant TC 😂

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Thank You TC!!! My son called me from another state this morning all excited about what the Michigan Democrats did to a Republican through ads, and I could make no sense out of it! Thanks to your colorful language I see the whole picture now!

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Well ranted, as usual, and I like the Nichols test, particularly since I could pass it without studying. My concern with the spending of campaign resources on people like Gibbs is that now, him having secured the GOP nomination, he might actually get elected and we'll have exchanged a moderately distasteful quasi-conservative who, at least once, voted intelligently, for a flat-out nut job who can be counted on to support the destruction of the system and society we're trying to save. It looks in this case as though his Democratic opponent, thanks to a little careful boundary drawing, has a pretty good shot but it doesn't take many of these going wrong to change the balance of power in a very bad way.

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WHAT? WHAT! Please lower your voice because it's too loud for me to hear you.

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It’s your living room, TC. Scream if ya gotta. 😉👍🏻

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So sad, true and written so well that I was cackling to myself...and I didn't realize he was a trust fund baby. Knowledge is power! And I love the Q twist on our friend Kevin's name. Well played, and thanks for the reminder!

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Aug 4, 2022·edited Aug 4, 2022

American politics is getting ever more complicated for me. If you have to sort out this mess to be a voter for democracy, you seem bound to be a minority. Admire your fighting spirit!

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