We’ve loved helping raise you, Tom, even when we had to wash your mouth out with soap. Carry on!!

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Personally, I enjoy the saltiness as well as the fine content. Reading "A Fine Mess" has infinitely enriched my own salt-sprinkled vocabulary!

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You say the loud stuff out loud. The Subtle Train does not pass by your house

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I laughed out loud.

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Dave Fake News for the Win!!😁

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I am so thankful I subscribed to your Substack. Your historical and political knowledge, humor, and kindness are inspiring. I am grieving yet celebrating the life of my 95 year old mother who crossed the rainbow bridge peacefully yesterday. She was an amazing woman, strong and kind, and fiercely independent. She definitely would have been leading the charge for women today in the election.

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My condolences, Karen. I'm sure she'll sit with the kitties and wait for you on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge.

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I forgot to mention that she was a cat lover too🩷

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The kitties greeted her as she crossed.

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Sincere condolences, Karen. Your description of her shows you learned the lessons she most wanted to teach you. Celebration and sadness always coexist, don't they?

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My sympathies to you and appreciation for the fact that your mother gave us you - one of the voices who have consistently added a sensible, positive, sometimes humorous - note to the group here on Tom's comments. She obviously did a good job.

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Karen…your mother, as you described, paved the way for so many women to lead the charge in this election.We are going to do this…and I hope you’re able to take comfort that her strength, independence and kindness helped to guide us on this journey. Surrounding you with peace and love…💙

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Thank you all so much🩷

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She sounds truly beautiful. Yes, the rainbow bridge. She is with us still.

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Karen, so sorry she is gone from this place. Sounds like you were lucky to have her influence. Peace to you.

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Sorry for your loss, Karen.

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Her story here is already a blessing; thank you for describing her! May she have peace. Sending you patience in the rawness and the grief. I hope all the female energy raising up our nation lifts her even higher. Hugs, Karen ❤️

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Sending a hug Karen. ❤️

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Karan, May you know blessings of comfort and peace, from another old cat lady.

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It's the cats that grabbed me! And also the heart you have for the LGBTQ community, even if it is surrounded by a seemingly crusty exterior. :-) Thank you for all you do!

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Crusty! Good one! The term reminds me of the old third grade joke about why polar bears love igloos as a snack… Crusty on the outside and soft and gooey… Well, you can figure out the rest. Heartily agreed that TCinLA Thats Another Fine Mess is a treasure. Varied themes, deep well of information that’s reliably accurate, facts, perspectives, vivid descriptions that make the reading better than TV… And then, of course, the cats! It doesn’t get any better than this! Tom, the author, first, yes, and the readership as well… Such a rich community. So grateful. I love the meme that came through yesterday remarking that today we’re having a gender reveal party and we’re all hoping for a girl. That’s for sure!

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Tom, the feeling(s) are mutual...101%. Thank you for all you have added to my last year+ of mental navigation through all the ledges, shoals, storms, tides and rip currents......and I KNOW that there are many, many others who feel the same way.

Not to mention, who else has a better/spicier sense of humor....and who better vents moral outrage? I like what Dave Dolton says in his comment about this!      Plus you like kitties (screw JDV), you're a great writer with wonderfully diverse and spirited interests.

You, Heather, Tom Hubbell, Joyce Vance, Robert Reich, Michael Moore, Susan Rogan, Jay Kuo, Jessica Craven, Simon Rosenberg, etc etc etc have been like lighthouses through some seriously godawful dark times....thank you, thank you. Here's to the Light ahead!!

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Robert Hubbell?

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Wonder what JD would call you, childless cat man who has no investment in the country. I can feel the blood curdle. He would never tangle with a man who handles man and beast.

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You didn't think we would like military history? I was a pacifist in the olden days. Now I am realistic, with the heart of a pacifist. I truly appreciate your history posts.

Thanks to the shout-out for us women folk. That was nice.

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You are an original, Tom. And that's why we (the collective we, as in all your readers) like your writing so much. And I never have to say - "tell us what you really think Tom!" Keep writing and we'll keep reading.

