I have said here and elsewhere that it is impossible to be both a loyal republican and a loyal American. Robert Kennedy, Jr., is a loyal republican, using the name "Democrat" to try to step on the graves of his father and uncles. But while non-persons like Steve Bannon should be in prison for treason, Mr. Kennedy should be in a mental hospital, getting the treatment he so desperately needs.
He’s way beyond treatment, as is chump. They are what they grew up to be…despite privilege beyond the wildest dreams of most. And, of course, trials that tried men’s souls, and turned them evil.
I long ago decided being a "loyal republican" meant becoming a traitor to the nation. How can anyone vote for these clowns? Or for people like this son of RFK. There is definitely a loose screw there somewhere. The world has gone mad. And friends, this madness is worse than Covid.
I hope you’re right, TC, and that support for Junior is flagging.
I’m a bit worried that when Junior gets drubbed in the primaries he will decide to run as a third party candidate. If that happens, the brainless left will be drawn to the Camelot mystique and votes for Joe will be drawn away.
This morning Professor Robert Reich published one of his periodical newsletters, laying out a similar case against Junior. What shocked me was the number of comments in reply telling the professor that he had Junior all wrong, that Junior was a good man, an environmentalist, a peace, activist, etc. etc. Their reasoning was silly and lacking in evidence, but the number was concerning. The comments were sufficiently similar that one would almost conclude they were the product of some troll farm, which, of course, is equally concerning. Anyway, my point being that we need to keep on our toes and be very unforgiving of Junior apologists.
My thoughts exactly, impassioned evil always has its admirers. The people following Hitler as he preached hate were not stupid men, for the most part. Just greedy bastards hungry for power. Do we have much more than 30% of those. You bet we do…
There are only a few words that need to be said here. Roger Stone, Steve Bannon and Rudy Guliano are endorsing RFK. He is a disgrace to his father and uncle who I believe had a vision along with MLK for democracy, inclusion and a better country for all. Please continue to throw this poser out. Our democracy depends on it. And so does the health of our children through vaccines
Results A greater than 92% decline in cases and a 99% or greater decline in deaths due to diseases prevented by vaccines recommended before 1980 were shown for diphtheria, mumps, pertussis, and tetanus. Endemic transmission of poliovirus and measles and rubella viruses has been eliminated in the United States; smallpox has been eradicated worldwide. Declines were 80% or greater for cases and deaths of most vaccine-preventable diseases targeted since 1980 including hepatitis A, acute hepatitis B, Hib, and varicella. Declines in cases and deaths of invasive S pneumoniae were 34% and 25%, respectively.
Republicans DO think that Hitler was a pretty ok dude. I used to think it was just the cretin repubs, but have since realized that they all are of the same stripe. What more proof do we need. 15% of Dems is enough to do real damage to Joe, not in a primary but a third party push or even a protest write in. Do Dems have to outdo the insane republicans. I include Joe Lieberman, who has lost his mind with the nolabels crap. Anything to divide. Chump’s insanity has spread far and wide.
The far-left cranks are mostly gravitating towards Cornell West, a fraud in his own right. I think people are catching on to the fact that RFK The Much Lesser is basically a tool for the Trump-humpers and no Democrat. When RFKTML becomes useless, they will toss him aside, as they have done with others.
The progeny of great politicians almost invariably never measure up to the stature of their parents--John Quincy Adams is an exception. Thankfully most choose other careers than politics.
I’ve been sharing the link below. RFK JR’s conspiracies are helping to fuel attempted bans on the Covid vaccine Our local GOP is following other large counties in Florida.Trying to take away the right to have the vaccine will only hurt GOP !!💉 You DON’T want to make America Florida !
