Yes, TC. I posted on another site today a suggestion to read Hubbell’s Substack today. Towards the end of his essay, he addresses the perils of pessimism amongst Dems right now. And he is correct. People think optimism is everything from corny to stupid in the face of the boldness of the fascism and treason creeping into the governance in this country. Optimism is NOT merely sitting around “hoping” for something good to happen while your brow is sweaty with fear. Optimism is fighting the good fight and not giving in to flight. It’s standing on two feet and staring down (or commenting down) the same Dems that lost us the election in 2016 or some who think a grievance or complaint against the current administration is somehow relevant in light of the gross malfeasance and authoritarian, narcissistic, bloated non-leadership of the last administration. It’s not talking about moving to another country. Please. We are the majority. We have enough to counter without listening to whining within our own ranks. Hitch up the britches and get the glint in the eye, the toss of the head, and let’s go kick some ass. It’s shocking to me that people are so afraid of the brawl. I usually say that it’s good that I grew up with lots of brothers but honestly? In this moment, it’s good they grew up with me. Too much pessimism emanating from men. Almost every woman I speak with or listen to understands the fight we are in and has no intention of fleeing.

I just implore all of us to really understand what TC’s ending sentence in this essay means. And choose feet or knees.


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I'm sure you are right about who got value from growing up with who, Christine.

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Bravo Christine! I am so damned tired of people giving Biden a hard time for what he has not done. 1)NO president is in charge of the price of oil and gas. 2) Biden inherited fires everywhere and a government filled with termites like Louis DeJoy. All things considered, he has done amazing things. 3)We have enemies in the ranks--Manchin and Sinema, who are eating up the attention they are getting like my grandkids eat up brownies. The msm talks about what grand things Biden should do. With a 50/50 Senate and 2 Dems TOTALLY UNRELIABLE. Are you kidding me??!!! Dems can fight and whine over things when we have 62 senators and a 60+ majority in the House. We should assume nothing. Work like hell everywhere to get blue people elected!!!!😡😡😡.

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Yep--that last sentence pierces to the core of the situation. This is not ordinary right now. Thanks Christine.

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Love, love LOVE your beautiful words, Christine (FL).

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I like the tone and attitude of today's "Mess". I'm with you. The pendulum is swinging. The GQP has gone too far. And then there are the Republican idiots running for office. Can you really call women "thumbs" and get re-elected? Watch for a resurgence of "moderate" Republicans after the Mid Terms as they perform their post mortem.

Now to send some money to some competitive candidates....

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Without a thumb to do the opposing, any number of fingers would make nothing more than a paw. It's the thumb that gives a hand the versatility to be a wielder of tools for art and creation, as well as destruction.

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Right. And Matt Pinko ( I mean pinky) Gaetz….how dare you insult women when you are speaking to teenagers and young adult students at the Turning Point conference.Thumbs??? Thumbs? You cretin. I personally relish the moment when you are brought to task for trafficking 17 yr old adolescent “thumbs”.

Thank you, brother, for not being “vague”. 🗽

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There’s all the avalanche of small contributions going to Democratic campaigns, even as the pool of small donors to Republicans is drying up like Lake Mead. The GOP has plenty of sugar daddies who write big checks, but the volume of small donors is a measure of base enthusiasm. By this admittedly subjective measure, the Democratic base is aroused and enthusiastic and the Republican base is sinking into the Slough of Despond. The off-year losses don’t always happen, by the way. In 1962, JFKs Democrats gained four senate seats. Which is possible this year.

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The battlefield is at the ballot box: VOTE!!

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"Mind like parachute, only work when open" - Charly Chan 1936ish. Seems like a case of the one-eyed (media) ruling the (willfully) blind lefties.

I share your optimism TC, mainly due to the Republicans continued determination to disenfranchise, completely infuriate, and insult the intelligences of the single block of more than 50% of voters who may well decide their future. Those voters who demand the right to decide when and how they will give birth to children, children who may be gunned down at school or church or the mall. Voters who may already have fears for the children and grandchildren they love. Many of those voters will be registered Republicans, because husbands and families dictate so, but I hope enough of those are brave and quietly cast their votes for Democratic candidates this midterm season. I am quietly optimistic that the pragmatism and sensibility that somehow gives a woman the strength to put up with the endless foibles of a man-child for years on end and to carry his children will give them the stubborn fortitude to do good for the betterment of future generations.

