I am sorry. The only thing I have to offer in incoherent profanity and vulgarity at this moment. I am hoping I can return later and write a more thoughtful and reasoned comment.
I cannot comprehend the absolute disgrace to humanity that both fpotus and his running mate are. Worse than they are (and they are fucking awful) are people that I served with, some of whom are also former Marines and service men/women who are buying this line of absolute putrid shit and coming back for seconds. I am completely and utterly disgusted.
Honestly - seems to me there should be or is? some kind of illegality involved with this incitement of terrorism.
If you think about it - if frick and frack were NOT white and NOT rich, perhaps were people of color - belonged to another ethnic group - would there be any kind of attempt to perhaps chastise or - horrors - actually arrest them for this? I seem to recall ordinary everyday people being charged for activities like this. SO?
I hate him because he’s a poseur. A hollow empty shell of a human being, unable to find a shred of remorse. I guess that’s what it’s like when you have only two or three neurons bouncing around in your skull.
This is actually quite concise and thoughtful for incoherent profanity and vulgarity. You are not alone in being unable to understand how any thinking person can accept the existence of the failed insurrectionist and his weirdo sidekick in American civic life. I believe it was Queen Victoria who said it best - "His existence offends me."
I have been offended by the existence of chump since the birther bull Schitt. He wasn’t on my radar before, nor was Vance. Two peas in an evil pod, poisoning America.
Ally, the reality is, perhaps the European assessment of a significant percentage of Americans is unfortunately correct. The Ugly American is an image created by demonstration and unless there’s enough of us to counter that perception, we’ve earned it and own it
Perhaps Jackson Browne was right, we need to sail away; For Everyman
On a trip to Mexico years ago, I was with a group that I could only call “ugly Americans.” I have never been so happy to leave that crowd. Now it is like I’m stuck with them again and can’t get away.
I'm in about the same place you are. a burst of obscenity is the best I could possibly do.
after trying one thing (meme?) after another, it seems that THIS is the thing they're settling on (THIS week, at any rate).
it's the most pathetic available anthill they--or, doubtless, any of us--could find to die on. it signals their desperation.
Vance is rapidly shaping up to be TFF's mini-me. or at least he was on the "Sunday shows."
I assume that by now, most of us have seem Little Stevie, the wannabe Nazi, losing it with that Latino journalist, who did an excellent job of keeping his cool while Miller went on his diatribe that made absolutely no sense. I mean, like, couldn't a Venezuelan "lower his crime rate" by simply killing people? it seems like "shipping all his criminals here" could get pretty complicated and expensive.
and didn't Vance implicitly admit that the only animals he actually knew were stolen were birds (geese) and that these were ramped up to cats and dogs for effect?
I was gobsmacked too, but I expected no less. He will scrape the bottom and keep digging. This is a sample of what will come to us all if some “decent repubs” don’t come to their senses and call this crap what it is. As the desperation gets worse, so will the insanity. He has jumped the shark so many times, I think the meme is dead. Democracy may be too. Who knew kittens would be his weapon of choice. BTW, Vance is the perfect stooge for this cretin.
Mitt Rmoney hasn't said he's voting for Kamala Harris. Therefore, he is an accessory to these actions.
Susan Collins hasn't said she's voting for Kamala Harris. Therefore, she is an accessory to these actions.
Lisa Murkowski hasn't said she's voting for Kamala Harris. Therefore, she is an accessory to these actions.
Every single republican, every single American who is not voting for Kamala Harris is an accessory to what we all know will be murder before they are done.
I am for prosecutions, and if Joe Biden had not made the mistake of appointing a cadaver as attorney general, they might have happened. Then again, Barack Obama and Bill Clinton didn't understand that their opponents were terrorists, either.
Those individuals have ZERO involvement in these actions. Thanks for the reminder of how some people who claim to support the rule of law have no idea how it works.
See Michael Green's comment up-thread. He says that Mitt Romney, Susan Collins, and Lisa Murkowski are accessories to "these actions" because they haven't said they're voting for Harris. Referent for "these actions" is unclear but I'm guessing it's the crap that Trump, Vance, and their anonymous supporters have been pulling in Springfield, OH. Whatever, it's a non sequitur. (Latin term for "it doesn't follow.") Mr. Green's grasp of the law might land him an AG appointment in an alternate-universe Trump administration.
