This is horrifying news that defies all reason. My mother died at 89. One month before her death she still read the newspaper from front to back and discussed it in detail. Her memory was better than mine. She had a litany of health problems, but, was mentally sharp to the end. President Biden is much healthier and his deep knowledge of Congress and world affairs is desperately needed in these times. Every news outlet kneecaps him again and again. Are ratings more important than the survival of democracy? I’m heartsick.

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Yes. To many. SAD !

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Let's see when people are done doing deeper dives. Jon Ralston did one on Nevada and has some doubts. But I did send an email to The Times, congratulating them: They have been trying to destroy Biden since his election, and maybe they have succeeded.

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My thought exactly. The mainstream media has done this with the way they have reported everything. I'll almost be happy to see any of them end up in a FEMA camp. But must of them will happily continue their employment when their employer becomes State TV and Pravda.

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I agree. This mirrors exactly the behaviors of media and voters in the lead up to and during the election just held in New Zealand. Repetitive broadcasting of outright lies resulted in a three-party coalition swing to the right as perceived punishment for the government which saved many thousands of lives during the pandemic, and our economy with it.

Can't outvote stupidity. It also breeds faster than intelligence, so has a continuously increasing majority.

Never mind, nature will arrive at a solution eventually and, after several billion rapid deaths, the few offspring of smart survivers will be back to learning how to create fire with friction in a new wooden age during yet another blank "dark" period of human history when nothing is recorded for a few hundred years. Again. If there are survivors this time.

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Granting that I do not actually buy the polling, I agree completely, except that they forget what happened to people who worked for those organizations when even a minor shift occurred.

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If it was Rasmussen, I would agree with you--but this is an actual legitimate polling organization that is reporting these numbers. That's what's concerning.

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I'd like to see exactly what questions they are asking people

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It's at the bottom of the post in the small print. Click on the

- here - underlined and it opens the whole poll, including questions, up.

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Thank you Victoria!

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Exactly what I have been saying, TC.

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Also interested in deeper dive.

And I have limited knowledge of polling, but 3362 divided by 6 states = 610 respondents…and

one year out.

Simon Rosenberg:⬇️

“ Yes, some not great polls from the New York Times today. There will be time to go through the data and point out the obvious problems (youth, Hispanic, black results just too Republican throughout, results not duplicated in other recent polls, how can you be up 2 in WI and down 5 in MI?) but these polls, like other recent polls, show that we are not where we want to be in the 2024 election, and have a lot of work ahead of us.

So some thoughts on where we are now a year out, with the important reminder that polls cannot tell you anything about where things will be next year, they can only tell you where things stand today, and they did not do a very good job at predicting what happened in the 2022 red wave that never came election:”

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I like what Rosenberg says here. The reason I hate polls is that they divert us too often from the basic fact: We need to run like hell. A former senator from Nevada, Richard Bryan, who had a successful political career and is a great guy to boot, likes to say there are only two ways to run for office: unopposed or scared. We should always be scared.

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A poll by me in my orbit says that people are tuned out, when they should be scared schittless

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I have been screaming about that too, but haven't done the letters. I have three here waiting for more words. Their editorial possition trys to look a bit "liberal" but the headline and news editors seem to be getting bonus salaries from the Rupert. Pure partison plants.

I keep suggesting we give all we can to seriously effective organization getting the word out. Holding reaity in people's faces might be the only way. Young and rural voters are the key.

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We have 12 months to right this ship. I trust Biden and his campaign team. Hopefully this NYT report will light a fire. But for all of us, campaigning like we're 10 points down is the watchword. Remember Harry Truman was well behind Thomas Dewey, and came back. We need to be telling the stories and not leaving it to the campaign. I'd rather see this now in 2023 than 1 month out from the election.

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Total agreement.

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One thing we do have going for us is the indictments - Jack Smith has enough on Trump to win convictions in at least the DC election interference federal case, and that will give some people pause - there are indications Judge Chutkan is considering having the trail televised because of its unique nature (and Trump may actually go with that because he loves being the center of attention). SEEING the evidence presented, HEARING the testimony (ALL from Republicans who supported Trump) might force even some of his supporters to rethink their support.....

