OK, I'll lead off..... They are morons, in the sense they have no idea what Putin is doing or why. He does not really want Ukraine - he is trying to reach Romania and Poland to plug geographic gaps that have served as routes to invade Russia in the past. The only way we will be able to avoid a war between Russia and NATO (which will involve us directly) is to bleed the Russian army dry in Ukraine and eliminate Russia's ability to wage aggressive war on its neighbors for a generation. If Ukraine cannot defend itself, the chance of a general nuclear exchange goes up by an order of magnitude, as the war with NATO will almost certainly follow so Putin can close those gaps. For him, and for Russia, this IS an existential fight. The Europeans thought they had bought off Hitler by sacrificing the Sudetenland and then Czechoslovakia. We know how well that worked out.....
Excellent point! If Ukraine retakes Crimea, they gain all the oil and gas deposits in the Black Sea near Ukraine's southern coast. That would change their chances as a nation vastly for the better. Add to that membership in the EU and NATO, and Ukraine could have a real future - the money from the oil and gas could subsidize larger families to rebuild Ukraine's population, giving it a demographic future as well. It would also rebuild the country to a much higher standard.
Here is the salient point re: Russia's ability to fight against NATO..... We now know that the Russian army can fight only one way - the same mass infantry attacks following crushing massed artillery barrages. In a fight with well-trained NATO troops backed by US troops in Europe and US military intelligence, NATO and the US would wipe the floor with them - hundreds of Russian dead for every western soldier killed. So Putin would have no choice but to use nukes in an attempt to win, or avoid defeat. You can predict how that would end. (Cockroaches seem to be impervious to radiation.)
I suppose these fucking morons think we could have negotiated with Hitler too. They really think we can negotiate with Putin??? Who happens to have an arrest warrant for War Crimes?? And continues to slaughter innocent civilians. And he won’t stop with Ukraine. Have they been eating the ice cream too fast resulting in severe brain freeze? Culminating in relentless stupidity?
I love your picture, Karen. tell me a bunch of stuff about YOUR beautiful companion and why've you been holding out on us?
I'm never altogether sure what these guys mean when they talk about "negotiation." the supporters of what is pretty laughably referred to as "realists" (the Mearsheimer/Kissinger types) might have some points to make on a theoretical level about how we might have mishandled relations with Russia since the USSR collapsed, but even a bunch of them were shocked and horrified at the invasion occurring when, where and how it did. some of them have been honest enough to acknowledge those feelings.
I get the whole "peacenik" deal. on a purely theoretical level, it's hard to argue against the position that war is bad and is always a really shitty approach to "problem-solving." when the problem is being invaded by a genuinely bad actor like Putin who doesn't even have the impulse to invent some convincing lies, solutions diminish pretty radically.
I remember an anti-Vietnam demonstration here in '67 that ended up in front of the UN, where Stokely Carmichael ended a brilliant speech with "if you're getting raped, do you call for negotiation or withdrawal?"
Hi David, My beautiful, Siberian Husky companion is Natalie. She was my best friend for almost 15 years. She died several years ago and of course my heart was broken. She was so sweet and loved everyone. She went everywhere with me except work of course, although she would have been a great therapy dog. I miss her still and wanted to honor her by posting this picture. We were at the coast in March and she so happy. Aside from playing and tunneling in the snow, running on the beach was her favorite. She talked like huskies do and would scold me if I was late coming home from work. She will always be my precious copilot.
After Natalie died a feral/abandoned kitten showed up and I started putting food out. I didn’t know the gender until she had kittens. Before I could live trap them and get them fixed mama kitty had 4 more kittens and 2 of her first litter had 11 kittens between them. It took me close to 1 year but I finally was able to catch them and get them all spayed/neutered and vaccinated. I was able to tame several kittens and adopt them out and my neighbor took several. I now have 6 that have become my pets and and another 9 that are outside kitties that I provide food, shelter and veterinary care for. As much as I want another dog, I kind of have my hands full right now between work and my cat rescue farm. My goal when I retire in a few years is to have a rescue home for senior animals. Including dogs, cats and farm animals.
that's beautiful. if I had the right kind of space, I'd already have been doing it. I once (say, fifteen to twenty years ago) had this idea of buying a little place in the country and doing just that. but, while I make friends easily, the main people in my life are HERE, and I can't do without them. and, I hope, vice-versa.
but, responding to Penfist, I've long considered doing just that, based on my own current and abiding physical issues.
