That scene in Judge Engoron’s courtroom yesterday, when Trump got up and let fly with all his rage and his bitterness and his lies and bullshit was a win for him.
I strongly suggest that you NOT censor yourself. of course, this IS me talking.
but I can guarantee if you let go of all those "f-bombs, you will feel a lot better.
only temporarily, but what the fuck? twenty seconds of feeling a little better is nothing to (as a previous dumb Republication war criminal once said) "misunderestimate."
One of your best summation. Sadly it won't affect those who should think about what you are impressing upon us. He is the master vilian in this drama ... and the crowd cheers with adoration.
Every word true, Roy Cohn’s evil spirit is alive and well in chump. When he asked at one point, Where is my Roy Cohn, he should have looked in the mirror. As chump himself said on Sept 12, 2005 in the Sun, “You never blame yourself, you have to blame something else. If you do something bad, never, ever blame yourself.” My mama would have tanned his hide. Me and sibs learned to take responsibility for our “bad.” He found suckers and losers…
Perhaps it was part of Judge Engeron's cunning plan all along,. To (a) ensure his trial is unappealable, and (b) show and give warning that Trump should never be allowed any such an opportunity in a criminal trial involving a jury. It certainly raised Joyce Vance's ire. I don't think the performance can possibly have lessened the forthcoming penalties to be determined by Engoron for the already determined guilty verdict. Trump just took a dump in the hole he's dug for himself.
It also provided some wonderful source material for Stephen Colbert's writers. He had me hooting and howling with laughter on a few subjects...
At this point, my dearest dream is that Tang Face (thank you, Sarah Kinsella Dow) keels over--in public, so there's no opportunity for conspiracy theories--while hoovering up a bucket of KFC, with a disabling and extremely agonizing heart attack (or stroke--I'm not picky).
It won't stop the progress of the authoritarian-minded GQP, but a natural death (or disabling stroke) would silence their loudest spokesperson. Not having to watch or listen to endless clips of Yammie on msm would immediately improve the general tone of the campaigns.
Well, my thinking was that a stroke which would destroy his ability to talk and hold rallies and the like--leaving him a useless orange hulk--would be very satisfying for a while at least.
While I understand that sentiment, TC, maybe we could have 24-48 hours of not dead but incapable of anything not governed by the autonomic nervous system.
Trump has been a criminal for his entire adult life. He has tried to exhaust almost every person or institution that has tried to hold him to account. He often prevailed because of the chaos he creates. His arguments are juvenile. No other defendants would be given such leeway. Appeasement will not work. Convict him, take away his businesses for fraud, and THROW HIS SORRY ASS IN JAIL!
P.S. Timothy O'Brien won when Trump sued him; he did not give in and collapse.
I want more pictures of Trump with Epstein, more pictures of the beweeded gravesite of the mother of his first three children, more stories from "The Apprentice" of his coke and Adderall use turning him into an encopretic, and the video of him massaging the blowfish breasts of a lipsticked Rudy Guiliani in drag. Put them in an endless loop somewhere so the magas have to see what they are worshipping. The visuals will outperform every other critique of this walking bag of snakes, even one as excellent as this which was so painful to read because the magas don't read.
I couldn't believe the judge backed down from his own decision and allowed what's his name to blather for a full five minutes, and, as I understand it from reporters, actually INTERRUPT the judge to do so. Then, as I thought more about it, I wondered if the judge did this to remove one more excuse for an appeal from the bucket of excuses, this one being what's his name's "first amendment right" to make a statement. I hope the judge throws the book at him and charges him the full amount he owes to New York. I hope he loses every right possible to do business in that state.
I've been saying for years now, since everything Trump touches is destroyed and he has (thanks to the limp, impotent and empty Republican party) got his grubby little fingers on our country, we must destroy Trump first. In every way possible and by any means at our disposal. His stated intention is to break our country into pieces to save his worthless ego, fergodsake.
I agree with others responding -- this essay should be front page ...try The Guardian...they might just publish it. Unfortunately too many people do not read anything but instead cling to Faux news and the snake's lies. Maybe all of the people committed to democracy must also have the attitude of no surrender to the gqp and their plans to use democracy and the rule of law to crush both. We must be more vocal and straight forward as tiring as it can be. I think of the battle Ukrainians are enduring now 9 plus years and 689 days against another lying dictator and tyrant. Each morning they wake in their bombed cities, shattered villages and in the frozen trenches and must continue resisting with every bit of heart and soul they can muster, with the support of allies that feels more and more tenuous with each passing day. They watch the faltering in the US and they realize afresh democracy is not guaranteed, it must be defended every day in ways small and large. Too many cling to djt because they have lost sight of that fact. Easier to blame and play the victim. Hitler was a victim...he was refused admittance to art school. He took his victim hood out on all fellow humans because he had become inhuman. The poor guy named tRump has lived inhuman for years. He wasn't born that way. He was made that way by his family. That does not excuse him, but knowing that should wake people up. No one can use unjust means to create anything resembling justice and certainly not a more humane world. Sadly, those who are caught up in the trump cult have become blind morally and spiritually to what he most truly represents which is the complete opposite of the hope majorities of fellow Americans carry, a hope not infected with fear and loathing of others whoever they may be, wherever they may come from. If you bear in your spirit a living hope then the only response to djt and the cult is to practice resistance. We must not give in or give up on the promise of democracy or what America represents at its core. As a people we've striven imperfectly toward that hope but that does not mean that hope must die in the anger, lies, and violence of a force coalesced around a human being intent on dragging everyone into the abyss.
