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Here’s Felon34's Christmas Message to America 2024:
“Merry Christmas to all, including to the wonderful soldiers of China, who are lovingly, but illegally, operating the Panama Canal (where we lost 38,000 people in its building 110 years ago), always making certain that the United States puts in Billions of Dollars in “repair” money, but will have absolutely nothing to say about “anything.” Also, to Governor Justin Trudeau of Canada, whose Citizens’ Taxes are far too high, but if Canada was to become our 51st State, their Taxes would be cut by more than 60%, their businesses would immediately double in size, and they would be militarily protected like no other Country anywhere in the World. Likewise, to the people of Greenland, which is needed by the United States for National Security purposes and, who want the U.S. to be there, and we will!
“Merry Christmas to the Radical Left Lunatics, who are constantly trying to obstruct our Court System and our Elections, and are always going after the Great Citizens and Patriots of the United States but, in particular, their Political Opponent, ME. They know that their only chance of survival is getting pardons from a man who has absolutely no idea what he is doing. Also, to the 37 most violent criminals, who killed, raped, and plundered like virtually no one before them, but were just given, incredibly, a pardon by Sleepy Joe Biden. I refuse to wish a Merry Christmas to those lucky “souls” but, instead, will say, GO TO HELL! We had the Greatest Election in the History of our Country, a bright light is now shining over the U.S.A. and, in 26 days, we will, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN. MERRY CHRISTMAS!”
This is so batshit off the rails that I am going to set aside my personal rule about not correcting the stupid sonofabitch. Here are the actual facts about the U.S. and the Panama Canal:
1. A short history of the United States and Panama: Panama did not exist as a separate country prior to 1903; it was part of Colombia. When the Colombians asked for more money than Teddy Roosevelt was willing to pay for the privilege of building the canal across the Panama isthmus, TR sent agents to Panama to create a “revolution” that declared Panamanian “independence” and wouldn’t you just know it, the Panamanians were so happy to become a country of their own that they charged the US less than what was being offered to the Colombians.
2. Actual facts about building the canal: 38,000 workers did not die building the canal. Somewhere around 9,000 did die, most from Malaria, before Dr. Walter Reed came up with the idea of draining all the standing water, reducing the mosquito population by 90 percent.
3. There are no “Chinese soldiers” operating anything regarding the canal, “lovingly” or otherwise.While a subsidiary of Hong Kong-based CK Hutchison Holdings manages two ports at the canal’s entrances, with Chinese firms funding construction of a new bridge over the canal to the tune of over $1 billion, this does not equate to control of the canal’s operations. The Panama Canal Authority, an autonomous government agency, oversees the canal's administration.
4. The United States does not contribute a penny to the repair and upkeep of the canal. That is paid from the fees charges to ships that transit the canal.
When Felon34 appeared at the Turning Point USA hatealong, he said of the canal, "It was given to Panama and to the people of Panama, but it has provisions — you’ve got to treat us fairly. And they haven’t treated us fairly. We will demand that the Panama Canal be returned to the United States of America in full, quickly and without question. I’m not going to stand for it. So to the officials of Panama, please be guided accordingly."
Appearing on MSNBC yesterday, former U.S. War College professor Tom Nichols dismissed out of hand Felon34's desire to take control of the Panama Canal as more rambling. "He's probably got some pebble in his shoe about something that's happened in Panama that relates to his interests –– that's usually what provokes sort of out-of-left-field tirades from Donald Trump. It's important for people to remember that this is not simply -- this wasn't simply a gift put under a Christmas tree 45 years ago. "This is actually the relationship with Panama, and the Panama canal is governed by a Senate-ratified treaty that exists that already lays out the relationship between the United States and Panama."
Felon34 likely isn’t aware that a Senate-approved international treaty becomes part of U.S. law; for him to do as he says he would will require that he violate several laws as well as Article I of the Constitution itself. That might even be too much for the six bought-and-paid-for’s on the unsupreme court.
As a further fact-check of the Christmas message Written White Seated On The Golden Toilet, actual president Biden didn’t “pardon” “37 most violent criminals.” He commuted their death sentences. Thus, they will still spend the rest of their lives behind bars. Their sentences were commuted to Life Without Parole, to remove any possibility of Dumbassed Donnie Dumbfuck repeating the blood lust he engaged in back in 2020 when he executed 12 federal death row prisoners, half of them after he lost the election that year. The dumb fucking dildo is upset because he won’t get to kill them. Of course, he could always take out his blood lust on the White supremacist who killed nine people at Mother Emmanuel Church. Or the wannabe Nazi who killed 11 members of the Tree of Life. Or the idiot who bombed the Boston Marathon. Of course, that would probably piss off the inbred mouthbreathing morons who vote for him.
