In the wake of the worst mass shooting of the 529 mass shootings that have occurred to date in 2023, an event in which 18 people were murdered in 30 minutes in a state where the annual murder count for all of 2022 was 29 murders,Speaker “MAGA Mike” Johnson went on Faux Snooze tonight to voice his concerns regarding that event.
Amen to all that you said, Tom. It's rather hopeless. The lack of any meaningful change to gun laws after a classroom of innocent 1st graders and their teachers were slaughtered was enough for me to know that no one, NOT ONE SINGLE PERSON IN THE HOUSE OR SENATE, gives a rat's ass about protecting us from gun violence.
I agree Nancy. Sandy Hook was the low water mark. After that I knew nobody with an R after their name gave a shit about our children, or anyone else. And for all of us, if we haven't experienced a mass shooting, it's just a matter of time. Every day, the odds go up that it will be my child, or yours. Nobody is safe, no idylic small town, no school, or bowling alley, or movie theater is safe. Voting them all out is the ONLY answer.
And when Alex Jones started his most vicious lying rants I thought, well nobody will buy that crap. Almost eleven years later, and he is a rich hero to so many. Are we as sick as Germany was?
having read this, I feel much better because this is exactly what I've been sounding like and I thought maybe I was going crazy. this is aside from stressing out about forgetting stuff and thinking the dementia has finally arrived (if you have similar worries, I recommend NOT deciding to give yourself "tests" at that moment because you will certainly FAIL THOSE TESTS).
about two in the morning, trying to seize the famously brief Ambien Window, it occurred to me that it was possible Johnson was one of those "Young Earth Creationists." so I checked today and there it was...he's had guests on his radio show many times who are, in fact, grown people who will tell you that Genesis is historical fact and there were dinosaurs on Noah's Ark and what we call fossils are just the gunk left over from the flood. there's a theme park about it Down South (where else?) and its "creator" is Johnson's buddy because Johnson thinks it's wonderful and will enlighten millions of happy families. I AM NOT MAKING THIS UP.
what's odd about this particular horrifying shooting is that the shooter doesn't seem to have been a Right-wing fanatic but seems to have been properly psychotic (with more information, this might change...his "background" COULD be that of a Right-wing prick).
ain't it something that this piece of shit gets "elected" and the same day there's a particularly scary slaughter of innocents ("The ceremony of innocence is drowned..."). what I mean is that this shooting was preventable. not even TFF would have wanted him to have a gun. or that's what I think right a minute I'll probably be thinking the opposite. and yeah...I changed my mind...TFF doesn't give a fuck even if he once said that mass shooters always have a serious psychiatric diagnosis. but, needless to say, life doesn't quite work that way. at least not in the USA in 2023.
Yep, I have those worries. I used to think those nuts were a fringe, now they could rule us all. There are no fools like religious fools, the self-righteous shell cannot be penetrated, ever, in my experience. It can rightly be said that any mass shooter had mental health issues, but isn’t it incumbent on the sane to stop the insanity. We put up all kinds of barriers to keep society safe, called the common good, I think. But the worship of guns is right up there with the worship of fools.
I have a postscript question...if Genesis is historical fact, which fucking creation is the real one...there are two of them in Genesis and they're DIFFERENT.
I hate to admit how old I was when the bull Schitt became too heavy to bear. God gave us all a brain, too many waste theirs. As Mark Twain said “The easy confidence with which I know another man’s religion is folly, teaches me to suspect that my own is also.” Ain’t that the truth.
David, Genesis is not meant to be historical or scientific. It is story (ies), out of an oral tradition--(which may explain the two versions as often happens when stories are shared orally and then scribes write them down)...the way people use myth and symbol to explain and find meaning in their world and being. If you want to read something fascinating (in your Ambien Moment) about why we humans do that, read the classic by Joseph Campbell, The Hero With a Thousand Faces. He traces the amazing connections we earthlings have in our core stories. George Lucas called Campbell his "hero".
