“A lot of Americans have problems with you not respecting the dignity of this office,” Glenn said. And he's okay with Musk's get-up? A ball cap and a tee-shirt? With a booger-flicking four-year-old around his neck?

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Too bad Glenn didn’t ask that question of Krasnov. He’s the one not respecting the dignity of Presidency.

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Patty, exactly my thought at the time! Then I found out he was MTG's "boyfriend" and all was made clear.

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I absolutely love this: “Following an enormous public outcry, the MAGA Club at The Villages in Florida canceled an event with pardoned Jan 6 seditious traitors planned for yesterday.”

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Krasnov as “late Elvis” is priceless!

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Make that "late stage Elvis."

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There are many thoughts I prefer not to have. One of them is both Ms. Goon and Handy Hands having boyfriends. Actually, the one good thing to be said about these two is that they dislike each other, probably out of jealousy over which of them gets to check out Pol Potbelly's mushroom.

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I had thought the Gayle King space trip was weird. Really, a 70 year old woman who’s afraid of flying? But as a means of getting good press for Bezos? Disgusting. I guess Robin Roberts and Savannah Guthrie said “no”.

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Used to enjoy Gayle King on CBS this Morning - but its devolved into an entertainment display & what celebrity will she interview next, plus frankly Oprah's book choices dont mean diddly to me. Tony Decople used to be a darned good journalist! So now yeah, I record it, watch the weather & delete it. And I agree - really weird the whole space trip thing with "female celebrities" sounds ridiculous - at any age!

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Brilliant TC. Krasnov must go.

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A couple of random thoughts:

First, MTG. This is a serious observation. Many years ago, I worked with a woman who was very into weight lifting. (Mostly to pick up men, but whatever.) Anyhow, her voice deepened, she got pretty muscular for her smallish frame, and her breasts seemed to disappear. She lost a lot of hair, and she had mentioned to us (her coworkers) that she had stopped getting her periods. She thought it was because she'd reduced her bodyfat down to about 7%!! It was later rumored that she was taking steroids. MTG looks suspicious to me.

Second, a very good piece of advice given to me years ago, which I think applies more to women, since any of us more senior women recall how we were taught to be "nice" all the time. I was told that people will treat you the way you allow yourself to be treated. I have a sister who is on her condo board, and of the 5 people on it, she is the one that a particular cranky owner will call and "scream at." I've told her, when the woman does that, talk over her if you have to but tell her you will not be talked to in that way, and you are about to hang up and she should call back when she is calm. My sister has said, she'll just call back! To which I said, then repeat it! (I had success with my kids as toddlers. I can't abide whining, and when they started at about age three, I'd look at them with a confused face and say "I can't understand you when you talk like that!" They quickly learned, and none of my kids ever became whiners.) Why didn't Spartz simply hang up?!!?

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And if the buffoon called back, I would have told him that the line had gotten "staticy"! I would have been tempted to accidentally elbow Johnson for the pat on the back.

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PERFECT! "uh....you're breaking up........I can't hear you........."


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yeah...I admit, I wondered why she didn't just hang up.

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So fed up I've taken to calling trump "King Mid-ass" because everything he touches turns to shit.

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And that was the least of the offenses committed by "our great leader" (OGL?) and his little sidekick "Baby Huey" (BH, goshdarnit!).

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Thank you, TC. My head is spinning! What a f!@kin% week! Said from this 81 year old lady!

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So now we’re throwing in with Russian cyber criminals? Why do I have to come here to read the news?

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That photo is the stuff of

nightmares, Tom. Any

depiction of Krasnov is.

CISA will prove to be a very

big problem in 26. Especially

if MuskRat is still slinking


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Right. Krasnov himself said Elmo told him that there's no computer system that can't be hacked. At the time I suppose Elmo was coddling Krasnov's concerns about computer counts of votes, but it also implies a maga tactic going forward. Cyber warfare is real and highly effective. Elections, water and utility systems, air traffic, money transfers, the vulnerabilities are endless. Not sure it's wise to have a so-called Smart Home, phone, or vehicle.

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Thank you.

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One small speculative reason to hope: that we will be having a lot of special elections before 2026 as cognitive dissonance over our turn to Russia explodes the brains of any GOP Congressman old enough to remember the Evil Empire. IE, most of them.

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Heartily agree with the Kraznov label (incidentally Derived from krasniy, meaning red).

"Emperor Kraznov the Un(fucking)[believable, clean, clothed, conscionable, forgivable, hinged, real, scrupulous, stable]." Take your pick.

p.s. I hear that in some south and central American countries the 72nd United States Secretary of State is being referred to as Narco Rubio.

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Saw that a couple of thousand people showed up for the protest at Sugarbush, and their snow reporter (maybe her final post?) had a few paragraphs about what she loves about it and what the regime is bent on destroying. For those of you not familiar with Vermont geography, SB is at least an hour from anywhere.

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