Sorry, Michael is right. They know what is happening, they choose to remain silent so the rest of the party isn't mean to them. They're fucking cowards and their actions over the past 9 years are why we have what we have. Rmoney, Murkowski and Collins - all worthless scum and by their silence they condone what is happening.
I was wondering about Dubya, who remains an unindicted war criminal. who needs him? it's not like anybody under thirty remembers him. and I'm not so crazy about about finding Dick Cheney on my team.
Romney's always been my idea of an empty suit. it's nice he's got all this "religious faith" but Mormonism has always struck me as religious kitsch; a way to justify Joseph Smith's egomania and general horniness.
Sorry, no, Michael is wrong and so are you. This is straight out of the McCarthy playbook: if you don't condemn whoever he's condemning, you're a fellow traveler if not an outright communist. Some people -- especially white middle-class-and-up straight people -- have finally figured out that the country is in trouble because all of a sudden they realize that *they* are threatened too. Look up Pastor Niemöller's famous quote (it begins with "First they came for the trade unionists") and see if it doesn't apply.
This is domestic terrorism. I don't know the proper remedy or avenues to address the deliberate targeting of people, but someone in DOJ needs to get busy and FAST.
The governor of Ohio went on FOX News to emphatically deny anyone was eating pets. The mayor, the city manager, the police chief have also shut this down. But we know why Trump/Vance continue this bullshit. They have nothing else to talk about. What will happen is the majority of Springfield citizens will become more energized against Trump. Today Molly Jong Fast showed a screenshot from Trump's truth social. In all caps: I HATE TAYLOR SWIFT! It's not a good day for this psychopath. Between Vance saying he's going to make up stories and this, I hope they both continue to decompensate.
I've tried hard, but her approach to songwriting is one I entirely reject. I discovered early in the game that unrefined autobiography doesn't make for great material. just my opinion. but I DO like TS as a cultural presence.
of course, if she made a wrong turn, she could also be kinda dangerous. but that doesn't look like it's gonna be a problem.
it's funny about the flat earth thing...my oft-maligned friend upstairs may well have become an actual flat earther. he doesn't believe that birds are related to dinosaurs and rejected evolution in junior high school because it "sounded stupid."
I wonder if JD Whatshisname knows that the residents of Springfield, including those immigrants who reside there legally, are in fact his constituents?
For sure, and I’ll take it all the way to the end. Vance, the putz, has two constituents (neither of whom could find Springfield on his best day ever): Donald Trump and Peter Thiel.
He would only care about constituents who could vote for him, and as he descends deeper and deeper into the MAGA/DOT Delusion, he won’t care about them either.
I feel your anger and distain through your words, Tom. I feel the same thank you for expressing it for me. Rumor is one of the most powerful evils I know of. The more matter-of-factly a rumor is stated the more likely it will be believed. Trump is a master of understatement with his rumors —vile, harmful rumors that cruelly disrupt peoples lives and even kill them. How dare they?
He pulls these rabid stunts, so no one will ask him what he intends to do if he were to be elected president, because they’re too busy being outraged by crap like this.
As far as I can tell, Erika Lee didn't start "the lie." She did amplify it by posting it on Facebook, but she heard it from someone who heard it from someone else who heard it from . . . You get the idea. I live in a small town so I know what how "the grapevine" works. People can't wait to pass on good stories, stories get garbled in the transmission, and no one ever does any fact-checking. What I'm very curious about is how and where the story started in the first place, and by whom and with what motives.
Rumors Susanna, rumors! And repetition - maybe on facebook or other social media - spreads faster than ever anymore. What is the saying about the speed of a lie being passed around as opposed to the truth??
Right, but it started somewhere. That's what I'm curious about. Quite possibly some garden-variety racist in the area, but it sure wouldn't surprise me if it came from a recognized hate group or some elected official's office.
