These incels are not born losers though - they achieved that through much effort, all by themselves.
And no, I don’t want Taylor to say ANYTHING about Joe at halftime. I just want her to come out wearing some dark aviators. Safer to watch the ensuing fireworks that way... 😎
Now, you and TC make me wanna watch the Superbowl. Just wait until Travis takes a knee on the 50-yard line to propose to Taylor and one of his Black teamees take one as well in, you know, in solidarity to family values or Black lives or because his shoe came untied. Tommy T will probably demand a hearing on the NFL, so I'm hoping for this to happen and Hannity will turn Purple in prime time.
this is as weird as the craziest Bircher shit you heard in 1963.
if the NFL (about which I know nothing due to a lifelong aversion to American Football) is some sort of Left front organization, ya gotta give them some kind of award for hiding it better than anyone.
In the Bulwark Charlie Sykes also nailed it when he introduced this idiot’s Swift/NFL conspiracy statement: “and this from Vivek who is desperate not to be left behind in the Moron Olympics” 😹😹 I love it...the Moron Olympics. Perfect description
Wow! Too much Fentanyl in the cocaine (or maybe not enough).....? I know everyone thinks the election will be really close but if this many people believe even half of this crap.....will they even find the voting polls? There are far more really stupid and ignorant people in the country than I am comfortable admitting. This represents a tragic failure of the public educational system and parenting.....
Two things explain the MAGA boomers, I think. First is the fact of long-term systemic racism, especially against African-Americans. Second is the resentment at losing their white supremacy - being top dog and running the country for their own benefit...... They do not at all like the idea of sharing power or economic success.....
Exactly. But as a card-carrying Boomer myself, I’d like to state for the record that there are a whole lot of us who actually do have at least half a brain, do recognize conspiracy theories as bullshit, and are all doing whatever we can to increase the odds that The Former Occupant and Desecrator of the Oval Office never gets within two zip codes of that room again. In 2020 and 2022 I went to rallies and panic-donated with no regard for my credit card balance. Now while I pay that balance off, I write voter postcards through Activate America, to Democratic sometimes-voters. They’ve done research that shows that voters who receive postcards are significantly more likely to vote. Meanwhile, I feel sad for my fellow Boomers who are lost in the MAGA white nationalist conspiracy-theory-generating alternate universe, but they are the only ones who can rescue themselves.
“Boomers” need not be automatically associated with MAGATRUMPLICANS, no more than followers of Christ be linked “Evangelicals” usurping the Word for their own mortal agendas
hey, I'm not sure how ANY of this started. it applies to literally NOBODY I know (and, 75 on Sunday, I'm nothing if not a boomer). I'll grant they're mostly Leftie Jews, but still...
I too am a card-carrying Boomer, and sad to say, the members of my age group that fell down the rabbit hole are dying off faster than you can blink an eye - especially those who bought into the anti-vax campaign and those who continue to mix and mingle and catch Covid mutiple times. I suppose they're refilling their hate quotas over bingo at the senior centers and hoping for a ride to the polls should they make it to November.
Card-carrying Boomer here, too. A lefty Jew in a family of lefty Jews. (My maternal great uncle ran the Colorado Democratic Party for most of the first half of the last century, and gave the speech at the '32 convention recommending an end to prohibition.
The first car I drove was a '57 Chevy (long before I was of legal age). My first memories of anything of international significance were the launching of Sputnik and the launching of Laika, the dog. My father, a specialist on the Soviet economy, was responsible for my learning of both when they happened, despite my being only 4. I also remember when the Soviets shot down Francis Gary Powers. I was six, the year was 1959, and I kept asking my father when he was going to come home. I finally got my answer about him when Bridge of Spies came out in 2015, and I was actually quite relieved.
I had a good friend who was an editor at Newsday when Powers' traffic helicopter crashed, killing him. it was a good fifteen years or so after the U-2 affair and most people didn't remember his name. I did, but I can even remember the Big Issue in the 1960 presidential debates (Quemoy/Matsou anyone?)
True, yet my neighbors will equivocate with “ I know a great (insert POC suitably subservient person)guy”. He’s not one of “those”. Subtext: I’m superior.
as a longtime member of the public school establishment, my only reply is that YOU HAVE NO's as bad as anything I can think of, good AP courses excepted.
