
Here's Josh Mrshall's comment at TPM - with which I totally agree:

"He’s doing considerably better than I’d anticipated. I didn’t have low expectations. I just find most of these speeches by most Presidents kind of meh. He’s enjoying himself and skewering the opposition with a bear hug."

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Feb 8, 2023·edited Feb 8, 2023Liked by TCinLA

Great comment by Josh Marshall.....you could tell he was actually enjoying himself.

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Another good JM comment at TPM:

My God, it's just poetry, watching Biden tussle with Marje Greene as she does her best imitation of that famous Real Housewives of New Jersey scene.

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Also, Cruella DeVille, " Send in the dogs, Santos!"

Or The White Witch.....the memes go on an on this morning. But when she yelled " You're a liar"

She should have been removed, though that would be today's GOP's whining talking point!

She is a disgrace craving attention and like her mentor Trump, she gets it! We know we've hit bottom when the SOTU becomes entertainment.

I thought Biden's greatest strength was his " ownership" of the space. He has been there longer than any of them and there was nothing the spoiled children could do that would throw him. He also deftly, masterfully maneuvred them into protecting seniors and taking social security and medicare off the chopping block! This was not senility talking! ( and poor Kevin, sitting there looking constipated, desperately trying to shush Cruella to demonstrate that he was in control--not! I bet he was glad when it was over!)

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Feb 8, 2023Liked by TCinLA

He knocked it out of the park!! Very impressive. Nice job Mr. President

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Turning the Republican heckling about his confronting them over their desire to gut Social Security and Medicare into their agreeing not to touch those programs was masterful, brilliant and amusing.

He made me proud.

McCarthy at times looked like somebody toying with idea of changing parties, only he’d have to give up the gavel, poor conflicted soul. It had to hurt when Biden praised Nancy Pelosi as the greastest Speaker in history.

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Feb 8, 2023Liked by TCinLA

Yes, McCarthy did look quite put out when Biden praised Nancy Pelosi as the greatest. What a weasel Kevin is.

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you shouldn't libel weasels. there are very fine weasels on both sides.

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I Laughed Out Loud.

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🤣🤣🤣 Every time I think I've finished laughing I start all over again. Thank you, David!

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yeah, well there's that old thing about the truth hurting...

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Loved it!

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Feb 8, 2023Liked by TCinLA

Fantastic! A rock star performance by President Joe Biden delivering the State of the Union. For all their taunting, hooting & hollering, he tossed out the lasso, brilliantly tied them up, made major points and left them looking like the dopes so many of them are. No idea a State of the Union could be so satisfying and fun even!

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The most confrontational - and thus successful - SOTU ever.

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and that was with a genuine rock star in the audience.

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Yes, Bono was having a great time.

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Feb 8, 2023·edited Feb 8, 2023Liked by TCinLA

Sitting in the Amtrak Sanford, Florida terminal awaiting my 12+ hour delayed train, I was taken aback by one bastard in particular, dressed in a Duke University hoodie and red MAGA hat, imitating Biden's delivery a la Porky Pig, and hoping that the Teleprompter would fail.

His frail wife at his side is the only thing that stood between my using his cap as a suppository, and landing in jail in the same municipality that acquitted Treyvon Martin's murderer.

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All the dumbass boomers from high school became full-out morons the older they got. Fortunately their numbers are less and less.

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Boy, that’s the truth. I knew them well when I worked at high school. Many have indeed become “full-out morons”

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Feb 8, 2023Liked by TCinLA

Tom, as deaths from opiates (oxy, fentanyl, etc.) and COVID-19 attacking the unvaccinated, leading to a remarkable decline in life expectancy (especially for white males) in the last few years, as you point out, "their numbers are less and less." This Darwinian thinning of the herd must have at least two outcomes: 1) dead people can't vote; 2) the fear of dying or incapacity due to the moronic lifestyle choices may wake up some fence sitters (does this mean they become "woke"?). This could lead to shifts in election results as seen recently in Pennsylvania where 3 open legislative seats have been filled by Democrats. "Hope springs eternal..."

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Feb 8, 2023·edited Feb 8, 2023Liked by TCinLA

The moronic boomers anti-vax, anti-mask protocols during the Covid lockdown must have taken a bite out of that bunch.

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Feb 8, 2023·edited Feb 8, 2023Liked by TCinLA

Agree! What a night. He gave it to the Republicans. I don't think they have quite realized it yet. President Biden even had them on their feet in agreement. A couple of times he silenced the hecklers with one look.

All in all an enjoyable evening for sure.

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They haven't. And they fuqqed themselves with the screaming and yelling over Social Security and Medicare - showing the country who/what they are.