It came from actual fascists, the Nazi Tribe, who came to Springfield last month and started this shit. Heather Cox Richardson explained it all in last night's post (or was it Friday - one of he two)
I did see a Utube video by someone who said he lived in Springfield and ya da ya da etc. Its really scary to see this expand like this - and now anyone who still says it aint so is just not being listened to. The idea of frick & frack brigade physically going there is really really disturbing.
Yep, he is a mastermind of evil, right up there with Stephen Miller. I would think Vance but is he smart enough to appreciate the irony of using kittens as a weapon after he started the dialogue with the “childless cat lady” provocateur
No he isn’t. He’s another one like Roger Stone, and James O’Keefe who like to be “behind the scenes,” wielding power and exploring plenty of issues that can be turned into chaotic nightmares. They and their ilk have been unbelievably successful in putting Dems on the defensive.
Vance knows exactly what he is doing. He’s evil and not stupid. He is stirring up hatred to scare departing white voters back into the trump camp, and to scare everyone else away from voting. To distract everyone from the terribleness of their policies and characters. To look powerful after the extended weakness of Donald at the debate. Trump, who is both stupid and demented, is doing the same thing. They not only don’t care if people get hurt, they are hoping for it. Another Kristalnacht, in their view, would boost their path to power. It worked for their role models.
They are laughing NG their arses off, because he is an animal hater from way back. Importer of wildlife trophies, etc. they must get a kick out of using kittens for their weapon of choice.
This type of speech should be against the law. Seriously. If ANYTHING happens to one of those Haitians in Springfield, everyone who has repeated these lies publicly should be arrested and jailed for assault. And what is the matter with the rest of us, who are sitting back, tut-tutting about the "hateful language?" Why can't we do anything to stop this lying? The fact that this has gone on for over 5 days is just disgusting and unconscionable!! What's happened to this country? I don't know if I even want to be part of it anymore if this is what we've turned into.
We should hear from the people of Springfield. They must be pretty steamed about the closures resulting from the bomb scares. If people doubt the mayor and governor, maybe they would believe Springfield’s white residents who know the pet-eating story is malarkey. Maybe they would like to recall JDVance, who defends making stuff up.
Christ. He’s so fucking crazy. It looks like he’s trying really hard to lose, and since he has no loyalty to the party that bent over for him, he’s trying to take them with him, while they’re still bending over. That this is still a competitive race tells me about half the country needs to be reprogrammed. The lack of self respect and dignity within the party is aa pathetic as it is painful to behold.
If they want to do a "massive deportation" I'm fine with starting with the 74 million morons who vote for him. What country would ever take them is the problem.
Exactly, JD. He was so hypnotized by the J6 insurrection and his power and what his words had caused, he couldn’t take his eyes off the tv for hours even at the urging of his closest people to make it stop.
I believe he wants to do it again so he’s trying to inject ideas that make the citizens on both sides angry and afraid so they will turn on each other. That’s part of his plan to steal the election if all else fails.
A really seriously funny piece and at the same time disgusting to the max in its reflection of the total insanity that’s infected American politics. It’s hard to accept that people can be this fucking stupid, but there it is for all the world to witness. Yikes! And 74 million of the motherfuckers? Yikes times 74 million! The thing that galls me is Merrick Garland’s inaction; Trump should have been locked up years ago. The lack of vigorous law enforcement makes one think evil thoughts about the oligarchs and their lackeys who actually run the country — apparently they’re as stupid or stupider than the moronic assholes they’re gaslighting.
The question is — How can one explain something this fucking stupid? Ahh, it must be a bad strain of the GOP Stupid Virus, a truly nasty one for which there is no vaccine. Anyway, thanks for articulating all this madness with humor — it helps assuage the existential angst. I’ve already seen combat in one of the Empire’s global wars (Vietnam) and I shudder to think that at age 80 I’ll have to participate in a civil war right here at home. Well, at least it won’t be pointless!
Trump's gotta have a plan to get the election results to SCOTUS. The recent, highly controversial, rulings by the court just prior to an election and his crazy rhetoric which is driving away voters would be the end of most people's career.
He’s already got election deniers in every state working on suppressing the vote, electing MAGA electors, etc. If they can gum up the works enough - and it is doable - they can get the electoral college vote thrown into the House of Representatives . No question how the GOP majority would vote.
