Herewith the latest adventures of Baron Ivermectin von Brainwrm (thank you Mr. Rick Wilson for that) and his Trophy Bimbo.
Quotes are from articles in Politico and the New York Post (with commentary from yours truly):
Nicole Shanahan, Baron Ivermectin von Brainworm’s running mate has embraced Donald Trump’s favorite anti-wind claims: that offshore wind projects are harming whales. She promoted the false claim that seismic testing used before wind turbine construction causes whales to go deaf and get hit by boats.
“Fishermen in Maine are concerned about wind farms and feel they’re being unfairly blamed,” Shanahan wrote on Xitter (that’s pronounced “shitter”). “Seismic surveying, which uses powerful sound waves to map the ocean floor, can cause temporary or permanent hearing loss in marine mammals, including whales.”
FACT CHECK: offshore wind surveying is much quieter and far less a disturbance than the seismic testing used in oil and gas drilling.
Speaking in Kittery, Maine, last month, Shanahan said the only reason there are offshore wind farms is because real estate developers do not want them on land. “You risk enormous pollution into these waterways when those wind farms start falling apart or they get hit by 110 mile-per-hour winds. They’re not supposed to be out there.”
FACT CHECK: offshore wind turbines are more efficient than onshore turbines and are constructed to handle extreme storms and last decades; parts are replaced and updated as needed.
FURTHER FACT CHECK: Baron von Brainworm fought against the Cape Wind Project 15 years ago, which was visible from the Kennedy family estate in Cape Cod. His ally in that fight was William Koch, the fossil fuel billionaire, who owned a neighboring property. The project was scrapped in 2017.. (Yes indeed folks, “birds of a feather” do indeed flock together.)
Demonstrating the close coordination and tight message discipline the Baron von Brainworm campaign is so noted for, on the same day Shanahan was spreading whale death conspiracy theories, the baron called for a national electric grid that could accommodate more renewable energy sources. (Like the Cape Wind Project?)
Shanahan’s braindead bullshit is part of a pattern in which Kennedy and Shanahan - both former Democrats - have embraced far-right conspiracies and policies.
The Baron’s previous record as an environmental lawyer has been supplanted by a contradictory climate platform he previouslysaid make sense “to skeptics and activists alike.” To prove that he hired a campaign communications director who rejects climate science and calls global warming a “phenomena that is being used to create hysteria.”
Shanahan has used her public profile to promote a wide variety of misinformation believed by the moron Silly Con Valley Bros and Broettes, particularly around autism.
FACT CHECK: Autism IS NOT “caught,” you over-educated under-intelligent morons: you carried the genes in both of you from birth and when you married another of your species, the result was an autistic kid unfortunate enough to have a pair of shitbirds for parents.
Shanahan recently launched a new podcast as part of a strategy to reach young voters. She has hosted an 18-year-old “investigative reporter” who said food causes cancer; a doctor who prescribed ivermectin to treat Covid-19; and “Dilbert” creator Scott Adams, who went on a racist rant against wokeness last year that resulted in the death of “Dilbert.” He told Shanahan that large corporations are “seriously anti-white male” She responded that Adams had “some real magic” and praised him for his ability to “just really understand the zeitgeist of American politics.”
FACT CHECK: Most Fortune 500 companies are headed by white men. Also, Scott Adams is a FUCKING MORON. Further also, does she know the meaning of that word, zeitgeist?
Shanahan also said she is “so on the same page in every single way” with Tucker Carlson, advocate of the Great Replacement theory.
To which my only that this dumb bunny makes Sarah Palin look like a Nobel Winner in Physics.
Yesterday, Shanahan was interviewed by Elex Michaelson on Fox 11’s “The Issue.” It was her first major TV interview since joining the Baron’s campaign as his Trophy Bimbo and major donor. It was more cringey than Katie Couric’s famous interview with Palin in 2008.
In response to the question of what her qualifications were to be Vice President and possibly President, she replied:
“I think that I have a very sophisticated view on foreign affairs due to my previous work in intellectual property law. I understand how global commerce works. I understand how we build batteries around the world.”
“I understand the importance of semiconductors. I understand that big foreign policy decisions are made specifically around semiconductors, and I also am multicultural.”
“My background is one in which I’ve spent most of my spiritual life studying world religions, and I think it’s really important right now for us to understand and respect each other’s religious alignment and understand the depths and the nuances of it.”
“I want to be vice president because I want to take my learnings of being a mother in today’s America”. (Do rich bimbos actually pay attention to their offspring?)
“Um, being, uh, somebody who has really looked at our health-care issues, who understands deeply our AI challenges and the the technology landscape of this country, I want to bring it to the White House.”
“I think that there’s a great need right now to bring a youthful capable, um, mindset and framing to the biggest issues that are challenging this country today and of course I, I’m a very, very enthusiastic, uh, Bobby Kennedy supporter.”
“I have a great deal of understanding, compassion, strength and will to put America first.”
How in the name of intelligence did this creature manage to sleep her way to becoming a billionaire with the men she did it with?
FACT CHECK: During her five-year marriage to Sergey Brin, Shanahan attended parties with other tech executives in Silicon Valley where she consumed recreational drugs including cocaine, ketamine and psychedelic mushrooms, according to a comprehensive article last month in the New York Times that has not been refuted. Is she having acid flashbacks?
When he announced Shanahan as his pick for running mate, Baron von Brainworm praised her as “a lawyer, brilliant scientist, and a fierce warrior mom” and underscored her work on issues near and dear to him, saying “I wanted a vice president who shared my passion for wholesome, healthy foods; chemical-free regenerative agriculture; for good soils. And I found exactly the right person.”
(“We must protect our precious bodily fluids".”)
These two idiots should never be let out past their front doors without adult supervision.
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You are quoting the New York Post. Lordy are they pulling out all stops to pull votes away from Joe? Well of course they are. A third party spoiler and his vp pick are doing their best to help chump. Makes me furious that ex-Dems are as stupid as cult nuts. I know he’s a damaged soul, but he can afford treatment, unlike the millions he will screw with his bullschittery. She is beyond any help that therapy has to offer. No cure for stupid.
Just got called by the Gallup Poll people whose questions were about Biden, Trump, Harris and RFKjr, but no mention of Shanahan. They had many questions about immigration, a few about the economy, Biden and Trump's ages and leadership suitabilities, and my level of confidence in a list of our institutions. No questions about the cost of daily consumables, crime rates, the environment, or climate change. Interestingly, the pollster did ask about my approval or disapproval of Putin and Zelensky, but nothing about Xi, Kim, Orban, or Netanyahu.