This evidence really shocked me. I thought they were just "stupid and ignorant" too - but it appears they are totally bonkers. I don't know what they are on ("fentanyl in the cocaine"), but whatever it is, they're so deep in it, I'm not sure they can discern night from day. This is cray cray stuff, perhaps code gray stuff.
actually, Fentanyl (which I've had several times in hospitals) and Cocaine (one of the greatest wastes of money ever to come out of a laboratory in a reasonable, nonlethal combo wouldn't cause this kind of stupidity. you might spend some time a tad unconscious (therefore, boring) but it won't make you STOOPID.
in the fifties and sixties, they had stupidity DOWN...Nembutal, Seconal, Tuinal were not referred to as "goofballs" for no reason. and have you ever talked to an eager glue huffer? my junior high school class was full of 'em. not much intellectual stimulation to be had from such an encounter, let me assure you.
this TFF stuff is just purely delusional. obviously, Taylor Swift is NOT a central musical figure for MY generation, but she looks like a real nice billionaire (probably the only one in the public eye who earned her money more or less HONESTLY, unlike the rest of the scumbags) who's giving said scumbags more reasons for heavy benzodiazepine reliance. to me, it looks pretty win/win.
My own personal experience to any of the above is Fentanyl, which I had to administer to my partner during Hospice. It actually kind of terrified me, with so many precautions about how to handle it, apply the patch, date it and record the date, etc. When he passed away (not from Fentanyl - that actually gave him some comfort at the end), the Hospice nurse had a very strict protocol for disposing of the remaining drugs and I was asked to witness her disposal. During my college years, the only drug around was what we called Dex, (speed, I think?) which we took to stay awake for all nighters. The pharmacy students kept the pills in mason jars and dispensed it like candy. It's a wonder we survived!
Reality bites hard and doesn’t let go…a lesson the RWNJs never seem to learn. They keep picking battles that they’re going to lose and now losing to a strong woman figure must be exceptionally galling. So sad, too bad…
And when you factor in the strong women who are also POC (Fanni Willis, Judge Chutkan, and Letitia James, to name three), their gaskets must be blown by now!
There is much truth to TC’s surmise that a major motivation for the culture-warrior branch of conservatism is a self-realization of being uncool. It often appears that many conservatives are conservative as a reaction to their feeling of being excluded from the cool kids in high school. Looking to my generation particularly (mid-60s), conservatives are the ones who felt resentful that they didn’t get laid like the long haired hippie guys and surfers did. I think it’s a major reason for GOP voting. An extreme reaction to the arguable excesses of the counter-culture movement. It becomes visceral for them. I think it’s why you can’t reason with them and why so many of them vote against their own economic interest.
Even as minor a "celebrity" as I am (a trout in a minnow pond) has had these fuckups harass me, because a "Hollywood L:ib'rul" gets to do all the things they never will (of course, they never consider the amount of work it took to get here).
Yes, exactly right. Someone early on robbed them of their authentic self. You got to be what they always wanted to be but couldn’t so they hate you for it. This of course goes for celebrities in general.
I see it as a particularly painful form of jealousy where they blame you and other stars instead of blaming themselves and the person who shamed them and failed to foster their self love when they were young.
No matter how celebrated Trump was or tried to be, he was not and never could be one of them.
Spot on, Susan, and fully supported by Mary Trump’s very insightful and revealing book about how The Donald was wounded and then tutored to become what he is by his formative years with a mother who emotionally abandoned him at age two and a rich, bigoted, demanding, and cruelly derisive father who belittled him and trained him to become a ruthless “killer” in business.
Definitely fear. Note how "destroying the country" is their final conclusion to every paragraph about Dems and RINOs. And these are the droolers who'd hand the US over to another drooler who'd hand it over to Putin whose cyber machinations have been undercutting us for years. They're the same bunch who consider all eight of their fingers trigger fingers. I see no way to pull them out of the RW propaganda blender where clearly their brains have been pureed.
Funny and true and sad comment Judith. That fear is the fear of their very own beautiful selves that someone convinced them must be destroyed or buried at all cost.
