To the Republicans...find your HUMANITY, and the truth. Or get buried by the future. Your call.

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Nov 12, 2022·edited Nov 12, 2022Liked by TCinLA

Whelp, Republicans. Two pieces of advice:

1. Separate yourselves from the extremists, and ignore Trump. He’s not the vote rainmaker you thought he was.

2. Govern, this goes for Dems and independents. Quit these zero-sum, winner take all and sound bites strategy.

Actually, 3 pieces of advice:

3. Common sense gun laws. Owners have to pass a test showing they know how to safely use a gun. You know, like we do for cars. Require liability insurance for each gun. Yep, like cars again. Oh and require that each firearm be inspected annually to ensure it’s safety and firing mechanisms are in good working order. You got it - like cars.

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Nov 12, 2022·edited Nov 12, 2022Liked by TCinLA


'Almost 0400 hours. Got to the Ukrainian border at about midnight. Two hour and a half to clear Ukrainian immigration and another hour to clear Polish immigration. Now we wait for Lucky to clear Polish veterinary inspection. He has been such a good boy. He didn't bite the vet when he read the id chip but when the driver reached in to get Tanya’s passport, Lucky took exception and growled at him.'

News today from Allen Hingston (subscribers on Letter to an American Friend responded to the morning post from Allen)

'Wow. A fan club. But Saskatchewan is my home. My grandson and his family live in Alberta. We fly into Calgary as it is a direct flight from Frankfurt. I'll try to post something from Warsaw.

Lucky is being a very good boy' (Lucky is Allen's and his wife Tanya's dog)


Your greetings to Allen will be copied and emailed to him tomorrow. He appreciates your care. Thank you all!

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That is such sweet news. I could pinch myself My advice to Republicans, put your head between your knees and kiss your sweet dreams good night!

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I hope you're right about everything above, TC! The first advice to the Republicans that came into my mind was unprintable. I think my advice to any of them over 67 is "Retire now! You've earned it! Florida is gorgeous this time of year!"

To those under 40, I would say, "Trump has proven he is a paper tiger, and an infantile one at that. You are released! No more ceremonial Kissing of the Hind Quarters! Go home to your district and GO OUTSIDE. In the West, tour all the areas of your state devastated by droughts, wildfires, and longterm droughts. In the South, tour the endless beachfront communities still in tatters from <pick any CAT 3 to 5 hurricane of the past ten years. In Texas, go interview the hundreds of thousands of people, or their survivors, who were killed, or rendered homeless or broke by the massive damage when Abbott's pigheadedly independent Texas electrical grid failed in that freezing ice storm a winter or two ago. In the northeast, talk to the New Yorkers and Bostonians who already know perfectly well that absent very serious measures, they'll be navigating their streets by boat within 20 years.

On your front lawn, do what you've been secretly dying to do: BURN your MAGA hat and every photo of The Donald you can find. And wipe that brown schmutz off your face!

NOW: All come back to Washington and FIX everything about YOUR future that Trump royally effed up. Start with taking big, serious action to limit climate change. Consult your Democratic colleagues for the rest of the agenda to save your own asses and all of ours, too, from the wreckage wrought by The Former Guy, Agent Orange.

To the Republicans between 40 and 67, who are too young to retire and already too nearsighted to spot the oncoming cluster disaster, I would say "Wouldn't you rather take your graft prize winnings and open a nice barbecue joint back home? Just think. No more campaigns! All the ribs you can eat!"

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If Democrats survive this midterms, it will be despite Democratic strategists and pundits. Democrats continue to lose working class voters across all racial lines.

If a sane brain exists in Democratic leadership, they'll throw themselves on the mercy of Michigan's Democratic leaders who turned in brilliant results across the board for advice on winning (hint: clear proactive messaging delivered with no holds-barred clarity).

Democrats cannot continue to alienate (or fail to focus on) Hispanic, Black, and Asian American voters, nor can they postpone motivating the youth vote (which proved decisive in a number of races, and yet accounted for less than 30% nationwide).

The time for passing the baton is now...take proactive control of the messaging about the economy, invest in state legislative races, get the best communicators to blanket the country starting next week (not 6 weeks before the 2024 elections), figure out a long-term strategy to address Scotus (and educate the public), fire Christopher Wray (he's an utter disgrace and his leadership team has repeatedly lied to Congress). There should be non-stop momentum and communication.