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I’m reading this afternoon that Manchien has agreed to a package of tax hikes on the rich, lowering prescription drug costs, and fighting (but probably with one hand tied behind out backs) climate change. If true, if Senima goes along, and the House doesn’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good, Democrats might have some serious bragging rights here.

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It's a signed agreement between Shumer and Manchin. If Sinema is dumb enough to get in the way of this, she is toast. I think even this bimbette is smart enough to see that.

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From your lips to God’s ears !

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I am a 'moron', have a strong 'left wing' and often act like an 'idiot.' The name calling in this piece by Mary Sunshine starts early but that didn't stop me from reading it. I read a wide range of material every day, and I'm sure one or two articles was probably written by a sonofabitch. Ms. Sunshine reported that the odds of the Democrats picking up a couple of senate seats has improved. 'Green Shoots' is a well organized, informative and encouraging report, so Mary's not a total loser.

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You're of the left, but not a moron or an idiot, and I am sure you know the types we are talking about, since they likely upset you, too.

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With the condition of the country now, I don't think of them - the 'types'. Each of us needs to know who we are and to work accordingly. Some people annoy me and not just those 'types'. That stuff is not important. Feeling superior to them is to my mind making them more important than they are, and it's poor judgement; you would call it something else. There is every reason to give Joe Biden our full and wholehearted support. That some wish there was someone else in his place -- there isn't. How strong have the Democrats been in the last forty-five years...shall I count the ways? Why are we where we are? WE have to draw together not call each other out. That's a worthwhile challenge bringing our side together.

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Thanks for this one TC. Excellent post today.

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So, TC, I don't get it. Why is Biden's rating steadily dropping? Is it partially due to the ads on TV talking about losing Medicare benefits and to "stop Biden's spending plans", etc.? The ones which do not tell you they are Republican disinformation campaigns?

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Because so many people have no clue how the system works, so they think Biden should "deliver" their ponies and rainbows - Green New Deal, build Back Better etc. etc., and don't understand why he can't because they have no idea how congress works.

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🤯 Teach. Civics. Again.

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Hmmm...I guess all those "mandated" high school government courses aren't doing any good then, are they? Let's find someone to blame that on as well!

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When I look at all the old boomers who became Trumpers, it's clear that "sleeping through the class" has gone on a long time. When I was taking the class way back when, it was obvious I was the only one in the seats who was actually interested.

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Hey, at least we can remember taking the class! I guess I should count that as a win!

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I actually Laughed Out Loud at that.

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I'd like to chime in with my $0.02 on why.

Since the Afghanistan pull out the coverage on Biden has been brutal and non-stop. When was the last positive new cycle for Biden that had any staying power?

Gas prices move up and you have weeks and weeks of stories about how Americans can't afford to get to their massage appointments and it's Biden's fault (even though gas prices are up globally).

Those same gas prices have been falling for about a month now. They're down about $0.60/gal where I am. Haven't seen a word of that breathed on the front pages of the WaPo or NYT.

Now you have stories about the DCCC "boosting" MAGA idiots when all they're doing is run negative ads and it's the biggest political scandal since Teapot. Nevermind that Republicans did it with Bernie in 2016 they did with funding Green Party candidates and they did it by recruiting ghost candidates in Florida with similar sounding names to the Democratic candidate. You hear nothing about that like you are hearing about these ads.

But the media is liberal and in the pocket of the DNC. Give me a break.

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Hey, nice to see you here! Your analysis of all this is certainly spot on. Even in California, gas prices are down about 50-60 cents a gallon from where they were (still $1/gal more than elsewhere, so what else is new?).

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Just stretching my legs and checking out the neighborhood. ;)

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Welcome to TC’s sizzlin griddle. Looks like a good road stop for a liberal cynic!

Agree with your comment today.


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Thank you Christine!

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American media sucks big time at offering any global perspective whatsoever. We are a very self-obsessed people in a self-obsessed country and our only other obsession beside ourselves is money. It is frustrating as all get out.

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As Churchill once observed, Americans go to war to learn geography.

