Also, I suspect even a small country like Panama has enough dynamite, C4 or Semtex to destroy the canal locks in the event of an attack. And every incentive to do so. It’s called deterrence.

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"they haven’t treated us fairly." WHINE, WHINE, WHINE. If I have to hear that monster say that again, well what CAN I do. Not much. And the maggots loved him for his "victimhood". I truly hope that they "get it" at some point that it was all nothing but show biz. His monstrous post on Christmas Day is SICK SICK SICK!!! He should be in a padded cell somewhere. I don't care whether it's an asylum or a jail. But both in solitary, so he can't contaminate anyone else.

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The idiot is certifiably crazy…

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You know his followers love his show. I don't have hope that they will want to give it up. That's entertainment!!

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Trump is on the downside of the hill of life and losing it. He is being whispered to by the techbros and 2025ers who just want him to kick up stuff in the pasture so after they get rid of him they can impose their demonic plans on the rest of the planet. My five dollars remains on the table as I bet he will be gone before the end of the first year. After that the Dems better have some assertive leaders to hold the tide against the fascist chorusline.

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If he spends even half a year in office, I'll be surprised. Even Melanoma is refusing to live in the White House from all accounts, and he prefers his golf courses and his golden palace in Florida, so it's likely he will "work" from his golf carts or his golden toilets until he finally keels over (hopefully in public.) I agree that he's just a conduit now; he certainly cannot string together sentences the way these tweets come out, as incoherent as they may be.

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Thanks for all the research and information gathered here.

Learned many new things. For example, the correct spelling for the Inughuit 🐈‍⬛

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The correct spelling is Inuit.

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Isn’t the human invention of speech and writing and how we are able to communicate at all from a distance infinitely surprising ? This right/wrong spelling issue reminds me of my first lessons in Irish. The teacher, born in the North Western Gaeltacht, had once been openly insulted in a shop in the Cork area after an Irish speaker there heard her using ‘wrong’ pronunciation. Whatever the spelling we both knew what TC was referring to, which is kind of miraculous 🐈‍⬛

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Yes, I only specified the spelling because the Inuit had to spend time and energy getting us to refer to them by that name.

Even here, I find myself asking people to please stop calling women "gal" or "lady". I am neither.

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Just keep on wearing Donnie down with evidence and eventually he will lose face with all those voters out there in TV Land who are as far out of alignment with reality as he is. It’s sad to see America end up like this, with a cretin at the helm of the ship of state just when we need someone with maturity, decency and common sense to lead the collective effort to deal with the menace of global warming, the most important issue facing the United States and all nations of the world. Wouldn’t it be great if we had people in our government with sufficient vision, courage and concern for the preservation of the rule of law to nullify the election of this creep in January under the provision of Article 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment? This section of the sacred document that 435 members of the sitting congress swore an oath to protect and defend makes it crystal clear that Donald Trump, a proven insurrectionist, is not fit to be president of the United States.

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"Wouldn’t it be great" YES. Ahhh, no chance of it.

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His Untruth posts yesterday as repirted here by Tom and in The New Republic were the zillionth examples of his unapologetically deranged, infantile, revenge-focused thought patterns. On the one hand, it’s a good thing that he’s incapable of concealing his cognitive deficits, ignorance, and truly atrocious reasoning and critical thinking skills. On the other hand, his manifold weaknesses and easy manipulability are on full public display for both our allies, and our adversaries China and Russia. And they know that this time around he’s eschewing competent, experienced appointees in favor of ignorant brown-nosers. What will we have besides sheer luck to protect us?

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The mother fucker isn’t president. I just don’t get it.

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In Panama, the big killer was yellow fever, spread by mosquitoes who had bitten someone infected with the virus and then spread it to others. Malaria is spread by the bite of another species of mosquito and the infectious agent is a parasite that lives and breeds in the victim’s body, then spread by mosquitoes carrying the victim’s blood to other poor souls. That and other nasty tropical diseases killed thousands of workers on the canal project…

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Yeah, that's what I meant.

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One wonders if this dude is on his way to a third impeachment. Third time a charm?

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Good ole itch macdonald blew his chance, and now is all freaked out about rfkjr ending polio vaccines. Too bad, itch. You REALLY f/u'd everything for everyone in this country.

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I suppose President Mump, could con Congress into declaring war on Canada, Greenland, and Panama. After all dublya accomplished an illegal war against Iraq. BUT there are some major obstacles.

One: Canada is a member of the British Commonwealth, which would bring Great Britain, Australia, New Zealand, and a whole bunch of smaller countries to Canada's defense.

Two: Canada is an independent member of NATO which would bring all of NATO to Canada's and Greenland's defense for the same reasons.

Three: The Mumper's only won by less than one-third of the registered voters, meaning more than 2/3 did NOT vote for Mump.

Tom, has already explained why Mump can't easily declare war on Panama, but I'll add another fact, four: there are two major canals on planet Earth through which I'd guess close to 90% of the world's markets pass, the Panama and the Suez. Do you think for one minute that all the other 194 Countries would allow the co-presidency of Musk and Trump to shut down one of the canals by declaring war on Panama.

Five: Finally, going back to the election. Of the 20 pl;us or minus States that remained Democratic we include 3 major industrial States, California, New York, and Illinois. with both California and New York being ranked very high in WORLD economy. That, plus Michigan and Wisconsin both voted for Mump, each of those States remain in the hands of Democratic executives and Michigan is also one of the top industrial States.

Furthermore, the ONLY State of economic consequence that remain mostly with the mumpers is Texas and that is mostly because of the way it is divided into 254 Counties All the population centers (Houston, Dallas, Austin, San Antonio, El Paso) are Democratic. If push came to shove I'm not so sure Abbot could hold Texas in support of the mumpers.

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Thanks TC. Very informative.

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All of this is hard to read and organize into a logical narrative, but Tom, you have done it! There was a moment of blissful comic relief for me when you wrote that along with a ship and armaments the Danish government will supply two sled dog teams! If you have ever met a sled dog team or mushers or ridden in a dog sled at -40 you know they are a mighty force! The Greenlanders harness their teams in a fan shape to avoid having the whole team disappear through the ice. American teams (think Iditarod) travel in pairs ahead of the sled. I think 2 teams are just a start….if Greenland has 56,000 citizens they probably have almost that many sled dogs! Thanks for the unusual opportunity to talk about sled dogs🥰

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With the Mumpster, fact checking is tedious and irritating, but I do appreciate having these facts to share with his drooling followers, assuming any of them ever read my FB posts. I have decided to fight fire with facts this time around. My racist family members got a copy of "Caste" for Christmas. My Nazi family members got a copy of "Strongmen." Their offspring all got different issues from different historians. Thank you notes from them should be very interesting. I can't wait.

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Thank you for the information, Tom. According to my father, his father worked on the canal. I realized recently the majority of those who voted for Trump don't read his truth social rantings. They're not on Twitter either. They mostly mainline FOX News which sanitizes whatever he says or does. Then there are those who should know better. Meghan McCain apparently said Trump was right because it's "personal" for her because "her father was born near the canal". So would we invade Italy if her father had been born there?

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If Mump keeps this up, the

US will be at war again, with

our once allies. What will be a

bridge too far for the coming

congress and senate? Hmm.

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Thank you for the fact check and history background.

Maga is trying to distract us. Let the people who voted for him give a F.

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