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thing is, your keyword is "some."

we all know perfectly well by now that there's a solid inner core of people who will continue to love TFF a little more with every piece of real evidence that shows him up for who and what he is. it is now as much a cult as any cult we've ever read about. with every bit of hard evidence that shows up to demonstrate who and what he is (and isn't), his "people" are just going to love him more...for his martyr status. in a Christian Nation, metaphorical martyrs get to jump the line.

in the case of TFF, the only acceptable martyrdom would be a real one. at which point, the Magats will rush in to take his place. in my scenario (and, I suspect, in reality as well), they lack his fake borscht belt delivery and tend to quote scripture a lot; after a while, nobody's interested. yes, I know...I'm being optimistic, even in my Futurism. if you look at how well the scumbags are "running things" in Congress, it's apparent that they have no competence to do anything resembling actual GOVERNING and passing actual LAWS. there's no reason to think that when their utterly incompetent figurehead isn't there, they'll have any idea what to do.

frankly, there are times when I feel like I've had it and would just as soon let the history happen without my being so preoccupied with it, since it'll happen anyway. I acknowledge that this point of view sucks and, of course, if enough people share it, we'll probably lose.

one thing I know for sure is that, given my tendency to engage in Magical Thinking, I will NOT be watching the televised returns. last time I watched was 2016 and look what happened! I avoided watching in 2020 and look what happened.

I understand that correlation does not equal causation, etc. but I DID say "Magical thinking."

it's usually considered very, very wrong to wish death on someone (I've never quite understood WHY it's so terrible, given that all anyone wants when they wish somebody else would hurry up and die is for an inevitable eventuality to occur sooner rather than later), but I've never tried to pass myself off as any kind of moral paragon so if God wants to send me a sign in the form of TFF suddenly shuffling off his mortal coil, I might just find myself purchasing a new set of phylacteries. or, if I wanted a bit more fun (with controversy serving as the icing on the cake), I could reserve myself six hours or so (one likes to be thorough!) in the St. Joan of Arc confessional, which is just next door.

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Should that happen to Trump, TAFM will be broadcasting "Happy Days Are Here Again" 24/7 for a month.

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...and I'll be dancing, busted knee notwithstanding.

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A generic Democratic candidate would lead Trump by 8 points (48%-40%). Even Vice President Kamala Harris would perform slightly better than Biden, losing to Trump by 3 points (47%-44%).

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Poor Joe, work your arse off saving us from the nightmare of the chump years and you get rewarded by Schitt piled high and deep, and from your supporters. No good deeds go unpunished.

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Many voted for Joe Biden because Trump was the alternative. If Trump is the alternative again, people will vote for Joe Biden again. Looking for the hypothetical unbeatable Democrat at this stage wastes time and effort we need to get Biden 4 more years.

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That is why the Dean Phillips deal is the most dngerous. Steve Schmidt is trying to get back in the good graces of the Orange Blob if he wins. Pushing the spoiler.

Sorry for the digression, Tom

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With Steve Schmidt being the most irate of the passionately irate anti-Trump pundits, wouldn't that be a cherry to add to the fruit salad where legislators pay more attention to their funders than to their voters? Say it ain't so, Steve.

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I wish I had a more helpful response. That NYT story was the first thing I read this morning and it shot my mood to hell. It's my beloved husband's birthday, so I'm doing my best to rally, but this not-at-all-funhouse-mirror stuff is really hard to take. Also, the ageism . . . it makes me physically ill, and if democracy dies, it will be one of the executioners.

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As someone whose current career took off like a rocket two years AFTER official "retirement age" I totally agree.

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Exactly. That is what the past two years have looked like for Biden. He is CRANKING and no one has ever come close but Roosevelt and he had a full crew for his wheelchair.

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How can these foolish, foolish people NOT REALIZE that Drump is only a scant three years younger than Biden, and is far shakier, healthwise.