ALL of my dogs have been rescues. it only makes sense, since a good rescue group will already have done the appropriate behavioral evaluations.
my last two ESs were mother and daughter, and they both had Degenerative Myelopathy, which we know as ALS. so they had to leave me on the same day. after he'd given the shots and I'd started my sobbing, the vet told Rochelle and Danny to get me someplace else while he did the appropriate removal stuff. I think I sat with them and watched a version of "Hamlet," but I have no real memory of the rest of the day.
Meg was born a therapy dog. she could walk into any room, size everybody up and then walk over to the person who, she figured (always correctly) most needed her attention. and she was ALWAYS right.
I miss them all.
the worst part of getting older (so far, anyway) is losing people, of every species.
It is really painful when we lose them. Natalie was a rescue too. She was picked up running around a town in eastern Oregon and nobody claimed her. She was around 6 months old. She ended up at a rescue near Hood River and I went to meet her. She was sitting on top of a dog house and our faces were at the same height. I said hello and she put one paw on my right shoulder then the other on my left. We locked eyes and she licked my face. Her paws felt like she was hugging me. That was it, I was in love and we were bonded. She continued to give many hugs through the years. I miss her a lot. As I’m sure you do your sweet buddies.
The only negotiation with Russia should be to spell out exactly how fast and by what procedures they need to follow when getting the f*** out of Ukraine - disarming, leaving their weaponry, arriving at assembly points for their 'escort' out of the country, processing of war crime suspects and suppressing any Russian soldier/mercenary who so much as gives a dirty look to Ukrainian forces and authorities.
Perhaps our view of the political world shouldn't be considered as linear with one end the Left and the other the Right. One could view that world as orbital, where the perigee (nearest sanity and reason) and the apogee (furthest from sanity and reason), and the extremes merge at the apogee and become indistinguishable from each other. Just a thought that I don't have the time to expand on.
Roughly the same as the argument that the line from left to right has been steadily bending to the point that it looks like a horseshoe with the respective ends nearly touching.
Welp, I'm all for spending money on "....Medicare for all and preventing lead poisoning" and "...more social programs for the United States of America..." The question I have: are all these yahoos paying up their fair share of taxes? Or are they loop-holing their way through the system? (Full disclosure, never was a fan of Ben and Jerry's)
their ideology or ice cream? I really DO like the ice cream, and it's a product I can actually handle after my gastric bypass. a pint of Haagen Dazs will make me very, very sick.
but I wasn't aware of the Unilever thing. so depressing.
Your Loony Left, so similar to ours, assisting the the right with their radical self delusion.
As for that Fritz dude, claiming "“When we won the Cold War, we said we would not expand NATO." Won? WE? Excuse me, do the UK, Germany, France, and other NATO member countries not have intelligence agencies? Do they not meet to discuss, then vote on whether a country is offered and accepted for membership to the group? That ignorant and arrogant attitude from some puffed up has-been Foghorn Leghorn in parade dress is exactly what most irritates America's friends.
Our side is supposed to be intelligent - the right depends on unintelligence. So I think our lefty morons are dumber. They're certainly more embarassing.
How about someone with fact-checking skills better than mine rebut some of the claims made. Is Ukraine aid really a big chunk of the Pentagon budget? Did we officially promise NATO would not expand eastward? Was it our call to make unilaterally? Are there examples of NATO threatening to force membership on unwilling countries?
We have plenty of misdeeds to our discredit as a nation, but I can’t see how we caused Putin to do what he is doing.
I fail to see how one nation could make a promise on behalf of a group of nations (North Atlantic Treaty Oganization) that binds all the other members to that promise without any of them knowing, agreeing, or acknowledging it.
if you want to know exactly what their arguments are, check out the three big Mearsheimer YouTube videos. I remember they were all a little more than an hour or so each. I don't entirely buy what he's saying, but at least he lays out his arguments there. I haven't checked anything he's written (or said)in the last year. I suppose I should, but it's a grim task.
more embarrassing, definitely. I don't know if I'm quite prepared (at least not YET) to accept "dumber." the bar on the other side is just sooooo low...
Not sure what "far left" means. But the thinking from this crew sounds like a rejected cartoon from the "Far Side". Putin is no joke. And "giving him something" is the WORST possible thing to do. Beasts only respect force and power.
