"Trump will start melting down in public and by the end with any luck he might just bring on that much-longed-for massive fatal myocardial infarction, in front of 70 million viewers, and really Make America Truly Great Again." Thank you for this, Tom, the biggest laugh I've had in weeks. The only trumpster debate I remember was when he stalked Hillary Clinton, pacing back and forth behind her, like the psychopath he is. The "supposed to be" facilitator, did nothing. Had I been Hillary or that wimpy facilitator I'd have loudly and clearly told the trumpster to sit and keep his mouth shut, or he'd be removed from he stage. Biden will not allow such childish demonstrations. That facilitator, whoever he was got fired soon afterwards but for different reason.

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I, a woman, in that debate, would have accidentally stepped backwards, armed with stilettos, and...

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I thought the same thing sans stilettos.

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Good idea, MaryPat

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I was evening nursing supervisor one night, observing our 8 patients and staff through the nursing desk window, when the creepy Jaguar driving cardiologist came up behind me and wrapped his arms (and hands) around my chest. I SCREAMED and did some sort of impromtu judo move, flinging his paws off of me. He never bothered ME again, but, of course, I was essentially told that "boys will be boys" in 1976.

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Male surgeons have to be considered guilty until they prove themselves innocent. There is a higher percentage of asswipes among surgeons than there are among lawyers.

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Good for you, MaryPat. You did exactly the right thing, And that boys will be boys crap is just that. Polite men don't do stuff like that.

I had a similar experience when I was 18 working as a cost accountant in Canada. This very thin taller than me but short for a man, grabbed me by the ribs as I was leaning over a table adding up a row of numbers reflexively I swung my right arm back accidentally hitting him on the side of the head and knocking him backwards over the desk behind. I was never touched like that again (and I worked until I was 88)

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Yay, Fay!!

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How did I miss this. Priceless

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I'd love to see that ending!

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Wouldn't we all.

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I’d like to see the end of this s**T show period. And absolutely no reruns.

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I agree TC , Orange will be a No-Show; there are no TV Studios at Rikers Island.

Assuming DJT makes the Atlanta "Debate" at the end of the June, let's review the Former Guy's Greatest Hits from thei last "Debate".

Biden warned about the attacks on ROE v Wade & Trump whined, "There's nothing happening there."

Remember Trump's "Climate Change small windows Trope? "They are going to make our windows

tiny he bellowed.? Trump thought "Charging Stations" are where you pick up cans of Diet Coke.

And, of course Trump's clarion call on hate speech: " Proud Boy's Stand Back & Stand By. "The Not-so-Proud Leade"r of the J6 Attack on the Capitol is still doing time for his conviction on the rare Criminal Count of Seditious Conspiracy. And, now Jailed Boy is a member of a Felon Choir".

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Praying that this debate will burn the sox off of the orange sadist.

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The debates have always been stupid. Even Nixon-Kennedy. Kennedy was given winner status because he was cool and collected while Nixon was a sweaty mess. But people who listened on radio thought Nixon won on substance and they couldn’t see either of them. Today, I can’t wait to see what happens.

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And since then the campaign consultants have raked in the $$$ for making presidential candidates look less like Tricky Dick and more like Robert Redford in THE CANDIDATE.

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yes...and as for issues, the only one I remember is the supposedly vexed question of Quemoy and Matsu...would you let them go commie?

truly sub-intelligent.

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Image, not substance. All over the land. Reminds me of a foster teen I had years ago. He wanted me to buy him a car antenna so people would think he had a car phone (I said a long time ago). I said why. I just want to look cool. Damn, now it’s our “leaders” who have no “phone.”

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TC, you are as one and fluid with your pen as a Zen swordsman.

Seems like there’s blood in the water


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It will be glorious

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I loved it and did laugh out loud. Thanks!

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I’ll second that😊

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Does anyone want to venture a guess what kind of hissy fit the orange one will have if he is convicted in the current case? Could the cardiac event occur then, perhaps?

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Anytime will be just fine.

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No doubt I'm a sickly twisted old woman, but your "throwaway" line just cracked me up. Thanks for the morning laugh, TC!

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It is news too good to be true. So I guess you’re right that The Orange One will flake when he starts to realize he can’t run his mouth. But the good thing is that it does effectively nix the Presidential Debate Commission thereafter. Reduces by one the number of shiny objects for the Washington media to harp about.

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100%, and for all the same reasons. Cutting the Presidential Debate Commission out of the picture was an absolutely necessary move. We are not going to see Trump stalking President Biden the way he did Hillary Clinton in 2016.

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Great piece TCINLA. Your perspective on the debate agreements is refreshing and hopeful in the midst of a creeping/accelerating doubt about Biden's road ahead among some people who should know better. Many thanks.

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A key thing is that Biden was the initial challenger, robbing Trump of an chance to say Joe's afraid to have a go at him. But you are so right, Tom, about debates descending into the trash talk promotions we see in boxing and cage match fighting but with fewer F-bombs. And Joe should bring some of Katie Porter's white boards to highlight his achievements and Trump's failures. TV is a visual medium after all. He might even get away with bringing VP Harris to hold up the charts and point out how his administration has been a team; whereas, Trump's was an arena for frequent and erratic hirings and firings because his "only the best people" turned out to be losers, by his own definition. (Sorry, I've got ideas for Joe's training camp.)

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The only thing that's certain is the "debates" will be unedifying at best.

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Too true.

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My best case scenario for the debate - diaper failure - with viral images of a shot of trump's shoes/cuffs from the back, with a little pile of the leakage sitting there. It would be the icing on the cake, so to speak.

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I so wish these debates would happen -- but I predict that Don Snoreleone will very soon begin a whine campaign about the unfairness of Biden "dictating" the debate rules, etc., etc., and keep escalating the lies until he refuses to debate at all. And his base will cheer. Sigh.

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That’s who they are

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"bored and disinterested" Pretty please, bored and UNinterested. When disinterested loses its meaning, we lose a really useful word.

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Cheese it! Run! The language fuzz! :-)

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don’t get me started on nauseas

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