“I believe that, as long as there is plenty, poverty is evil. Government belongs wherever evil needs an adversary and there are people in distress.”

― Robert F. Kennedy

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We need another Bobby Kennedy today, Fern.

If Bobby Kennedy had only lived and went on to be elected president, no Nixon, no Watergate, and a better resolution to the Vietnam War. Maybe we even could have avoided Reagan.

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So true.

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And that is why Sirhan Sirhan should never see the outside of a prison.....he stole that possibility from us, and the world, and there is a price to be paid.....

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Great quote Fern 👍👍

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because i trust your perceptions, your words are able to stem the panic that's been rising inside me. thank you ...

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Thank you, TC for clarifying the dynamics of the debt ceiling conundrum. Your analysis gives me a sense of hope that "this too shall pass" and all will be right with our world.

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Don’t even dream that all will be right with our world, humans are still the “smartest in the room.”

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Thanks TC. A successful negotiation is one where all parties are at least somewhat dissatisfied.

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I loved your reference to Brer Rabbit, the tar baby and the briar patch.

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Me, too.

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I hope you are right Tom, the clarity of what you wrote has the ring of truth, we could all use a break and a nice start of what for many, especially the children, is their favorite time of year.

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"The best negotiating strategy is always to let the loser think he’s the winner." Thanks, TC! "

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A great read to start my w-end. Dark Brandon may be flawed, as we all are, but I have gratitude daily that he is our President. It’s amazing how he weathers the storm throughout it all. The response from my Freedom Chaos Rep is classic MTG move ,filing useless Res 426 to impeach.

As hurricane season approaches here, I’m amazed so many are ignorant of all the man-made disasters.

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Thanks for the savvy, realistic commentary on this clusterfuck caused by the GOP, the fascist party of hate and stupidity which is on course to be swept into the dust bin of history under the MAGA banner. One good thing that's come out of this mess is the revelation of just how evil the GOP has become under Trump's influence. As you point out, "Let's also bear in mind that, yes, these 'negotiations' should not have happened, and that the House GOP cemented for all to see their unseriousness and their overt desire to be traitors." When this is over, I think the arrest and prosecution of many members of "America's only truly criminal class," as Mark Twain called the Congress of the United States, is in order. The Orange Menace will probably appreciate the company.

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I would not at all be surprised if Jack Smith casts the widest of nets, and gathers many in Congress into the bosom of Abraham (and the federal prison system)..... There are at least half a dozen members of the House and Senate who were directly and actively involved in the Jan. 6 festivities, and we must be rid of them as well. Kevin could lose his majority in the House.....

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I've been following this debt fiasco very closely, because

MY debt ceiling; rent, groceries, electricity, cell service, y'know all those little pesky things that help keep you alive, depend on my SS and VA widows pension.

I read about most of what you

posted, Tom in Politico, NYT,

WaPo, TPM Substack and a

few others. It reads well and I

understand they're writing the legislation for it as well.

Am hoping and praying you're

all right.

I only have this to add. If the

Dems don't use this as a major good talking point and

take it to the GOP & Freedom

Caucus terrorists, I'm done.

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I'm also a wee bit concerned about Manchin and Sinenma.

It would be just like them to

fuck it up.

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Sinema will most likely be gone in 2024 - she has burned bridges she hasn't even come to, and she is probably angling for a lobbyist job somewhere. Good riddance.....

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She's running in third place in every AZ poll so far.

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Believe me, you are not alone..... If the Democrats do not learn to use political power when they have it, we are all done.

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Thanks for this info.

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This is a case where a long-term senator like Biden has historical perspective to underpin his response to the GOP. He's been too silent throughout, but some would call it "cool". More Dems should have and could be at the mic pointing out the perfidy of the GOP. Playing nice is fine until a takedown is called for as it will be once the deal is sealed. I anxiously await a chorus of strong Dem voices.

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Exactly right. But Biden has to stay quiet to make this happen. The other Dems should be making the case about GOP perfidy, as you point out.

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Think I will die before they show up. Been waiting a loooong time

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Even if it’s settled and passes, rumor mill has it their next move is further tax cuts for corporations and billionaires. They. Are. Evil.

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They'll have to get it through the Senate, which won't happen. Most of what they will do over the next 18 months will be performative bullshit.

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'...performative bullshit.' That sounds fab-u-louse!

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That’s all they are good for, except burning down the barn.

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Thanks for analysis TC. Great morning reading. I fully concur with your perspective. Negotiations are all about “getting” something of what you wanted, not everything”

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I’m kind of feeling like I want to say I told you so, but I will refrain. However, it didn’t shake out as I thought, even if Biden did play out the clock. TC’s calming analysis is the most favorable take on this situation, and I’m guessing it’s exactly the calculus the White House is relying on. We give up little, or give up things we can work around, buy time for the debt ceiling, and block a government shut down.

Yet there are risks. Principal among them may be dissatisfaction among the progressive base and diminished turn out for 2024. The progressive leadership in Congress at the moment is sounding cautious, which is a good thing. But if the MSM reports this as Biden getting played, he won’t be able to run on being the great compromiser (a characteristic which “moderates” say they prize), and could be made to look weakened or diminished.

In another sense, Biden is protected on his flank by the Congressional maniacs who, if they succeed in blocking the deal in the House, give Biden cover for using the 14th Amendment, or consoles, or platinum coins to avoid default.

Another risk is that something unexpected happens, such as a sudden recession that would benefit from a fiscal stimulus which would be unavailable under this deal. A “Biden recession” could flip 2024.

Old Joe has nerves of steel, that’s for sure.

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Good analysis of the analysis, Gary.

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Thanks. I was over at Robert Reich’s page, where he takes the same position as you (although not as well developed, curiously—well, it is Sunday after all), and his progressive followers are not mollified in the slightest. Pitchforks are out in force. Very troubling.

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The problem, to me, regarding both the right as shown in the Free-dumb Caucus, and the progressive left, is that significant numbers of both are "true believers" of their respective causes, and are not as well-informed as they think they are. One of the most common things I do in commenting at other sites is simply explain what the rules of the game are and how they operate to progressive firebreathers - who are ignorant of that information.

Looking at my own political arc, I think there's an argument to be made that the more one knows about a topic, the less radical they become. Which would explain why the firebreathers are mostly under 40 and the people like me are over that age - it takes time to learn things.

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Words of wisdom. The desire to see the world in stark terms is a weakness in East African Plains Apes.

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TC, Thank you for this information. Good reporting!

Do you have any information about how much exactly was cut from the IRS budget?

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They said $10B, which would reduce it to $70B. Not as bad as the whole thing, which is what the R's were calling for.

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