all true EXCEPT: it isn't so much that others aren't letting folks into an opened glass door. It is that once they were on the "right side" of that door, secure in their delusions of power and privilege. It is no accident that the most fervent of cultists are uneducated white males. When I was married back in the dark ages, all brides were sent a nice little book (not just a booklet) by one of our local government agencies. It was filled with advice like "when your husband comes home, be sure your makeup is fresh and bring him his slippers so he can unwind after his hard day." It is the loss of privilege that binds so many to the man who has spent his whole life full of every imaginable privilege.
Yes, that's very true. A bozo could sleep through 12 years of school and still get a good job by the accident of birth. That's the "proper place" that's been denied their sons/daughters.
And there you have it. Wish this essay could be front page news. I want to say more but the only words coming to mind right now start with F.
I strongly suggest that you NOT censor yourself. of course, this IS me talking.
but I can guarantee if you let go of all those "f-bombs, you will feel a lot better.
only temporarily, but what the fuck? twenty seconds of feeling a little better is nothing to (as a previous dumb Republication war criminal once said) "misunderestimate."
One of your best summation. Sadly it won't affect those who should think about what you are impressing upon us. He is the master vilian in this drama ... and the crowd cheers with adoration.
Every word true, Roy Cohn’s evil spirit is alive and well in chump. When he asked at one point, Where is my Roy Cohn, he should have looked in the mirror. As chump himself said on Sept 12, 2005 in the Sun, “You never blame yourself, you have to blame something else. If you do something bad, never, ever blame yourself.” My mama would have tanned his hide. Me and sibs learned to take responsibility for our “bad.” He found suckers and losers…
Perhaps it was part of Judge Engeron's cunning plan all along,. To (a) ensure his trial is unappealable, and (b) show and give warning that Trump should never be allowed any such an opportunity in a criminal trial involving a jury. It certainly raised Joyce Vance's ire. I don't think the performance can possibly have lessened the forthcoming penalties to be determined by Engoron for the already determined guilty verdict. Trump just took a dump in the hole he's dug for himself.
It also provided some wonderful source material for Stephen Colbert's writers. He had me hooting and howling with laughter on a few subjects...
He is still the victim who wants to be king. May karma be ready to take a dump.
At this point, my dearest dream is that Tang Face (thank you, Sarah Kinsella Dow) keels over--in public, so there's no opportunity for conspiracy theories--while hoovering up a bucket of KFC, with a disabling and extremely agonizing heart attack (or stroke--I'm not picky).
It won't stop the progress of the authoritarian-minded GQP, but a natural death (or disabling stroke) would silence their loudest spokesperson. Not having to watch or listen to endless clips of Yammie on msm would immediately improve the general tone of the campaigns.
I prefer "fatal" to "disabling."
Well, my thinking was that a stroke which would destroy his ability to talk and hold rallies and the like--leaving him a useless orange hulk--would be very satisfying for a while at least.
tough call, Tom. obviously, "fatal" is better. but wouldn't it also be fun to see him in a vegetative state?
but they'd never let us see that, so yeah, I'll go with "fatal."
While I understand that sentiment, TC, maybe we could have 24-48 hours of not dead but incapable of anything not governed by the autonomic nervous system.
Sure was hoping for such in 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 (boy was i ever), 2021, 2022, 2023, and still have hope for 2024. Wish we had Ike back.
He should croak during one of his rallies.
that's been my dream - a full force massive fatal myocardial infarction, mid-rant in front of the Seething Inadequates.
OK, this might work instead of my hope for a lingering incompetent, unconscious decline.
Yes!!! I love this scenario!
OH, I needed that VC!! What a Hoot!!! Thank You!
Thank you TC for more details about how the devil works!
Trump has been a criminal for his entire adult life. He has tried to exhaust almost every person or institution that has tried to hold him to account. He often prevailed because of the chaos he creates. His arguments are juvenile. No other defendants would be given such leeway. Appeasement will not work. Convict him, take away his businesses for fraud, and THROW HIS SORRY ASS IN JAIL!
