No matter how hard the Fwee-dumb Kawkuss Kwazies, er, I mean the House Republican Caucus pushes to get the inevitable impeachment of Joe Biden that Quiverin’ Qevin peromised them in return for letting him ascend to the position of House Speaker In Name Only, the show trial keeps getting kicked down the road, frustrating the unreconstructed Confederates who are ever so eager to retaliate for the very different, very evidence-filled prosecutions and trials of Donald Trump.
Donald Duck to Quiverin’ Qevin: “Life is too short to be serious all the time, so if you can’t laugh at yourself then call me.... I’ll laugh at you for you!”
You nailed the problem for the pseudo-warriors who collect used grenade pins. And the reason there are so few collectors to trade with. Most are one-handed.
I'm actually not a fan of that term, because it can be taken as denigrating the institution of Congress. I feel like it is the Republicans' job to tear down our institutions, and ours to preserve them.
yeah, but it's not as if there weren't ALWAYS nutcases in the House. and murderous ones. I keep remembering Preston Brooks nearly killing Charles Sumner. and that was only one the most famous example of "congresscritters" getting completely out of hand.
I pray (and I'm an atheist) that the electorate will wake up on November 2024 and send this collection of weirdos, wankers and wombats back to the holes from whence they came - and that they'll give the sane people (if there are any left) such a majority for the foreseeable future, that real laws will get passed and we'll bury this "Confederacy of Dunces" once and for all. This is my passionate hope!
But they have smelled blood and I am shocked at how many magaloons think that destroying what we have to remake “revenge world” is a great plan. The 2025 project is a blueprint for just that. Same prayer here…
Amazing that republicans are accusing Biden family of exactly what chump crime family was/is guilty of. I say nothing shocks me anymore, but the corporations, billionaires, and moronic average Joe’s that still donate to and support republicans surely know that destruction (of the administrative state, per Bannon) will affect ALL. It truly is a cult, blind, deaf, and with no moral compass, charging around in the China shop (our earth, our country), while spewing that carnage is a good thing. And you know it too, Rupert
Morale is a ship sinking in deep waters. The Caw-cuss will continue to use the remaining levers of power to disrupt and obstruct until their levers have gone dry (apologies to Don Maclean and Chevrolet)
Funding Government is their final lever. May the voters quickly learn the consequences of what happens when government is shut down by these incitement monkeys
this is my third go-around with this post, which keeps vanishing. I hate when that happens, and now I hate it double.
a few months back, I mentioned the idiotically nefarious activities of Naomi Wolf, who was once considered (wrongly, as it happens), a "leading left-wing feminist intellectual." she was and is one of those. Google her. she has ZERO intellectual credibility and is, from my perspective, amazingly stupid. the story about her planning a seduction of Harold Bloom and then "fainting" when he took her seriously is enough, given the late Prof. Bloom's reputation. she also wrote a book that had to be pulped when it was found that her "research findings" were 100% WRONG.
she went completely nuts during Covid and remains nuts (she's a favorite Tucker Carlson"guest"), saying weird shit about the dangerous fecal matter of vaccinated people (like, I said, weird shit), and all manner of crazy things. she's all over YouTube, telling people to overthrow the government because the Declaration of Independence says to do so. I maintain that if she hadn't started out sort of good-looking (I went to HS with hundreds just like her), she wouldn't have gone anywhere.
now most of us know about Naomi Klein, who's an entirely different Naomi with a monosyllabic Jewish last name. she's done some pretty solid work over the last twenty-five years or so. not ALWAYS right, but who of us ever is?
in any event, it occurred to me that people were going to get them confused and there would be a lot of problems for Ms. Klein.
well, I was right. there's a major article in this weekend's NYT Magazine about the book Naomi Klein wrote about it. it's called "Doppelganger" and comes out a week from Tuesday. I've already ordered MY copy. I consider it, to re-use a phrase I've been using for a while now, self-recommending.
considering the two people involved, I'd assume it's maddening on the very BEST day. and "idiot" is also being very, very kind. this woman is beyond nuts. and, since my one or two nutty anti-vax friends consider her "heroic" and "wonderful" (they're ignorant of her complicated, disgraceful history and the stranger things she's been saying), she's pretty dangerous.
Quiverin' Qevin. OMG! But I wondered . . .did you mean morale or morals. There is certainly none of the latter in this crowd and as for their shenanigans, they're making a good sized majority of people ready to hurl. - very bad for morale. At any rate - my guess is that some of those 18 could be deemed unfit to be on the ballot next year under the terms of the 14th Amendment Article 3. However, it seems the Founders could not quite bring themselves to believe there would be office holders with no morality or ethics - who could take the oath of office and deliberately act in defiance of that oath. I guess they could not believe they were writing aspirational documents while at the same time enslaving people on their plantations, OR running businesses that were benefiting from enslaved people on plantations. the human can rationalize its way to complete depravity. (That's Calvin of course, but he was known for his erudite mind and his penchant for throwing matches on the fires that burned his opponents in the bad old days of religious warfare. It's possible we're still there - perpetual Ground Hog Day writ cosmically).
Donald Duck to Quiverin’ Qevin: “Life is too short to be serious all the time, so if you can’t laugh at yourself then call me.... I’ll laugh at you for you!”
Dumbo to Quiverin' Qevin: “A mother’s love is the ultimate comfort.”
Mickey Mouse to Quiverin' Qevin: “Live every moment as not to regret what you are about to do.”
Dear gawd, this is brilliant writing. The gawd d*mn situation in which we find ourselves. Make it stop.
