The script wasn’t supposed to read this way. Steve Bannon and the other MAGA geniuses desperately searching for a way to sandbag Joe Biden and give Trump a leg up in the competition thought they could get well-known vaxx-denier and lefty conspiracy nutcase (he at one point claimed his father was not assassinated by Sirhan Sirhan, a claim refuted by Sirhan himself) Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to become a candidate for the 2024 Democratic presidential primary and divide Democrats still enthralled by the less-than-magic-by the-year “magic” of the Kennedy name.
And then this past weekend at a press dinner hosted by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. himself, chaos became the story as attendees witnessed screaming, farting, and the candidate suggesting COVID may have been “ethnically targeted” to spare the Jews.
Polling shows that Kennedy has gained no traction among Democrats and in fact has lost ground, dropping from an initial 20% to 15% in the latest polls. With Fox News, Trump, Elon Musk, and various other conservative media pushing the RFK Jr. candidacy, Democrats were not taking the bait.
Republicans have decided they have to up the ante and do more to promote RFK Jr. It was no surprise when Jungle Gym Jordan got the bright idea to have RFK Jr. testify on “censorship to his Weaponization of Government subcommittee.
While the Biden campaign has spent the months of this ridiculous “campaign” ignoring it, after RFK Jr. suggested COVID was ethnically targeted to spare Jews and Chinese people, the White House today condemned Kennedy's comments as "false" and "vile." House Democrats sent Jordan a letter correctly pointing out that RFK Jr.’s language was similar to Hitler's. A standard rule of politics is that when a political party finds itself associated with Hitler, they have made a bad move.
RFK Jr.’s own sister has denounced his comments. Kerry Kennedy said, “I strongly condemn my brother's deplorable and untruthful remarks last week about Covid being engineered for ethnic targeting. His statements do not represent what I believe or what Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights stand for, with our 50+-year track record of protecting rights and standing against racism and all forms of discrimination.”
One would think that having their star witness being condemned from all circles would make House Republicans pause and reconsider giving Kennedy a national platform, testifying before Congress this coming Thursday.
Quiverin’ Qevin decided to show that the standard rule of politics is something he is unaware of when he doubled down and told reporters earlier today: “Your question about RFK. I disagree with everything he said. The hearing that we have this week is about censorship. I don’t think censoring somebody is actually the answer here. I think if you’re going to look at censorship in America, you’re first action to censor him, it probably plays into the problem that we have.”
Kennedy would most likely testify about the antitrust case he has brought against The Washington Post, the BBC, AP, and Reuters for ganging together in a misinformation-fighting consortium called the “Trusted News Initiative.” In the suit, he alleges the project constitutes a group boycott of alternate viewpoints on vaccines that led to them being censored by social media platforms.
The case was most recently steered to Terry Doughty, the same lunatic far right Louisiana federal judge who on July 4 ordered Biden officials to stop communicating with social media platforms about moderating vaccine content. The companies have come out swinging, ridiculing Kennedy for having no legitimate reason to bring the case in Louisiana. They also point out that he previously told Judge Doughty that Biden was to blame for social media censorship whereas now, he says it’s the news media.
Pick one!
The only way that this could be worse for Republicans is if Kennedy was to testify that he thinks Hitler was right, and that he knows Republicans agree with him that Hitler was a pretty ok dude who might have been behind COVID.
Republicans have been consistently saying that Donald Trump can’t beat Joe Biden in a one-on-one match-up in 2024. Desperate political parties do desperate things, and perhaps no party has ever been more desperate than the present collection of clucks claiming they to be the real GOP.
If they had any brains (of course, if they did, they wouldn’t be MAGA Republicans, a moron IQ score being a prerequisite to join) they would have looked at the fact that the Kennedy name has pretty much been in eclipse since the death of the last of the Original Brothers, Teddy. Joe Kennedy III completely failed in his attempt to challenge Ed Markey, managing to come across as the entitled Nepo Twit that he is.
There may be some of the usual unaware lefty dumbbells that one finds in dark corners of the Democratic Party who have yet to have learned the truth about who actually got us into Vietnam and whose cabinet officials later overwhelmed LBJ to keep their leader’s policy going, and all the other truths that have dimmed the light of RFK Jr’s late uncle - there’s a general rule that 30% of any crowd never gets the message.
But RFK Jr has been such a spectacular nut case that even half of the crowd that never gets the message has obviously gotten the message this time.
The the Trumpers thought this was a good idea is proof of just how stupid you have to be to be a MAGA Republican - stupid enough to think that Trump is a successful businessman and a political genius.
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I have said here and elsewhere that it is impossible to be both a loyal republican and a loyal American. Robert Kennedy, Jr., is a loyal republican, using the name "Democrat" to try to step on the graves of his father and uncles. But while non-persons like Steve Bannon should be in prison for treason, Mr. Kennedy should be in a mental hospital, getting the treatment he so desperately needs.
Let's be clear and factual. The republican party played footsie with Hitler during WWII. Republican Congressmen were in direct
contact with Hitler's ambassador in the US and
funneled money through him
to Hitler in Germany. These are recorded facts in the
Nuremberg trials and records.
taken from memos, cables,
letters and journals, confiscated when the allies
broke through into Berlin.
RFK is a stain on America.
Jim Jordan and his ilk are
no better. They would bring
this crap into the PEOPLE'S
House and make another
comedy show of it.
How many have died in the
cause of freedom our Democracy brought forth
and has held through terrible,
horrible times? For this?