In a move long expected in political circles, Sen. Kyrsten Sinema announced this morning that she has left the Democratic Party and registered as an Independent.
“I've registered as an Arizona independent. I know some people might be a little bit surprised by this but actually, I think it makes a lot of sense. A growing number of Arizonans and people like me just don't feel like we fit neatly into one party's box or the other.
“And so, like many across the state and the nation, I decided to leave that partisan process and really just focus on the work that I think matters to Arizona and to our country, which is solving problems and getting things done.”
That this is all completely specious bullshit is no suRprise, coming from the biggest bullshitter in the Senate.
Sinema responded to Democrats picking up a Senate seat and negating her power to hold the caucus hostage by leaving the party, but there’s a catch.
The reason Sinema didn’t join the Republican caucus is she didn’t want to be a junior senator with no power. Not to mention that while a majority of Arizona Republicans have indicated they like and support her activities in the Senate, that doesn’t lead to political support and a vote for her in 2024. No. They like the way she sandbags Democrats, but there is no way a majority of Arizona Republicans would ever vote for a bisexual, pro-choice, Democratic idiot. They’ll vote for the Real Deal - Senator Kari Lake anyone?
Sinema said that she wants to keep her committee assignments, “I intend to maintain my position on my committees and keep doing the work that I've been doing for Arizona. So I don't think that things will change in terms of how I operate or the work I do in the United States Senate.” That means she will caucus with the Democrats.
Yeah, I don’t think things will change in terms of how she operates in the Senate either.
I’m sure she’s had this plan underway ever since she started showing up on the short end of all the polls in Arizona that show her running behind just about any other Democrat, but most particularly Representative Reuben Gallego, in the 2024 Democratic Primary. Turning Independent means she won’t have to undergo the humiliation of being turfed out in the primary.
What she was probably hoping for was a Warnoff loss in Georgia, leaving Democrats with a 50-50 majority control through Vice President Harris’ tie-breaking votes. Going “independent” in that situation would have given her all the power a narcissist like herself could want. “Don’t fuck with me or I’ll really hurt you.” The fact she can’t turn Republican and survive 2024 makes her move now merely another of those things that prove her to be the personification of the term “bimbo.” (Having spent 40 years in Hollywood, I am very familiar with this species. They’re not stupid, though they are often ignorant due to a lack of education; however they all have a low cunning, and you turn your back on them at your own risk.)
Many people wonder how Sinema got where she is. She ran in 2018 as a liberal/progressive Democrat, which was how she managed to get a majority and become a Senator. Then she decided to become a “centrist,” doing so in such a way as to make the term meaningless, since most centrists have an ideology or at least a set of beliefs that allow them to make strategic alliances with people on both sides of the political aisle. But in Sinema’s case, one needed to watch what she did, not listen to what she said. What she did was become a defender of the Hedge Fund Billionaire class. She voted against a $15 minimum wage, famously attempting to seem like another Senator McCain with her “thumbs down” in homage to his vote to save Obamacare, but all she ended up doing was looking like the useless opportunist she is.
“Opportunist” is the operative term with Sinema. Reviewing her political history, she began as a Green, then discovered she couldn’t win an election on that ticket (surprise surprise), so she became an “independent” and got a reputation as what she described as a ‘bomb-thrower,” which also didn’t get her into office. Finally she became a “progressive Democrat” and ran for the Arizona Legislature from the most liberal district in Maricopa County when the incumbent retired. From there, after getting re-elected once, she took her “progressive” reputation and ran for Senate. And the rest you know.
Let’s go back to her original political identification, because that’s what she has always been. A Green. The Green Parties in western democracies began as being primarily pro-environmental political movements. They attracted people from the various Far Lefts of politics in Western Europe and the United States. With those people taking charge, they soon became known as the party you couldn’t depend on to act with any intelligence or integrity. The only exception to this has been the German Green Party, which evolved into something resembling a rational political party, and has actually had people in government who didn’t make things worse by their presence.
In the United States, the Green Party is the whacko-far-left edge of the whacko-far-left. The party has consistently been opposed to Democrats, operating from a far left “Leninist” analysis that things have to get worse before they can get better with people finally in their anguish turning to the left revolutionaries who were “right all along.” In this mindset, Democrats and their willingness to push reform of the existing system and engage in compromise to gain progress, are The Enemy.
