It almost hurts to hit that "heart/like" icon. But this is spot on.

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I know. Heart / no heart makes so little sense when thumbs up / thumbs down could be allowed.

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Reporters have no right to ask questions. They have no right to expect answers. The response was “Get out!” Maybe they should be grateful they weren’t arrested . . . this time. Trump’s people will revenge such impertinence and lack of respect for His Wonderfulness.

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I watched the video with the reporter. It was almost surreal as the GOP laughed and shouted , almost as if it was scripted.

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The spineless "gop moderates" fell into line with the insurrectionists to elect an election denier and fweedom caucus leader as "speaker". Hang onto your seat. Grateful the lawyers are finally copping to the errors of their ways. Eventually the orange cheeto will be no more. But until then the times will be beyond hard not just for all of us in the US but in Ukraine. I'm sure putin is smiling. orban too.

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Harry Truman was referring to the Republican congressmen who were charged with sedition for plotting to overthrow the US government and put the Nazis in power in 1940-41.

CONGRESSMEN! Just like today's, only now Putin is their master.

Like William Howard Taft, Hamilton Fish, et al.

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Robert Taft - William's son.

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Yes, I was up late last night reading too much stuff.

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Another guy from Ohio.😪

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“Indeed, they won’t be doing any policy any night in the forseeable future. Or any day either.” Emmer’s nomination gave us a few hours of relief and then bam! Back to crazy town. Any policy they might try to do will be nasty and mean and UnAmerican. Rock on TC!

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Prepare for shutdown. The culture wars are about to turn seriously hot--"shut down is all the Dems fault because they won't agree to include a nation wide abortion ban." Jolly. Will shutting down the TSA just in time for Thanksgiving do any good? Change anyone's mind?

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Tom. I'm adding a link to an interview in WAPO which is just hot off the press so to speak. It goes with your great piece! More and more of those threatened with accountability for their actions with regard to the former guy and his attempt to overthrow the government, which by the way continues to this day through the right wing cabal in the house especially and in states ruled by gop legislators and governors, will turn against him and confess. Unfortunately the politics of fascism are easy to overlook until you no longer can. Looks like a fascinating book written by someone who had to flee russia but was likely poisoned once she settled in Germany. She recovered. The New "speaker" promises to be what he has been all along--a mouthpiece for the guy who should by now be in prison for treason.


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From the article:

Q. Fascism is on the rise all over the world, and I can see echoes of what happened in Russia happening in the United States. What can I do?

A. What I would definitely do differently — and it was a trap I don’t want you to fall into — it’s this principle: Don’t get involved or you will lose your objectivity, all of us should be objective and professional and blah, blah, blah. I believe this whole principle — don’t get involved in things — was invented by people who had power and wanted to keep it because they don’t want media to be politically active. This is what we believe in, too — that the first thing we should do is professional duty. But professional duty is not enough. We all have not just professional duties, but also civil duties, and they’re not eliminated by professional duties. If you as a journalist know that your country goes in the wrong direction, you should alarm the rest.

Many educated Russians are very happy to believe that propaganda doesn’t affect them, that some stupid people are being affected by propaganda but we know things. When you feel that propaganda doesn’t affect you, you’re already under its influence.

I won’t shame myself for being an activist and a journalist. And I believe, of course, that I should be — we should all be — way more alarmed. If you see that things are going to hell, they are going to hell.

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Thanks for that link, Linda.

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As a Christian, Jenna Ellis was ashamed about not doing her due diligence to discover if Trump et al were lying. Seems she was not the only Christian who opted for not checking their leader’s

Truth to Lie quotient.

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Oh I'm not so sure that's what she regrets. She didn't specify, and I'm pretty sure later on she'll clear up the confusion. She regrets not knowing then that she'd be held to account now for the lies she definitely knew were lies. She probably fabricated a number of them, and has continued pushing them, so it wasn't lack of doing her due diligence! Violins...

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I think her major regret is getting caught in her lies. Everything else was extremely insincere theater. Especially the photogenic tears.

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Those tears are for fundraising, nothing more.

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That was why she made sure the tears were photogenic!

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The shitshow is not over. Act I: McCarthy's 15 ballots. Act II: McCarthy's downfall. Act III - too many failed Speaker candidates to count. Now we're in Act IV. It won't last any longer than any other.

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23 days to shutdown, and the House in session for only 8 of them.

Failure is guaranteed.

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I agree 100%. As Rob Hubbell has pointed out, "Speaker" Johnson now has to very quickly get budget legislation passed that will pass the Democratic Senate and be signed by the President. IF he's able to do that, the Republicans who just elected him will eat him alive. Guaranteed failure.

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Your lips to God's ear. (PLEASE?!!)

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You're telling it like it is TC---and it is a horror that this country is where it is. Expect the House paralysis to continue---this new guy in the chair is just another camp follower with a white sheet in his suitcase...... Yep, to me we are headed who knows where..... Keep up the dispatches from the front---------------

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This just in, Mike Johnson is the Speaker of the House. Your observations are spot on and it will be interesting to see how long he lasts.

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Perfectly put. Except a reminder that they have been this way at least since Nixon and I can trace it back to a century ago.

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Indeed it can be. The only three good Republican presidents were flukes. Lincoln, because they knew he was the only one with a national reputation; Theodore Roosevelt because of McKinley's assassination, after they made him VP to get rid of him; Eisenhower because they were so desperate to win they took him over the "real" Republican Robert Taft so the ex-GIs would vote for him.

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And if you think about it, Lincoln had a national reputation but not for being dogmatic, even if the South didn't care. Teddy had his issues. I've never forgiven Ike for deleting a defense of George Marshall from a speech in Wisconsin at the behest of Tail-Gunner Schmo.

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Today’s migraine sponsored by the Republican Party.

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Aren't they all?

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I sorta liked Jack Kemp.

We had some good republicans locally, but not this century. Mitt Romney, the entitled Senator, had a fine father, George, who came up hard-scrabble himself and went on to head up American Motors and then become Governor of Michigan. He was a good governor. Bill Milliken, R, was also very good and has spoken out against the maga mutants and the Tea Party before them. The current crop of republicans would consider all three named men communists today.

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Agree. We call ourselves "Milliken Republicans" up here in northern Michigan, when his support of small business, the environment and Planned Parenthood (Bill's wife, Eleanor, was instrumental in setting it up here) were our causes. But when the Traverse City Republicans kicked Bill out of the party, the Party was, tragically, over.

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Truly sad. And disgusting.

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And the gavel goes to...Mike Johnson.

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