2024 will be here sooner than we think, Trump is going to burn everything down and consume all the oxygen. For once, Democrats must be proactive and force the media to listen to their messages.

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Nov 12, 2022Liked by TCinLA

Suggestions for GQP congressional reps -

(1) Do the job you were elected to do! Put your district and state’s constituent’s needs FIRST. Not growing your own re-election coffers.

(2) Practice empathy - genuinely seek to understand how your constituents see and manage their lives.

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This is great news for Nevada and Arizona. Onward. On the advice for the challenged mobsters/crazies hoping to jump around the cage for two years, I think the best thing to say is just throw your stuff on the wall; it can take it. The adults outside the cage, led by the AMAZING Nancy Pelosi (thanks for your Pelosi story from long ago TC; it was a bellwether for her political skills) do their thing. It is going to be great show. Things are looking better and better. Thanks for your continuing analyses of the slow counts. It will be interesting to see what the nut cases have to "say". Maybe, just maybe there will be some GOP cowards who have lost their voices will suddenly recover the ability to speak and act sanely, humanely, and with justice. But maybe it is too much to hope for. All these great GOP Christians (?) who have no compassion; perhaps they have never read the Gospels about the message and life a person named Jesus.......

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My advice for Republicans, especially election deniers and other MAGA extremists, is to call it a day, throw in the towel, and realize you're going the way of the dinosaur. Fade away into the quagmire in which you belong. Those Americans with half a lick of common sense have recognized you for what you are, and there's no going back.

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Who is Tiffany? Who is Trump ?

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Hello from Las Vegas! Technically, they'll wait, I bet, because some more ballots are out there and some need to be cured. But I THINK we've got it. The trendlines are in the right direction.

Unfortunately, it won't put the Democratic governor over the hump. But it should be enough to defeat the republicans for secretary of state (an election denier) and treasurer (certifiable).

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Nov 12, 2022Liked by TCinLA

Go straight to jail! Do not pass go! Do not collect 200 dollars! And for gods sake take tRump with you and throw away the key!

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Nov 12, 2022·edited Nov 12, 2022

'CLOSING IN': doesn't only pertain to the final crucial election results; it's also what's happening to the Republican Party. The Party thought that it was closing in on us. No siree, the American people had had enough of their craziness, particularly young Black and Brown voters. They know more than any other group who their enemy is. Black and Brown young people voted for the Democrats at a higher percentage of any other group.

Do you feel more comfortable now calling Trump by his legal name? He still the ruler of The MAGAs. but his weaknesses and cruelty were not lost on American voters. Can the despicable nut job continue to get NUTTIER? I think so. The Orange Ogre may explode before our eyes, just like everything else he's done. We can't get too cool about this recent demonstration of Democracy by the American people because the Republicans aren't ready to retire. That's up to us,

TC made a highly unusual offer:

'So, open thread here for the weekend for everyone - paid and free - to take your best shot at giving 'them' the advice they really need to hear.' Oh that's going be a loud chamber crowded with expletives. If a Republican walks by, he/she will be deaf for the rest of its life.

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You know my advice….

Russian warship with the Republican MAGAt tugboat pulling it…..Go fuck yourselves.

And RonJon calling any kind of conference to decide anything…really?

And Boebert and Greene. Call girls. That’s all you are.

And DeSantis here in Florida…go gerrymander your short, clammy self straight to the woodshed where immigrants are waiting to beat you with switches.

And McCarthy…give it up. You will never be anything close to a match for Nancy Pelosi. You can barely string a coherent sentence together without sounding smarmy let alone be a speaker or Speaker.

And by the way boys and girls, you have seriously underestimated Liz Cheney.

Alrighty then.


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My advice to the Republicans is go to hell.

Been thinking of the Pelosi family a lot. Such a triumph brewing while they’re broken hearted over the difficult recovery Mr. Pelosi is facing.

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Nov 12, 2022Liked by TCinLA

Pretty please with a cherry on top. Holding my breath. Lighting candles. Knocking on wood. Crossing my fingers and toes. What else?

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