Exciting news! Oh, that would be such a clean way of getting rid of him. And there’s nothing stopping other indictments for conspiracies to commit sedition, fraud against the United States, etc.

I feel so hopeful I think I’ll use this as an excuse to open a bottle of Mcallen 25!

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I was thinking that the FBI couldn’t get Capone on racketeering, murder, conspiracy, or bootlegging charges but got him on income tax evasion when the agency got his bookkeeper and the meticulous records that he kept. That got Capone in prison where he died years later from the effects of tertiary syphilis…if that happens to trump I wouldn’t shed a tear…

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If removing the records brought a conviction that prevented him from ever running for office again, that would be wonderful. I still want tRump held accountable to the fullest extent of the law.

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Well, well---Trump the mobster gets taken down (we hope) by an open and shut case (like Capone's taxes, as you say).

What a delicious morsel to chew on at the end of the day!

Thanks for passing this on---I've ignored news this evening to avoid indigestion. :-)

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I think it was very, very smart to go after the lowest-hanging fruit, which this is. but it might just be enough.

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He is complaining about his treatment but he would do the same to a perceived enemy in a New York minute!!! Great news if this is what keeps him from ever running again. Like Jenn, I would like to see him be accountable for all the other nasty stuff he did-- lots of lives lost on his watch!

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I've been giving this delicious news some thought. How would it work exactly - to be "disqualified" from office? Would the RNC refuse to acknowledge him as a candidate? What if he just announced his candidacy anyway? What if his complicit MAGArats in various states put him on a ballot in defiance? Who actually makes the decision that he CANNOT run or hold office? He has never bothered to follow laws before - what if he just ignored them this time? Call me cynical, but I'm wondering where the enforcements are in this process.

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tRump shall be Al Caponed!!!

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