Forsyth County is one up and one to the west of where I live, you very aptly described it. There is no way I would ever consider living there, it’s a shame that it reeks of such hatred, because living up on Lake Lanier could be very nice and I would be much closer to the mountains. Atlanta traffic is why people choose to live up there, there is none. I remember well that most recent march, the media was filled with the vitriol, it was a reminder of what lives just below the surface in most of rural GA as well as the rest of the Deep South, which is why it was such a miracle that we elected 2 Democrats to the senate and gave a gift to the nation. The crazies elected the 3 letters imbecile, and might do so again for all I know, I do know that they could elect a mongrel dog that would be smarter and look 👀 a whole lot better than who they have been sending to the house. I made a living photographing women, all of them beautiful in their own way, that woman in her own way makes a warthog’s ass look beautiful. I got your back buddy. 😎

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Mar 18, 2022Liked by TCinLA

Truly. Which is what describes what you wrote. Having been born in segregated Chicago, I remain aware of how shallow is the grave of bigotry. Eight decades later I can remember the casual slurs and opinions expressed ... in my home and from my lips as a 10 year old. I still know the words and understand the attitudes of my youth. That we were opposed to shooting and lynching gives little plus to the roots which you allude to for Ms Greene and her ilk.

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"Land Ho!' You see Forsyth County, you know it and told it, TC. The roots of Forsyth County, Georgia, USA is just another exceptional story that needs to be told and told again. Thank you, sailor.

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Thanks for this post, TC. It does serve to explain just how entrenched racism is in this country. It also explains why this horrible woman was elected. She “speaks to them”.

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I am so glad you revealed the "roots" of this monster. I have shared your newsletter on both Twitter and FB. I really think it needs to be more widely shared, but I don't know how to go about doing that. I am so thankful NOT to live in that horrible county, even though right here at home, we struggle with hate of that very nature - it's somewhat diluted though by those of us who have nothing to do with "those people"! See how this can be flipped on its head? We can ostracize them just as well as they want to ostracize POC and anyone who disagrees with them. If ONLY we could "sanction" them like we are doing to Putin...if only.

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Thanks, TC. The gruesome truth is she - along with the others in Congress like her - is not a rogue, but one who is speaking for her constituents. Ugh!

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I have never had any idea of the history of this place. Could be they'd be in a race with the city of Wilmington, NC which back in the day saw the overthrow of an elected government of people representing black and white residents for worst places but must be nowadays Forsythe county would win. MTG is just the most egregious example of such a place.

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Mar 19, 2022·edited Mar 19, 2022Liked by TCinLA

To TC and the Woman he must obey (maybe, I changed the wording a little) a hug from me, in the morning sun on March 19, in NYC and a Bronx cheer, too.

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Racism is everywhere. It’s vile, and it loves itself. Read about the white middle schoolers who held a mock slave auction of their black classmates in Pittsboro, NC.


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