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you're making the same assumption a lot of us do, which is that the people who love him are prepared to believe ANYTHING. plus, they've deliberately sealed themselves off from any media that dares to question Rinpoche Don (or is it the other way around..."Don Rinpoche?" "One must be so careful these days." that last was for the English majors out there...

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That term is usually applied at the end of the name. (As unbelievable as it is to us who would NEVER EVER apply that term to the Yam-faced Loser. Ugh)

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exactly the question I was asking. thanks for answering.

I hope you realize I was skazzing the idiots .

and btw, I just watched Alexandra Pelosi's documentary of interviews with 1/6ers. ew.

one or two of them seemed to be telling the truth on one or two levels. the rest were either flat-out LIARS or hopelessly "special" in one way or another. there's one career felon who raps the vilest shit and doesn't consider it "hate speech." thing is, he seems like he might be an okay dad...who knows?

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Ist it really ageism? It’s a useful smear tactic harped on over and over day in and day out in the case of Biden but not of Trump.

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that story in last week's NYT represented the moment they decided it was okay to point out that TFF has stopped making sense.

of course, they have still not acknowledged that none of this new, and his disabilities are more obvious now, probably because he no longer feels like the law somehow doesn't apply to him.

this motherfucker is already seven years (an important biblical number) past his biblical span. and it's been seven years since he started being in our faces every day. I'd be grateful for anybody with numerological competence out there to help with these calculations...

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I don’t believe these polls.The negativity of the press coverage directed at Biden is concerning and suspect.That the former traitorous POTUS is ahead in these” polls”is seemingly disengenuous.If I were a big conspiracy theorist which I am not ,I would be inclined to think that the msm is in cahoots with big monied interests to deliver this fascist criminal to the American people.I do not believe for one minute that this lying traitor is pulling ahead of our current POTUS who is doing much good though it is not publicized .Whether this is how our democracy ends with the press calling the swan song through these faux polls is anyone’s guess.I just know that these polls and the untoward comments of the media are NOT reflective of the views of the majority of Americans.I live in a blood red state but we have many who are trying desperately to save our democracy.

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It certainly fuels any thoughts one has about the conspiracy of the rich to steal the country.

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It certainly would behoove the Democrats (if they win another four years) to consider new laws in essence breaking up the MSM monopolies the gubmint allowed to consolidate in past years. And reinstating the fairness doctrine would go a long way to at least forcing the partisan media (and the "neutral" MSM) to present a more balanced picture. As far as stealing the country, the oligarchs are apparently willing to write off considerable wealth as their policies have already crippled the consumer economy by forcing millions of paycheck-to-paycheck families to limit their spending to absolute necessities. Think of the economy the US could have had if the 1% had not sucked up over $50 trillion from the middle and working classes over the past 40 years. But yes, I have no doubt the heavy hand of management is behind the pro-Trump/anti-Biden bias in our mainstream media.....the fix is in. What is most depressing is that the hated blue states are where most of our nation's wealth and successful economies are. The red states (except for Texas) are in general welfare clients of the US government. If Trump wins again, I can foresee a time when the blue states "secede" from the union by simply refusing to abide by corrupt SCOTUS decisions and also by refusing to send tax money to Washington so the Republicans can spread it around their donor base..... Remember that the 14% of US counties won by Hillary in 2016 produced 65% of the US GDP that year.....

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In my book, it’s the best explanation, and has been before chump.

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ditto ditto ditto

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I'm inclined not to believe them. I want to see what Simon Rosenberg says tomorrow about them.

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Every outlet today is hammering home these polling results. If they would cover Biden and his successes it would be a different worldview out there. Rarely covered are so many of his amazing successes.

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I'd be much more concerned if I thought the polls had any credibility. We are exactly one year away from election day 2024 and, in the interim, people will have constant reminders of why they voted against the failed insurrectionist and will be reminded of everything that the current administration has accomplished. As we wait for Mikey to fail in the House, we'll be able to watch the success of Fani Willis and Jack Smith as well as seeing some actual physical effects of the various programs that have been passed. Far better that we should ignore the Times, talk to each other about the positives and work to get out the vote. The media will always support the opposition candidate in the run-up to an election because otherwise the advantages of incumbency would make it a foregone and therefore boring conclusion.