There is something cynical and despicably predatory about the MAGAs who recruit and set up for ridicule and humiliation the likes of Herschel Walker, Tommy Gooberville, Lauren Boobert, and RFK,Jr. That such limited and damaged souls rise to political prominence does not speak well for a nation that's striving to be better with each succeeding generation. Of course, one could argue that such people truly do represent certain segments of America because they do indeed, but such elites (of their own ilk) cannot produce governance of a nation in dangerous times. As for Cornell West, he's just looking to add to his resume' because he's burned out at the current job. The very thought of having to listen to him as a POTUS would send me to the liquor cabinet if I had one.
The great thing about this site is how the subscribers always come out swinging whenever a contingent of MAGA Morons attack the foundations of liberal democracy. It should serve as a reminder to these enemies of the Constitution that the democratic fighting spirit is alive and well and supported by a vast majority of the American people. Whenever I read Thats Another Fine Mess I'm glad I'm not a Republican destined to be on the losing end of a very nasty counter attack by the pro-democracy legions in this country that so far have tolerated the "chump" Paul Street calls "the biggest asshole in the history of the world" and his moronic minions. "The cause of freedom our Democracy brought forth," as Victoria Brown beautifully puts it, is nothing to mess with and if history is any guide, it will be defended, on the barricades if necessary, no matter what. When the mindless push, push, push of verbal taunts by GOP operators comes down to actual shove in the real world, they're bound to discover it's a lot harder to intimidate, lie, cheat and steal from a prison cell, or perhaps with a pitchfork sticking up your fat, fascist ass.
I have said here and elsewhere that it is impossible to be both a loyal republican and a loyal American. Robert Kennedy, Jr., is a loyal republican, using the name "Democrat" to try to step on the graves of his father and uncles. But while non-persons like Steve Bannon should be in prison for treason, Mr. Kennedy should be in a mental hospital, getting the treatment he so desperately needs.
He’s way beyond treatment, as is chump. They are what they grew up to be…despite privilege beyond the wildest dreams of most. And, of course, trials that tried men’s souls, and turned them evil.
Trump and Kennedy are in the worst kind of prison. There is not a moment in their day or night that stress relents.
Let's be clear and factual. The republican party played footsie with Hitler during WWII. Republican Congressmen were in direct
contact with Hitler's ambassador in the US and
funneled money through him
to Hitler in Germany. These are recorded facts in the
Nuremberg trials and records.
taken from memos, cables,
letters and journals, confiscated when the allies
broke through into Berlin.
RFK is a stain on America.
Jim Jordan and his ilk are
no better. They would bring
this crap into the PEOPLE'S
House and make another
comedy show of it.
How many have died in the
cause of freedom our Democracy brought forth
and has held through terrible,
horrible times? For this?
it wasn't JUST the Republicans back then.
Shocking to me that some of our major corporations did business with Hitler and his evil business, IBM, thinking of you.
I long ago decided being a "loyal republican" meant becoming a traitor to the nation. How can anyone vote for these clowns? Or for people like this son of RFK. There is definitely a loose screw there somewhere. The world has gone mad. And friends, this madness is worse than Covid.
Loads of loose screws in RFK Jr.
I hope you’re right, TC, and that support for Junior is flagging.
I’m a bit worried that when Junior gets drubbed in the primaries he will decide to run as a third party candidate. If that happens, the brainless left will be drawn to the Camelot mystique and votes for Joe will be drawn away.
This morning Professor Robert Reich published one of his periodical newsletters, laying out a similar case against Junior. What shocked me was the number of comments in reply telling the professor that he had Junior all wrong, that Junior was a good man, an environmentalist, a peace, activist, etc. etc. Their reasoning was silly and lacking in evidence, but the number was concerning. The comments were sufficiently similar that one would almost conclude they were the product of some troll farm, which, of course, is equally concerning. Anyway, my point being that we need to keep on our toes and be very unforgiving of Junior apologists.
Absolutely right!
My thoughts exactly, impassioned evil always has its admirers. The people following Hitler as he preached hate were not stupid men, for the most part. Just greedy bastards hungry for power. Do we have much more than 30% of those. You bet we do…
I suspect RFK is rolling in his grave over his son's stupidity. How sad...