That hated self is projected onto lovely, happy accomplished people, especially celebrities. The blender slurry they have become has obscured the breadcrumb trail back to wholeness.
I think they got stuck in getting even when they were young and never looked back.
Interestingly Taylor Swift is saving millions of young people worldwide from the fate of self rejection. She unites them. She sees that every young girl and boy + are perfectly created just the way they are.
Don't know much about Ms. Swift, but last fall when she performed in Detroit two cars full of fans from Oregon, yeah Oregon, stayed at the Airbnb down the street. Chatted with them briefly. It was the only performance site where they could get tickets. Swift inspires some pretty long road trips, so clearly she gives her audience something they want and need. I was impressed with their cheerful exuberance.
Gary you’re onto something. My buddy, the malignant narcissist, was an extremely handsome young man. But somewhere around 1965 everything changed. Now the girls started to look at the not classically handsome boys, the ones who smoked a bit of weed (not the conservative wing tip wearing scotch drinkers) and grew their hair out. The classically beautiful women/girls were not all the rage anymore either and they also became unhip.
Well, my friends, this infuriated my narcissist buddy to the ends of the world. The rules had changed and he was rabidly angry and inconsolable because that’s all he had, his looks.
So now he detests the ‘hippies’. He doesn’t get them. He hates that whole era. He feels left out in the cold where he was only moments before considered to be the hugely desirable golden boy of all time. To top it off he began to notice that guys who looked like him were being cast in movies as serial killers, not Shane, his childhood screen hero
That flipped a switch in him. He became djt’s twin in every way but I think he was headed that way very early in life like 4 or 5.
If this guy is till your buddy, and you think there's a chance he could change, get him David Leonhardt's Climb Your Stairway to Heaven: The Nine Habits of Maximum Happiness.
Sometimes, not often, when I’m tickled pink by something that strikes me funny, there’s the sensation of tiny champagne bubbles rising in my joyful heart. It makes me want to giggle. Tonight that something was: “Every last one of the Inadequates - from The Inadequate-in-Chief, to Best-Dressed Turd Steve Bannon.” It was the last six words.
It does occur to me that perhaps some way could be found to convince many in the MAGA crowd that the election really is rigged, so they should not be bothered about voting since it won't make any difference. I suppose this makes me a Philistine.....
Brilliant writing. Really made my day reading this. Thank you TC!
There is so many important things happening in the world right now. SwiftKelseyGate Just isn’t one of them. How can so many support a failure at everything Orange Julius Caesar and the paranoid propaganda media machine fueling the idiocy??? If that’s their focus, and not these critical issues, doesn’t that say enough about their qualification to lead our country? I saw this as a Houthi Cruise missile came within seconds, a mile from hitting a Navy destroyer in the Red Sea! God bless our troops and sailors who are on watch tonight and every night. I’ll be thinking of them during the National Anthem pre Super Bowl. And now I’m wondering... are we more vulnerable to a terror attack than 911? If we are not, it’s because of our sailors, solders, and airman.
As I commented on another post: I am about as far from being a sports fan as you can get . My expertise extends to knowing the shape of the ball involved. And I've never paid much attention to Taylor Swift. Tom Waits is more my style.
But I do think I'll give a little cheer for whichever team her boyfriend plays for.
Jay Kuo snidely points out that GOP faithful will have to cheer San Francisco, home of the poopy sidewalks and the Castro and the Summer of Love.
I grew up in a Niner neighborhood in Redwood City. The players lived there, with their fans as nieghbors. Back then, football players were middle class, tops. I'll always be a Niner fan, if I have time to watch a game. I'll have to at least cheer for her beau. I'm serious about Tom Waits, but will have to at least listen to a bit of Swifts music so I at least understand.
“The boys no woman would ever touch.” You nailed that one. Today’s blog was just what the doctor ordered. As for millennial R.. The correct English words probably haven’t yet been invented for that one. Let’s focus on tanking the ratings of The Abominable Showman and his luckless troupe of losers. No more reruns of this endless s**tshow. Pass the postcards, please 🙏
The mere thought of Taylor being at the game is sending the MAGA-incels up their basement/bedroom walls. My 61-year-old brother had a harry-knipshit fit to beat the band after watching 'Barbie' (on my MAX) over Christmas. And that was a movie.
