Here’s the good news. If he wants to deport entire families, that will include people who voted for him. Think about it.

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You and I can laugh about that over in the Southwestern Theological Re-Education Center.

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It's our duty to try to escape when we're taken prisoner.

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"I see nothing, I know no-thing, I did not even get up this morning!!!!"

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ooooo....you just made me feel like William Holden, c. "Stalag 17" or "The Bridge on the River Kwai."

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I won't laugh my way through the Upper Left Corner Re-Education resort. I don't expect to live through it.

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if I get a nice assignment, like, say, dog feeding (and let me keep my e-reader charged), I could probably handle some of the time pretty painlessly. chopping wood, on the other hand...

I jest as one who came very close to a fistfight two days ago. which would be a bad idea. I might be maniacal, but my balance is off and my shoulders have a nasty way of popping out spontaneously.

coddling (as if to change) the Post-Truth Crazies (this shtick is, I fear, an actual "belief" many of them have) is as Sisyphian as anything Camus might have dreamed of on his worst night.

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Oh, good. Bring Sisyphis into it, as though the guy didn't have troubles enough. Cheeesh!

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On the other hand - a question thats come up quite often - who does this bunch think is going to wait on their tables, clean their living quarters, provide their food? Who works in meat processing plants, slaughter houses, picks vegetables & fruit - maintains their homes?

I think quite possibly there might be a glitch or two.

The things that he and they can do from behind a desk? Sure.

There is a lot of other "stuff" - they are not going to be prepared for.

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Hey! Let's get rid of the 13th Amendment!!

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Here in Arkansas, our

governor and legislature

rolled back worker age

requirements for children.

Kids 13, with parents

consent, can go to work.

Pick those peanuts, cotton,

soy and tomatoes kids! Don't

forget that lithium! School?

Who needs any stinking


World of shite coming down

the pike. RESIST!

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I used to love "Fixer to Fabulous" on HGTV. But everytime this white Christian Arkansas couple pops up, I turn the channel. That goes for all of them. Sarah Huckabee Sanders looks like a scowling, overweight white man with a bad wig. I'm stuck in Texas with hot wheels Abbott and lazy eye Paxton. So many stupid people.

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Rita, you have my sympathy.

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I really, stupidly, believed Colin Allred would win. All the major Texas papers endorsed him. Cruz has done nothing for this state in years other than spread hate. He went to Cancun when we almost froze to death during the polar vortex. And Colin's ads were so damn good. Nope. Cruz crushed him by 800,000 votes and 7 million registered Texas voters sat home. And when Trump's Gestapo border czar starts rounding up families the state's booming economy will crash. Hispanics are the backbone of this state - painters, landscapers, roofers, carpenters, on and on.

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And the 19th, to please Peter Thiel, because women are so unreasonable.

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And unnecessary

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Especially for Peter

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When can I gets dibs on Clarence Thomas to be our wood yard "involuntary worker"?

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I saw this earlier today. His latest brilliant idea. He will do whatever he damn well pleases. No one will stop him. Congress and SCOTUS will be at his beck and call. We only have each other. We will find out how much that's worth.

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Not going to hit like on this one. Even the 6 on the SC might hiccup over that.

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I don't think folks who willingly vote for a felon, confirmed rapist, fraudster, and lying thug spend much time thinking things through.

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Remember those "victory gardens" in WWII? Better start buying your seeds now and prepare your small plot of soil. Winter is coming...the Nazi variety.

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And they'll all be going "But that's not what I wanted!" And I'll be going "Next time, think before you vote."

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Like Trump said, "you'll never have to vote again. At least for once, he told the truth."

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Thinking has proven to be a problem

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..or stay home!

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Holy shit. That’s the secret plan, isn’t it? Keep Congress adjourned and rule as a king.

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Let's make sure to find out where they all live.

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i. cant. even. read. this. too sad.

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Does it strike you that they are behaving as if they are ALREADY in control? Where is Biden? What are the Dems doing these days? I thought the power changes hands when it is supposed to, not before.