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Feb 8, 2023Liked by TCinLA

It’s up to us to spread the word that it’s the REPUBLICANS that were the reasons we didn’t get the things that most people want.

Many people do not understand how legislation is passed. They think it’s only the President that makes that happen. Let’s work to help educate all we can on how it’s really done so they make better choices in ‘24.

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An excellent idea.

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yeah, well that's the result of the conspiracy I couldn't help but notice when I worked in junior high school. remember the "How a Bill Becomes Law" lessons? they're gone.

another thing I've noticed in the last few weeks: the Repugs have been somewhat successful with their Ignorance Agenda insofar as I've heard several young people say some variation of "all politicians lie...they're all the same."

I have no problem telling them to their faces that they're guilty of very lazy thinking. and also that, when they say that kind of thing, they show that they've been manipulated by the Bad Guys. maybe one or two of the five or six who've said that took me seriously. one can hope, right?

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Start Toastmasters clubs.

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I Laughed Out Loud.

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Return Civics to the classroom

“How a bill becomes a law 101”

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Thanks TC! He did everything you said. He came off as effortlessly strong, enjoying himself, and even humorous at times. Best presidential speech probably since JFK, and maybe since FDR. I found it inspiring. If any GOPers among the American public were watching, I can't help but think that they must have been at least somewhat taken in.

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They weren’t watching,,, Never want to be confused by facts. To be fair, I never watched chump. I saw way too much on rerun clips and comedy sound bites.

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Agreed! And he makes my skin crawl, nauseous and homicidal all at the same time.

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I would hazard that there must have been some undecideds watching, and independents watching. There are always people in the middle who are open to being convinced by one side or the other. I think Biden brought some over to our side. He was that good. And remember how bipartisan he was at the beginning? He was masterful.

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Feb 8, 2023·edited Feb 8, 2023Author

CANN's flash poll certainly says so:

A 72% majority of Americans who watched President Biden’s address had a positive reaction to the speech.

And the biggest movement came from people skeptical of Biden to begin with. Among those who said in the pre-speech survey that they disapproved of the way Biden is handling his presidency, just 7% said before the speech that they thought Biden’s proposed policies would move the country in the right direction; that rose to 45% post-speech. Among political independents, the share saying Biden’s policies would move the country in the right direction rose from 40% pre-speech to 66% after.

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I'm not surprised. But I'm very glad to hear this! Thanks TC!

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Republicans once had values? That is hard to believe.

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Yes, back when my ancestors were fighting and dying at Gettysburg.

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I didn’t realize how empty that party was until I enlisted in the Marines. You go die for my empty rhetoric did not sit well.

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only in the most technical possible way, since on any reality level, it's an entirely different party.

the two parties might as well have walked through the mirror and become each other.

nothing the worst of them say today would be out of place in a meeting of the Know-Nothings. except the Know-Nothings were probably a tad more literate than the likes of, say, Goongirl and Boobert. and did Schmutos think he was going incognito by not wearing his glasses? did he hope that if he was unrecognized, somebody might want to sit next to him?

I WILL give the three of them (and the rest of Moron Core of the Creepy Caucus) one thing: their miserable shenanigans allowed the world to witness the impotence of McCarthy. he is a walking failed erection and now everyone's seen it and once seen, it can't be unseen.

I continue to piss on their eyes.

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Totally right.

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The USA's Irish uncle, puttin' his dukes up.....he really laid into it, and I was happy with how he approached it. He may not be as sharp as he was 30 years ago (duh....) but he's way ahead of anyone on the other side, infected as they are with the prion disease that has incapacitated the Republican leadership.....

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It was unfair of him to pick a fight with unarmed people.

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Feb 8, 2023Liked by TCinLA

what a delicious comment, Tom, I love it!

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Feb 8, 2023Liked by TCinLA

Seems to me he was sharper last night than he was chairing the committee to vet Clarence Thomas.

His turning the heckling to his (and our) advantage to protect Social Security and Medicare was a beautiful thing to see.

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Yes - I'm not sure the Republicans know what hit them, but he played them like a Stradivarius. For a "a senile old man" he was at the top of his game, one he's been in for decades - and it showed.

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80 year old President took it right to

them and didn't give an inch. Pretty

proud of our POTUS.

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Acrylamide forms when carbohydrates are heated to high temperatures, so eating burnt toast increases your risk of cancer. Additionally, burnt toast is difficult to digest and can cause stomach pain and indigestion. So, while it may not be harmful in small quantities, eating burnt toast regularly is not a good idea. But just plain toast is easier to digest than bread. Best uses of toast are against diarrhoea and upset stomachs, with banana, rice and applesauce.

