I realize the over-educated, under-intelligent, otherwise-unemployables of the Press Corpse can’t help their moron stupidity and the requirement that they all run in a pack, but given that there are those among them who aren’t that stupid, who have pointed out what is really what on this point, why can’t the others get off their idiot script and catch up with reality?
Yes, I realize I am asking the impossible here. But if I hear another one of them spout off with this, I’m going to have to make certain my shoes and the TV are in different rooms.
I’m ranting here about the stupidity of nearly every political reporter, both on TV and in their email updates, regarding the fact that the Supreme Court turned Trump down yesterday in his attempt to keep his tax returns from Congress. He now has to turn them over.
And here we get to the problem: the moron brigade obviously has no real knowledge of how the congress actually works, or they wouldn’t be doing this.
The question IS NOT “Why are the House Democrats doing this since they only have a little over a month before the Republicans take control of the House and close down any investigation of this?”
They manage to forget - or never know in the first place, which I sadly fear may be true - that there is a Senate Finance Committee, which is controlled by Democrats now and will be in the new congress, which has the same tax writing power and authority that the House Ways and Means Committee does. And the Chair of the Senate Finance Committee has the same power under the law as the Chair of the House Ways and Means Committee, to request the tax return of any taxpayer from the IRS.
Now that the House has established the precedent, all Senator Ron Wyden - Chair of the Senate Finance Committee - will have to do is send notice to the IRS that he wants the six years of Trump’s tax returns, and he will get them. There will be no fight in court by Trump, because he has already lost the argument. As the ever-perspicacious Lawrence O’Donnell - who worked in the Senate and knows how it operates - was at pains to point out last night (obviously, no one else in the Press Corpse watched the show), he can ask this morning and get the returns this afternoon.
The Senate Finance Committee can spend the next two years finding out who Trump does business with, who he’s indebted to, and who jerks his chain. And they can let the press join them in looking at these returns so that we can know this too.
It’s easy!
For all of you who may have asked the question of why the House pursued this, and been worried that it was now too late, don’t worry. And if you didn’t know before that both houses of congress have tax writing committees, now you do.
I really really really really really hate it when people who claim to be intelligent turn out constantly to be drooling morons. It’s their damn job to know how the things they report on are supposed to work! It’s so embarrassing to have to put up with them.
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I’m sure Ron Wyden , our Oregon Senator, will be all over it tout suite.
Pascrell Praises Supreme Court Ending Trump Tax Return Charade
Washington, DC, November 22, 2022
“It has been 1,329 days since our committee sought Donald Trump’s tax returns – almost as long as the American Civil War,” said Chairman Pascrell. “And for 1,329 days, our request made under law has been delayed, obfuscated, and blocked by Donald Trump and his adjutants in the government and the courts. Our right to receive these documents is under a century-long statute and our wide Article I legislative and oversight powers. The Supreme Court is right to keep its nose out of this case. I have led this fight for over five long years because it is bigger than one man or one party. It is about accountability and fairness. I am sick thinking about all the taxpayer money that has been wasted. At long last the charade should today be over and we should get these documents transmitted to the desk of our committee chairman as soon as possible.”