The Hebrews adopted the Chaldean creation myth as "Genesis" during the Babylonian Captivity. Before that, the religion was entirely oral, and the priests were afraid it would be lost if their captivity lasted long enough, and so they wrote things down and cadged as much as they could (they were working fast) to get things going. Such is the "infallible word of god."
Literalism and lack of context are the problem. Jimmy Carter broke from his Baptist tradition over the inerrancy issue and a certain literal take on Scripture.
The guys ( and they were guys) who decided the Scriptural Canon had their own times and rational. Really good biblical scholarship, aided by archeology, sociology geography, historical criticism & literary criticism, use of language and modes of communication only came into its own in the late 19th and 20th centuries. Feminist critique has been added in this century.
We educated and thinking Christians have the responsibility to understand this Book in the light of new knowledge. The best faith is the faith that seeks understanding: the most dangerous is the blind , literal non-contextual use of it to beat people over the head, to control others, to weaponize and polarize.
I have a genuine loathing for Joseph Campbell. I liked him early in college, but when I discovered Erich Neumann, Campbell was unnecessary. check out "The Origins and History of Consciousness."
and eventually, Brendan Gill outed him as a Jew hater very convincingly (they had been friends).
I do KNOW all this stuff...I was sorta skazing Johnson and HIS cohort...this is what I would have asked HIM to his face because he has decided to limit what intelligence with which he MIGHT have been born.
I was raised by very Jewish agnostics (although I think my dad was a closet atheist) and consider myself a ridiculously New York City Atheist Jew. to be a NYCAJ growing up in NYC in the fifties was to be a Lord of the Universe.
I didn't experience actual antisemitism until I was working as a private vehicle chauffeur to earn pocket money just out of rehab. the offender was David Niven's daughter-in-law and I'd tell the silly little story if my fingers and mechanical keyboard weren't having a major quarrel this evening.
Sorry David. Did not mean to bring up bad memories and did not know about the anti- Semite Campbell!!!!
I do not always know when people are serious so I answer in good faith. As a person of faith I sometimes want to respond that we are not all evangelical crazies or blindly obedient to priests and Popes. Fully aware of the Sins of the Fathers but also fully aware of the goodness of true Christians, especially the women in my church. It is hard to get tarred with the sometimes broad brushes here.
Sounds as if you’ve had an interesting life. Glad you are here. Sorry again for tapping into the loathing gene!!!!
Yeah I was a big fan of Campbell back in high school along with a classmate or two; very fascinating discussions of the similarities in different culture. I jettisoned him when I learned about his antisemitism.
Almost all of the various creation stories from cultures around the world share eerily similar elements. Carl Sagan's book "Contact" did a nice job of speaking to this subject and delineating the fine lines and blurred lines between scientists and theologians who use critical thought processes. Great book; the movie was okay, but the book was great.
Wow you all are well read or have memories not as degraded over the years as I sit here after Quad Tendon Tear surgery today. I did some time in a Quaker School and a bunch of time in the USMC. I now find my religion hanging out in the woods, talking to Sammy my Cat. No formal religion for this former Episcopal Acolyte.
David, people forget the truth about the Bible - the ancient Hebrews wrote the Book of Genesis with its creation stories because Bronze Age shepherds and peasants had a very poor grasp of quantum physics.....
Yeah, whole lotta cribbing going on back then - and looking at the God stories in the OT, you can see the evolution (oh, did I just say "evolution"?) of God from Super-Zeus wrestling with Jacob to a more authoritative supreme being - and all that sex and violence.....worse than Mickey Spillane.
No no no. Keep your wits about you. There are many, just not enough. This is our last chance. We have to stay focused and serious. We know who the ones are that don't give a rat's ass. Support and give to the ones unseating them.
