Discouraged is too light a word. How about horrified !
Two thoughts:
1)you ask about ideas for "fixing" when it feels as if the "fix is in" already. The legislative action at the red state level is being built, bit by bit, like scaffolding to prop up the mid-terms and then 2024. In addition, here in Florida, we have a Governor who has collapsed governing into campaigning--an infection raging in our body politic. ( When the priority of a newly elected representative is to dedicate a portion of each day to raising money for their next election in 2 years, eyes go off the needs of the people. ) Trouble in Florida is a Governor's ambition to be President translates into lives lost, real crimes against real humanity. But half the folks are cheering him on and hanging F##k Biden signs from interstate overpasses and the other half is not paying much attention to what is happening as they are basically trying not to die!!
The momentum you so well describe is already
strong and, like an undertow, you don't always know you are in it until you are halfway out to sea. Swimming parallel to it is the only way out; if you try to resist you get dragged in deeper. Does this apply somehow to "fixing" it? Maybe. But not sure what it would look like.
2) Very darkly-- Timing is everything. Reading about people in Nazi Germany or Cuba or any other rising totalitarian regime, those who paid attention and could get out early, got out! Some, like Dietrich Bonhoeffer, was already out, studying in the U.S., and felt he had to go back to be with his people in Germany in the Resistance and ultimately gave his life in a concentration camp for his efforts.
We are seeing red flags everywhere, as you so well describe. Those are the choices. If we swim in the ocean and resist the undertow we will very likely be dragged under and drown. If we decide to leave the beach, what then? and where do we go?
"Know your enemy." I'd like to know what makes Sinema and Manchin tick. Leading to ... what messages should we send to them? Couched in what way to maybe, possibly, pique their interest.
I myself am interested in bringing back the "talking filibuster." 51 votes in the Senate would do it. And, also, make the opposing party put 41 members on the Senate floor while the filibuster is proceeding. And make the filibusterer talk about the issued addressed by the bill they are filibustering.
The race to the bottom that seemed to have been reached in 2016 continues with everyone involved taking an "all or nothing" position on whatever is being discussed and, as you say, we are likely to end up with much worse than nothing. The conversations this week should be interesting, hopefully will be instructive and ideally will lead to constructive action.
Discouraged is too light a word. How about horrified !
Two thoughts:
1)you ask about ideas for "fixing" when it feels as if the "fix is in" already. The legislative action at the red state level is being built, bit by bit, like scaffolding to prop up the mid-terms and then 2024. In addition, here in Florida, we have a Governor who has collapsed governing into campaigning--an infection raging in our body politic. ( When the priority of a newly elected representative is to dedicate a portion of each day to raising money for their next election in 2 years, eyes go off the needs of the people. ) Trouble in Florida is a Governor's ambition to be President translates into lives lost, real crimes against real humanity. But half the folks are cheering him on and hanging F##k Biden signs from interstate overpasses and the other half is not paying much attention to what is happening as they are basically trying not to die!!
The momentum you so well describe is already
strong and, like an undertow, you don't always know you are in it until you are halfway out to sea. Swimming parallel to it is the only way out; if you try to resist you get dragged in deeper. Does this apply somehow to "fixing" it? Maybe. But not sure what it would look like.
2) Very darkly-- Timing is everything. Reading about people in Nazi Germany or Cuba or any other rising totalitarian regime, those who paid attention and could get out early, got out! Some, like Dietrich Bonhoeffer, was already out, studying in the U.S., and felt he had to go back to be with his people in Germany in the Resistance and ultimately gave his life in a concentration camp for his efforts.
We are seeing red flags everywhere, as you so well describe. Those are the choices. If we swim in the ocean and resist the undertow we will very likely be dragged under and drown. If we decide to leave the beach, what then? and where do we go?
"Know your enemy." I'd like to know what makes Sinema and Manchin tick. Leading to ... what messages should we send to them? Couched in what way to maybe, possibly, pique their interest.
I myself am interested in bringing back the "talking filibuster." 51 votes in the Senate would do it. And, also, make the opposing party put 41 members on the Senate floor while the filibuster is proceeding. And make the filibusterer talk about the issued addressed by the bill they are filibustering.
Al Franken has been speaking with Joe Manchin about this. And here he is being interviewed on Jonathan Alter's substack "old goats:" https://oldgoats.substack.com/p/ruminating-with-al-franken
I think this is a good idea. Don't ditch the filibuster, restore it to its earlier glory.
Yes to that idea. Thanks for the inspiration for a post.
The race to the bottom that seemed to have been reached in 2016 continues with everyone involved taking an "all or nothing" position on whatever is being discussed and, as you say, we are likely to end up with much worse than nothing. The conversations this week should be interesting, hopefully will be instructive and ideally will lead to constructive action.
OK. Is there something Joe and Nancy and Chuck and Bernie know that we don’t? I hope so! Waiting to read your thoughts.
Oh I wish. All I can do is point things out.
“Pointing things out” is always not only the start to constructive criticism but also constructive conversation that follows.