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He certainly is an original. I followed him over here from Facebook where he was one of the well known commenters who yelled truths from the back of the room, only to be rehustled out to FB jail time and time again as he kept returning uncowed and unbowed. Glad he landed in a place that appreciates him and where he doesn't have to yell to be heard.

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Damn, me and Tom Spent time in FB jail. We’re ex-jailbirds

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It was a revolving door in 2018-20 when I finally left.

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You were the Navalny to Trump's wannabe Putin, but you've had a much better outcome. Keep up what you've been up to, TC. There's William Wallace, the brave, in your voice.

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They finally banned me, after a week in jail, several times. Guess I violated “community standards” by saying that chump was using Goebbel’s propaganda techniques. Miss a few people but no going back applies to more than reproductive rights. Substack serves me well.

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Well, Tom I have to admit I dont always read the war posts - some but not all. As Denise said - the cats grabbed me and truly, kind of good to see someone who doesnt hold back on the reaction to the orange thing.

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I have to admit I don't always read the war posts, either. Certainly not for lack of interest, more like lack of time. The few I did read were often nail biters - I loved them!

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Short on time as well. May squeeze in midnight til one am. Saved later, waiting for “boring” time. Ha

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Happy to read and be part of the group!

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Thanks Tom. I appreciate your wit, and insights, and the feline updates!! 😊

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One more unexpected super outcome from the pandemic --your writing! I have enjoyed the kitties and the military history, Tom. I have no idea how your writing landed in my email, but I'm delighted it has. Now it is time to begin purging our national life of the worst virus ever to infect the body politic ( after reagan, after gingrich, after the traitor in chief with an orange face). Great to be standing up with you and all your readers!

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Amen, and I wish I could spend less time apologizing for my portion of the species. But men have a lot they--we--should apologize for. And I am among those constantly learning.

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Michael, no need to apologize for others. We get it. We're all learning new things every day.

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I was inspired in part by Dr. King once saying how exhausting it was to keep saving the soul of the white man.

We all learn, and I was pretty good at the outset, thanks to an often conservative mother who said nine old men on the Supreme Court had no right to tell her what to do with her body, and when I mentioned Sandra Day O'Connor, she said, "She's been through menopause. Nine old men." Well, she said she opposed the Equal Rights Amendment. Huh? How could you, I asked. She replied, "I have trouble supporting a constitutional amendment that suggests a man is capable of being equal to a woman."

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TC, I am proud to be part of your female entourage.

I like that you express your feelings--ALL of them, and with such colorful phrasing!

I so appreciated your openness and generosity in sharing Jurate with us- that I will never forget!

Your war history posts are great because you bring the personal stories of the guys who fought for us AND it gives me a new connection with my nephew Colin, who devours war history.

The cats. I am not really a cat person but I love that you have rescued and loved yours as family and share the great pics of them.

I like your diversity and your posting of things you read that you think we would like or need to hear.

Best of all, the people here are great.... women AND men....smart, honest, insightful and caring.

I imagine it is a bit intimidating to begin a Substack. Even though you were already a writer of books you might have worried if anyone would read your posts AND subscribe!!

Well, it worked and you did it while dealing with some of life’s toughest challenges.

So, as they say in Ireland, “ Good on you!” and, Thank you. You are such an interesting person.

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thanks, Carol.

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We are very wiley that way. You think you know us then we blow all the fucking stereotypes out of the water. 😘

Thank you for your writing, your candor, , your willingness to grow, and feline Fridays.

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I've been reading WWII military history since 8th grade. I have always been a nerd and was especially interested in the spies and the intelligence services. My favorite character in Midway was Hal Holbrook's. The difference you made was you welcomed all of us women! Keep up the good work.

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One can only hope that when the election is finally done and all ballots counted that Harris will be declared our 47th president-elect. My heartfelt desire is for the Orange Cheeto and all the politicians who enabled him to forever fade from view and power.

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