This is the thing. Look at The Washington Post, which editorialized day before yesterday that Democrats need to work with republicans to get them out of this mess. That's the kind of thinking that got us INTO this mess. So I'll just say of The Post, and the horse they rode in on.
I also sent a letter to the editor that won't get published. So I'll share it here:
Seeing the editorial, "Democrats should help elect a Republican speaker," I am reminded of other great Post editorial headlines from the past. For example:
"FDR should negotiate with Japanese rather than responding in kind"
"The Civil Rights Act is too controversial to pass right now"
"Forcing Nixon's resignation would set a bad precedent"
Or is that just what the current editorial board would have written? Because that's what you're saying.
MAGA Mike is everything you say ---- and we are again in the damn middle of yet another mass murder of innocent people. For the first time in a leadership position in the no longer extant GOP, we have a man who exemplifies all the worst of the survivors of the "Cotton Kingdom"/Southern Religion from 1850--dressed up in a suit and tie, with a polite demeanor (the anti-Gym Jordan). The so-called "Christianity" of this man and his wife has nothing to do with the message of Jesus --- and the whole edifice of "evangelical" "conservative' "Christianity" is a sham, a con game, and worse. (There is authentic Christianity -- you have to look carefully).. MAGA Mike and his ilk are the scum on a crappy beach. Now, time to wind down for the evening and plan some time tomorrow to write a lot of postcards, check the Substacks, and walk (or do some "Sauntering" as Henry David Thoreau would have us say and do).
Authentic Christianity is well summarized in Matthew 25...... "Inasmuch as you have done this to one of the least of these my servants, you have also done it to me."
Right up there with Jimmy and Tammy Faye, grifters all and that's what it is all about. Where does their money come from? ........ The Vatican is the biggest scam and that is why the evangelicals hate Catlickers. Jealousy, big time.
A good nights sleep and a morning saunter is definatly in order.
Frustrating.senseless.stupidity. People with brains are so tired of people without brains. I get it TC, but we need you. Your wit, your common sense, your vote. So sit down with a cat or two and let them calm you down. Two wrongs don’t make a right. This is why gun laws, licenses and waiting periods are so important. Peace ❤️
Well you said out loud what a lot of us think sometimes, it doesn’t feel good to be thinking like that a lot, and heaven knows we have had reason to. We need to stay focused on winning next year’s elections, and lo and behold we were just given a huge gift by the maggots, the brains behind their insanity was just anointed the house speaker. And he’s been blathering his bullshit for years and it’s all on record, I have no doubt that the Lincoln Project is already all over it, now that will put a smile on your face Tom. 😎 “thoughts and prayers”, my ass 🙏
We do. What we have to do is take the white hot anger we all feel about this, and turn it into the energy that powers us through victory a year from now.
And then by God, if we have the power the Democratic leadership had better use it to pass whatever legislation we can to cut off as many heads from the Hydra as possible while we can - serious election reform in all its parts, expanding the SCOTUS so our shiny new liberal laws don't get overturned before the ink is dry, eliminating the "traditions" in the Senate that make it the house where bills go to die.....etc., etc......
Yes! David Levine included a link to a vid by Steve Schmidt. In 'the Warning', Schmidt excoriates MAGA Mike as a fanatic--far more dangerous than a cynic.
"sometimes"? How about all the time? I think you understand. The 2020 elections in Kansas, of all places shows that a reall turnout works. It is hard work, but money where mouths are does a lot to keep hard working GOTV folks working hard.
Thank you Tom for articulating what I’m feeling. And the white christo-fascist is bragging about his wife being on her knees for the last several weeks praying to “our lord” and she’s a little worn out...🤮 oh please this can’t really be happening!
Yes it is, and has been for all the years we thought we had made progress. We were not paying attention and now we have to get cooking real fast if we are going to be able to live the way we thought we were going to. !3 months to save us.
When is god going to send down a tablet from some mountain that says “No. 11: thought and prayers don’t work. Don’t bother. Thou shalt clean up thine own mess.”