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Thank you, Ellen! I have been saying this for days since the shock wore off and I realized I was still a free American and would remain so until Jan 20 along with the rest of the country. If you want to have a bit of fun find yourself a deep red magarat and explain to him that this is not trump world yet and he is still free and much can happen in two months. As a matter of fact, we will remain free Americans until the last square inch of US soil does not fall under the Constitution. Everyone who voted to stay free needs to get that fact into his/her mind and stop fearing what trump is going to do. Remember that trump and most of the nazis he is hiring to do his dirty work have not contributed a damn thing to this country. Most of us have been born in this country and descended from generations of people who worked and built it after coming here as immigrants. Seems as if that puts us all on level footing with the most vulnerable among us. trump and his nazis are spoiled rich brats who feel entitled to something they have never earned. He does not get to waltz in here and lay claim to me, my family, or any of you just because he was old enough to run for office. He failed at that and should never have been allowed to run again. But it was US who allowed him in that OFFICE, NOT AS KING. WE ARE THE DECISION MAKERS HERE. Do the math. We the People outnumber him. We have allowed ourselves to become gaslit by our own Constitution that gives the power to the people to decide the fate of our own nation when threatened by rogue government overreach. (There is your Second Amendment.). The Constitution is a living document that was meant to protect us even as we protect her. We have grown accustomed to casting a ballot every four years and then feeling helpless before whoever we hire for the job of leading the country while we live our lives.

Let's get some perspective on this thing. We are not his slaves, servants, enemies of the state for voting against him, criminals for not supporting him. I am a leftist white woman and I do not deserve to be threatened to be shot for it and by God that bastard may just find himself facing charges for that threat.

This is where the test of our Constitution will be made. She is the rock upon which this nation was built. May God give us the strength and wisdom to protect and defend her as we have sworn to do.

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Biden has given up. He's invited Mussolini to the WH Wednesday. Schumer has always been worthless. And right now they're all running around like chickens with their heads cut off. Kamala is like the woman who got raped but her people said it happened because her skirt was too short.

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I disagree. He might well be planning a surprise.

I'm working out what I can do to live (relatively) freely in a surveillance state. Think about the experience of living under the CCP?

The following article refers to Uighurs in China a couple years ago. Trump admires Xi.

So... now we need hard-headed advice about living in the U.S. of A. (or anywhere in the world, methinks) next year. BTW, I'm staying here, where people know me.

What It’s Like to Live in a Surveillance State

By James A. Millward

Feb. 3, 2018

The following link is free for 30 days:


A snippet:

Imagine that this is your daily life: While on your way to work or on an errand, every 100 meters you pass a police blockhouse. Video cameras on street corners and lamp posts recognize your face and track your movements. At multiple checkpoints, police officers scan your ID card, your irises and the contents of your phone. At the supermarket or the bank, you are scanned again, your bags are X-rayed and an officer runs a wand over your body — at least if you are from the wrong ethnic group. Members of the main group are usually waved through.

You have had to complete a survey about your ethnicity, your religious practices and your “cultural level”; about whether you have a passport, relatives or acquaintances abroad, and whether you know anyone who has ever been arrested or is a member of what the state calls a “special population.”

This personal information, along with your biometric data, resides in a database tied to your ID number. The system crunches all of this into a composite score that ranks you as “safe,” “normal” or “unsafe.”Based on those categories, you may or may not be allowed to visit a museum, pass through certain neighborhoods, go to the mall, check into a hotel, rent an apartment, apply for a job or buy a train ticket. Or you may be detained to undergo re-education, like many thousands of other people.

A science-fiction dystopia? No. This is life in northwestern China today if you are Uighur.

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They did that in 2016, pissed me every nanosecond

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If they told the public (us!) the would tell the MAGA Republicans.

Better if they keep quiet about their plans.

We do not have a "need to know."

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And Elise Stefanik, who hounded university presidents for allowing protest on their campuses, at the UN. I can see her moving to make all 146 UN Members who recognize Palestine reverse their recognition. Though of course there will shortly BE no Palestine to recognize: all Kushner beachfront property and settlers. And settlers on the West Bank about to do their own little holocaust on those parts that still are Palestinian.

I checked Wikipedia on Elise to see what her foreign policy position is. No entry. Under "defense" She is claimed (by the Washington Times) to have "extensive foreign policy experience through "working in the George W. Bush administration, prepping Rep. Paul Ryan for his vice presidential debates, and listening to commanders at Fort Drum in her home district" The work for the Bush Administration would have been her first two years out of college. DEEP foreign policy experience.

