Former President Donald Trump returned to Capitol Hill for the first time since he encouraged a violent mob to lay siege to the Capitol building on January 6, 2021.
Donald Trump is doing everything humanly possible to make Democrats, up and down the ticket, winners this November. Now it is up to us Democrats to make sure that that victory is close to a landslide, not a narrow win. Trump's done his part, now we rational believers in democracy must do our part to make it not only a victory but such a lopsided win that even Donald Trump won't be able to claim the election was stolen from him without producing gales of laughter from everyone, even Republicans.
That two of them managed to contradict each other over what the felon, 45, did or did not say about Milwaukee, Wisconsin illustrates the way in which he throws out verbal ink blots and spills and they read into it whatever they want to. He does this at rallies too. His followers try so hard to "be in the know" and figure out what he means by his ravings (since they can't just admit it's raving) he can say virtually anything and they interpret it as significant and even brilliant. When he said he didn't care about any of them, he just wanted their votes, you could watch the crowd laugh their heads off because it was so clever of him to parody his critics and they all "knew" what he "really" meant. One trouble with ink blots is it's hard to agree on the meaning but there is one for every taste.
I somewhat disagree. even if you read "Ulysses" backwards ("yes" to "stately"...I wasn't an English major for nothing), you'll have some sense that you were reading something by somebody who was pretty smart. that "pretty smart" applies to TFF not at all, to say the least.
Too tired of all the Republican wackadoodle, do-nothing good for the country to absorb this kind of nonsense. Send them all to a planet far, far, far, far, far, and even farther away.
Yes, yes! Let's keep going with this one. They were already dropped on their collective heads at birth, so it wouldn't matter which end was up when they were ejected into interstellar space.
oh...I dunno about that method, TC. Somehow "The Bad Seed" always returns to haunt us. Remember the 'Botany Bay spaceship' and how that guy Khan wrought havoc.
Personally I'd like to see them dropped into one of those craters in Hawa'ii currently spewing lava, although perhaps the Hawa'iians might not care to have their volcanoes polluted in such a horrible fashion.
speaking of "the fairway," I get very irritated when people talk about TFF's "energy" and "high level of activity" and then illustrate it by talking about golf. I went golfing with my dad about three times in Detroit when I was about thirteen or fourteen (after the last time, I confessed to him that I didn't much like it and his response was "thank god"). we carried our clubs and WALKED. when TFF plays golf, he sits in a cart, occasionally jumps out, swings his arm and gets back in the cart. how fucking ACTIVE is that? FDR could probably have managed THAT.
I'll leave it there...if I get too steamed up, I won't be able to work on the lyric I promised to tweak or the strange review/memoir I'm working on.
Most Americans expend more energy on their worst days than he does on his best. Making circles with his thumbs and index fingers is his best workout. It's all he's got left after getting the hair and makeup thing right (sic).
Pluto, now known as a "dwarf planet", is incredibly far away. But just going to our close neighbor, Mars, that radiation that falls on that planet would kill them, which would give Elon a conniption fit, since he's so dedicated to the idea of seeding humanity on the red planet.
David...I clicked on your avatar and I started to cry. I realized our dogs are related breeds and can often get mistaken for each other, but in this case, the resemblance is just TOO close. click on my Jubal avatar and you might be astonished...they have the same facial markings, especially in profile.
god, I miss him so much. quite a folie a deux we had, and it was wonderful. he still hasn't appeared in a dream and I remain convinced that he's still pissed off at me for my huge failure of empathy on his last night. and I am NOT being metaphorical.
