The Point of No Return has been passed.
Last night on MSNBC, no less than Jon Meacham stated that he has “reluctantly concluded” that we are in a political state similar to that of the 1850s, in which one political party attempts to defend and protect the union and the other is set on its destruction.
We’re not in Kansas anymore, Dorothy - at least not the Kansas we want to be in. There’s a sign on the road up ahead: “Bleeding Kansas - 100 miles.”
Hell, even Bill Maher went on Ari Melber’s show today and said he thinks we are already in a civil war. Not one with armies contesting control of geographic territory, but one in which events like the attempted murder of Paul Pelosi become more numerous. He pointed out that in the past week, a “Drag Queen Story Hour” at a library in Portland drew an armed response and a standoff outside between defenders of the event and those who wanted to assault it with the weapons of mass destruction they were carrying.
If you want to know how this civil war will be, go read about “Bleeding Kansas.”
In Mesa Arizona, the Beer Belly Bozo Brigade currently maintaining surveillance of ballot drop boxes is now being surveilled by opponents. Nobody knows who has what armament. What’s the over/under before someone is shot?
Mona Charen, a person I never thought I could agree with on whether to order Chinese takeout for lunch, much less anything else, is completely right when she asks, “What the hell is wrong with these people? Where has their sense of ordinary decency gone?”
As to whether this is the point of maximum decline for the organization formerly known as the Republican Party, I am of the opinion these scum have no bottom. If the American people are ignorant enough to return these traitors to power, I have no doubt that the Clown Caucus will cavort in their Bozo Suits for the entertainment of the defective deplorable droolers, the lifelong losers, of their base and come up with new, previously unthought-of ways to demonstrate the meaning of the word “vile.”
The response of the MAGAts to the announcement by the San Francisco District Attorney of the charges against would-be asassin David DePape, and the release of his confession, which completely refuted the firehose of lies and bullshit unloosed over the weekend did nothing to stop the continuation of the lies.
How many weeks will it be before polls show 70 percent of Republicans believe the attack on Paul Pelosi was fake or a false flag?
Was Antifa responsible?
We’re just asking questions. Can’t you people take a joke?
This feels different from previous events, even that of January 6. This is a new level in their bottomless depravity, their constant celebration of cruelty.
Dinesh D’Souza’s tweet Sunday morning to his 2.5 million Twitter followers demonstrates what I am talking about:
“The Left is going crazy because not only are we not BUYING the wacky, implausible Paul Pelosi story but we are even LAUGHING over how ridiculous it is. What this means is that we are no longer intimidated by their fake pieties. Their control over us has finally been broken.”
And the despicables who follow him cheered that, posting “Amen!” as their reply.
A parade of alleged Republican “leaders” somehow think that a mentally-defective hammer-wielding piece of what we used to call “Telegraph Avenue Trash” assaulting an old man and putting him in the ICU with a fractured skull is funny.
Such inane ignorance is to be expected from a lifetime piece of ignorant shit like Donald Trump Jr., who but for the accident of his birth would be a failure at living in a cardboard box under the nearest freeway overpass. The rest of the usual suspects, the conservative troll-pundits, tried to get a truly vile rumor about Paul Pelosi trending and briefly succeeded, especially when Chief Twit and Head Moron Elon Muck - who is desperately in need of being chased like the permanent 12 year old he is and beaten even more severely than he was - characteristically decided to bumble his way into involvement in something he knows nothing about and amplified the lie to his 200 million Homo Sap followers on Twitter. (Fortunately, it’ appears Muck is going to be chased down by the internet regulatory authorities of Canada, the European Union and India, not to mention other places, and given the kind of beating he’ll never forget.)
But the fact that the announcements in San Francisco of the charges against David DePape, and his confession, didn’t stop people in right-wing politics and media from laughing it up over the attack is appalling in a way that even the events of January 6 weren’t.
Kari Lake, who really puts my strongly-held belief that women should not be punched in the face to the test; Glenn Youngkin, the monster with his fur on the inside; Representative Clay Higgins; and Senator John Cornyn, have all managed in the past 24 hours to confirm my belief that Republican Humor isn’t.... humor. Or even slightly funny.
All of this has revealed the dark heart of the MAGA Republican Party. A reaction so callous, so flippantly, shallowly sadistic, so hateful, is irredeemable.
As clownish as they are, the threat posed by MAGA is as serious as that of the “clowns” in Berlin 90 years ago.
The Republican Party is today nothing but a violent mob, led by open traitors, intent on destroying this country. Most of them are incapable of common decency any more.
They are The Enemy. The time for reasoning with them is over.
The MAGA leadership and its media are “flooding the zone” as Steve Bannon put it. They are filling the public airwaves with hate and creating more DePapes every day. It’s called “stochastic terrorism,” in which you put out reasons for acts to happen and encouragement that they do, without naming a specific target, knowing that someone will act on your words somewhere. That’s how Al Qaeda and ISIS operate. “Al Qaeda” - The Base.
It’s not Democrats who are threatening election officials, stalking ballot drop boxes with guns, or barraging Congress and filling the phone inboxes daily with death threats.
Democrats do not fetishize guns and violence or make heroes out of ignorant delinquents like Kyle Rittenhouse. Gun-brandishing suburbanite racist lawyers aren’t guests of honor at the national convention. Democratic office-holders don’t send out Christmas cards with photos of them and their families fondling weapons of war.
People who take sadistic glee in harming others are a social cancer; they represent a rot that has spread quickly and is attempting to kill the spirit of democracy.
Now that all attempts at reason have failed, the rest of us need to shun those whose twisted, dark hearts lead them to publicly revel in such perverted poison.
Sadly, several million of our fellow citizens are poised to vote these people into power in a week.
Darkness is spreading.
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I am trying very, very, very hard to maintain hope that good will win on the 8th in overwhelming numbers that cannot be contested.
So contemplating one of the multiple worst cases for a moment, suppose the MAGAts did manage to take over and establish their pro-guns anti-women anti-Semitic anti-democracy racist "christian" white nationalist one-depraved-party dictatorship? So coal is again king, all the money funnels up to the 1%, they axe Social Security and Medicare... and then most of the state of Florida floods out -> 20 million starving, desperate climate refugees start walking north. The mountain west and southwest are decimated by fire and drought, and the Gulf states are either under water or 120 - 130 degrees F with killer humidity, and the majority in those states was already desperate because they were all ekeing by on Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security, and farm subsidy money funded by the Blue states up north near the coasts. Another 100 million climate poverty refugees are marching north, by now probably by necessity pillaging the supplies of any rich Republicans in their path. They all arrive at State capitols, or DC, or Bedminster, they are beyond exhausted and desperate, they are supremely pissed, and millions of them are armed to the teeth. Do today's Depravity Sweepstakes winning Ultra MAGA "leaders" somehow imagine that there will be anywhere to hide from the wrath of this mob of millions? Do they think the wealthier states of the Blue North Coasts will not already have seceded, taking their superior tax coffers with them? Just one of dozens of thought experiment I have run that all lead to one inescapable fact: The MAGA Power Mob are 1. Idiots, 2. Too stupid to realize they are idiots, and 3. Would be unlikely to survive the conflagration they don't realize they are trying to create. Now I need to run an as-yet-un-thought-of thought experiment where even if the MAGAts do manage to prevail in this election, somehow the entire remaining decent population rises up, resists, rebels, and vanquishes them by 2024. Somebody, help me out here...