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Her CD (NY-21) is only R + 4. If she gets confirmed there will be a special election to replace her with an open seat. If control of the House is very close, a shift to D would have huge implications. At this time House control is still in doubt as west coast races get counted; there's a long but not-zero chance D's may get control out of the gate, and there's no way Hakeem Jeffries is going to go along with Trump's plans, as detailed here. A one seat flip could do it, depending on how the counts go. Fingers crossed.

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my fingers too. Special election just in time to have seen the results for ordinary people of this election. Nice.

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Menken said, "Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want and deserve to get it good and hard." In this case, that might not be such a bad thing. Republicans have played around with populist rhetoric while pushing plutocratic programs for a long time and now it's Trumpy's choice. He can be loved or he can do what he promised. It's particularly horrifying to me that the American people are bloodthirsty enough to elect a guy who put children in cages along the border and is now threatening to do worse. An awakening to the reality that hurting people just hurts people is perhaps too much to hope for. I see that California voters rejected a measure that would ban forced labor, you know, slavery, in prisons. But, Americans are selfish and self interested enough that if he doesn't deliver the low prices that he claims high tariffs and mass deportations will deliver, voters may just get a bit peevish.

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Totally agree. But once in, he's not leaving. What's mind boggling is Democrats in congress are surprised he once again is rolling over everyone.

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I know. He won’t leave voluntarily.

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Yes, and we would be absolutely idiotic to think he will not do what ever it takes, whatever.

Along with this publication, I also recommend the Tony Michaels Podcast. He doesn’t sugar coat shit either.

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Sometimes, words don't cut it. Rewatching Kamala's concession speech this morning brought out all the tears I could not shed last week. I understand stock prices for private prisons have soared. All this over the price of eggs?

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That was just an excuse.

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You get it. It was an excuse. It really is about culture. They don't give a flying f about the price of eggs. They're worried some crazed LGBTQ person is going to snatch Little Jimmy and make him Little Jenny. We both live in Texas and that is the reality.

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I'm not even going to try to fathom that, even though I have a friend from Utah who believes it to be true. It's about bigotry, misogyny, hate, and greed. Fear and foolishness. I cry honest tears.

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I am in mourning, seriously grieving. I have, now former friends, who are bankers, doctors, business people who voted for Trump. Most are white Christians. Some of them think Bill Gates is responsible for Covid. But it circles back to what you said - bigotry, misogyny, hate and greed.

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Exactly, people believe that crap. I wish Allred had said that it was a lie, but he just focused on abortion. The mountain of lies just sat there and stewed.

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It's worse than that. People believe what they want and they don't take time to find out what's true or not. Idiots.

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The average person in their 20s-30s (i.e., the average parent) reads on a 7th grade level - and half are worse than that - and mostly they don't read.

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Ah. So correct. Reading is my way of trying to cope with the ignorance of it all. For me, reading is freedom.

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It's interesting because even fifty years ago newspapers wrote at an eighth grade level so everyone could understand what they read. But with social media, 24/7 cable, tik tok, Twitter, and whatever else is out there you're right, they don't read. People also can't think for themselves or process information. They look to the above to tell them how to think. Then churches went from helping the poor and preaching the gospel to become rabidly political. Hell of a thing.

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Lesson from WW2 was that propaganda works. Empty heads are all ready for it, and some that just have a few holes. But hey, the Nazis weren’t so bad.

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We all know that. And what a shallow, stupid excuse it was. Ah, but didn't you know? Eggs have wings, and their prices will soar, almost as if they were lined with gold.

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Some didn’t get that memo, or the propaganda police rewrote it. And the fools lapped it up.

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The people who worked to get Harris/Walz elected must stick together. Unity is key, as I see it, because all those control freaks in one place in DC guarantees infighting, and given who they are I would throw gas on their ego fires. Now is the time for the labor unions to hold tight and plan walkouts when necessary, at propitious moments when the shipping containers need to be unloaded, when the showers in the WH are not working, when a fire alarm needs to go off to disrupt a meeting. Use phone cameras on all these scoundrels at every opportunity, not that you'll record any evidence of any kind, but it will annoy some of them and intimidate others. That will be good enough. Be a Tom Cleaver yelling in the back of every room where they are.