P.S. Timothy O'Brien won when Trump sued him; he did not give in and collapse.
He was also backed by his publisher, and publishers never back down when an author's integrity and veracity are questioned.
Looked it up Jenn - I vaguely remember it but really didnt pay much attention to dumpty back then which is how it should be NOW!!!
Your comments today are an excellent distillation of why we must ensure that Biden wins overwhelmingly in November.
What a fine mess!
Watch the interview of Biden by Heather Cox Richardson!
Sure doesnt seem to have lost any of his faculties there!!! Really good interview.
Yes, and her interviewing is good also.
SOOOO good!! Too bad some of our "journalists" (supposed) havent had the opportunity to be her students!
I want more pictures of Trump with Epstein, more pictures of the beweeded gravesite of the mother of his first three children, more stories from "The Apprentice" of his coke and Adderall use turning him into an encopretic, and the video of him massaging the blowfish breasts of a lipsticked Rudy Guiliani in drag. Put them in an endless loop somewhere so the magas have to see what they are worshipping. The visuals will outperform every other critique of this walking bag of snakes, even one as excellent as this which was so painful to read because the magas don't read.
Yes, the visuals! Maybe add in him saying he would date Ivanka if she were not his daughter and his comments on her body.
I suppose some would cling to the idea they were deep fakes. But it should move the needle.
Everyday is an alleged win for the orange creature IF we acknowledge it as a win!
He is a raging lunatic!
I couldn't believe the judge backed down from his own decision and allowed what's his name to blather for a full five minutes, and, as I understand it from reporters, actually INTERRUPT the judge to do so. Then, as I thought more about it, I wondered if the judge did this to remove one more excuse for an appeal from the bucket of excuses, this one being what's his name's "first amendment right" to make a statement. I hope the judge throws the book at him and charges him the full amount he owes to New York. I hope he loses every right possible to do business in that state.
Not one step back! Not one!
And the rest is history. Tough read. You are truly a historian, TC.
IE. This is our reality.
a really 'knock-out' post!! i really hope people read it .. i already depend on you!! xx's
I've been saying for years now, since everything Trump touches is destroyed and he has (thanks to the limp, impotent and empty Republican party) got his grubby little fingers on our country, we must destroy Trump first. In every way possible and by any means at our disposal. His stated intention is to break our country into pieces to save his worthless ego, fergodsake.
I agree with others responding -- this essay should be front page ...try The Guardian...they might just publish it. Unfortunately too many people do not read anything but instead cling to Faux news and the snake's lies. Maybe all of the people committed to democracy must also have the attitude of no surrender to the gqp and their plans to use democracy and the rule of law to crush both. We must be more vocal and straight forward as tiring as it can be. I think of the battle Ukrainians are enduring now 9 plus years and 689 days against another lying dictator and tyrant. Each morning they wake in their bombed cities, shattered villages and in the frozen trenches and must continue resisting with every bit of heart and soul they can muster, with the support of allies that feels more and more tenuous with each passing day. They watch the faltering in the US and they realize afresh democracy is not guaranteed, it must be defended every day in ways small and large. Too many cling to djt because they have lost sight of that fact. Easier to blame and play the victim. Hitler was a victim...he was refused admittance to art school. He took his victim hood out on all fellow humans because he had become inhuman. The poor guy named tRump has lived inhuman for years. He wasn't born that way. He was made that way by his family. That does not excuse him, but knowing that should wake people up. No one can use unjust means to create anything resembling justice and certainly not a more humane world. Sadly, those who are caught up in the trump cult have become blind morally and spiritually to what he most truly represents which is the complete opposite of the hope majorities of fellow Americans carry, a hope not infected with fear and loathing of others whoever they may be, wherever they may come from. If you bear in your spirit a living hope then the only response to djt and the cult is to practice resistance. We must not give in or give up on the promise of democracy or what America represents at its core. As a people we've striven imperfectly toward that hope but that does not mean that hope must die in the anger, lies, and violence of a force coalesced around a human being intent on dragging everyone into the abyss.
all true EXCEPT: it isn't so much that others aren't letting folks into an opened glass door. It is that once they were on the "right side" of that door, secure in their delusions of power and privilege. It is no accident that the most fervent of cultists are uneducated white males. When I was married back in the dark ages, all brides were sent a nice little book (not just a booklet) by one of our local government agencies. It was filled with advice like "when your husband comes home, be sure your makeup is fresh and bring him his slippers so he can unwind after his hard day." It is the loss of privilege that binds so many to the man who has spent his whole life full of every imaginable privilege.
Yes, that's very true. A bozo could sleep through 12 years of school and still get a good job by the accident of birth. That's the "proper place" that's been denied their sons/daughters.