Oh, I’m so sorry about Jubal David. It’s so hard when we lose a family member and best friend. I doubt Jubal is pissed at you. Don’t beat yourself up. You gave him a wonderful life. I think many of us look back and wish we had done something different or better, but he knew you loved him. I just lost one of my cats too. She was the feral kitty that showed up 6 years ago and started my cat explosion. Her name was Pat and I could never get her tame enough to come in the house. She and one of her daughters, Mama Bear slept in the garage and hung out together all of the time. I found Pat in the garage the other day and she was in terrible pain and tried to walk but could only drag her behind. I took her to the vet and she had a crushed pelvis. He said she must have been hit by a car. It was not operable and he didn’t think it would heal well with confinement. She had some other injuries too, and was in so much pain, I decided to let her go peacefully across the rainbow bridge. Of course then I started thinking I should have tried harder over the years to get her to come into the house. But she just wouldn’t do it. Now Mama Bear is a basket case without her mother and best friend. The good thing is now Mama Bear has started coming in the house. So, maybe I can save her from the cars. Sorry, I meant to extend my heart to you and Jubal and I’ve gone on about my cat. Take care David and I’m sure Jubal will appear in your dreams. One more thing, I feel a connection to David Holzman’s dog too because her name is Natalie. That was my dear Husky’s name who died several years ago after 14 wonderful years with her. ❤️❤️
I went through that over at our other house, which was on a busy street. In 2010, I went out to get the paper, and Charlie the Lord of the Garden as lying on the porch with blood on him. He cried out in pain when I tried to pick him up. I called the vet (they weren't open yet) and the vet I worked with picked up. He told me to come in immediately. Charlie had a fractured pelvis. Operating on it would be more than we could do. But he was an "old fashioned" vet (way too bad he and his partner sold the practice to @#$##@@! VCA) and we worked out a way to do it at home. We got enough pain meds to knock Charlie out for six weeks, confined him in a cat bed in the writing office, and six weeks later he was healed. He also became an indoor-only cat (he had been in-and-out), no matter how much he complained, and lived another 12 years.
Was not so lucky with Teddi, the mama cat to most of the Fabulous Jamieson Felines. Managed to catch her and get her fixed after Molly's litter in 2013, and in 2014, she finally trusted me enough to start sitting on my lap, then letting me pet her, and after three months I thought I could bring her in. Got everything prepared to do it the next morning, only she didn't show up for breakfast. Finally, later that day, when I pulled out of the driveway to go to the store, I found her body, lying in the street gutter; she's been killed by a car. She did finally come inside (her ashes are with the others). It wasn't what I hoped for.
as usual, Karen, you knew the exact right thing to say. I'm serious...that quality (at THIS distance, at any rate) seems to define you.
I know on almost every level that I'm beating myself up needlessly, but with the animals you live with, you wanna be PERFECT. I was too close to Jubal to think I was EVER doing anything he needed done especially well, let alone perfectly. I think I had a sort of fantasy that I could help him die perfectly, but even that proved to be impossible. my four other dogs really did have unforced deaths that were planned and dignified and, therefore, not as hard to handle. or maybe it's just that I'm getting old (increasingly, the explanation for everything).
but really, Karen...thanks so much. bottomless gratitude.
You are so welcome David, and thank you for your kind words…Just speaking from my heart to yours. I picked up Pat’s ashes today and am going to scatter them through my vineyard. She and Mama Bear hung out there all the time. They loved chasing each other up and down the rows. It is officially now Pat’s Vineyard. I hope each day brings you the peace you deserve, and happy memories of Jubal dance through your thoughts and dreams.
He's coming to Detroit on Saturday to 'court' Black voters. Considering 94% of voters in Motown voted for Biden last time, this visit won't add many to the 5% he got. He's probably going to mention he commuted Kwame Kilpatrick's sentence. Per Trump, bad move. Kilpatrick still owes the city $4.5 million.
Somehow i get the impression that you are as pissed off and more able to articulate my feelings about this in-your-face bowing to the bloviating bastard by our modern day SS. They and their supporters are the best example of the worst of us. You said it all…
We have to hand these bastards such a shellacking in November, that the country won't be subjected to a GOP (whatever that is these days) majority in the House and the Senate for another 40 years.
that picture of all those scumbag motherfucking cowards lining up to fellate a clinically demented psychopath was probably the most disgusting thing I've seen in a couple of years. maybe longer.
and why the fuck did that serial moronic coward Susan Collins feel it was necessary to make an excuse?
I wish there were some kind of constitutional mechanism for making the wretched party change its name, but there's not. oh yeah...the constitution has no provisions for political parties.
and I thought things had reached the all-time low in 2003. obviously, the joke's on me. and us.
