Did you know who it was back then who financed the Swiftbosat Veterans for Truth campaign?
It was Harlan Crow. Yes, that Harlan Crow. Clarence Thomas’s sugar daddy.
Did you know who the “Republican hitman” - as he was known then - who ran that campaign was?
It was Chris LaCivita, the guy now running the Trump 2024 campaign, who has been given control of the operations of the RNC.
Last week, when Tim Walz was first “discovered” and people began to take a look at his biography, Chris LaCivita put in a call to Harlan Crow.
And, after the call, Crow made a “significant donation” to the PAC supporting Trump, which isn’t supposed to be controlled by the campaign, but is run by one of LaCivita’s associates.
Now do you understand what is happening and why Corporal Six Months In An Air Conditioned Office Learning To Be A Hack Writer made his “stolen valor” attack on Tim Walz yesterday?
“Round up the usual suspects!”
Trump isn’t the only one in his Fat Elvis stage, playing his greatest hits. (Actually, Rick Wilson is right, he’s a Fat Elvis impersonator, appearing on a Tuesday night at a diner/casino/unlicensed brothel in Elko, Nevada.)
This past Wednesday, everybody’s favorite “Garritrooper” (a World War II term: “Too close to the front to wear ties, too far to the rear to get shot at.”), aka Corporal In The Rear With The Gear took his marching orders from LaCivita, and launched an attack on Governor Walz’s 24 year career in the Army National Guard, claiming he “abandoned his unit” before they were sent to Iraq, thus demonstrating “stolen valor.”
Rather than let the bullshit lie there unnoticed like Kerry did in 2004, the Harris campaign was quick to pounce, and make certain the Credulous Media got the facts, which are:
Walz served in the field artillery, a job that took a toll on his hearing (“Boom!!” being pretty loud in person). After serving 20 years, in 2002 a medical board considered discharging him because of the hearing impairment he’d developed from that. At the time, he was already eligible for retirement, but he convinced the board to allow him to complete his assignment, which had begun just after 9/11.
Walz had achieved the highest possible enlisted rank in the U.S. Army of Command Sergeant Major. Rather than complete the schooling for that rank, Walz retired in 2005 with the title of Master Sergeant.
VoteVets stated, “Governor Walz submitted his retirement request months prior to notification that his unit was going to be deployed to Iraq.” This was confirmed by CNN’s Pentagon correspondent.
Corporal In The Rear With The Gear For Six Months has not stopped his attacks, since he has no sense of irony, seemingly unaware that the terrified old man he now carries luggage for claimed non-existent “bone spurs” to avoid serving at all in Vietnam.
Even the Wall Street Journal said today that Corporal Six Months’ attack on Walz was “pretty thin gruel.”
If Trump is a Fat Elvis impersonator appearing on a Tuesday night at a diner/casino/unlicensed brothel in Elko, Chris LaCivita is the washed-up backup singer on break from dishwashing in the kitchen going “Ooobie-doo-wah-wah” behind him.
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Thank you for writing about this. Disparaging a vet's service is despicable. At least this time around people/groups are pushing back - hard. Adam Kinzinger lambasted the attack and took the time to lay out how the military works. Vote Vets has been very vocal as well as Occupy Democrats along with individual vets who slammed the attacks. My husband served in the National Guard, and if anyone attacked his service, I would hurt them. God bless Tim Walz and fuck every low life SOB trying to demean him.
I don't think this disparagement of Walz's clearly exemplary military service is going to get any traction beyond the DJT base . . . unless the corporate media keeps doubling down on it, for reasons that escape me.