So we must only toast and not burn our Republikkkan bread, and spread liberally with banana and applesauce.

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Feb 8, 2023·edited Feb 8, 2023Author

Amazingly enough, Susan, this is the most completely USEFUL post that has landed here all week. THANK YOU!!!

Last week, I was suddenly overtaken by every night being an event I didn't look forward to, because of the extreme leg cramps I was getting. Excruciating! Finally, last Thursday, I got up at 0300 in pain, turned on the computer screen and brought up the browser and googled "extreme night pain with legs". I discovered the solution was magnesium, which I wasn't taking, but thank goddess I had some in the medicine cabinet; I was also way down on B6 and a few others. So the next morning I finally (for the first time in my life) got serious about vitamin deficiencies and started taking what was needed Which resulted in total liquid bowel movements. So now I am having "plain toast" in the morning, and - as of tonight - when "solids" started showing up when I ran to the bathroom, on the road to recovering what used to be.

Thank you ever so much for this terrifically useful explanation! I have applesauce in the kitchen and it gets added in tomorrow.

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Life in the extremes...

Brat diet: Bananas, Rice, Applesauce and Toast

I couldn't think how to treat RepubliCONs with rice, will leave that to another commentator.

I hope your better soon.

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It's called The BRAT diet. So glad it worked. Just to be sure, I recommend you also see a healthcare provider to have your electrolyte levels checked. Calcium also can play a role in horrific leg cramps. We do need you to stay healthy and well rested! The political fun has just begun!

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I agree

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Careful with the amount of magnesium, its effects on the gut can be just what you described

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Yes. Which can cause yet another electrolyte imbalance.

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That’s good, Susan. I’m sending it on to Nancy Pelosi’s office with your permission.



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With my best compliments!

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ordinarily, I dread the SOTU, which at best is a snore fest. and, for the crazies, an opportunity to let the crazy flag fly.

but this was REALLY, REALLY good.

and, when the heckling got crazy, he incorporated it. very impressive.

and what's the deal with goon-girl calling him a liar when he simply cited the number of deaths from fentanyl overdoses? oh yeah, right...she said it was HIS fault. the border thing, etc.

if there actually WAS any kind of solution to the so-called "border crisis," they'd be out one huge talking point.

when you were cursing out the Feeb Party last week over the Omar thing, some people might have thought you were excessive. I didn't, but I'm sure SOME people did. now, I think you were being much too mild.

Ms. Fuckaby Sanders was always a liar, but tonight she outdid herself. liberated from her old job description of Official Liar to The Fat Fuck (OLTFF), she showed considerably more talent for Stooopid Bitchery. impressive in its own way.

I piss on their collective eyes.

but she gets a few special drops all her own.

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Miss Fuckaby Sanders is an embarrassment to humanity. Apparently the perfect choice to speak on behalf of liars anonymous.

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Feb 8, 2023Liked by TCinLA

I posted this rant on HCR. I think Mr Biden was presidential and expect he has provided the DNC a platform. Listening to Ms Trump resurrected made me think of TC, especially Caphart going off after she spoke.

Exactly. And with Huckabee providing the rebuttal. Her message and expressions paralleled the hatred seen at her Alma mater, Little Rock High, in the same town where Orville Faubus led the angry mob of white mothers to scream at a small black child being led into school. Then she praised her Alma mater for the bronze plaque her father and Govenor Clinton got put up in memory of the 9 black students refused and attacked by good Arkansans. America, chosing between good and crazy. MR Biden was grand (PBS didn't seem to give much video to the crazies), but Ms Trump resurrected was pure vile, laying out her platform for 40+ year old crazies from Arkansas who must revolt against government, the face of the 1965 hateful mother (or father) getting governmnet out of the way by passing laws that prohibit anyone, especially doctors who were wrong about her dear mamma and teachers who want to educate, rather than indoctrinate with the same ignorance that made Arkansas what it is. She offered her strategy for the future of the Republican party and damn sure she thinks she can be the mother of the movement. Watching Caphart from the Washington Post go off after her speech, was priceless. TCinLA would be proud.

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It certainly was Biden at his best in the room he loved to be in. I like how he twisted the hecklers into knots. He did lay out the planks for the 2024 platform.

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You two have centered on my post for tomorrow.

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Look forward to it!

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And he set out battle stations from now till then.

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he certainly did.

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A family member of mine says of old high school classmates that they were idiots in high school and they are even worse now. Why would he want to connect with them on social media?

I am glad President Biden did not give an inch. Like Tom Petty he better stand his ground and not back down!

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