Lets recap, shall we? These dipwads were all for the NFL after the League blackballed Colin Kaepernick over his kneeling at the National Anthem. (which, ironically, was taught to him by a white service member who did community work for the 49ers) And they cheered when their Vice President (at the time) showed up and stood for the racist song. Francis Scott Key was a slaveholder, part of the song was meant as a big middle finger to the Brits who wanted to stop the slave trade as part of the war.
And the anti-Swift shit isn't new. Kenye West's VMA 'protest' 15 years ago, the multiple boyfriends, the "she only got this far because her daddy is rich," troupe, she's a lesbian (a friend who's worked on her tours just laughs that one off), the list goes on. It's all bs.
So, all these poor little MAGA-cels can go watch porn instead of the game. I mean, really. I can't stand Shatner, but his classic SNL skit skewering the Convention crowd still rings true, 40 years later - "Get a life!!!"
These incels are not born losers though - they achieved that through much effort, all by themselves.
And no, I don’t want Taylor to say ANYTHING about Joe at halftime. I just want her to come out wearing some dark aviators. Safer to watch the ensuing fireworks that way... 😎
I like how you think!!!
“I don’t want Taylor to say ANYTHING about Joe at halftime.”
Agreed, John! She doesn’t even have to endorse him. Just encourage her fans to register to vote…and cause heads to explode ! 🤯🤯🤯
Taylor shakes off all of Foxlandia.⬇️
“Cause the players gonna play, play, play, play, play
And the haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate (haters gonna hate)
I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake
I shake it off, I shake it off”
This dancin’ boomer 💙💙💙’s her.
💃 ( insert grey hair😂)
Now, you and TC make me wanna watch the Superbowl. Just wait until Travis takes a knee on the 50-yard line to propose to Taylor and one of his Black teamees take one as well in, you know, in solidarity to family values or Black lives or because his shoe came untied. Tommy T will probably demand a hearing on the NFL, so I'm hoping for this to happen and Hannity will turn Purple in prime time.
Perfect! You ever produce big shows?
Thanks. Not anything like that, but I trust Taylor implicitly. She’s talented alright, but also very smart and clever. She’s got this.
For sure.
The threats of reefer madness in my youth ain't nothin' compared to the reality of MAGAt madness.
I laughed out loud.
Now that’s funny!!
nope. not even CLOSE.
this is as weird as the craziest Bircher shit you heard in 1963.
if the NFL (about which I know nothing due to a lifelong aversion to American Football) is some sort of Left front organization, ya gotta give them some kind of award for hiding it better than anyone.
Linda, Reefer Madness spawned Firesign Theater and Cheech & Chong. The commentary was crucial to this young soul
In the Bulwark Charlie Sykes also nailed it when he introduced this idiot’s Swift/NFL conspiracy statement: “and this from Vivek who is desperate not to be left behind in the Moron Olympics” 😹😹 I love it...the Moron Olympics. Perfect description
Wow! Too much Fentanyl in the cocaine (or maybe not enough).....? I know everyone thinks the election will be really close but if this many people believe even half of this crap.....will they even find the voting polls? There are far more really stupid and ignorant people in the country than I am comfortable admitting. This represents a tragic failure of the public educational system and parenting.....
Powell Memo comes to fruition. Doesn’t explain the boomers though.
Two things explain the MAGA boomers, I think. First is the fact of long-term systemic racism, especially against African-Americans. Second is the resentment at losing their white supremacy - being top dog and running the country for their own benefit...... They do not at all like the idea of sharing power or economic success.....
Exactly. But as a card-carrying Boomer myself, I’d like to state for the record that there are a whole lot of us who actually do have at least half a brain, do recognize conspiracy theories as bullshit, and are all doing whatever we can to increase the odds that The Former Occupant and Desecrator of the Oval Office never gets within two zip codes of that room again. In 2020 and 2022 I went to rallies and panic-donated with no regard for my credit card balance. Now while I pay that balance off, I write voter postcards through Activate America, to Democratic sometimes-voters. They’ve done research that shows that voters who receive postcards are significantly more likely to vote. Meanwhile, I feel sad for my fellow Boomers who are lost in the MAGA white nationalist conspiracy-theory-generating alternate universe, but they are the only ones who can rescue themselves.
