And I just read that Fucker Carlson interviewed Putin. What a complete fucking traitor. I hope he stays in Russia. He just might say the wrong word some day and find himself “accidentally” falling from a 10th floor window.

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Alexander Vinman came up with a good name for him: Tuckyo Rose

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He needs to come up with a name for Rupert…one that gives him the notoriety that he avoids.

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I was bitching about this all day yesterday - Talk about a traitor. - What a fucker!

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From your lips to God's ears!!!

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And the latest from the NYTimes tonight? Rona McDaniels will be stepping

down as chair of the RNC

and guess who is ready to

take it over - although there's

a caveat about some "votes" - and put some Stop the Steal" cohort from NC in

charge. Evidently, Trump's

concerned about fund raising.


He's also got more trouble

coming from Judge Erdorgon

and his real estate in NY. Yes,

those tangled webs of LIES

from his old accountant, doing time in Rikers for the

Orange Yam has now been

plea bargaining over recent

PERJURY in said Judges court, since Forbes dropped

the actual receipts on The T

Tower and the NYAG caught

it. Oops. Joyce Vance has the

Email Judge E sent to all, asking about the PERJURY in

HIS court by old Wesselbaum.

1 - 7 in Risers. Ouch. Hope the 2 mil payoff was worth it.

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Hope Ronna gets her just desserts. In fact, I dream of many helpings of just deserts being passed around to all the MAGAts, maybe MAGAt pie…

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Wading through the stench of The Neo Confederacy, each victory gives some glimmer that that these Handmaid Keepers will meet their fate with Karma

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Ahh yes. We can't laugh ourselves to sleep, but it all adds up to a pleasant evening.

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Indeed, I am savoring the moment.

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MTG is right about one thing, the American people are definitely fed up. She just doesn't understand with who.

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Or with what. Kabuki theater politics and obfuscation and hypocrisy - I’m sick of it all!

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It seems there are still some grown ups in the GOP with some shred of a moral compass and functioning brain cells. Takes courage to vote again the political tide.

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I've always thought of McClintock (who's from California) as a wingnut looney, but I'll take his vote today.

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But isn't it way past time for this???

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And here's Al Green! I thought he was going to sing about how dumb the GOPers are, but he's gonna sing some oldies


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These kabuki theatrics in Congress would be sort of funny if they weren’t so pathetic. It’s really sad that things have come to this, but then, thanks to trump, here we are…

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These Rethugs couldn't impeach a dead Kennedy.

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I so hop you’re right and I do thank you for making me laugh out loud for the first time today😊🥳

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I was going to say something about Steve Scalise. I will not do so because, like most atheists, I am VERY superstitious.

what a bunch of fuckups, huh? when I speculate about how things would be if these guys had any intelligence or competence, I stop. my mind just doesn't want to go there.

what continues to appall me is the fact that, practically speaking, there are two "versions" of reality. not two realities, just VERSIONS. my "friend upstairs" (who's fortunately been out of my hair for a long stay in his native Padua) was trying to tell me a few months bac k that we now live in a "post-reality world." when I insisted that there IS such a thing as phenomenal reality, he disagreed. he's a goodhearted guy and definitely a lot nicer than I am, but he's also an idiot.

thing is, we know what they're hearing and saying but it certainly feels like they're not reciprocating. if they were a tad better informed, would we be better or worse off? that's a serious question. in the meantime "let's impeach someone...ANYONE" doesn't look like anything I'd recognize as "governing."

Mike Johnson is pathetic enough to inspire pity, but he gets no pity here. fuck him.

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Oh such fun.

Who'd have thought it, that a few inmates of the zoo would eventually gain comprehension that some of the feces being flung wildly about by fellow tribal primates in their enclosure is sticking to themselves and might affect how many voters may no longer be willing to hold noses come re-election time. Survival instincts, it's a jungle out there.

Take it away, Bill McClintock, Mashup genius... https://youtu.be/J1XHDlmDKK8

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Here’s another idea Senator Schumer - repackage McConnell as a sentient human

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I wish I didn’t feel like the cancer has metastasized to vital organs. Waiting for one of those magic medical miracles that can get rid us of the mutation that has changed the DNA of so many Americans.

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Smells like a lot of catsup might have been flung around yesterday. Which does make me want to smile.

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