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While people go on and on about Hamas's tunnels, they seem to be oblivious to the rabbit holes sprouting up (or down, I guess) all over the US. Every decline in quality education digs the hole a bit deeper. And we also seem to have become a nation of supremely SELFISH diving rabbits. And coddled ones. Those of us who once paid 13.5% for a mortgage after an inflation rate of 14% think the only real word is "spoiled."

Do these polls ever ask as well whether the respondent would like to live under Orban? Bibi? Do they ever ask "If you like neither inflation nor high interest rates, what would you suggest to cure either?" Ask "what would you like to see done that would fix your problem?" If the answer is "don't know" ask "what are your plans for learning enough to give a specific answer."

One kind of "poll" I do like to see is the kind that measures the respondent's perceptions with reality: I saw one that compared, for example, how many new immigrants there ARE in the US compared to how many people THINK they are and other hot topics. The gap was astounding. There needs to be a LOT more publicity of this sort of gap.

The only consolation is that polls this far out seem to reflect basic disgruntlement. Who knows when, after the campaign messages start revving up, what people will think will FIX their disgruntlement.

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'Mr Spencer Weiss' is clearly an idiot if he thinks that Trump "has his wits about him" not to mention those other incredible arses who also have their heads up their butts. WTF is WRONG with these zeroes--have they no eyes, ears or brains?

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They have not seen his interviews. They did not watch the State of the Union, where he got Republicans to promise they would not mess with Social Security and Medicare. They confuse mild-mannered with weak. (Wasn’t Clark Kent/Superman a mild-mannered reporter?) They think presidents have more powers than they actually do under the Constitution. They are in a bad mood and ready to lay blame.

I just hope the people who plan to switch to Trump haven’t started to think his indictments are witch hunts. Wouldn’t put it past bots to push that idea.

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Ignorant and proud.

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Ah Yes, pride in ignorance. Too many people think it’s smart.

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Ignorance used to hide, no more

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At the bottom of the Times article is a link where you can

open up the entire poll for

all 6 states.

But FIRST think about this: This was a poll of 3,662 voters over 6 states. That's

about 610.2 voters per state.

It took 12 days to nail down

this many voters in each of those 6 states.

Dems have a messenging problem. Look at the question on the economy.

Is the "national" economy

hitting people in their "wallets"? It's doing really well right now. So what economy are these people

sore about? Their state and

county. Look at the quarterly

sales figures for Amazon, Walmart, Target and others.

They're raking in billions.

Same for cars and homes.

This is a bomb question for

the economy. There are 2

economies: the national &

your personal wallet.

A year out! Messenging has

to change. Flood the White

House with email.

David Frum/The Atlantic did a

really good article on how to

help President Biden change

his messenging. Let me know

if you're interested and I'll

post so you can copy and paste into emails or to Dem


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I’m interested

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Will work it up and post it.👍

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Thank you Victoria!

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Thank you, appreciate it

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How credible are polls anymore? After the Hillary Clinton debacle (where polls said she'd win by a landslide until she didn't), I don't put much faith in polls. The media should be promoting the strength of our economy, Biden expertise in international relations/diplomacy (Ukraine has held off Russia against the odds, Israel hasn't blown up the world in reaction to recent events). Instead the NYT headlines focus on TFG. Stop giving that man attention, and give some 'above the fold' attention to Biden. As far as my state of Pennsylvanian is concerned, it's is often described as "Philadelphia and Pittsburgh with Alabama in the middle" (my apologies to Alabama.). I'm not giving up on democracy yet, and will do my part to get out the vote for Biden.

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Thank You, Nancy.

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an important counterweight, courtesy of Keith Olbermann's podcast last week: an AP study showed that IF a voter is inclined to think that BOTH Biden and TFF are too old, the edge is Biden in a landslide, 64% Biden, 15% TFF.

so the obvious thing to do is to keep hitting at and stressing all of the evidence we have (which grows daily) that TFF is ALSO too old and is ALSO demonstrating cognitive decline. god knows, it shouldn't be hard to do...TFF's gaffes are pretty intense.

the odd thing is that the story was in last week's NYT and was a nice-sized one, even if it WAS on the bottom of page 14. it was just about the first time that the Times had anything like adequate coverage of how much TFF is forgetting the few things he knew.

gloves off.