“Boomers” need not be automatically associated with MAGATRUMPLICANS, no more than followers of Christ be linked “Evangelicals” usurping the Word for their own mortal agendas
hey, I'm not sure how ANY of this started. it applies to literally NOBODY I know (and, 75 on Sunday, I'm nothing if not a boomer). I'll grant they're mostly Leftie Jews, but still...
You have an interesting birthday...
Exactly so, Dave. Well said.
I too am a card-carrying Boomer, and sad to say, the members of my age group that fell down the rabbit hole are dying off faster than you can blink an eye - especially those who bought into the anti-vax campaign and those who continue to mix and mingle and catch Covid mutiple times. I suppose they're refilling their hate quotas over bingo at the senior centers and hoping for a ride to the polls should they make it to November.
Card-carrying Boomer here, too. A lefty Jew in a family of lefty Jews. (My maternal great uncle ran the Colorado Democratic Party for most of the first half of the last century, and gave the speech at the '32 convention recommending an end to prohibition.
The first car I drove was a '57 Chevy (long before I was of legal age). My first memories of anything of international significance were the launching of Sputnik and the launching of Laika, the dog. My father, a specialist on the Soviet economy, was responsible for my learning of both when they happened, despite my being only 4. I also remember when the Soviets shot down Francis Gary Powers. I was six, the year was 1959, and I kept asking my father when he was going to come home. I finally got my answer about him when Bridge of Spies came out in 2015, and I was actually quite relieved.
I had a good friend who was an editor at Newsday when Powers' traffic helicopter crashed, killing him. it was a good fifteen years or so after the U-2 affair and most people didn't remember his name. I did, but I can even remember the Big Issue in the 1960 presidential debates (Quemoy/Matsou anyone?)
True, yet my neighbors will equivocate with “ I know a great (insert POC suitably subservient person)guy”. He’s not one of “those”. Subtext: I’m superior.
as a longtime member of the public school establishment, my only reply is that YOU HAVE NO's as bad as anything I can think of, good AP courses excepted.
This evidence really shocked me. I thought they were just "stupid and ignorant" too - but it appears they are totally bonkers. I don't know what they are on ("fentanyl in the cocaine"), but whatever it is, they're so deep in it, I'm not sure they can discern night from day. This is cray cray stuff, perhaps code gray stuff.
actually, Fentanyl (which I've had several times in hospitals) and Cocaine (one of the greatest wastes of money ever to come out of a laboratory in a reasonable, nonlethal combo wouldn't cause this kind of stupidity. you might spend some time a tad unconscious (therefore, boring) but it won't make you STOOPID.
in the fifties and sixties, they had stupidity DOWN...Nembutal, Seconal, Tuinal were not referred to as "goofballs" for no reason. and have you ever talked to an eager glue huffer? my junior high school class was full of 'em. not much intellectual stimulation to be had from such an encounter, let me assure you.
this TFF stuff is just purely delusional. obviously, Taylor Swift is NOT a central musical figure for MY generation, but she looks like a real nice billionaire (probably the only one in the public eye who earned her money more or less HONESTLY, unlike the rest of the scumbags) who's giving said scumbags more reasons for heavy benzodiazepine reliance. to me, it looks pretty win/win.
My own personal experience to any of the above is Fentanyl, which I had to administer to my partner during Hospice. It actually kind of terrified me, with so many precautions about how to handle it, apply the patch, date it and record the date, etc. When he passed away (not from Fentanyl - that actually gave him some comfort at the end), the Hospice nurse had a very strict protocol for disposing of the remaining drugs and I was asked to witness her disposal. During my college years, the only drug around was what we called Dex, (speed, I think?) which we took to stay awake for all nighters. The pharmacy students kept the pills in mason jars and dispensed it like candy. It's a wonder we survived!
Reality bites hard and doesn’t let go…a lesson the RWNJs never seem to learn. They keep picking battles that they’re going to lose and now losing to a strong woman figure must be exceptionally galling. So sad, too bad…
And when you factor in the strong women who are also POC (Fanni Willis, Judge Chutkan, and Letitia James, to name three), their gaskets must be blown by now!