MAGA Mike is amazingly dumb. Back in Betelgeuse, some astronauts from the planet Minula who have amazing technology for listening to Earthlings, just intercepted and translated MAGA Mike into their own language. They'd had inklings, but now they were truly appalled. "Those Earthlings really are dumber than anything else in the universe!" one of the astronauts said to another. They had been planning to visit Earth, using their special wormhole technology for taking shortcuts through the universe, but after seeing how dumb MAGA Mike is, they decided to avoid Earth, lest they be contaminated by whatever was dumbing down the Earthlings, whose morphology indicated that they'd originally evolved great capabilities. They wanted a planet where they could learn something from the inhabitants, and Earth obviously was no longer what they were looking for.
If you're intelligent enough (and long-lived enough) to do interstellar space travel, you're intelligent enough to see us as the malevolent microbes we are.
That’s always been my theory--that once our radio waves started hitting the Galactic Confederation the delegates immediately hit the quarantine button and required that any technology within a million light years of earth be operated in stealth mode.
Yeah... what you said. Personally I think there are only two possible reasons why anyone would defend and continually vote to loosen the current Total Gun Promiscuity that is the Republican party position on guns. They are inches away from handing out free AR-15's to 7th graders. It has nothing whatsoever to do with freedom, unless you define making sure that idiots can easily slaughter whomever they want constitutes "freedom". Anyone who defends this approach is either:
1. Hopelessly cynical and corrupt, and in bed with the NRA and NRA donations and dependent on votes from NRA Death Cult members.
Or 2. Severely mentally ill sociopaths and/or psychopaths, and therefore delusional and also devoid of any capacity for empathy and compassion.
He is right, America does have a heart problem. Not one MAGAt has a heart. I’ll have to add, brain, soul, or love of country or his fellow man. What pernicious blather at a time when our national wound is oozing over all of us. Will we all drown in the blood of our friends and neighbors, or our own. These people are the very definition of vile, evil hypocrisy. Every last one…
I'm right there wih you Tom. They are getting ready to shoot us if we get in their way while they try to institute their Kristyun uber alles. Jan 6th made that very clear. But we have to stay focused. Lots of hard work to do. Seriously. I go into my rage often enough. I understand where you are coming from.
I am not big on prayer. I have always struggled with the concept. I have always thought that prayer only makes the person who is praying feel better. Prayer absolves the prayerful of doing anything to right the wrongs and puts the burden on the shoulders of a “higher power”. Prayer gives the prayerful an easy way out of taking any responsibility to act. But this is the worst application of prayer I have ever heard! What is wrong with these self-righteous people!
Yes let’s pray really hard for the useless sons a bitches that someday they get out of the way of people who know how to stop this carnage with gun laws and better mental health access.
Amen to all that you said, Tom. It's rather hopeless. The lack of any meaningful change to gun laws after a classroom of innocent 1st graders and their teachers were slaughtered was enough for me to know that no one, NOT ONE SINGLE PERSON IN THE HOUSE OR SENATE, gives a rat's ass about protecting us from gun violence.
I agree Nancy. Sandy Hook was the low water mark. After that I knew nobody with an R after their name gave a shit about our children, or anyone else. And for all of us, if we haven't experienced a mass shooting, it's just a matter of time. Every day, the odds go up that it will be my child, or yours. Nobody is safe, no idylic small town, no school, or bowling alley, or movie theater is safe. Voting them all out is the ONLY answer.
When Sandy Hook didn’t give the impetus for change, I knew nothing would. Completely and utterly disgusting.
And when Alex Jones started his most vicious lying rants I thought, well nobody will buy that crap. Almost eleven years later, and he is a rich hero to so many. Are we as sick as Germany was?
I believe so...