These drooling fools don't even know that when they pull the pin the grenade will blow them back to the slime pits from whence they came.
Thanks for urging me back to the battlements from my coffee break, Tom.
You nailed the problem for the pseudo-warriors who collect used grenade pins. And the reason there are so few collectors to trade with. Most are one-handed.
Judith,only in Florida…..sigh.
That guy literally looks like the nutcase he is.
every day, it gets a little more painful sharing a country with these stupid motherfuckers.
Of all your renaming, I like “congresscritters ” the best.
I'm actually not a fan of that term, because it can be taken as denigrating the institution of Congress. I feel like it is the Republicans' job to tear down our institutions, and ours to preserve them.
There are congressmen and congresswomen. Then there are the critters. Easy to differentiate.
yeah, but it's not as if there weren't ALWAYS nutcases in the House. and murderous ones. I keep remembering Preston Brooks nearly killing Charles Sumner. and that was only one the most famous example of "congresscritters" getting completely out of hand.
I take your point. I should have said that first.
I pray (and I'm an atheist) that the electorate will wake up on November 2024 and send this collection of weirdos, wankers and wombats back to the holes from whence they came - and that they'll give the sane people (if there are any left) such a majority for the foreseeable future, that real laws will get passed and we'll bury this "Confederacy of Dunces" once and for all. This is my passionate hope!
But they have smelled blood and I am shocked at how many magaloons think that destroying what we have to remake “revenge world” is a great plan. The 2025 project is a blueprint for just that. Same prayer here…
good to know I'm not the only praying atheist in these parts.
Note to Tom: Please stop pulling punches - tell us what you REALLY think!
I laughed out loud.
Amazing that republicans are accusing Biden family of exactly what chump crime family was/is guilty of. I say nothing shocks me anymore, but the corporations, billionaires, and moronic average Joe’s that still donate to and support republicans surely know that destruction (of the administrative state, per Bannon) will affect ALL. It truly is a cult, blind, deaf, and with no moral compass, charging around in the China shop (our earth, our country), while spewing that carnage is a good thing. And you know it too, Rupert
Oh, gawd, I had so many good laughs!!! Thanks TC! It makes it more bearable!
Morale is a ship sinking in deep waters. The Caw-cuss will continue to use the remaining levers of power to disrupt and obstruct until their levers have gone dry (apologies to Don Maclean and Chevrolet)
Funding Government is their final lever. May the voters quickly learn the consequences of what happens when government is shut down by these incitement monkeys
this is my third go-around with this post, which keeps vanishing. I hate when that happens, and now I hate it double.
a few months back, I mentioned the idiotically nefarious activities of Naomi Wolf, who was once considered (wrongly, as it happens), a "leading left-wing feminist intellectual." she was and is one of those. Google her. she has ZERO intellectual credibility and is, from my perspective, amazingly stupid. the story about her planning a seduction of Harold Bloom and then "fainting" when he took her seriously is enough, given the late Prof. Bloom's reputation. she also wrote a book that had to be pulped when it was found that her "research findings" were 100% WRONG.
she went completely nuts during Covid and remains nuts (she's a favorite Tucker Carlson"guest"), saying weird shit about the dangerous fecal matter of vaccinated people (like, I said, weird shit), and all manner of crazy things. she's all over YouTube, telling people to overthrow the government because the Declaration of Independence says to do so. I maintain that if she hadn't started out sort of good-looking (I went to HS with hundreds just like her), she wouldn't have gone anywhere.
now most of us know about Naomi Klein, who's an entirely different Naomi with a monosyllabic Jewish last name. she's done some pretty solid work over the last twenty-five years or so. not ALWAYS right, but who of us ever is?
in any event, it occurred to me that people were going to get them confused and there would be a lot of problems for Ms. Klein.
well, I was right. there's a major article in this weekend's NYT Magazine about the book Naomi Klein wrote about it. it's called "Doppelganger" and comes out a week from Tuesday. I've already ordered MY copy. I consider it, to re-use a phrase I've been using for a while now, self-recommending.
just saying...
I read the excerpt. It must be maddening to be confused with an idiot.
considering the two people involved, I'd assume it's maddening on the very BEST day. and "idiot" is also being very, very kind. this woman is beyond nuts. and, since my one or two nutty anti-vax friends consider her "heroic" and "wonderful" (they're ignorant of her complicated, disgraceful history and the stranger things she's been saying), she's pretty dangerous.
Thanks. I quite enjoyed this! Marjorie Traitor Goon, LOL
And in pursuit of our aims, we will shut down the government and paralyze FEMA. Nice move, Gaetz.
Quiverin' Qevin. OMG! But I wondered . . .did you mean morale or morals. There is certainly none of the latter in this crowd and as for their shenanigans, they're making a good sized majority of people ready to hurl. - very bad for morale. At any rate - my guess is that some of those 18 could be deemed unfit to be on the ballot next year under the terms of the 14th Amendment Article 3. However, it seems the Founders could not quite bring themselves to believe there would be office holders with no morality or ethics - who could take the oath of office and deliberately act in defiance of that oath. I guess they could not believe they were writing aspirational documents while at the same time enslaving people on their plantations, OR running businesses that were benefiting from enslaved people on plantations. the human can rationalize its way to complete depravity. (That's Calvin of course, but he was known for his erudite mind and his penchant for throwing matches on the fires that burned his opponents in the bad old days of religious warfare. It's possible we're still there - perpetual Ground Hog Day writ cosmically).
It was a play on "The beatings will continue until morale improves." you know I don't know!😅😅😅