That’s so true…
There is much truth to TC’s surmise that a major motivation for the culture-warrior branch of conservatism is a self-realization of being uncool. It often appears that many conservatives are conservative as a reaction to their feeling of being excluded from the cool kids in high school. Looking to my generation particularly (mid-60s), conservatives are the ones who felt resentful that they didn’t get laid like the long haired hippie guys and surfers did. I think it’s a major reason for GOP voting. An extreme reaction to the arguable excesses of the counter-culture movement. It becomes visceral for them. I think it’s why you can’t reason with them and why so many of them vote against their own economic interest.
That and greed for tax cuts.
And racism.
They vote for the Inadequate-in-Chief because he hates the same people they do.
One group these types consistently hate is celebrities.
Even as minor a "celebrity" as I am (a trout in a minnow pond) has had these fuckups harass me, because a "Hollywood L:ib'rul" gets to do all the things they never will (of course, they never consider the amount of work it took to get here).
Yes, exactly right. Someone early on robbed them of their authentic self. You got to be what they always wanted to be but couldn’t so they hate you for it. This of course goes for celebrities in general.
I see it as a particularly painful form of jealousy where they blame you and other stars instead of blaming themselves and the person who shamed them and failed to foster their self love when they were young.
No matter how celebrated Trump was or tried to be, he was not and never could be one of them.
Spot on, Susan, and fully supported by Mary Trump’s very insightful and revealing book about how The Donald was wounded and then tutored to become what he is by his formative years with a mother who emotionally abandoned him at age two and a rich, bigoted, demanding, and cruelly derisive father who belittled him and trained him to become a ruthless “killer” in business.
That book was everything you say.
...and fear.
Definitely fear. Note how "destroying the country" is their final conclusion to every paragraph about Dems and RINOs. And these are the droolers who'd hand the US over to another drooler who'd hand it over to Putin whose cyber machinations have been undercutting us for years. They're the same bunch who consider all eight of their fingers trigger fingers. I see no way to pull them out of the RW propaganda blender where clearly their brains have been pureed.
Funny and true and sad comment Judith. That fear is the fear of their very own beautiful selves that someone convinced them must be destroyed or buried at all cost.
That hated self is projected onto lovely, happy accomplished people, especially celebrities. The blender slurry they have become has obscured the breadcrumb trail back to wholeness.
I think they got stuck in getting even when they were young and never looked back.
Interestingly Taylor Swift is saving millions of young people worldwide from the fate of self rejection. She unites them. She sees that every young girl and boy + are perfectly created just the way they are.
Don't know much about Ms. Swift, but last fall when she performed in Detroit two cars full of fans from Oregon, yeah Oregon, stayed at the Airbnb down the street. Chatted with them briefly. It was the only performance site where they could get tickets. Swift inspires some pretty long road trips, so clearly she gives her audience something they want and need. I was impressed with their cheerful exuberance.
Gary you’re onto something. My buddy, the malignant narcissist, was an extremely handsome young man. But somewhere around 1965 everything changed. Now the girls started to look at the not classically handsome boys, the ones who smoked a bit of weed (not the conservative wing tip wearing scotch drinkers) and grew their hair out. The classically beautiful women/girls were not all the rage anymore either and they also became unhip.
Well, my friends, this infuriated my narcissist buddy to the ends of the world. The rules had changed and he was rabidly angry and inconsolable because that’s all he had, his looks.
So now he detests the ‘hippies’. He doesn’t get them. He hates that whole era. He feels left out in the cold where he was only moments before considered to be the hugely desirable golden boy of all time. To top it off he began to notice that guys who looked like him were being cast in movies as serial killers, not Shane, his childhood screen hero
That flipped a switch in him. He became djt’s twin in every way but I think he was headed that way very early in life like 4 or 5.
Yeap. Some sociologist should do a study.
If this guy is till your buddy, and you think there's a chance he could change, get him David Leonhardt's Climb Your Stairway to Heaven: The Nine Habits of Maximum Happiness.
That’s kind of you, David.
Thank you Susan. When potentially helping is as easy as writing a sentence, I just can't see a good reason not to. It's nudged me in a good direction.
Excellent reasoning. Imagine if we all thought like that.
It would be nice. But that's one of the nice things about TC's substack. Lot of good people here!