Vote with a seven point six two NATO round? Maybe. Go the way their freaking God guides them.
wow. complete agreement here.
having read this, I feel much better because this is exactly what I've been sounding like and I thought maybe I was going crazy. this is aside from stressing out about forgetting stuff and thinking the dementia has finally arrived (if you have similar worries, I recommend NOT deciding to give yourself "tests" at that moment because you will certainly FAIL THOSE TESTS).
about two in the morning, trying to seize the famously brief Ambien Window, it occurred to me that it was possible Johnson was one of those "Young Earth Creationists." so I checked today and there it was...he's had guests on his radio show many times who are, in fact, grown people who will tell you that Genesis is historical fact and there were dinosaurs on Noah's Ark and what we call fossils are just the gunk left over from the flood. there's a theme park about it Down South (where else?) and its "creator" is Johnson's buddy because Johnson thinks it's wonderful and will enlighten millions of happy families. I AM NOT MAKING THIS UP.
what's odd about this particular horrifying shooting is that the shooter doesn't seem to have been a Right-wing fanatic but seems to have been properly psychotic (with more information, this might change...his "background" COULD be that of a Right-wing prick).
ain't it something that this piece of shit gets "elected" and the same day there's a particularly scary slaughter of innocents ("The ceremony of innocence is drowned..."). what I mean is that this shooting was preventable. not even TFF would have wanted him to have a gun. or that's what I think right a minute I'll probably be thinking the opposite. and yeah...I changed my mind...TFF doesn't give a fuck even if he once said that mass shooters always have a serious psychiatric diagnosis. but, needless to say, life doesn't quite work that way. at least not in the USA in 2023.
what to do?
who the fuck knows.
mebbe Allie Oop?
heigh-ho dinosaur.
Why am I completely unsurprised about your discovery?
I just found this from Steve Schmidt
Steve has my utmost respect. Clear, level headed and knows his shit. A very caring human being as well. I read him every day
Perhaps in retrospect, I am a bit too charitable.
😱 Thanks for that link, Mr. Levine. Scary, scary man. Fanatics generally are.
very welcome.
Straight shooter
Yep, I have those worries. I used to think those nuts were a fringe, now they could rule us all. There are no fools like religious fools, the self-righteous shell cannot be penetrated, ever, in my experience. It can rightly be said that any mass shooter had mental health issues, but isn’t it incumbent on the sane to stop the insanity. We put up all kinds of barriers to keep society safe, called the common good, I think. But the worship of guns is right up there with the worship of fools.
I have a postscript question...if Genesis is historical fact, which fucking creation is the real one...there are two of them in Genesis and they're DIFFERENT.
I hate to admit how old I was when the bull Schitt became too heavy to bear. God gave us all a brain, too many waste theirs. As Mark Twain said “The easy confidence with which I know another man’s religion is folly, teaches me to suspect that my own is also.” Ain’t that the truth.
Ol' Sam was, in many ways, full of wisdom (and cynicism).
Indeed, he could smell snake oil from across the country
he was a very great man.
Postscript Response:
David, Genesis is not meant to be historical or scientific. It is story (ies), out of an oral tradition--(which may explain the two versions as often happens when stories are shared orally and then scribes write them down)...the way people use myth and symbol to explain and find meaning in their world and being. If you want to read something fascinating (in your Ambien Moment) about why we humans do that, read the classic by Joseph Campbell, The Hero With a Thousand Faces. He traces the amazing connections we earthlings have in our core stories. George Lucas called Campbell his "hero".
The Hebrews adopted the Chaldean creation myth as "Genesis" during the Babylonian Captivity. Before that, the religion was entirely oral, and the priests were afraid it would be lost if their captivity lasted long enough, and so they wrote things down and cadged as much as they could (they were working fast) to get things going. Such is the "infallible word of god."
Literalism and lack of context are the problem. Jimmy Carter broke from his Baptist tradition over the inerrancy issue and a certain literal take on Scripture.