Thus, Greens in the U.S. have been willing (they’ve been caught doing this several times) to take money from Republicans to engage in a political campaign where they are unelectable but able to ‘educate” the voters, and in so doing attract enough votes from the left to pull down an electable Democrat, leaving the far right Republican to win with a plurality.
This was most prominently seen most recently in the 2016 presidential campaign of Putin-loving Green candidate Jill Stein. Her Putin-love was obvious when she was photographed at Putin’s table during the infamous dinner in Moscow in 2015 where her tablemate was General Michael Flynn. Like Flynn, she was an “official guest” whose travel expenses were covered by the Russian government. She was there for the same reason Flynn was: the Russians saw her as a tool with which to harm the presidential campaign of Hillary Clinton.
During the 2016 campaign, Stein campaigned against Clinton. She had little to say about Trump, and none of it negative. Far left moron Stein-supporter Susan Sarandon gave the game away in an interview during the campaign, in which - when she was asked if she was worried that a vote for Stein would harm Clinton - she replied “A victory by Trump will speed the revolution!”
“Speed the revolution.” That is the Green goal, and why they run against Democrats.
This is pure Leninist ideology, that one “pushes the contradictions” to create a political condition in which people are driven to support the one group in opposition to the repressive regime in control.
That it is pure bullshit, and has resulted in every “revolution” in which it was successful in the creation of a worse situation under a more repressive “revolutionary” party, is something the Far Left has ignored since the Russian Revolution, despite the historic proof.
The most complete demonstration of the idiocy of this idea was shown in Germany in 1932-33. The German Communist Party, following the directions at the time of the Comintern to avoid any alliance with “reformist” groups and to attack them as the “primary enemy,” campaigned against the Social Democratic Party of Germany as “social fascists” (the term was actually used by Sarandon in a second, less-noticed, 2016 interview to describe Clinton and the Democrats - it was also used by a few of the more ill-informed of the chair-throwing wing of the Berners). When it was pointed out by people with brains that campaigning against the moderate Social Democrats would likely result in a victory by the Nazis, the Communists replied that a Nazi victory would “speed the revolution.”
We all know how well that turned out.
By 1934, those members of the KPD who hadn’t been sent to the first concentration camp at Dachau were exiles in Moscow, hoping not to be arrested by the NKVD and tried in the Show Trials as “enemies of the revolution.”
When you take Sinema’s connection with the Green Party, and examine her career through that lens, she suddenly doesn’t seem to be such an aimless airhead. There’s method to her nuttiness.
She knows she cannot win the Democratic primary in 2024, so turning Independent takes her out of the primary and removes the threat. In Arizona, Republicans are the largest political group, followed by Independents, with Democrats in third place. Democrats win in Arizona by getting all the Democrats to vote, and attracting enough Independents to create a majority. With Sinema in the race as an Independent, the likelihood would be that enough Independents (a notoriously low-information politically-ignorant group) would go for Sinema that she would deny a majority to the Democrat (likely Gallego) and we’re faced with “Hello Senator Kari Lake.”
In that situation, Sinema goes to the Democrats, who are desperate not to be saying anything but “go to hell!” to Kari Lake, and says “I have enough Independents that if all of you vote for me, you avoid her winning.”
Yes, it’s conscienceless, completely opportunistic, and a full-ahead attack on the word “integrity.”
But that’s been Sinema since the first time she did anything political. It’s why she’s a Green and always will be, and can never be trusted to be anything else, and thus never to be trusted about anything else.
The only thing Democrats can do to avoid this is to start campaigning against her in Arizona now. And if they do that, she has only to threaten to go “full independent” in the Senate to force the national party to tell the Arizona Democrats to stand back.
Like I said, the low cunning of bimbos is dangerous enough that you cannot turn your back on them.
This is how the Greens work.
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Given how little legislatively is likely to come out of the senate after the first of the year, the moronic one is going to have very little impact, so screw her and the green bus she is on. She isn't going to be any use to the repugnantkins and they probably loathe her as much as the democrats do. She can't hurt the democrats in AZ, she has no power, they ought to look very closely at all of the ways that they can make life as difficult for her, as she has for them. Stop paying for her offices, travel, local staff etc, let the independents pay for it, it won't break her but it will get a lot of people's attention. The thing that bothers me the most, is that she will be getting a pension for her very few years in the senate that almost all Americans can only dream of. From the day she got to the senate she has been standing in the door, blocking the potential that our elections have made possible.
That explains a lot. I don't tweet anymore or I would send this to MSNBC. She needs to be fully exposed.