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I remember when the country was ready to blow up over the Trump child separation policies. You could actually feel the pressure building. This time, as you said, they'll take whole families. I know an Hispanic woman who is Maga. Her son and his undocumented girlfriend had a baby a few months ago, and the woman dotes on her new grand baby. When they get caught up in the sweep, she is going to be shocked. I have railed about Trumpism for years. I have tried to sound the alarm and been told I'm fearmongering. Today I stood in a Veteran's park listening to the quiet and realized these people can't stand peace and prosperity. So be it.

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I can see the day when all the courts are clogged up with lawsuits back and forth and nothing gets done - that of course may be the best outcome we face..... Trump has two years before he loses the House at this rate. I don't know if he can prevent a 2026 midterm election - he may try, but I don't see how they could do it. Added to the possible economic effects of tariffs and deportations, he co,d be in some difficulty..... The Democrats are already planning a legal approach - I do not know what he will be able to do if this above plan is put into effect. Is it sure the Republicans have kept the House?

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If he prorogues congress, that is not going to happen without some resulting "civil conflict." For which he declares martial law under the Insurrection Act he's so fond of and declares it's impossible to hold "free and fair" elections so they're on hold. Or he just goes ahead and holds them the way they were planning to this year - without any adult supervision in the red states, resulting in Republican majorities in House and Senate.

Go reread The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, particularly the first part.

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The playbook from the git go.

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I liked the "Fall" part.

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So did I.

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I know, TC, that you are giving us plain talk with this newsletter. But damn! This one scares the bejesus out of me. Adjourning Congress had crossed my mind, but the picture you paint is horrible! If the people who are supposed to be a check on a president just shrug their shoulders and say, “So what?” where does that leave us? This fine mess will go all to hell real fast.

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Thanks for the deep dive, Tom

I'm still in a rage with it not ending anytime soon

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Better to plot and scheme. It preserves one's sense of agency.

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Maybe this strategy and tactic is similar to the Reichtags fire. No matches needed. Just gop shills.

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That's my thought.

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Info in TCinLA's post confirmed at The Atlantic:


Trump Signals That He’s Serious About Mass Deportation

These are not the staff picks of someone who doesn’t mean what he says.

By David A. Graham November 11, 2024, 5:15 PM ET

Was Donald Trump serious about his most draconian plans for a second term? That question shadowed his whole campaign, as commentators questioned whether he’d really attempt to deport millions of immigrants or impose tariffs above 60 percent.

If personnel is policy, as the Ronald Reagan–era maxim states, then the president-elect is deadly serious. Last night, he announced that Tom Homan, who was the acting head of Immigration and Customs Enforcement during the first Trump administration, will serve as a “border czar.” And CNN reports that Stephen Miller, the leading immigration hawk in Trump’s circle, will be appointed White House deputy chief of staff for policy.

These two moves, and the fact that they are among the first to emerge from the transition, are an indication of Trump’s intent to pursue a very aggressive policy and assign it a high priority. Miller, who served as a Trump speechwriter and top adviser previously, has been a hard-liner on immigration for his entire career. He has spent the past four years building America First Legal, a nonprofit devoted to fighting for conservative causes, and was a contributor to Project 2025, the Heritage Foundation blueprint for a second Trump term.

One year ago, in an interview with The New York Times, Miller laid out a set of plans for immigration. Among other things, he said, Trump would use the military to help enforce laws, using the Insurrection Act as license. Trump has also promised to use a 1798 law, the Alien Enemies Act, to facilitate deportation without due process under the law. Miller said ICE would focus on rounding up groups of people at job sites and other public places rather than seeking to arrest specific individuals. And he said the federal government would establish detention camps in Texas to hold people swept up in these raids.

“Any activists who doubt President Trump’s resolve in the slightest are making a drastic error: Trump will unleash the vast arsenal of federal powers to implement the most spectacular migration crackdown,” Miller told the Times. “The immigration legal activists won’t know what’s happening.”

If Miller is the architect of mass deportation, Homan will be the builder. “There is nobody better at policing and controlling our Borders,” Trump wrote on Truth Social last night. “Tom Homan will be in charge of all Deportation of Illegal Aliens back to their Country of Origin.” (The idiosyncratic capitalization is, perhaps needless to say, his.)

(Follow the link for the rest of the article.)

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You know what pisses me off? Our tax dollars will be paying these fuckers to screw the whole country over. The discussion of deporting immigrants...1-11 million people! Families will not be separated but deported together ( Tom Homan - the guy who will be in charge). Think of it!

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