Meanwhile, based on a letter from Diane Francis a few days ago, Putin's star is fading. If we stay strong, he will be history soon.
It sounds to me that EMN/Ben & Jerry's are arguing that Putin's invasion of Ukraine is justified because NATO expanded to include additional countries, countries which sought admission to NATO.
They should do a daily read on the Institute of the Study of War.
Maybe crack a history book on
the formation of NATO: North American Treaty "Organization". <--key word right there, means more than 1. United Nations, please note the plural. If they
can't understand the importance
of Ukraine 🇺🇦 in this "special operation" of Putin's, what his
Back to making ice cream Ben and Jerry! Again we see people with excessive wealth straying into area about which they know nothing. Negotiate??? How naive! The war criminal Putin can end the war this instant, but his sociopathic ego won’t allow that!
'...the Far Left has never missed an opportunity to miss an opportunity, which is why they will never take power.' (TC) Okay, 'the Far Left', who are they? The title here 'WHEN THE LEFT BECOMES THE RIGHT' is a bit too broad in my opinion. We don't know the number of leftists or left-leaning voters who oppose military help to Ukraine, do we.
'The electoral left parties — Green Party, Peace and Freedom Party (in California), Socialist Workers Party, and Socialist Party — receive few votes, a tiny percentage of the total. The Communist Party USA has not run any candidates since the 1990s.'
'The broad American left extends from the leftwing of the Democratic Party, through the left electoral parties (Greens, P&F, etc.), to the socialist organizations and sects, to the social movements. The U.S. labor movement cannot be included in the left, since it generally does not take left positions and does not participate in or solidarize itself with social movements. The leaders of the Democratic Party’s left, who consider themselves socialist, Senator Bernie Sanders and Congressmembers known as “the squad” — Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Ayanna Pressley, Rashida Tlaib, Jamaal Bowman, Cori Bush — all voted for the bills to finance military aid to Ukraine.'
'The largest organized socialist group in the United States is the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) which claims 90,000 members. DSA is not a political party and does not run candidates for office, but it does support candidates, most of them running for non-partisan positions or as Democrats. DSA has proven incapable of organizing serious political discussions and debates, so it is difficult to know what its members actually think on many issues. DSA has, however, taken a position opposing Russia’s invasion of Ukraine but also opposing military aid to Ukraine. DSA expresses no support for Ukrainian self-determination or its right to protect its territorial integrity. The Communist Party, the second largest left organization in the United States, has taken a similar position, criticizing Russia’s invasion but also opposing further military support to Ukraine. Other smaller leftist organizations such as the Party of Socialism and Liberation have also taken a similar position, though leaning toward support for Russia. Among the smaller organizations on the Trotskyist left one finds the argument that the U.S. and NATO are responsible for the war, sometimes without criticism of Russia. As one can see, campist and even neo-Stalinist politics are common in the American left today.
Other groups oppose the Russian invasion and support the Russian anti-war movement, but see the war as an inter-imperialist conflict and are critical of Ukraine accepting arms from other nations.' (Dan La Botz/Medium)
So, I don't think it makes sense to be concerned that 'the left' represents a meaningful bloc against US' military support for Ukraine.
An otherwise intelligent and sane friend fell for Dr. Jill Stein and her Green Party in 2016 solely because, since Vietnam, he is opposed to ANY military action, with Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan as proof. Proof that dear Dr. Jill is in cohoots with her friend Vladimir does not dissuade him.
OK, I'll lead off..... They are morons, in the sense they have no idea what Putin is doing or why. He does not really want Ukraine - he is trying to reach Romania and Poland to plug geographic gaps that have served as routes to invade Russia in the past. The only way we will be able to avoid a war between Russia and NATO (which will involve us directly) is to bleed the Russian army dry in Ukraine and eliminate Russia's ability to wage aggressive war on its neighbors for a generation. If Ukraine cannot defend itself, the chance of a general nuclear exchange goes up by an order of magnitude, as the war with NATO will almost certainly follow so Putin can close those gaps. For him, and for Russia, this IS an existential fight. The Europeans thought they had bought off Hitler by sacrificing the Sudetenland and then Czechoslovakia. We know how well that worked out.....
He also wants Ukraine’s ports and natural resources. Pogom anyone?