Strange but true, I'm glad I've lived long enough to see this. It's destroyed most of the truths I've held to be self-evident. Keep in mind that I came of political age during the Vietnam era. I was a fairly savvy adult through the Nixon administration and Watergate (including Agnew's resignation). I have watched what Dana Milbank calls "the 25-year crack-up of the Republican Party."
But this blows me away. Until now my brain understood how the Germans fell for Hitler; after all, I've read (more than once) Milton Mayer's 1955 classic THEY THOUGHT THEY WERE FREE: THE GERMANS, 1933–45. But I didn't really *get* it, like maybe it all happened in an alternative reality? Now, seeing it unfold in real-time -- I get it.
Thanks for the offer of barf bags. I keep several at hand just in case I hear the poison laden voice of the gop party criminal insurrectionist in chief. One action to get rid of poison is to hurl, into a bag if possible. Makes clean up easier. Years ago I would never have given 10 seconds to Bill Kristol, but finally he and others who helped create the opportunity that became the worst thing that ever happened to our nation and the planet have had their eyes opened. Here is a link to a great conversation held very recently with Anne Applebaum. If you have not heard it give a listen. Super history lesson and analysis and encouragement to act for democracy. Without it there will be no making anything better for anyone.
Donald Trump is doing everything humanly possible to make Democrats, up and down the ticket, winners this November. Now it is up to us Democrats to make sure that that victory is close to a landslide, not a narrow win. Trump's done his part, now we rational believers in democracy must do our part to make it not only a victory but such a lopsided win that even Donald Trump won't be able to claim the election was stolen from him without producing gales of laughter from everyone, even Republicans.
Not so fast in ascribing ‘human’ qualities to the amoral convicted felon, convicted fraud!
Finding a loyal republican who is a decent human being is about as likely as finding Noah's Ark on Mt. Wilson in the observatory.
I laughed out loud!
That two of them managed to contradict each other over what the felon, 45, did or did not say about Milwaukee, Wisconsin illustrates the way in which he throws out verbal ink blots and spills and they read into it whatever they want to. He does this at rallies too. His followers try so hard to "be in the know" and figure out what he means by his ravings (since they can't just admit it's raving) he can say virtually anything and they interpret it as significant and even brilliant. When he said he didn't care about any of them, he just wanted their votes, you could watch the crowd laugh their heads off because it was so clever of him to parody his critics and they all "knew" what he "really" meant. One trouble with ink blots is it's hard to agree on the meaning but there is one for every taste.
It's "squid ink"
Nah squid ink has a purpose in making very tasty pasta!
let's not forget sepia fountain pen ink, which is one of the great inventions of the world.
Trump is what you get when you read "Ulysses" backwards.
I somewhat disagree. even if you read "Ulysses" backwards ("yes" to "stately"...I wasn't an English major for nothing), you'll have some sense that you were reading something by somebody who was pretty smart. that "pretty smart" applies to TFF not at all, to say the least.
Too tired of all the Republican wackadoodle, do-nothing good for the country to absorb this kind of nonsense. Send them all to a planet far, far, far, far, far, and even farther away.
Good idea. And drop them off in interstellar space on the way.
Yes, yes! Let's keep going with this one. They were already dropped on their collective heads at birth, so it wouldn't matter which end was up when they were ejected into interstellar space.
oh...I dunno about that method, TC. Somehow "The Bad Seed" always returns to haunt us. Remember the 'Botany Bay spaceship' and how that guy Khan wrought havoc.
Personally I'd like to see them dropped into one of those craters in Hawa'ii currently spewing lava, although perhaps the Hawa'iians might not care to have their volcanoes polluted in such a horrible fashion.
Let us not further pollute interstellar space. Besides, some of that debris has returned to earth. Do we really want that?
The lightning-on-the-fairway solution would result in some useful charcoal, maybe.
speaking of "the fairway," I get very irritated when people talk about TFF's "energy" and "high level of activity" and then illustrate it by talking about golf. I went golfing with my dad about three times in Detroit when I was about thirteen or fourteen (after the last time, I confessed to him that I didn't much like it and his response was "thank god"). we carried our clubs and WALKED. when TFF plays golf, he sits in a cart, occasionally jumps out, swings his arm and gets back in the cart. how fucking ACTIVE is that? FDR could probably have managed THAT.