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The media is no more liberal than the deep pockets that run it. Thanks for your $0.02...it is always appreciated. And how many people in this country actually know the gas prices are not dictated by the government? I guess not enough, as usual.

If you buy at high prices (take the real estate market for instance), the prices will then go even higher until people finally stop spending their money. Then prices go back down. Why pay $500k for a house that is maybe worth $300K? Because you can...or you think you can. Go ahead and keep your collective heads in the sand. And when it all crashes AGAIN...it will be history repeating itself...AGAIN. Sorry, I'm on a tear this morning.

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It's a good tear.

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I note with some satisfaction that the price of gas here ended the month under $4/gallon after falling steadily during the peak of the summer driving season. It will be interesting to see how much coverage that gets as the media are currently almost orgasmic in their chastisement of Big Oil for excessive profit taking.

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TC &TAFM subscribers, READ THIS!

'Former Republicans and Democrats form new third U.S. political party'

'LOS ANGELES, July 27 (Reuters) - Dozens of former Republican and Democratic officials announced on Wednesday a new national political third party to appeal to millions of voters they say are dismayed with what they see as America's dysfunctional two-party system.'

'The new party, called Forward and whose creation was first reported by Reuters, will initially be co-chaired by former Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang and Christine Todd Whitman, the former Republican governor of New Jersey. They hope the party will become a viable alternative to the Republican and Democratic parties that dominate U.S. politics, founding members told Reuters.'

'Party leaders will hold a series of events in two dozen cities this autumn to roll out its platform and attract support. They will host an official launch in Houston on Sept. 24 and the party's first national convention in a major U.S. city next summer.'

'The new party is being formed by a merger of three political groups that have emerged in recent years as a reaction to America's increasingly polarized and gridlocked political system. The leaders cited a Gallup poll last year showing a record two-thirds of Americans believe a third party is needed.'

'The merger involves the Renew America Movement, formed in 2021 by dozens of former officials in the Republican administrations of Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush and Donald Trump; the Forward Party, founded by Yang, who left the Democratic Party in 2021 and became an independent; and the Serve America Movement, a group of Democrats, Republicans and independents whose executive director is former Republican congressman David Jolly.' (Reuters) See link below.


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As Stuart Stevens pointed out last night, a "third party" is a nice thing for entitled white people to feel good with. As he also pointed out, there are now two parties: the Party of Democracy and the Party of Authoriarianism. And any vote not for the Party of Democracy is effectively a vote for the Party of Authoritarianism. This is particularly dangerous in competitive congressional districts, that are decided by slim margins. Diluting the vote for the Party of Democracy is to guarantee the victory of the Party of Authoritarianism.

I will remind all of the dumbfucking "libruls" in Florida in 2000 who were "disappointed" by the Democrats and so voted for Ralph Nader, thus giving us George W. Bush and the invasion of Poland, er, I mean Iraq.

Go read American political history. Outside of the GOP, which became a majority party as the result of a civil war growing out of the slavery crisis, no third party has ever succeeded. The history of third parties in America is proof that P.T. Barnum was right, that "there's a sucker born every minute."

Anybody working on a 3rd party in 2022 or 2024 is guaranteeing a GOP/Trump victory and the end of democracy after 2024.

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BYM, This 'left leaner' voted for a democrat in every election since she was eligible to vote, with one exception, when I didn't vote at all. That was Mario Cuomo's last gubernatorial election. Repugnance overwhelmed my civic duty.

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I would have been amazed if you had reported otherwise, Fern. :-)

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You do bring out my smile. : - )

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It would be more appropriate as THE LOSERS PARTY or PARTY OF MISFITS. TC, this is a curse. Their narcissism will not be satisfied as the shmucks light another anti-American fire.

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Jul 27, 2022Edited
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Unfortunately, the American Left has yet to have ever missed an opportunity to "miss an opportunity." I wish I knew why that is.

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Victim mentality. Using it like a badge. We shall overcome turned out to be overcome. It is in no way “progressive” or “liberal”. It is tight assed and rife with cowardice. Get out of the way, quit whining, and shut the f*ck up. Unless one realizes that words are mere words unless backed by active intention and purpose to stand for instead of serving what you supposedly oppose.


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Jul 27, 2022
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go right ahead!

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