It would be funny if it were as unreal as it sounds to any rational person, but these folks seem to believe it, and that makes it dangerous.
Sometimes, not often, when I’m tickled pink by something that strikes me funny, there’s the sensation of tiny champagne bubbles rising in my joyful heart. It makes me want to giggle. Tonight that something was: “Every last one of the Inadequates - from The Inadequate-in-Chief, to Best-Dressed Turd Steve Bannon.” It was the last six words.
It does occur to me that perhaps some way could be found to convince many in the MAGA crowd that the election really is rigged, so they should not be bothered about voting since it won't make any difference. I suppose this makes me a Philistine.....
We all know why the female MAGAs hate Taylor Swift. Just look at some of the photos of the beautiful woman at her concerts. Wtoo. MAGA hats and
t-shirts just don't cut it.
The MAGA men and incels hate her 'cause every single
one knows they don't have
a snowballs chance in hell of
ever getting even a nod from
her. They're all envious as heck over her boyfriend toi.
And they're stuck with MTG.
Their kind of girlfriend.
Given her history with men, maybe incels have a point.
Kobayashi Maru test for you
I simply choose to abstain.
Taylor Swift beat Dak Prescott to the Superbowl. Texas is pissed. Threatens to leave Union.
After all these years, I'm going to have to listen to T. Swift's music.
Brilliant writing. Really made my day reading this. Thank you TC!
There is so many important things happening in the world right now. SwiftKelseyGate Just isn’t one of them. How can so many support a failure at everything Orange Julius Caesar and the paranoid propaganda media machine fueling the idiocy??? If that’s their focus, and not these critical issues, doesn’t that say enough about their qualification to lead our country? I saw this as a Houthi Cruise missile came within seconds, a mile from hitting a Navy destroyer in the Red Sea! God bless our troops and sailors who are on watch tonight and every night. I’ll be thinking of them during the National Anthem pre Super Bowl. And now I’m wondering... are we more vulnerable to a terror attack than 911? If we are not, it’s because of our sailors, solders, and airman.
As I commented on another post: I am about as far from being a sports fan as you can get . My expertise extends to knowing the shape of the ball involved. And I've never paid much attention to Taylor Swift. Tom Waits is more my style.
But I do think I'll give a little cheer for whichever team her boyfriend plays for.
Jay Kuo snidely points out that GOP faithful will have to cheer San Francisco, home of the poopy sidewalks and the Castro and the Summer of Love.
I grew up in a Niner neighborhood in Redwood City. The players lived there, with their fans as nieghbors. Back then, football players were middle class, tops. I'll always be a Niner fan, if I have time to watch a game. I'll have to at least cheer for her beau. I'm serious about Tom Waits, but will have to at least listen to a bit of Swifts music so I at least understand.
“The boys no woman would ever touch.” You nailed that one. Today’s blog was just what the doctor ordered. As for millennial R.. The correct English words probably haven’t yet been invented for that one. Let’s focus on tanking the ratings of The Abominable Showman and his luckless troupe of losers. No more reruns of this endless s**tshow. Pass the postcards, please 🙏
The mere thought of Taylor being at the game is sending the MAGA-incels up their basement/bedroom walls. My 61-year-old brother had a harry-knipshit fit to beat the band after watching 'Barbie' (on my MAX) over Christmas. And that was a movie.
Lets recap, shall we? These dipwads were all for the NFL after the League blackballed Colin Kaepernick over his kneeling at the National Anthem. (which, ironically, was taught to him by a white service member who did community work for the 49ers) And they cheered when their Vice President (at the time) showed up and stood for the racist song. Francis Scott Key was a slaveholder, part of the song was meant as a big middle finger to the Brits who wanted to stop the slave trade as part of the war.
And the anti-Swift shit isn't new. Kenye West's VMA 'protest' 15 years ago, the multiple boyfriends, the "she only got this far because her daddy is rich," troupe, she's a lesbian (a friend who's worked on her tours just laughs that one off), the list goes on. It's all bs.
So, all these poor little MAGA-cels can go watch porn instead of the game. I mean, really. I can't stand Shatner, but his classic SNL skit skewering the Convention crowd still rings true, 40 years later - "Get a life!!!"