The guys ( and they were guys) who decided the Scriptural Canon had their own times and rational. Really good biblical scholarship, aided by archeology, sociology geography, historical criticism & literary criticism, use of language and modes of communication only came into its own in the late 19th and 20th centuries. Feminist critique has been added in this century.
We educated and thinking Christians have the responsibility to understand this Book in the light of new knowledge. The best faith is the faith that seeks understanding: the most dangerous is the blind , literal non-contextual use of it to beat people over the head, to control others, to weaponize and polarize.
I have a genuine loathing for Joseph Campbell. I liked him early in college, but when I discovered Erich Neumann, Campbell was unnecessary. check out "The Origins and History of Consciousness."
and eventually, Brendan Gill outed him as a Jew hater very convincingly (they had been friends).
I do KNOW all this stuff...I was sorta skazing Johnson and HIS cohort...this is what I would have asked HIM to his face because he has decided to limit what intelligence with which he MIGHT have been born.
I was raised by very Jewish agnostics (although I think my dad was a closet atheist) and consider myself a ridiculously New York City Atheist Jew. to be a NYCAJ growing up in NYC in the fifties was to be a Lord of the Universe.
I didn't experience actual antisemitism until I was working as a private vehicle chauffeur to earn pocket money just out of rehab. the offender was David Niven's daughter-in-law and I'd tell the silly little story if my fingers and mechanical keyboard weren't having a major quarrel this evening.
mebbe laytuh.
Sorry David. Did not mean to bring up bad memories and did not know about the anti- Semite Campbell!!!!
I do not always know when people are serious so I answer in good faith. As a person of faith I sometimes want to respond that we are not all evangelical crazies or blindly obedient to priests and Popes. Fully aware of the Sins of the Fathers but also fully aware of the goodness of true Christians, especially the women in my church. It is hard to get tarred with the sometimes broad brushes here.
Sounds as if you’ve had an interesting life. Glad you are here. Sorry again for tapping into the loathing gene!!!!
Yeah I was a big fan of Campbell back in high school along with a classmate or two; very fascinating discussions of the similarities in different culture. I jettisoned him when I learned about his antisemitism.
Almost all of the various creation stories from cultures around the world share eerily similar elements. Carl Sagan's book "Contact" did a nice job of speaking to this subject and delineating the fine lines and blurred lines between scientists and theologians who use critical thought processes. Great book; the movie was okay, but the book was great.
Wow you all are well read or have memories not as degraded over the years as I sit here after Quad Tendon Tear surgery today. I did some time in a Quaker School and a bunch of time in the USMC. I now find my religion hanging out in the woods, talking to Sammy my Cat. No formal religion for this former Episcopal Acolyte.
Neither one
David, people forget the truth about the Bible - the ancient Hebrews wrote the Book of Genesis with its creation stories because Bronze Age shepherds and peasants had a very poor grasp of quantum physics.....
Actually, they just cribbed the Chaldean creation myth during the Babylonian Captivity.
Yeah, whole lotta cribbing going on back then - and looking at the God stories in the OT, you can see the evolution (oh, did I just say "evolution"?) of God from Super-Zeus wrestling with Jacob to a more authoritative supreme being - and all that sex and violence.....worse than Mickey Spillane.
The fact is only that they were written. That's all.
You are not alone,David.
No no no. Keep your wits about you. There are many, just not enough. This is our last chance. We have to stay focused and serious. We know who the ones are that don't give a rat's ass. Support and give to the ones unseating them.
Well. After years of thoughts and prayers, it's evident that's not working.
I don't believe or feel more bloodshed is what's needed
and I would just hate to see
you in Orange, Tom. It's NOT
your color. It's being reserved
for the boil on America's butt,
That said, we all better make
sure we put our shoulders to
the wheels of democracy and
run over these whatever they've devolved into these
13 Months!
It is all the time we have. We have to live like it. My $$ goes to effective GOTV orgs.
But how do you really feel?
