You know, TC, reading your TAFM is a lot like reading a John Irving novel. One page joyful, turn page , plummet into sorrow, turn page, back into happiness again!!!

Happy page tonight!! Here in FL, "state of the Free by mandate" it is so good to see Val pull ahead. Rubio was quiet, just now beginning to show up. Left it too long. Thought he would not have to campaign!!!

Hope on tbe horizon. Thanks again TC!

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Don't worry, I have a bring-down scheduled for tomorrow. :-)

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NO, NO, NO! 🪳

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Say it ain't so, T!!!!!

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LOL! Never disappoint!

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I guess Rubio will be sending out Bible verses soon. We can probably read the state of the state from those little tea leaves.

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Thanks TC, ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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Oh, TC, this one is a beauty. It's so readable. Here I am after midnight enjoying

THE GOP HITS SOME SPEED BUMPS. The 'washboard' TC, I loved that. I could see and feel it. How old was I when I last saw one? -- five or six years old? That's how memorable they are. At first, I didn't understand what it was, but it looked so intriguing and then learning what a washboard does by doing it! I'm going try to get me one. Putting the GOP through the washboard. I have to give it to you, TC! You didn't do a WHAT TRUMP DID TO MCCONNELL JIG. I'm doing it because no one can do to either one of them what they do to one another.

Do you not H I N T, 'I TOLD YOU SO?' (long pause) This one is a masterpiece, full of not tepid happiness! That was what was particularly new -- happiness -- 'GOOD NEWS' for the Democrats, but we won't be too confident about it. Of course, there is always too much more to do! Thank you, reporter man. I'll read THE GOP HITS SOME SPEED BUMPS again in the morning because I want more of this happiness!

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BTW, gas is $3.69 in St. Louis.

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Gas in Mountain Home AR is now $3.41

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Good one TC but the "I told you soes" will be much better on Nov. 9 when the only poll that counts is over. Your reasoning is sound, as always, but to describe this year as weird does a disservice to the bizarre.

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true alla dat.

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You said it. It’s never over ‘til it’s over. ❤️🤍💙

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We have to remember that we can NEVER, NEVER let our guard down in protecting democracy. We always have to remain vigilant. The trolls and orcs are out there waiting for any opportunity. Complacency is not an option.

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And it is well to remember that, like Sauron of Mordor, the failed insurrectionist isn't the ultimate evil but only a servant. We had thought the battle won when we got rid of Nixon but it was only a pause and we weren't ready for the next attack.

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Ooooo, quoting Old Navy Chief for the closer makes Fine Mess a barnburner tonight, TC. I have it ready for weekend work here in Florida. “As the Old Navy Chief used to say, ‘Off your dead asses and onto your dying feet! There’s work to be done’”. Hahahahahahaha. So appreciate the “never take a chance with Vance” and “widdle twiddle Marco” updates. The work supporting Demings (FL) and Ryan (OH) has been grinding but has persevered and boots on the ground are seeing some Light in phone banking and canvassing.

I encourage us all to use the right conjunctions in our sentences as we think about increasing Dem majority and the tsunami vote for Democracy this fall. Change it….For example…”this progress looks good BUT we can’t be sure if it’s enough” to “this progress looks good AND we are building it more each day!” The door of bigotry opens outward but we are damn well slamming it shut! As I read from Hubbell’s Substack today…. “As always, we have every reason to be hopeful, but no reason to be complacent!”

The Universe is listening. Woohoo!

Love and Light. Unita 🗽

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Yes on "AND", No on "buts." Please tell MSNBC, CNN, and all the MSM!

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Let’s keep our eyes on the prize! Thank you TC!

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As usual you nailed it TC. Going to be more than bumpy for for the GOP. TIME TO GET ROLLING!! Peace and Courage to All.

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Knock Wood! 👍🏻❤️🤍💙 On my feet and gearing up for battle. Thank you, TC.

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Aye aye, Chief!

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And I saw gas here in Hood River, Oregon at 4.39/gal. That’s down from 5.89.

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Still hovering near $5.00 in Eugene.

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Wonderful analysis, thanks TC!

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“Candidate quality has a lot to do with it” according to McConnell. Does that mean that the House is full of low quality candidates?

Great post tonight, TC.

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I think it means that Trump screwed the senate with his choices, but RED and gerrymandered districts are Trump's perfect playpen.

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Yes, it's the gerrymandering that means the R's could take the House with a minority of the voters.

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Love it TC! “The candidate quality line is striking”. Striking out! I might add. What a pathetic group of different levels of marionettes these rpubcon Senate candidates are. tRump did us a favor endorsing this group.

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This is a good way to wrap up the evening. Thanks, TC.

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Yes! We are seeing the shift in Northern Michigan and the U.P. where 2 polls show Democrat Bob Lorinser within 2 points of republican seditionist Jack Bergman!!


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Great news about Bob Lorinser, GREAT!

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