It is so obvious. so everywhere, that the corporate magasphere (nyt, wapo)is having a field day. The more lie$ the merrier. NY Post doesn't count. They make their $hit up already.I hope HS isn't reading this, becaues my letters to the editors at those butt wipe rags should be letter bums.
The Felon Candidate can't even get his misinformation correct. The notional tax is on unrealized capital gains, and went nowhere in Congress as well as not being part of the Democratic Party platform. Stress being the co-morbidity that it is, maybe the terminal hamberder is closer than we think.
I am sorry. The only thing I have to offer in incoherent profanity and vulgarity at this moment. I am hoping I can return later and write a more thoughtful and reasoned comment.
I cannot comprehend the absolute disgrace to humanity that both fpotus and his running mate are. Worse than they are (and they are fucking awful) are people that I served with, some of whom are also former Marines and service men/women who are buying this line of absolute putrid shit and coming back for seconds. I am completely and utterly disgusted.
That just means that you are a sane, decent person.
Honestly - seems to me there should be or is? some kind of illegality involved with this incitement of terrorism.
If you think about it - if frick and frack were NOT white and NOT rich, perhaps were people of color - belonged to another ethnic group - would there be any kind of attempt to perhaps chastise or - horrors - actually arrest them for this? I seem to recall ordinary everyday people being charged for activities like this. SO?
I hated Vance's book. I hate him because he is a hater.
I hate him because he’s a poseur. A hollow empty shell of a human being, unable to find a shred of remorse. I guess that’s what it’s like when you have only two or three neurons bouncing around in your skull.
Good reason. I hate him because he is a shitbird, also a good reason.
I hate him because he's still breathing. Also a good reason. :)
Un-retire Ally and go arrest those mf'n violence inciteing terrorists!
This is actually quite concise and thoughtful for incoherent profanity and vulgarity. You are not alone in being unable to understand how any thinking person can accept the existence of the failed insurrectionist and his weirdo sidekick in American civic life. I believe it was Queen Victoria who said it best - "His existence offends me."
I have been offended by the existence of chump since the birther bull Schitt. He wasn’t on my radar before, nor was Vance. Two peas in an evil pod, poisoning America.
Ally, the reality is, perhaps the European assessment of a significant percentage of Americans is unfortunately correct. The Ugly American is an image created by demonstration and unless there’s enough of us to counter that perception, we’ve earned it and own it
Perhaps Jackson Browne was right, we need to sail away; For Everyman
On a trip to Mexico years ago, I was with a group that I could only call “ugly Americans.” I have never been so happy to leave that crowd. Now it is like I’m stuck with them again and can’t get away.
I just said much the same.
I'm in about the same place you are. a burst of obscenity is the best I could possibly do.
after trying one thing (meme?) after another, it seems that THIS is the thing they're settling on (THIS week, at any rate).
it's the most pathetic available anthill they--or, doubtless, any of us--could find to die on. it signals their desperation.
Vance is rapidly shaping up to be TFF's mini-me. or at least he was on the "Sunday shows."
I assume that by now, most of us have seem Little Stevie, the wannabe Nazi, losing it with that Latino journalist, who did an excellent job of keeping his cool while Miller went on his diatribe that made absolutely no sense. I mean, like, couldn't a Venezuelan "lower his crime rate" by simply killing people? it seems like "shipping all his criminals here" could get pretty complicated and expensive.
and didn't Vance implicitly admit that the only animals he actually knew were stolen were birds (geese) and that these were ramped up to cats and dogs for effect?
I hate these scumbags a little more every day...
who'da thought that was possible?
I was gobsmacked too, but I expected no less. He will scrape the bottom and keep digging. This is a sample of what will come to us all if some “decent repubs” don’t come to their senses and call this crap what it is. As the desperation gets worse, so will the insanity. He has jumped the shark so many times, I think the meme is dead. Democracy may be too. Who knew kittens would be his weapon of choice. BTW, Vance is the perfect stooge for this cretin.
Mitt Rmoney hasn't said he's voting for Kamala Harris. Therefore, he is an accessory to these actions.