This is the thing. Look at The Washington Post, which editorialized day before yesterday that Democrats need to work with republicans to get them out of this mess. That's the kind of thinking that got us INTO this mess. So I'll just say of The Post, and the horse they rode in on.
I also sent a letter to the editor that won't get published. So I'll share it here:
Seeing the editorial, "Democrats should help elect a Republican speaker," I am reminded of other great Post editorial headlines from the past. For example:
"FDR should negotiate with Japanese rather than responding in kind"
"The Civil Rights Act is too controversial to pass right now"
"Forcing Nixon's resignation would set a bad precedent"
Or is that just what the current editorial board would have written? Because that's what you're saying.
It sure is.
Thank you, boomerang WaPo
MAGA Mike is everything you say ---- and we are again in the damn middle of yet another mass murder of innocent people. For the first time in a leadership position in the no longer extant GOP, we have a man who exemplifies all the worst of the survivors of the "Cotton Kingdom"/Southern Religion from 1850--dressed up in a suit and tie, with a polite demeanor (the anti-Gym Jordan). The so-called "Christianity" of this man and his wife has nothing to do with the message of Jesus --- and the whole edifice of "evangelical" "conservative' "Christianity" is a sham, a con game, and worse. (There is authentic Christianity -- you have to look carefully).. MAGA Mike and his ilk are the scum on a crappy beach. Now, time to wind down for the evening and plan some time tomorrow to write a lot of postcards, check the Substacks, and walk (or do some "Sauntering" as Henry David Thoreau would have us say and do).
Authentic Christianity is well summarized in Matthew 25...... "Inasmuch as you have done this to one of the least of these my servants, you have also done it to me."
Right up there with Jimmy and Tammy Faye, grifters all and that's what it is all about. Where does their money come from? ........ The Vatican is the biggest scam and that is why the evangelicals hate Catlickers. Jealousy, big time.
A good nights sleep and a morning saunter is definatly in order.
Frustrating.senseless.stupidity. People with brains are so tired of people without brains. I get it TC, but we need you. Your wit, your common sense, your vote. So sit down with a cat or two and let them calm you down. Two wrongs don’t make a right. This is why gun laws, licenses and waiting periods are so important. Peace ❤️
I second that. I do a bit of screeming myself. Time alone with a cat or pooch to regain focus.
Well you said out loud what a lot of us think sometimes, it doesn’t feel good to be thinking like that a lot, and heaven knows we have had reason to. We need to stay focused on winning next year’s elections, and lo and behold we were just given a huge gift by the maggots, the brains behind their insanity was just anointed the house speaker. And he’s been blathering his bullshit for years and it’s all on record, I have no doubt that the Lincoln Project is already all over it, now that will put a smile on your face Tom. 😎 “thoughts and prayers”, my ass 🙏
We do. What we have to do is take the white hot anger we all feel about this, and turn it into the energy that powers us through victory a year from now.
And then by God, if we have the power the Democratic leadership had better use it to pass whatever legislation we can to cut off as many heads from the Hydra as possible while we can - serious election reform in all its parts, expanding the SCOTUS so our shiny new liberal laws don't get overturned before the ink is dry, eliminating the "traditions" in the Senate that make it the house where bills go to die.....etc., etc......
Amen, amen, amen.
White hot anger, says it all
Yes! David Levine included a link to a vid by Steve Schmidt. In 'the Warning', Schmidt excoriates MAGA Mike as a fanatic--far more dangerous than a cynic.
Can Bloomberg amplify the Lincoln Project all over the land. Rupert needs some competition. I know, I dream
"sometimes"? How about all the time? I think you understand. The 2020 elections in Kansas, of all places shows that a reall turnout works. It is hard work, but money where mouths are does a lot to keep hard working GOTV folks working hard.
Thank you Tom for articulating what I’m feeling. And the white christo-fascist is bragging about his wife being on her knees for the last several weeks praying to “our lord” and she’s a little worn out...🤮 oh please this can’t really be happening!
