It’s been a long, long time since I have seen an event like today, so I won’t be surprised if more than a few of you are too young to have ever seen such a thing and if some of my “memory-challenged” peers might have forgotten ever seeing such an event.
I refer, of course, to the spectacle of a Congressional hearing being run professionally in a bipartisan manner by Actual Serious People who care about getting to the truth over pulling off some party advantage. Long long ago in the early Jurassic, about 40 years ago, such an event would have been unremarkable, since that is the way such things were done. Trust me, I remember it well. It really did used to be this way. Almost all the time.
Of course, it was easy for the Democtratic representatives to act in such a manner. That’s what they try to do all the time, and when you have easy lay-up shots like these, well - you take your time, you follow the rules, and you know that every damn word is landing with the explosive force of a shell fired from a 16-inch naval cannon.
The people who were really spectacular were the two who were paying the Ultimate Political Price for the privilege of doing what they did.
I have to say, I had seriously thought that Republicans like Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger were long extinct. But, like the ivory-billed woodpecker that was thought for some 40 years to be extinct until a nesting pair were discovered living quietly in a remote Arkansas swamp a few years ago, there they were.
When you consider that Kinzinger came to Congress on the 2016 Trump wave and voted with the administration 99 percent of the time, it’s nice to be reminded that not all those people are idiots, scum, morons or traitors. Rare, yes; non-existant, no. The honesty in his reaction to the testimony from the four policemen was absolutely pure. When he said “I’m not doing this despite being a Republican, I’m doing it *because* I’m a Republican!” I was as blown away as I think everyone who heard that must have been. The one, though, who is a real surprise is Liz Cheney. I cannot think of a Republican I could disagree with more strongly on every single thing than her. And yet, here she is, demonstrating to the world what commitment to country means.
They reminded me of the Republicans I used to know and work with. People with whom I could disagree about everything on policy, but at the same time totally respect as honorable people, people for whom any question of their commitment to the system of government one never even thought to question or doubt for a moment.
As Cheney said later, her goal is to reveal “The planning, the financing, the preparation, the motivation, what was happening that day in the White House, what was happening here at the Capitol, the security breaches of the Capitol. So for anybody to suggest that we aren’t going to be conducting a complete investigation is wrong.”
Of course, such feelings were only reinforced by events outside the hearing room.
The “Crazy G Circus” - Gaetz, Greene, Gohmert and Gosar - were out on the steps of the Department of Justice trying to support the “political prisoners” arrested for their patriotic fervor at The Insurrection, and demonstrating how fundamentally unserious, ignorant, and incompetent the Trumpscum really are. In drama, the protagonist and the antagonist are supposed to be equally matched. How one could consider any one of these four clowns to b e the intellectual, characterological, or moral equivalent of the worst possible person on the other side of the aisle - that *they* are the dramatic antagonist - is downright embarrassing. It’s like being threatened by the Energizer Bunny. But then one must always remember Charlie Sykes’ admonishment: “Clowns with flamethrowers, still have flamethrowers.”
It should have been even more embarrassing to watch someone in leadership like Steve Scalise out in front of the capitol claiming Nancy Pelosi is the person responsible for the events of January 6 be her failure to anticipate such an ocurrence. Then I reminded myself that Scalise was once described as “David Duke without the obvious baggage.”
Qevin McQarthy continues to demonstrate daily that as dumb as you are convinced he is, his incompetent moron stupidity is bottomless. He’s a man far too busy with “back to back meetings” to take questions. He’s a man with a singular goal: downplay the seriousness of an attempted coup incited by the former president so that former president will help him achieve his life’s dream of becoming speaker after taking back the majority in 2022. I’m starting to get the distinct feeling that the fucking moron is going to be disappointed come the Wednesday morning after the first Tuesday of November 2022.
Officer Hodges, who Fucker Carlson libeled last week as an “angry left wing partisan,” took full honors when he read into the record the statutory definition of the term “domestic terrorist.”
That’s the badge the whole Trump Party is going to be wearing when this is over. They’re right to be terrified of the hearings. They’re going to be taking a punch in the face every day till it’s over.
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Commendable integrity on the part of both Rs on the committee. Felt like a flashback to when we had a serious government.
Heard the whistles on an NPR cover of the 'press conference' along with a persistent voice, "Are you a pedophile?" asked of Gaetz.
Those earnest officers took the prize. More popcorn, please.
It is, hopefully, premature to consign Cheney and Kinzinger to the political scrapheap. The House Minority's notional "leader" may well not be the only one surprised 15 months hence. The Watergate hearings were conducted with much the same level of civility and decorum by an "old country lawyer" whose character is sadly missed today but whose conduct and leadership opened a bunch of crusted over Republican eyes 50 odd years ago and it is not outside the bounds of possibility to hope for the same today.