Susan Collins hasn't said she's voting for Kamala Harris. Therefore, she is an accessory to these actions.
Lisa Murkowski hasn't said she's voting for Kamala Harris. Therefore, she is an accessory to these actions.
Every single republican, every single American who is not voting for Kamala Harris is an accessory to what we all know will be murder before they are done.
Accessory to criminal terrorism, to be more specific. Incitement to violence is a crime and causing fear is the definition terrorism.
I am for prosecutions, and if Joe Biden had not made the mistake of appointing a cadaver as attorney general, they might have happened. Then again, Barack Obama and Bill Clinton didn't understand that their opponents were terrorists, either.
Takes a while to see beneath their hoods. Damn, but then they took them off.,,
Incitement to violence is not protected free speech. Consequences depend on law enforcement. Good luck with that in some places.
Those individuals have ZERO involvement in these actions. Thanks for the reminder of how some people who claim to support the rule of law have no idea how it works.
True, no one who votes for a republican has any concept of a plan about the rule of law.
Could you clarify your comment, please? Which individuals are you referring to and what actions do they have no involvement in?
See Michael Green's comment up-thread. He says that Mitt Romney, Susan Collins, and Lisa Murkowski are accessories to "these actions" because they haven't said they're voting for Harris. Referent for "these actions" is unclear but I'm guessing it's the crap that Trump, Vance, and their anonymous supporters have been pulling in Springfield, OH. Whatever, it's a non sequitur. (Latin term for "it doesn't follow.") Mr. Green's grasp of the law might land him an AG appointment in an alternate-universe Trump administration.
Sorry, Michael is right. They know what is happening, they choose to remain silent so the rest of the party isn't mean to them. They're fucking cowards and their actions over the past 9 years are why we have what we have. Rmoney, Murkowski and Collins - all worthless scum and by their silence they condone what is happening.
Don’t forget Georgie Bush who has said he won’t comment even though his VP Chaney did. First time Georgie didn’t listen to his VP.
I was wondering about Dubya, who remains an unindicted war criminal. who needs him? it's not like anybody under thirty remembers him. and I'm not so crazy about about finding Dick Cheney on my team.
Romney's always been my idea of an empty suit. it's nice he's got all this "religious faith" but Mormonism has always struck me as religious kitsch; a way to justify Joseph Smith's egomania and general horniness.
Sorry, no, Michael is wrong and so are you. This is straight out of the McCarthy playbook: if you don't condemn whoever he's condemning, you're a fellow traveler if not an outright communist. Some people -- especially white middle-class-and-up straight people -- have finally figured out that the country is in trouble because all of a sudden they realize that *they* are threatened too. Look up Pastor Niemöller's famous quote (it begins with "First they came for the trade unionists") and see if it doesn't apply.
It will take nothing less than all hands on deck, and that means anyone not on the chump crazy train. No spectators. No bystanders.
This is domestic terrorism. I don't know the proper remedy or avenues to address the deliberate targeting of people, but someone in DOJ needs to get busy and FAST.
The governor of Ohio went on FOX News to emphatically deny anyone was eating pets. The mayor, the city manager, the police chief have also shut this down. But we know why Trump/Vance continue this bullshit. They have nothing else to talk about. What will happen is the majority of Springfield citizens will become more energized against Trump. Today Molly Jong Fast showed a screenshot from Trump's truth social. In all caps: I HATE TAYLOR SWIFT! It's not a good day for this psychopath. Between Vance saying he's going to make up stories and this, I hope they both continue to decompensate.
Swifties Unite
swifties, vote
This Swiftie sure as hell will.
I’m 77. Is it too late for me to become a Swiftie?
I bet not.
I've tried hard, but her approach to songwriting is one I entirely reject. I discovered early in the game that unrefined autobiography doesn't make for great material. just my opinion. but I DO like TS as a cultural presence.
of course, if she made a wrong turn, she could also be kinda dangerous. but that doesn't look like it's gonna be a problem.
it's funny about the flat earth thing...my oft-maligned friend upstairs may well have become an actual flat earther. he doesn't believe that birds are related to dinosaurs and rejected evolution in junior high school because it "sounded stupid."