Excellent point! If Ukraine retakes Crimea, they gain all the oil and gas deposits in the Black Sea near Ukraine's southern coast. That would change their chances as a nation vastly for the better. Add to that membership in the EU and NATO, and Ukraine could have a real future - the money from the oil and gas could subsidize larger families to rebuild Ukraine's population, giving it a demographic future as well. It would also rebuild the country to a much higher standard.
Here is the salient point re: Russia's ability to fight against NATO..... We now know that the Russian army can fight only one way - the same mass infantry attacks following crushing massed artillery barrages. In a fight with well-trained NATO troops backed by US troops in Europe and US military intelligence, NATO and the US would wipe the floor with them - hundreds of Russian dead for every western soldier killed. So Putin would have no choice but to use nukes in an attempt to win, or avoid defeat. You can predict how that would end. (Cockroaches seem to be impervious to radiation.)
Welcome our new exoskeleton overlords..... :-)
I suppose these fucking morons think we could have negotiated with Hitler too. They really think we can negotiate with Putin??? Who happens to have an arrest warrant for War Crimes?? And continues to slaughter innocent civilians. And he won’t stop with Ukraine. Have they been eating the ice cream too fast resulting in severe brain freeze? Culminating in relentless stupidity?
I love your picture, Karen. tell me a bunch of stuff about YOUR beautiful companion and why've you been holding out on us?
I'm never altogether sure what these guys mean when they talk about "negotiation." the supporters of what is pretty laughably referred to as "realists" (the Mearsheimer/Kissinger types) might have some points to make on a theoretical level about how we might have mishandled relations with Russia since the USSR collapsed, but even a bunch of them were shocked and horrified at the invasion occurring when, where and how it did. some of them have been honest enough to acknowledge those feelings.
I get the whole "peacenik" deal. on a purely theoretical level, it's hard to argue against the position that war is bad and is always a really shitty approach to "problem-solving." when the problem is being invaded by a genuinely bad actor like Putin who doesn't even have the impulse to invent some convincing lies, solutions diminish pretty radically.
I remember an anti-Vietnam demonstration here in '67 that ended up in front of the UN, where Stokely Carmichael ended a brilliant speech with "if you're getting raped, do you call for negotiation or withdrawal?"
Hi David, My beautiful, Siberian Husky companion is Natalie. She was my best friend for almost 15 years. She died several years ago and of course my heart was broken. She was so sweet and loved everyone. She went everywhere with me except work of course, although she would have been a great therapy dog. I miss her still and wanted to honor her by posting this picture. We were at the coast in March and she so happy. Aside from playing and tunneling in the snow, running on the beach was her favorite. She talked like huskies do and would scold me if I was late coming home from work. She will always be my precious copilot.
Rescue a senior dog if you have room in your heart/mind! If you do not, well, no judgment from me. I know how much losing a canine friend hurts.
After Natalie died a feral/abandoned kitten showed up and I started putting food out. I didn’t know the gender until she had kittens. Before I could live trap them and get them fixed mama kitty had 4 more kittens and 2 of her first litter had 11 kittens between them. It took me close to 1 year but I finally was able to catch them and get them all spayed/neutered and vaccinated. I was able to tame several kittens and adopt them out and my neighbor took several. I now have 6 that have become my pets and and another 9 that are outside kitties that I provide food, shelter and veterinary care for. As much as I want another dog, I kind of have my hands full right now between work and my cat rescue farm. My goal when I retire in a few years is to have a rescue home for senior animals. Including dogs, cats and farm animals.
that's beautiful. if I had the right kind of space, I'd already have been doing it. I once (say, fifteen to twenty years ago) had this idea of buying a little place in the country and doing just that. but, while I make friends easily, the main people in my life are HERE, and I can't do without them. and, I hope, vice-versa.
but, responding to Penfist, I've long considered doing just that, based on my own current and abiding physical issues.
ALL of my dogs have been rescues. it only makes sense, since a good rescue group will already have done the appropriate behavioral evaluations.
my last two ESs were mother and daughter, and they both had Degenerative Myelopathy, which we know as ALS. so they had to leave me on the same day. after he'd given the shots and I'd started my sobbing, the vet told Rochelle and Danny to get me someplace else while he did the appropriate removal stuff. I think I sat with them and watched a version of "Hamlet," but I have no real memory of the rest of the day.
