Okiefornian Dreamer-He-Will-Be-Speaker Qevin McQarthy, Steve “David Duke Without the Baggage” Scalise, and Elise “I’m In this For me” Stefanik, and 22 other QMAGAts masquerading as Republicans went to the suburbs of Pittsburgh to announce their “Committment to America” yesterday.
This is Qevin’s attempt to show his “Newtieness” and he even went to the point of having The Newt himself involved in creating this one page collection of coded platitudes.
And amazingly (not), within 20 minutes of releasing their video, Twitter to discovered and demonstrated by putting the footage they were using next to the original that the QMAGAts were using Russian stock footage to promote their midterm election agenda for America. These are easy mistakes to avoid. It’s simple: don’t buy Russian stock footage. Don’t use Russian stock footage in your video promoting America’s natural resources.
But then, if they were smart enough to avoid such a gaffe, they’d be too smart to qualify for membership in QMAGAT World.
Republicans keep making these sorts of embarrassing gaffes with their ads and videos. To be charitable, it’s born out of laziness. Republicans haven’t learned that people are going to check their sourcing. Being as uncharitable to Republicans as I normally am, it’s another demonstration of the fact these fuckwits couldn’t find their ass with both hands on a clear day with a 30 minute advance notice.
McCarthy's (one page) Commitment, which was first posted online on Thursday, contains four overarching goals: creating "an economy that's strong," "a nation that's safe," "a future that's built on freedom" and "a government that's accountable."
On Friday, he made a point of showing a pocket-sized card with the plan's main points, again reminiscent of the "Contract with America." "What we're going to roll out today is a commitment to America in Washington. Not Washington, D.C., but Washington County, Pennsylvania." Scalise and Stefanik followed, each pulling out and holding up the card, expounding on how the party initiatives will drive home Republican victories with just over a month and a half left in the race.
Qevin said. "We want an economy that is strong. That means you can fill up your tank. You can buy the groceries, you have enough money left over to go to Disneyland and save for a future that the paychecks grow–they no longer shrink. We have a plan. For a nation that's safe. That means your community will be protected. Your law enforcement will be respected. Your criminals will be prosecuted. We believe in a future that's built on freedom that your children come first."
As airheaded D.C. bullshit goes, this was Grade-A Prime. McQarthy, who has less self-awareness than a rock, was apparently unaware that each of the steps he outlined to achieve those goals was already being done - successfully! - by the Biden Administration.
"The White House and the Democrat majority in Congress control Washington. They're in charge. This is their record. And yet, they want you to give them two more years in power. But Republicans have a plan for a new direction -- one that'll get our country back on track." Yes, they do! Claim to do the things already being done, except for the fact that what details are in the Commitment are coded items for We Will Do Everything We Can To Destroy Everything, the usual QMAGAt program.
Congressional Republicans praised the plan.
"This is a guide a map to what we'll do to a majority and I think the future speaker is handling it exactly the way it should be," said Minnesota Rep. Tom Emmer, the chair of the National Republican Congressional Committee. "We've got the best candidates we've ever had, we've got the right message. It's about cost of living, it's about crime. It's about the border.
When asked if the plan was specific enough, Nebraska Rep. Don Bacon said, "More of this is what we believe in, and this is what we are going to fight for. And I think they are good and I embrace them."
The commitment notably attempted circumspection on one issue that has roiled the midterms: abortion. But their commitment to protecting “mothers and unborn children” was wingnut code in favor of Fetal Personhood. Their commitment to only allowing “girls to compete in girls’ sports” was their attack on the trans community.
"This election is about kitchen-table issues ... inflation," Emmer maintained. "You've got to have a position on abortion, but kitchen-table issues are going to decide the election."
But after that, an “Aryan-looking bimbo” claiming to be a “mom” in attendance got up during the Q&A session afterwards and reminded everyone listening where the QMAGAt base is:
“There are many other public education issues concerning parents like myself. The slow creep of critical race theory, diversity, equity, and inclusion, gender identity, and allowing biological boys to enter girls’ spaces and sports. Now we have SEL, which is social-emotional learning. It’s indoctrination disguised as initiatives like kindness programs, or anti-bullying programs, or diversity projects. These are all Marxist-style programs targeting our children.”
Did you know that being anti-bullying is Marxist?
I guess if we want to be real red-blooded Americans, according to the definition of that term by this “mom,” we need to re-segregate the schools, since diversity is Marxist.
Unfortunately for McQarthy, 30 minutes after he got done, President Joe Biden responded to the GOP's proposal when he spoke at a Democratic National Committee event in Washington, calling it a "thin series of policy goals with little to no detail."
“In the course of nearly an hour, here’s a few of the things we didn’t hear: We didn’t hear him mention the right to choose, we didn’t hear him mention Medicare, we didn’t hear him mention Social Security.
“Already 158 house Republicans signing on to the Republican budget that would cut Medicare and Social Security; already, the man in charge of electing Republicans in the Senate Senator Rick Scott of Florida has proposed a plan to put Social Security on the chopping block every five years.
“Every five years, according to the Senate, Congress will vote to cut reduce or eliminate Social Security or bring it back as it is. What do you think the prospects are of it coming back as it is? You have been paying into Social Security since you got your first paycheck.
“Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin as my mother would say god bless his soul. He thinks waiting five years is too long and he wants to put social security back every year. If congress does not vote to keep it then it goes away. A requirement to vote to keep it now think of that not just Social Security he wants to put up, Medicare, Medicaid benefits, every federal benefit gets up and has to be voted on every year.
“In 46 days America will face this if Republicans control Congress Social Security will be on the chopping block, but if you support the Democrats Social Security will be protected period. I will not let any MAGA Republicans take it away.
Don’t listen to what they say. Watch what they do. 186 House Republicans have signed on as co-sponsors of a bill to criminalize abortion nationwide in all 50 states. That’s what they want to do.
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Comments are for the paid subscribers.
Just the thought of that lying empty shell, and his fellow maggots taking over the House makes me ill. This election is so critical and it kills me that there are so many unaware people. It’s imperative that we get the word out and educate. Thank you TC for your great and informative writing.
The QMagats are zombies. Incapable nor desirous of learning. They are angry that there are Americans that look, act and think differently. They have been shrink wrapped with denial and hate. There is no penetrating this protective layer of bigotry, idiocy and evil.
The only solution is outvoting and out lawyering. There are more of us than them. And the younger the generation, the more that is true.
So, in my perfect world, every American would be automatically registered to vote when they turned 18. And every American would be required to vote. In person, early, via mail-in ballot - whatever is easy and secure. Failure to vote would mean financial penalties. Failure to vote would be considered an insult to all other Americans. It would be viewed as "passive sedition".
And along with that voter registration card would be their National Service Card and an explanation of what the options are to provide the nation with two years of your life.
To get this jump started and to be fair to the rest of us, all older citizens would be automatically registered as well. And the same obligation of voting would apply.
BTW, this is not an original idea. In Australia, voting is REQUIRED by law.