Christ, the motherfucking ignoramus isn’t as smart as a 10-year old. Hurry up and eat your damn fatal hamberder, you crazy old scumbag. Why couldn’t someone have gotten made about him stealing their girlfriend back 50 years ago in Studio 54, and settled his hash for the rest of us?
And while we’re at it, we also have to deal with the dumbassed fuckwitted ignoramus’s blather about Greenland and Canada.
Greenland first:
This past Monday, Donnie Dumbfuck posted on Untruth Antisocial that, "For purposes of National Security and Freedom throughout the World, the United States of America feels that the ownership and control of Greenland is an absolute necessity."
Greenland, an autonomous Danish territory, is home to a large US space facility and is strategically important for the US, since it is on the shortest route from North America to Europe. Felon34's interest is likely the fact that Greenland has major mineral reserves his friends can exploit - after allowing him to wet his beak for having given them the opportunity. It is estimated that 13% of the world's undiscovered oil reserves and 30% of its undiscovered gas lies under the Arctic. Vast mineral resources are believed to lie underground in Greenland, with mining opportunities for coal, zinc, copper and iron ore.
Felon34 isn’t the first American president to want Greenland. In 1869, President Adnrew Johnson tried unsuccessfully to interest the Danes in selling it. President Harry Truman offered Denmark $100 million for Greenland in 1946. There was even talk of swapping some parts of Alaska for bits of Greenland.
Hours after Felon34 said ownership and control of the huge island was an "absolute necessity" for the US., the Danish government announced a huge boost in defense spending for Greenland. Danish Defence Minister Troels Lund Poulsen said the additional package was a "double digit billion amount" in krone, or at least $1.5billion.
Poulsen said "We have not invested enough in the Arctic for many years, now we are planning a stronger presence." The package would allow for the purchase of two new inspection ships, two new long-range drones and two extra dog sled teamsand would also include funding for increased staffing at Arctic Command in the capital Nuuk and an upgrade for one of Greenland's three main civilian airports to handle F-35 supersonic fighter aircraft. he said.
Until now Denmark has been very slow to expand its military capacity in Greenland, they say, but if the country is not able to protect waters around the territory against encroachments by China and Russia then US demands for greater control are likely to grow.
Trump's original 2019 suggestion that the US acquire Greenland. At the time Danish Prime Minister Mette Fredericksen described the idea as "absurd", leading Trump to cancel a state trip to Denmark.
The US military presence in Greenland, which began in World War II, included a secret Cold War-era nuclear base called Camp Century. This presence has been extremely controversial. Almost all the U.S. bases are now abandoned in remote Greenland locations. In the case of Camp Century, there are fears that the rapidly melting ice on which it was built will expose the environment to nuclear waste within decades.
The only remaining operational base is Thule AFB. In Greenland, the base is associated with the displacement of the indigenous Inughuit community, who in 1953 were given four days to leave their homes to make way for the base's expansion.
Greenland is the least densely populated country in the world. There are approximately 56,500 people living in Greenland.
As to Canada, Dilbert Dumbfuck is trolling the Canadians after Prime Minister Trudeau flew down to Motel-A-Lardo after Dilbert’s first troll, a big sign of weakness. Myself, if anyone’s going to invade anywhere, I’d prefer that it be troops from the North American Civilized Sector, coming to defang us as we defanged Germany 80 years ago. That defanging took the entire rest of the world to accomplish.
That 75 million mouthbreathing morons would return this treasonable seditionist to power demonstrates the United States should no longer be allowed to lead the world. Unfortunately, when looking at the alternative candidates for world leader, the United States still manages to look good in comparison. Which means we must throw spikes in the main wheels of the Trump Train next year an insure that last week’s Loser Par Excellence continues his downward slide.
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Also, I suspect even a small country like Panama has enough dynamite, C4 or Semtex to destroy the canal locks in the event of an attack. And every incentive to do so. It’s called deterrence.
"they haven’t treated us fairly." WHINE, WHINE, WHINE. If I have to hear that monster say that again, well what CAN I do. Not much. And the maggots loved him for his "victimhood". I truly hope that they "get it" at some point that it was all nothing but show biz. His monstrous post on Christmas Day is SICK SICK SICK!!! He should be in a padded cell somewhere. I don't care whether it's an asylum or a jail. But both in solitary, so he can't contaminate anyone else.