She's praying for the good lord to take him away & release her from bondage.
No doubt!
Doubtful--she agreed to a covenant marriage.
Yes it is, and has been for all the years we thought we had made progress. We were not paying attention and now we have to get cooking real fast if we are going to be able to live the way we thought we were going to. !3 months to save us.
So the brand spanking new Speaker of the House of Representatives was sworn into office, what yesterday, and nobody knew who he was.
Well, they do now.
Thoughts and prayers Congress, sorry for your loss.
Problem is that it is the country’s loss.
When is god going to send down a tablet from some mountain that says “No. 11: thought and prayers don’t work. Don’t bother. Thou shalt clean up thine own mess.”
MAGA Mike is amazingly dumb. Back in Betelgeuse, some astronauts from the planet Minula who have amazing technology for listening to Earthlings, just intercepted and translated MAGA Mike into their own language. They'd had inklings, but now they were truly appalled. "Those Earthlings really are dumber than anything else in the universe!" one of the astronauts said to another. They had been planning to visit Earth, using their special wormhole technology for taking shortcuts through the universe, but after seeing how dumb MAGA Mike is, they decided to avoid Earth, lest they be contaminated by whatever was dumbing down the Earthlings, whose morphology indicated that they'd originally evolved great capabilities. They wanted a planet where they could learn something from the inhabitants, and Earth obviously was no longer what they were looking for.
I've long believed that the rest of the intelligent life in the Universe has us in quarantine.
That's why they've never visited us!
If you're intelligent enough (and long-lived enough) to do interstellar space travel, you're intelligent enough to see us as the malevolent microbes we are.
I'm laughing!
Or as one of my brothers just told me, we are a simulation game of some more intelligent life!!!
That’s always been my theory--that once our radio waves started hitting the Galactic Confederation the delegates immediately hit the quarantine button and required that any technology within a million light years of earth be operated in stealth mode.
Yeah... what you said. Personally I think there are only two possible reasons why anyone would defend and continually vote to loosen the current Total Gun Promiscuity that is the Republican party position on guns. They are inches away from handing out free AR-15's to 7th graders. It has nothing whatsoever to do with freedom, unless you define making sure that idiots can easily slaughter whomever they want constitutes "freedom". Anyone who defends this approach is either:
1. Hopelessly cynical and corrupt, and in bed with the NRA and NRA donations and dependent on votes from NRA Death Cult members.
Or 2. Severely mentally ill sociopaths and/or psychopaths, and therefore delusional and also devoid of any capacity for empathy and compassion.
3. Stupid, for which there is no remedy.
I’m at the Wight Foo King Substack. There is no understanding them. At. All.
He is right, America does have a heart problem. Not one MAGAt has a heart. I’ll have to add, brain, soul, or love of country or his fellow man. What pernicious blather at a time when our national wound is oozing over all of us. Will we all drown in the blood of our friends and neighbors, or our own. These people are the very definition of vile, evil hypocrisy. Every last one…
I'm right there wih you Tom. They are getting ready to shoot us if we get in their way while they try to institute their Kristyun uber alles. Jan 6th made that very clear. But we have to stay focused. Lots of hard work to do. Seriously. I go into my rage often enough. I understand where you are coming from.
See you Monday?
I call you by nine. Should be fine. A lot of us need a long walk (saunter) on the beach or Descanso Gardens or....
I am not big on prayer. I have always struggled with the concept. I have always thought that prayer only makes the person who is praying feel better. Prayer absolves the prayerful of doing anything to right the wrongs and puts the burden on the shoulders of a “higher power”. Prayer gives the prayerful an easy way out of taking any responsibility to act. But this is the worst application of prayer I have ever heard! What is wrong with these self-righteous people!
Yes let’s pray really hard for the useless sons a bitches that someday they get out of the way of people who know how to stop this carnage with gun laws and better mental health access.