I'll leave it there...if I get too steamed up, I won't be able to work on the lyric I promised to tweak or the strange review/memoir I'm working on.
Most Americans expend more energy on their worst days than he does on his best. Making circles with his thumbs and index fingers is his best workout. It's all he's got left after getting the hair and makeup thing right (sic).
he might actually burn a quarter of a calorie or two during his increasingly infrequent episodes of premature ejaculation...
Pluto, now known as a "dwarf planet", is incredibly far away. But just going to our close neighbor, Mars, that radiation that falls on that planet would kill them, which would give Elon a conniption fit, since he's so dedicated to the idea of seeding humanity on the red planet.
Oh , I do like that one. Several birds with one stone and a conniption fit fo Elon to boot. Good call👍
Thank you Susan!
David...I clicked on your avatar and I started to cry. I realized our dogs are related breeds and can often get mistaken for each other, but in this case, the resemblance is just TOO close. click on my Jubal avatar and you might be astonished...they have the same facial markings, especially in profile.
god, I miss him so much. quite a folie a deux we had, and it was wonderful. he still hasn't appeared in a dream and I remain convinced that he's still pissed off at me for my huge failure of empathy on his last night. and I am NOT being metaphorical.
Oh, I’m so sorry about Jubal David. It’s so hard when we lose a family member and best friend. I doubt Jubal is pissed at you. Don’t beat yourself up. You gave him a wonderful life. I think many of us look back and wish we had done something different or better, but he knew you loved him. I just lost one of my cats too. She was the feral kitty that showed up 6 years ago and started my cat explosion. Her name was Pat and I could never get her tame enough to come in the house. She and one of her daughters, Mama Bear slept in the garage and hung out together all of the time. I found Pat in the garage the other day and she was in terrible pain and tried to walk but could only drag her behind. I took her to the vet and she had a crushed pelvis. He said she must have been hit by a car. It was not operable and he didn’t think it would heal well with confinement. She had some other injuries too, and was in so much pain, I decided to let her go peacefully across the rainbow bridge. Of course then I started thinking I should have tried harder over the years to get her to come into the house. But she just wouldn’t do it. Now Mama Bear is a basket case without her mother and best friend. The good thing is now Mama Bear has started coming in the house. So, maybe I can save her from the cars. Sorry, I meant to extend my heart to you and Jubal and I’ve gone on about my cat. Take care David and I’m sure Jubal will appear in your dreams. One more thing, I feel a connection to David Holzman’s dog too because her name is Natalie. That was my dear Husky’s name who died several years ago after 14 wonderful years with her. ❤️❤️
I went through that over at our other house, which was on a busy street. In 2010, I went out to get the paper, and Charlie the Lord of the Garden as lying on the porch with blood on him. He cried out in pain when I tried to pick him up. I called the vet (they weren't open yet) and the vet I worked with picked up. He told me to come in immediately. Charlie had a fractured pelvis. Operating on it would be more than we could do. But he was an "old fashioned" vet (way too bad he and his partner sold the practice to @#$##@@! VCA) and we worked out a way to do it at home. We got enough pain meds to knock Charlie out for six weeks, confined him in a cat bed in the writing office, and six weeks later he was healed. He also became an indoor-only cat (he had been in-and-out), no matter how much he complained, and lived another 12 years.
Was not so lucky with Teddi, the mama cat to most of the Fabulous Jamieson Felines. Managed to catch her and get her fixed after Molly's litter in 2013, and in 2014, she finally trusted me enough to start sitting on my lap, then letting me pet her, and after three months I thought I could bring her in. Got everything prepared to do it the next morning, only she didn't show up for breakfast. Finally, later that day, when I pulled out of the driveway to go to the store, I found her body, lying in the street gutter; she's been killed by a car. She did finally come inside (her ashes are with the others). It wasn't what I hoped for.
I’m glad Charlie’s confinement was successful and so sorry about Teddi.
as usual, Karen, you knew the exact right thing to say. I'm serious...that quality (at THIS distance, at any rate) seems to define you.