Meg was born a therapy dog. she could walk into any room, size everybody up and then walk over to the person who, she figured (always correctly) most needed her attention. and she was ALWAYS right.
I miss them all.
the worst part of getting older (so far, anyway) is losing people, of every species.
It is really painful when we lose them. Natalie was a rescue too. She was picked up running around a town in eastern Oregon and nobody claimed her. She was around 6 months old. She ended up at a rescue near Hood River and I went to meet her. She was sitting on top of a dog house and our faces were at the same height. I said hello and she put one paw on my right shoulder then the other on my left. We locked eyes and she licked my face. Her paws felt like she was hugging me. That was it, I was in love and we were bonded. She continued to give many hugs through the years. I miss her a lot. As I’m sure you do your sweet buddies.
The only negotiation with Russia should be to spell out exactly how fast and by what procedures they need to follow when getting the f*** out of Ukraine - disarming, leaving their weaponry, arriving at assembly points for their 'escort' out of the country, processing of war crime suspects and suppressing any Russian soldier/mercenary who so much as gives a dirty look to Ukrainian forces and authorities.
Perhaps our view of the political world shouldn't be considered as linear with one end the Left and the other the Right. One could view that world as orbital, where the perigee (nearest sanity and reason) and the apogee (furthest from sanity and reason), and the extremes merge at the apogee and become indistinguishable from each other. Just a thought that I don't have the time to expand on.
There's a definite argument to be made about that. The number of far lefties that become far righties certainly indicates accuracy.
Roughly the same as the argument that the line from left to right has been steadily bending to the point that it looks like a horseshoe with the respective ends nearly touching.
I’ve thought this for years.
makes really good sense to me.
Welp, I'm all for spending money on "....Medicare for all and preventing lead poisoning" and "...more social programs for the United States of America..." The question I have: are all these yahoos paying up their fair share of taxes? Or are they loop-holing their way through the system? (Full disclosure, never was a fan of Ben and Jerry's)
Kind of like “homeless veterans first” and never allocate the funds.
I came here to say that. Thank you!
Ben Cohen does not seem to be on Twitter or I would have let him know what I think.
their ideology or ice cream? I really DO like the ice cream, and it's a product I can actually handle after my gastric bypass. a pint of Haagen Dazs will make me very, very sick.
but I wasn't aware of the Unilever thing. so depressing.
Your Loony Left, so similar to ours, assisting the the right with their radical self delusion.
As for that Fritz dude, claiming "“When we won the Cold War, we said we would not expand NATO." Won? WE? Excuse me, do the UK, Germany, France, and other NATO member countries not have intelligence agencies? Do they not meet to discuss, then vote on whether a country is offered and accepted for membership to the group? That ignorant and arrogant attitude from some puffed up has-been Foghorn Leghorn in parade dress is exactly what most irritates America's friends.
They are fucking bonkers. I have descended back into incoherent profanity.
I think I'll go spend tomorrow at a local high school band festival.
Healing and Fun!
Just goes to show - dumbasses on both sides - sometimes hard to choose which ones are dumber!
Our side is supposed to be intelligent - the right depends on unintelligence. So I think our lefty morons are dumber. They're certainly more embarassing.
They're doing the Rs job for them - its a shame.
well, yeah...there's THAT.
How about someone with fact-checking skills better than mine rebut some of the claims made. Is Ukraine aid really a big chunk of the Pentagon budget? Did we officially promise NATO would not expand eastward? Was it our call to make unilaterally? Are there examples of NATO threatening to force membership on unwilling countries?
We have plenty of misdeeds to our discredit as a nation, but I can’t see how we caused Putin to do what he is doing.
I fail to see how one nation could make a promise on behalf of a group of nations (North Atlantic Treaty Oganization) that binds all the other members to that promise without any of them knowing, agreeing, or acknowledging it.
An old rumor, expediently recycled. I call BS.
The rumor I heard was that Sec. of State James Baker promised that without being authorized to say it.
Ah, Jimmy B like Ronnie Reagan, he was a grade ‘b’ actor! Sec State under papa Bush, Jimmy looked important but was impotent as a diplomat!
if you want to know exactly what their arguments are, check out the three big Mearsheimer YouTube videos. I remember they were all a little more than an hour or so each. I don't entirely buy what he's saying, but at least he lays out his arguments there. I haven't checked anything he's written (or said)in the last year. I suppose I should, but it's a grim task.
more embarrassing, definitely. I don't know if I'm quite prepared (at least not YET) to accept "dumber." the bar on the other side is just sooooo low...
