He can babble all he wants. I won't watch because my reaction to him is too visceral. Unlike him and his legion of losers, I do not want to break things.

On the upside, it's great to see the rest of the world not knuckling to him as they go about finding new trade partners as well as forming new defense alliances. The US is no longer the indispensible nation we once were and certainly cannot be as long as half the country is Putinized.

Perhaps the US will come to appreciate what it had before it was gone. The magas will be written off as mind-numbed neo-(Really) Know Nothings by historians long into the future. Only then we can send flowers and chocolates to our erstwhile allies and ask for forgiveness for the folly of electing Cellulite and Flatulence in an ill-fitting suit.

I am performing every act of resistance I can think of and through all media. And to give myself that essential feeling of agency against a monster and a nod to posterity, I am making up a time capsule to bury behind the garage for some to find in the future. Hard copies of news and other information and notes about what I did to fight back as somebodies' grandma. (This is as close as I'll actually get to gardening, digging a hole.) Some of it is subversive, which might make it more interesting should it ever be found and read. All this because I do not trust Big Balls not to scrub everyone's existence from cyberspace.

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I'm with you Judith. Frankly, I think the democrats should boycott or at the appropriate moment stand up, turn their backs and walk out.

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The liar in chief will be in all his glory backed by his love of gold, golf, & Vlad. Judging by what has happened in just 5 weeks we don't have much time .

Vlad is having greater success taking over The U S than Ukraine..

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Without firing a shot

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The overstuffed and Adderall addled orange will pull back on this distraction tomorrow. Or not. Either way the slide into authoritarianism and/or dictatorship continues. Scary shit, people.

We are no longer spying on the Russians that are spying on us. The head of the f b I field office in new york has been forced out.

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I hope the orange motherfucker crashes the economy. Whatever pain I feel from it will be much less than the Trumptards here in GA. Meanwhile I'm buying more guns and ammo.

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And, again, I am glad I got this news from you first, TC: Pernission implicitly granted to swear like a sailor.

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One of our two US senators from Nevada commented on how it's going to hurt the state's farmers and ranchers. My response is that they almost all voted for him, so they deserve whatever goes wrong in their lives, but we don't.

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Glad to see AMAZON is down. That MF.

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" to prevent other countries from taking American jobs and money by relocating U.S. companies abroad and then selling products back to U.S. customers." Ah yes, all those well known instances of the cartels surging across the border and capturing American businesses as far away as Detroit and carrying them lock stock and barrel to slave in Mexico.

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" ... taking American jobs and money by relocating U.S. companies abroad and then selling products back to U.S. customers."

That would be Corporate Capitalist America doing that Donald ... egged on by their shareholders, hedge funds, and vulture capital firms realising that technology allows them to employ low-wage workers in Vietnam, China, or India, rather than higher-wage union members in the USofA.

Boeing still makes planes in America, but not much would have to change for even that industry to go offshore - planes are made of parts from all around the world anyway, like cars are.

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yup. trump is going to solve THAT by getting us into another great depression so our wages are as low as those overseas. Kill the unions, impose “right to work” by executive order, lower the minimum wage. Of course, the corporations won’t have anyone they can sell their goods TO: as of tomorrow, that avenue is about to go pftt.

I’m waiting till trump tries price controls. That worked SO WELL under Nixon.

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He'd bring back the Gold Standard too, except Fort Knox is empty, so his advisors have advised him.

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the technobabbies will check out Fort Knox. Carrying big bags. Lo and behold—it will be empty by the time they all leave.

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Get prepared for Krasnov to

utter his famous infamous

line tomorrow night:

Permanent Government

Shutdown. Threats, threats,

threats on Mikey's CR or the

truly disastrous R Budget.

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I actually hope that Canada and Mexico respond to the tariffs instantly with equally high tariffs on all American goods, and other proportionate measures. Maybe this indicates my level of economic simple-mindedness, but I’m thinking the only thing that’s going to wake up the MAGA-Dreamers to the actual nightmare is if everything about normal living goes to all to hell really fast, and the American people flip to howling outrage and start mobbing their Congresspersons so fast it blows Big Mango’s comb-over into a French twist and scours the fake tan right off his face. It will hurt millions of good people who never voted for him, too, but I can’t see any way he’ll get canned unless he messes up so bad that everyone hates his guts, everywhere all at once. Am I nuts?

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You're absolutely right Elizabeth. It took 1929 to get t o 1932, and the GOP was held agt bay successfully after that until 1980. When a majority of those who lived through the depression had passed on,. so the moron Boomers could vote the "amiable dunce" Ray-gun into office.

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No, you're not nuts. And yes,

lots of people are being hurt

already and more will be, but

elections have

consequences; who you vote

for or don't vote at all. All of

these people, including many

of us who voted the right

way, are going to find out.

There is no special list with

their name on it and R next to

it that will save them from

what's coming. Only the

ogliarcs will be safe.

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Just ask yourself, and your congressperson, "What would Putin do (to ruin the USA)?" Then, no surprises!

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I'm not going to watch tomorrow night's festival of lies and hate. My prediction is the greatest applause line of the night will be when he gets around to announcing the tariffs (AKA recession's starting point). I'll be watching that Tom Hank's nature series that reminds me of those old Disney shows. But would somebody please call me if he has a stroke on live TV? I wouldn't want to miss that.

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Good thing Trudeau is a reasonable man and not a grumpy asshole like me. I would be saying "See your 25% tariffs and raise you with 25% price increase on all Canadian oil, lumber, and maple syrup sold to the U.S."

Krasnov isn't playing with a full deck of cards, call his bluff. Ditto Mexico, 200% tariff on American firearms, 25% price increase on Mexican corn, automobile components, tequila Threaten to take the rest of his few marbles away.

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Most American firearms are smuggled into Mexico.

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Yeah, I thought that ss I was writing it but, what the heck, Krasnov doesn't have a monopoly or copyright on overblown performative bullshit statements.

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Yes! Let's see who has "the cards" in this game.

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Already 6 weeks of hell for our fellow citizens who've been fired from their jobs in ALL parts of the government. 6 weeks of a wack job from south africa and his hackers squad crashing systems, and digging around for personal information on Krasnov's enemies. The criminals in the kremlin are seeing their long years of investment in their orange ASSet finally paying off. The straw that will break the camel's back, or may even wake the folks drunk on poison kool-aid, will be when Krasnov appears with the tyrant on May 9 in red square.

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Yesterday’s Fla golf outing. Check this out. This is what we are saving money for.

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Holy shit! He's got an

ambulance in tow now? Was

that black van a bomb squad

van? Do you think he's been

getting nasty hate mail?

DOGE Big Balls ought to cut

the funding on this crap now!

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Brilliant! That would be the best way to get rid of F’Elon— if he tried to cut out the golf trips. The white trucks at the end were probably carrying top secret files to be shared with putin.

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Well. Now we know why his golf cheating outings are so expensive.

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New Stock Market LOWS Today 3/3/25

Target Corp 🔻120.21

Canadian Natural Resources (Lumber-Housing) 🔻27.66

Canadian National Railway (Canada Trips to USA Cancelled) 🔻98.69

$300 Billion USA Auto Biz with Mexico & Canada already disrupted.

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