I'm 76! So it's absolutely not too late.
I wonder if JD Whatshisname knows that the residents of Springfield, including those immigrants who reside there legally, are in fact his constituents?
No, Republicans now think they only represent the ones who support and voted for them. The rest of us are "the enemy."
For sure, and I’ll take it all the way to the end. Vance, the putz, has two constituents (neither of whom could find Springfield on his best day ever): Donald Trump and Peter Thiel.
Obviously - he isnt concerned with getting their votes anymore - after all HE will be VP!!! So what does he care.
He would only care about constituents who could vote for him, and as he descends deeper and deeper into the MAGA/DOT Delusion, he won’t care about them either.
He doesn’t seem to care about his wife!
Did he ever? Remember what he went and did while she had just given birth to their son.
JD Vance’s wife? Or Trump’s?
JD was the one who said, Well, she isn’t white but I love her and she is a good mother.
Useful, like so many non-whites.
Not a clue
I feel your anger and distain through your words, Tom. I feel the same thank you for expressing it for me. Rumor is one of the most powerful evils I know of. The more matter-of-factly a rumor is stated the more likely it will be believed. Trump is a master of understatement with his rumors —vile, harmful rumors that cruelly disrupt peoples lives and even kill them. How dare they?
He pulls these rabid stunts, so no one will ask him what he intends to do if he were to be elected president, because they’re too busy being outraged by crap like this.
As far as I can tell, Erika Lee didn't start "the lie." She did amplify it by posting it on Facebook, but she heard it from someone who heard it from someone else who heard it from . . . You get the idea. I live in a small town so I know what how "the grapevine" works. People can't wait to pass on good stories, stories get garbled in the transmission, and no one ever does any fact-checking. What I'm very curious about is how and where the story started in the first place, and by whom and with what motives.
Rumors Susanna, rumors! And repetition - maybe on facebook or other social media - spreads faster than ever anymore. What is the saying about the speed of a lie being passed around as opposed to the truth??
A lie is halfway around the world before the truth gets its shoes on. - Mark Twain
Yup - just couldnt remember the exact saying - makes sense that it was Mark Twain.
Right, but it started somewhere. That's what I'm curious about. Quite possibly some garden-variety racist in the area, but it sure wouldn't surprise me if it came from a recognized hate group or some elected official's office.
It came from actual fascists, the Nazi Tribe, who came to Springfield last month and started this shit. Heather Cox Richardson explained it all in last night's post (or was it Friday - one of he two)
Exactly, but they're not the ones playing "telephone." It gets picked up and spread by people who "heard something" and don't know where it started.
I did see a Utube video by someone who said he lived in Springfield and ya da ya da etc. Its really scary to see this expand like this - and now anyone who still says it aint so is just not being listened to. The idea of frick & frack brigade physically going there is really really disturbing.
Chris Rufo is a good candidate, but, damn, there are so many…
I had to look up Chris Rufo because I didn't think he was running for anything. Do you mean the right-wing anti-CRT guy?
Yep, he is a mastermind of evil, right up there with Stephen Miller. I would think Vance but is he smart enough to appreciate the irony of using kittens as a weapon after he started the dialogue with the “childless cat lady” provocateur
My question is "candidate for what"? I don't think he's running for anything, is he?
No he isn’t. He’s another one like Roger Stone, and James O’Keefe who like to be “behind the scenes,” wielding power and exploring plenty of issues that can be turned into chaotic nightmares. They and their ilk have been unbelievably successful in putting Dems on the defensive.
I'm hoping Harris can push back on sh*t like that. She's done pretty well with Trump and CNN.
Vance knows exactly what he is doing. He’s evil and not stupid. He is stirring up hatred to scare departing white voters back into the trump camp, and to scare everyone else away from voting. To distract everyone from the terribleness of their policies and characters. To look powerful after the extended weakness of Donald at the debate. Trump, who is both stupid and demented, is doing the same thing. They not only don’t care if people get hurt, they are hoping for it. Another Kristalnacht, in their view, would boost their path to power. It worked for their role models.
They are laughing NG their arses off, because he is an animal hater from way back. Importer of wildlife trophies, etc. they must get a kick out of using kittens for their weapon of choice.