Holy Schitt, just when I think the Dems look brilliant along side repubs, some fools try to prove they are just as moronic…. WTF
Not sure what "far left" means. But the thinking from this crew sounds like a rejected cartoon from the "Far Side". Putin is no joke. And "giving him something" is the WORST possible thing to do. Beasts only respect force and power.
Meanwhile, based on a letter from Diane Francis a few days ago, Putin's star is fading. If we stay strong, he will be history soon.
From Diane’s lips to God’s ear. 🙏
It sounds to me that EMN/Ben & Jerry's are arguing that Putin's invasion of Ukraine is justified because NATO expanded to include additional countries, countries which sought admission to NATO.
No more B and J ice cream for me!
Dang... I'm gonna have to finish off my pint of Cherry Garcia and then no more Ben and Jerry's. 😋 will be healthier for me anyway 😊
Aldi’s ‘Thank You Cherry Much’ is a reasonable facsimile 😁
They should do a daily read on the Institute of the Study of War.
Maybe crack a history book on
the formation of NATO: North American Treaty "Organization". <--key word right there, means more than 1. United Nations, please note the plural. If they
can't understand the importance
of Ukraine 🇺🇦 in this "special operation" of Putin's, what his
ultimate goals are, they should
just crawl right into a freezer
full of B & J and pull the lid
Back to making ice cream Ben and Jerry! Again we see people with excessive wealth straying into area about which they know nothing. Negotiate??? How naive! The war criminal Putin can end the war this instant, but his sociopathic ego won’t allow that!
'...the Far Left has never missed an opportunity to miss an opportunity, which is why they will never take power.' (TC) Okay, 'the Far Left', who are they? The title here 'WHEN THE LEFT BECOMES THE RIGHT' is a bit too broad in my opinion. We don't know the number of leftists or left-leaning voters who oppose military help to Ukraine, do we.
'The electoral left parties — Green Party, Peace and Freedom Party (in California), Socialist Workers Party, and Socialist Party — receive few votes, a tiny percentage of the total. The Communist Party USA has not run any candidates since the 1990s.'
'The broad American left extends from the leftwing of the Democratic Party, through the left electoral parties (Greens, P&F, etc.), to the socialist organizations and sects, to the social movements. The U.S. labor movement cannot be included in the left, since it generally does not take left positions and does not participate in or solidarize itself with social movements. The leaders of the Democratic Party’s left, who consider themselves socialist, Senator Bernie Sanders and Congressmembers known as “the squad” — Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Ayanna Pressley, Rashida Tlaib, Jamaal Bowman, Cori Bush — all voted for the bills to finance military aid to Ukraine.'
'The largest organized socialist group in the United States is the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) which claims 90,000 members. DSA is not a political party and does not run candidates for office, but it does support candidates, most of them running for non-partisan positions or as Democrats. DSA has proven incapable of organizing serious political discussions and debates, so it is difficult to know what its members actually think on many issues. DSA has, however, taken a position opposing Russia’s invasion of Ukraine but also opposing military aid to Ukraine. DSA expresses no support for Ukrainian self-determination or its right to protect its territorial integrity. The Communist Party, the second largest left organization in the United States, has taken a similar position, criticizing Russia’s invasion but also opposing further military support to Ukraine. Other smaller leftist organizations such as the Party of Socialism and Liberation have also taken a similar position, though leaning toward support for Russia. Among the smaller organizations on the Trotskyist left one finds the argument that the U.S. and NATO are responsible for the war, sometimes without criticism of Russia. As one can see, campist and even neo-Stalinist politics are common in the American left today.
Other groups oppose the Russian invasion and support the Russian anti-war movement, but see the war as an inter-imperialist conflict and are critical of Ukraine accepting arms from other nations.' (Dan La Botz/Medium)
So, I don't think it makes sense to be concerned that 'the left' represents a meaningful bloc against US' military support for Ukraine.
Thank you!
An otherwise intelligent and sane friend fell for Dr. Jill Stein and her Green Party in 2016 solely because, since Vietnam, he is opposed to ANY military action, with Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan as proof. Proof that dear Dr. Jill is in cohoots with her friend Vladimir does not dissuade him.
Letting Assholes have control over money is the root of all evil