I keep beginning this thought experiment several times a day in which I try to see people like us getting through TFF's second term. but I never get past election night. what I DO know is that, at my age, whatever happens will have very little effect on me or my life, but this is cold comfort.

there are definite reasons to be glad one is childless.

I'm just trying to calm down the tachycardia I got reading the title and first two paragraphs.

and the answer is that very few of them actually do read the news since they can absorb it almost passively by tuning in to one of their stations. but when I read this stuff, it's infuriating to me as well.

I intend to "fight like hell" to whatever extent I can but the reality just might be that this republic in this form has had its day, at least for now. if you know about the Golden Age of Athens, you'll know that their road was rocky as fuck and from time to time, they chose something much less desirable. and then the Macedonians came and claimed the joint. and if you don't think they had cancel culture back then, think about Socrates and his hemlock.

perhaps interestingly, the Academy founded by Plato continued to exist over the next bunch of centuries. I'm not sure why, but I find this heartening, despite what I know about the academic world.

we're gonna have to start by, among other things, easing up on the identity politics for a good year or so.

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Very well put. The Bride and I are also well-fixed (she is a Texas oil baroness) - in the 'awl bidness' we are very small potatoes, but we are happy potatoes..... We will survive anything the 'Pubs push on the country if Trump wins again, but millions of others will not - those on fixed incomes and in paycheck-to-paycheck jobs will suffer as they have not suffered before. It has been Republican-oligarch neoliberal policies that have brought us to this point. If American workers were being paid what they should be, based on increases in productivity, the average Joe/Jane worker would be making $85-90,000 a year and our economy would be the strongest and healthiest (with much lower national debt too) on the planet. But no - they went a different way. Those who were not bright enough to keep track of who was running the government and whom they were working for will discover that ignorance is NOT bliss.....

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Bush 1 turned 18 points around in a matter of weeks; therefore, cry me no polls.

If fingers are to be pointed, the NY Times, WaPo, and the rest of the 'national media' including 'liberal' mags as The Nation, should read their own 'stuff' that has perverted the national narrative by presenting a convicted sexual predator, a business fraudster and accused treasonist, as Joe from the corner.

In place of any critical thought, they have foisted upon us 'age' as a serious question versus any test of credibility for a candidate to be worthy of even remote consideration.

What is their--

Competence—intelligence, judgment, prudence, seeking a wide range of advice, commitment to justice and the well-being of all, temperance, fortitude, thoughtfulness under pressure, what is the evidence of their capacity for thought...

What is their--

Character—moral values

What is their ability at--

Collaboration—working together, dialogue

What are their

Connections—Who is/are their employers/backers/money people...

Etc, Etc, Etc

Needless to say, one 'leading candidate' doesn't score a single point on any of these tests, straight zeros across the board.

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BINGO! We have a winnah! ..... Very well stated.....

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I wonder why and when these polls have become so legitimate?

We all knew going into this election it was going to be Rough and fill with Polls, Opinions and A..holes.......

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There again is my paranoid suspicion which may be true that the msm is trying to deliver TFG to us with the help of the $ billionaires $,Russians and bots and who knows who else.Putin and our own Putinistas in Congress demand no less.

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One way to react to the situation we are in is to see the bigger picture. That Trump could garner even one vote has to be a function of something fundamentally off-base with the electorate, but all we do is bat around what we can do defeat Republicans. As long as income inequality is undealt with, where the rich get richer and the poor get poorer -- historically the cause of revolutions -- we have the causal situation where people are so dissatisfied they will do anything that's different. Since the educational level and consciousness level of humanity is still heavy on the primitive side, we get what we've got. I wish all your readers would subscribe to my free Substack where I am proposing things to do that get at that causal level. Here's my signup: https://suzannetaylor.substack.com/about. Tom, how about a recommendation?

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