This type of speech should be against the law. Seriously. If ANYTHING happens to one of those Haitians in Springfield, everyone who has repeated these lies publicly should be arrested and jailed for assault. And what is the matter with the rest of us, who are sitting back, tut-tutting about the "hateful language?" Why can't we do anything to stop this lying? The fact that this has gone on for over 5 days is just disgusting and unconscionable!! What's happened to this country? I don't know if I even want to be part of it anymore if this is what we've turned into.
It definitely should not qualify as "political speech" that is protected by the 1st amendment.,
We should hear from the people of Springfield. They must be pretty steamed about the closures resulting from the bomb scares. If people doubt the mayor and governor, maybe they would believe Springfield’s white residents who know the pet-eating story is malarkey. Maybe they would like to recall JDVance, who defends making stuff up.
Christ. He’s so fucking crazy. It looks like he’s trying really hard to lose, and since he has no loyalty to the party that bent over for him, he’s trying to take them with him, while they’re still bending over. That this is still a competitive race tells me about half the country needs to be reprogrammed. The lack of self respect and dignity within the party is aa pathetic as it is painful to behold.
If they want to do a "massive deportation" I'm fine with starting with the 74 million morons who vote for him. What country would ever take them is the problem.
Putin might. He needs cannon fodder for Ukraine.
I’ll buy that
Either he’s trying hard to lose or he knows something we don’t. That’s what worries me.
…THINKS he knows something, I should have said.
He knows that hate works with fear.
Exactly, JD. He was so hypnotized by the J6 insurrection and his power and what his words had caused, he couldn’t take his eyes off the tv for hours even at the urging of his closest people to make it stop.
I believe he wants to do it again so he’s trying to inject ideas that make the citizens on both sides angry and afraid so they will turn on each other. That’s part of his plan to steal the election if all else fails.
All out in plain sight. Ignoramuses love the gall. Never thought I'd see the day when the champion bully would be so admired by fools
A really seriously funny piece and at the same time disgusting to the max in its reflection of the total insanity that’s infected American politics. It’s hard to accept that people can be this fucking stupid, but there it is for all the world to witness. Yikes! And 74 million of the motherfuckers? Yikes times 74 million! The thing that galls me is Merrick Garland’s inaction; Trump should have been locked up years ago. The lack of vigorous law enforcement makes one think evil thoughts about the oligarchs and their lackeys who actually run the country — apparently they’re as stupid or stupider than the moronic assholes they’re gaslighting.
The question is — How can one explain something this fucking stupid? Ahh, it must be a bad strain of the GOP Stupid Virus, a truly nasty one for which there is no vaccine. Anyway, thanks for articulating all this madness with humor — it helps assuage the existential angst. I’ve already seen combat in one of the Empire’s global wars (Vietnam) and I shudder to think that at age 80 I’ll have to participate in a civil war right here at home. Well, at least it won’t be pointless!
The closer Kamala gets to winning, the worse this kind of thing will get. Desperation tactics. Disgusting and disgraceful! Buckle up!
Trump's gotta have a plan to get the election results to SCOTUS. The recent, highly controversial, rulings by the court just prior to an election and his crazy rhetoric which is driving away voters would be the end of most people's career.
He’s already got election deniers in every state working on suppressing the vote, electing MAGA electors, etc. If they can gum up the works enough - and it is doable - they can get the electoral college vote thrown into the House of Representatives . No question how the GOP majority would vote.
They have evil brains on the job everywhere
It is so obvious. so everywhere, that the corporate magasphere (nyt, wapo)is having a field day. The more lie$ the merrier. NY Post doesn't count. They make their $hit up already.I hope HS isn't reading this, becaues my letters to the editors at those butt wipe rags should be letter bums.
The Felon Candidate can't even get his misinformation correct. The notional tax is on unrealized capital gains, and went nowhere in Congress as well as not being part of the Democratic Party platform. Stress being the co-morbidity that it is, maybe the terminal hamberder is closer than we think.
Hope springs infernal.
What the hell is an UNREALIZED TAX?? This former CPA/Tax preparer would like to know...