I know on almost every level that I'm beating myself up needlessly, but with the animals you live with, you wanna be PERFECT. I was too close to Jubal to think I was EVER doing anything he needed done especially well, let alone perfectly. I think I had a sort of fantasy that I could help him die perfectly, but even that proved to be impossible. my four other dogs really did have unforced deaths that were planned and dignified and, therefore, not as hard to handle. or maybe it's just that I'm getting old (increasingly, the explanation for everything).
but really, Karen...thanks so much. bottomless gratitude.
You are so welcome David, and thank you for your kind words…Just speaking from my heart to yours. I picked up Pat’s ashes today and am going to scatter them through my vineyard. She and Mama Bear hung out there all the time. They loved chasing each other up and down the rows. It is officially now Pat’s Vineyard. I hope each day brings you the peace you deserve, and happy memories of Jubal dance through your thoughts and dreams.
thanks again, Karen.
I don’t really know what I would do without your candid truthfulness.
Thank you, Gloria.
Whack on, Tom!
He's coming to Detroit on Saturday to 'court' Black voters. Considering 94% of voters in Motown voted for Biden last time, this visit won't add many to the 5% he got. He's probably going to mention he commuted Kwame Kilpatrick's sentence. Per Trump, bad move. Kilpatrick still owes the city $4.5 million.
Why do I think that most of that 5% are men?
Somehow i get the impression that you are as pissed off and more able to articulate my feelings about this in-your-face bowing to the bloviating bastard by our modern day SS. They and their supporters are the best example of the worst of us. You said it all…
They and their supporters are the best example of the worst of us.
Great line Jeri.
Wait until Fats learns about Electric Boat Company/Division …. He’ll call for scrapping the entire U.S. submarine fleet.
We have to hand these bastards such a shellacking in November, that the country won't be subjected to a GOP (whatever that is these days) majority in the House and the Senate for another 40 years.
Somebody fucking shoot me!
We need you in the fight. Don't give 'em the satisfaction of despairing.
Thank you Judith. Don’t worry, I’m very much still in the fight. I just needed to vent.
I'd say it was unbelievable but these are the MAGA maggots, nothing is below them but the rest of the dung heap.
that picture of all those scumbag motherfucking cowards lining up to fellate a clinically demented psychopath was probably the most disgusting thing I've seen in a couple of years. maybe longer.
and why the fuck did that serial moronic coward Susan Collins feel it was necessary to make an excuse?
I wish there were some kind of constitutional mechanism for making the wretched party change its name, but there's not. oh yeah...the constitution has no provisions for political parties.
and I thought things had reached the all-time low in 2003. obviously, the joke's on me. and us.
Strange but true, I'm glad I've lived long enough to see this. It's destroyed most of the truths I've held to be self-evident. Keep in mind that I came of political age during the Vietnam era. I was a fairly savvy adult through the Nixon administration and Watergate (including Agnew's resignation). I have watched what Dana Milbank calls "the 25-year crack-up of the Republican Party."
But this blows me away. Until now my brain understood how the Germans fell for Hitler; after all, I've read (more than once) Milton Mayer's 1955 classic THEY THOUGHT THEY WERE FREE: THE GERMANS, 1933–45. But I didn't really *get* it, like maybe it all happened in an alternative reality? Now, seeing it unfold in real-time -- I get it.
Thanks for the offer of barf bags. I keep several at hand just in case I hear the poison laden voice of the gop party criminal insurrectionist in chief. One action to get rid of poison is to hurl, into a bag if possible. Makes clean up easier. Years ago I would never have given 10 seconds to Bill Kristol, but finally he and others who helped create the opportunity that became the worst thing that ever happened to our nation and the planet have had their eyes opened. Here is a link to a great conversation held very recently with Anne Applebaum. If you have not heard it give a listen. Super history lesson and analysis and encouragement to act for democracy. Without it there will be no making anything better for anyone.
THEN. .he reportedly met
with a bunch of big wig CEOs
for his future presidential
business plans. They
were not impressed and
found Trump unfocused and
uninformed. LMAO
Jumping that shark does it
every time.