I keep wondering at what point will this become violent? And from which “side”.

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Good question.

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Makes one wonder if the movie “Civil War” is a documentary…

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My firstborn took me to see this for my birthday last year. As we were walking out, I was, like, whoa! 😳

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me too, Tone. some days it's all I think about. and I won't be very useful, since on some days I can't walk the dog around the block without falling.

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The East African Plains Ape is a curious creature. Capable of anthology intelligence, physically weak enough that it can survive only in extended tribal affiliations (the larger the better), flourishing when acting in concert, and yet defaulting to follow any sociopathic member that asserts itself (much like chimpanzees), and neglecting the evidence of accumulated experience. Weird little fuckers.

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I like that.

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And let us not forget that evil happens when good people do nothing. So what do We, The People do?

Took 60 days for Hitler to take total control. Now that Muck has control of the federal payments system, watch for more? Who has standing?

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The CIA has what it takes to "remove" these traitors who should all go off to a Pacific Isle where they can run their "Caesar Lab," but they know it will fail because each and every one of them envisions himself (almost always a himself) as Caesar. This could be arranged.

The saddest part of this coup is that it has so many enablers, so many magas. And once again I apologize to my kids and grandkids for my generation's failures to be the sentinels and guardians of democracy that we should be.

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Y'know, not all of these

people getting the axe 🪓 are

Democrats. Pensions? Don't

need no stinking pensions!

That IRA? Just got tanked.

I think the water is


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Thank you for my 101 on Yarvin— never heard of him

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Thanks, TC, for educating your readers about this seditionist who has conspired to overthrow our government and replace it with some pseudo-psychotic kleptocracy. According to Wikipedia, his movement is called Dark Enlightenment - an appropriate oxy-MORON-ic theory. A fucking traitor who spits in the face of the democratic principles and enlightenment that supported his Brown University and Cal-Berkeley education.

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This guy Yarvin is seriously bad news. I just read an article about him last week, I think in The Atlantic. Of * course* the Space Nazi and Thiel and Zuck and Bezos bought Trump a second term. He’s the easiest useful idiot in the world, if you flatter him and make him feel Very Important, Brilliant, and Amazing.

Ideas on what to do:

* Trump would really hate it if everybody started making public fun of him for being a an easily manipulated doofus who the tech guys have on puppet strings. Do more of that.

* Trump would really hate it if people started saying he’s not in charge, they are, but they’re tricking him into thinking they defer to him.

* Trump would really, really, REALLY hate to have everybody laughing that Musk and the other tech bros are using him, the same way he uses women, and when he’s not useful anymore, they’ll dump him just like he dumps women.

* The tech bros all have monstrous egos. We need to get each one to think the others are upstaging him. And they’re probably all paranoid about somehow being taken advantage of, or losing, or being cut out of the goodies or the power. We need to get eackmh of them suspecting that the pthets have it in for them. Somebody needs to start creating viral-worthy memes about each of them and the (imaginary) secret sneaky things each one is doing to double cross the others.

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Moving fast and breaking things sounds like a Rx for just breaking things, but "they" just consider the broken stuff as collateral damage.

Too bad, so sad for the little people.

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Thanks, Tom, Why should anyone be surprised? They told us exactly what they intended to do in a 900+ page very boring book. I admit I didn't think they could move quite this fast and I expect unpresident lardass to spend a few days basking in glory on his golf course. That's my only surprise. The cases filed against these maggots will be heard in the lower courts and then appealed. If any appeals go to the 5th or even some of the 11th Circuit Appellate Courts that will be the end the. But if they go to any other circuit they will then be appealed to the Supreme Court. Two of the 9 Justices will for sure find in favor of trump no matter what. Three will for sure will uphold the Constitution, then it will be up to the other four Roberts, Barrett (who may uphold the Constition) Gorsuch and Kavanaugh - who knows. But on thing is for sure, our Constitutional Republic holds on this decision.

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We need more cases and we need them fast. We need someone to sue over Elon being handed access to private information. We need the IGs to sue over being fired without the proper process. We need a lawsuit for the lost information that belonged to the people who paid for the research. Of all the lawsuits, I believe the SCOTUS might very well push back on those that rob the judiciary of power. Fingers crossed, toes crossed, and hell - eyes crossed.

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Here’s the deal: the prom queen is still gonna say “no”. What happens then?

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Roofies in her soda, a hand pressed over her mouth in the back seat of the car. Shallow grave in the woods.

That's the customary script is it not?

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Yeah, but it’s not what anybody wanted so it’s no actual solution.

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I cannot understand how an illegal firing of AGs has not met with a court case onto which each and every AG signed. These people are lawyers, for flock's sake.

The only top official I've heard of so far who resisted is the old gal from the USDA who refused to leave so they "escorted" her out. I'd love to see video. And who were these security personnel and what made them think they had the authority to do so when it was "he said" vs "she said", and she was an IG?

I keep feeling like if those two security guards just tapped into their inner mulishness and said "I'm sorry sir, but this lady says it's illegal and you say to escort her out... we'll have to consult with the USDA lawyer first" then the whole momentum would have been slowed down at the least. This is a cascading thing.

The level of opposition so far has been extremely disappointing. It's almost like the way everyone last time seemed to think that resigning in protest was opposition, but this time they are resigning with their tails between their legs, and the "security" is all either fascist plants or have their tails tucked too. Are our D representatives all delusional?

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What is their Achilles heel??????? What can we break that will make them cry????

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I first started reading up on Yarvin in John Ganz's excellent Substack. people tell him he's a great philosopher and an important "historian." he's a fucking software engineer who's read a book or two. if that.

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Thanks for the profile on this guy. Hes worse than scarface and hannibal lector combined. He must have grown up hating everyone in his family and his high school. I am struck by how much these guys act like malignant narcissists...these are the folks that take pleasure in destroying things...definitely sociopaths....what do you know about his origins. At one time he was someone's infant son...horrifying. He and all these people must be stopped. Cleaned out of the WH and charged with high crimes and misdemeanors. How is the question?

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I had no idea that Trump had installed Mikey Anton into his government. Any ideas about what he is in a position to torch?

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International relations.

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TC, haven’t we hit the Saturday Night Massacre moment this week with mump (no caps on purpose)? Where is the outrage? Where is the reckoning in court? Why hasn’t this come to a head?

If higher education falls in line—just like big tech—does that mark the end for everyone who voted against this clown show?

Tom, maybe it’s time to start working on a new edition of American Pie—a lament for the day our democracy died. Maybe, just maybe, people will listen to a song. And yes, the long version.

Why aren’t more people pissed off right now?

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Dems need to convene a nightly War Room Report and work together to stop this coup NOW. We need to call, write every legislator, newspaper & more to name this & stop it.

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