A wise person I knew once said, "I might like you just fine, but your son might be a rogue." Case in point with RFK, Jr.
There are only a few words that need to be said here. Roger Stone, Steve Bannon and Rudy Guliano are endorsing RFK. He is a disgrace to his father and uncle who I believe had a vision along with MLK for democracy, inclusion and a better country for all. Please continue to throw this poser out. Our democracy depends on it. And so does the health of our children through vaccines
Results A greater than 92% decline in cases and a 99% or greater decline in deaths due to diseases prevented by vaccines recommended before 1980 were shown for diphtheria, mumps, pertussis, and tetanus. Endemic transmission of poliovirus and measles and rubella viruses has been eliminated in the United States; smallpox has been eradicated worldwide. Declines were 80% or greater for cases and deaths of most vaccine-preventable diseases targeted since 1980 including hepatitis A, acute hepatitis B, Hib, and varicella. Declines in cases and deaths of invasive S pneumoniae were 34% and 25%, respectively.
he's an implausible human being on just about any level.
one of the "odd" things is that five out of six of the people I knew reasonably well who died of Covid (early on, in fact) were Ashkenazi Jews.
and if he expects people to believe that he actually attends "about nine" AA meetings every week, he's either lying or not-quite-sober.
Republicans DO think that Hitler was a pretty ok dude. I used to think it was just the cretin repubs, but have since realized that they all are of the same stripe. What more proof do we need. 15% of Dems is enough to do real damage to Joe, not in a primary but a third party push or even a protest write in. Do Dems have to outdo the insane republicans. I include Joe Lieberman, who has lost his mind with the nolabels crap. Anything to divide. Chump’s insanity has spread far and wide.
My l previous post is a citation from JAMA
The far-left cranks are mostly gravitating towards Cornell West, a fraud in his own right. I think people are catching on to the fact that RFK The Much Lesser is basically a tool for the Trump-humpers and no Democrat. When RFKTML becomes useless, they will toss him aside, as they have done with others.
The progeny of great politicians almost invariably never measure up to the stature of their parents--John Quincy Adams is an exception. Thankfully most choose other careers than politics.
I’ve been sharing the link below. RFK JR’s conspiracies are helping to fuel attempted bans on the Covid vaccine Our local GOP is following other large counties in Florida.Trying to take away the right to have the vaccine will only hurt GOP !!💉 You DON’T want to make America Florida !
There is something cynical and despicably predatory about the MAGAs who recruit and set up for ridicule and humiliation the likes of Herschel Walker, Tommy Gooberville, Lauren Boobert, and RFK,Jr. That such limited and damaged souls rise to political prominence does not speak well for a nation that's striving to be better with each succeeding generation. Of course, one could argue that such people truly do represent certain segments of America because they do indeed, but such elites (of their own ilk) cannot produce governance of a nation in dangerous times. As for Cornell West, he's just looking to add to his resume' because he's burned out at the current job. The very thought of having to listen to him as a POTUS would send me to the liquor cabinet if I had one.
Amen, sister!
The great thing about this site is how the subscribers always come out swinging whenever a contingent of MAGA Morons attack the foundations of liberal democracy. It should serve as a reminder to these enemies of the Constitution that the democratic fighting spirit is alive and well and supported by a vast majority of the American people. Whenever I read Thats Another Fine Mess I'm glad I'm not a Republican destined to be on the losing end of a very nasty counter attack by the pro-democracy legions in this country that so far have tolerated the "chump" Paul Street calls "the biggest asshole in the history of the world" and his moronic minions. "The cause of freedom our Democracy brought forth," as Victoria Brown beautifully puts it, is nothing to mess with and if history is any guide, it will be defended, on the barricades if necessary, no matter what. When the mindless push, push, push of verbal taunts by GOP operators comes down to actual shove in the real world, they're bound to discover it's a lot harder to intimidate, lie, cheat and steal from a prison cell, or perhaps with a pitchfork sticking up your fat, fascist ass.
Maybe personality disorder, like chump. Beyond mental health treatment