Elmo just announced DOGE terminated the lease for the Obama Presidential Library site—because of course. Elmo has to inject himself into everything. More on this tomorrow with more info.

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TC in the category of ''I'm-so-surprised-NOT", the white male Afrikaner has withdrawn 8.9 $Billion in claimed "savings" per Reuter's Brad Heath & Tim Reid.

"I'm shocked Rick; there are accounting errors in the back room". Here's your cut.

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Love it.

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"If often wondered why you came to Casablanca, Ricky, did you have an affair with the Senator's wife, abscond with the church funds? I'd like to think you killed a man, it's the romantic in me."

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Thank you, Tom for this important report. I was horrified to learn m,y Congressman. Dr. Ami Bera, was one who voted with the traitorous 'other' party to censure Al Green. Here is the email I sent "Dear Dr. Bera

Why on Earth did you vote to censure Congressman Al Green for speaking up against the traitorous president trump. I have relied on you since I first worked on your campaign in 2010. I realize you are a gentleman and probably abhor strong language, but in future please confine yourself to no vote rather than appease the unAmerican party of trump.

Fay E.A. Reid"

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Pass it on.

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"On Thursday, ten Democrats supported the censure resolution: Reps. Ami Bera of California, Ed Case of Hawaii, Jim Costa of California, Laura Gillen of New York, Jim Himes of Connecticut, Chrissy Houlahan of Pennsylvania, Marcy Kaptur of Ohio, Jared Moskowitz of Florida, Marie Gluesenkamp Perez of Washington and Tom Suozzi of New York."

I would be really interested in WHY they voted for censure!

Is it truly too much for Democrats to STICK TOGETHER on anything? Ye Gods!

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Because De-COR-um!!

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Yeah. Jeffries said something along those lines. He is so freaking weak.

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The Democrats are a bunch for fucking weak links in the food chain. I despise all of them that do not stand up for us.

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I wonder if it would be possible to enlighten them as to our feelings! Doesnt look like they "get it" yet, does it?

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It's why I keep calling!

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In the words of Will Rogers (Tom will correct me if I'm wrong on this),"I'm not a member of any organized party; I'm a Democrat."

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Isn’t that the truth of it? It sickens me. I truly believe if Hillary had not had the election stolen from her we would not be in the mess we are in currently. It all goes back to the 2016 election.

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James (Jim) Manuel Costa, Age 72, of the CA Congressional District 21 covers Fresno & Tulare counties.

Send an email to Jimmy or Request a Meeting in CA. Note, take a 21st District member with you as Jim uses a digital format that tags zip codes not in the Fresno area.

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Fresno and Tulare - why am I not surprised? He's a Republican calling himself a Democrat if he's in the Central Valley. Central Valley Democrats were the bane of Willie Brown's existence 50 years ago.

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I am VERY surprised that Moskowitz voted in support.

And disappointed.

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I was, too.

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They are taking “not perfect” to a whole new level.

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It took a rather uncomfortable minute for some pushback but finally thats some good news ! No rest till donnie, musk and most of the republican party is vaporized. Genetically mutated spineless assholes will be hard to eliminate by I can see it.

Ai Green is a hero, dems still have alot of work to do, get with it man.

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They need to “woke” up. This ostrich BS is way old.

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I'm all for being engaged

and town halls, holding

all our reps accountable.

I'm not in favor of

bipartisanship at this

point in time. That

horizon is in the far

distance until the rotten

yam and all of his rotten

MAGA stooges in both

houses are gone.

Especially MuskRat. When the damn r senate

puts the Mrat on speed

dial and will call him up

for advice on $ cuts? U

Since when do they

have closed door

meetings with this Nazi?

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Bipartisanship ceased to be a “thing” after 2000, when will they ever live in the real world…

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This is Rep. Hines response! "decorum, civility and seriousness", oh and "reverence" for the Office!

“I don’t mind being one of 10 Democrats who said, no, there’s a deeper principle at stake here, which is reverence for this institution,” Himes said after the vote, adding that lawmakers need to act “with the decorum and with the civility that says to the world that we are a serious country.”

“I have no love for Donald Trump, but I do have reverence for the Office of the President,”

Well, possibly I'm too gd old to "get" this - but when the hell is this party (!) going to wake up and smell the sewer that has infested that very office!

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What a fuckstick. He'll be happy to go to Dachau II, so long as the box car is properly organized.

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Oh I think thats kind of going off the deep end, Tom!

I do have to ask - why is it that the = shall we say - older Dems seem to be so concerned with "decorum & civility"? What is the point? We no longer have ANY norms that carried us along for years - they are GONE!

At some point, these folks have to open their eyes and look around - it seems to be the same old "carrying a knife to a gun fight" issue or "snatching defeat from the jaws of victory"! They seem to do both so well.

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I think Tom sees it very clearly. The danger is others do not.

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It was the Dachau II part. Otherwise I agree.

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OMG - a powerful analogy! Goes to the heart of the matter! My goodness!

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I was thinking "Of what use will his decorum be when his lynched corpse is hanging above the stinking puddle of his own body fluids?"

Developing a rather dark, Tarantino turn of mind lately. Wonder why?

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If he had a "reverence for the office of the president" he wouldn't be showing trump any decorum, ESPECIALLY after all of the lawless actions he's taken since the desecration/inauguration.

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Sorry, Rep. Hines, but there soon will BE no office to have reverence FOR, if spineless congresscritters like you keep genuflecting to these barbarians.

I can't believe they can't see that.

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They are treating the stench by spraying Chanel No.5 instead of neutralizing the raw sewage that's the current administration and GOP with the chemicals they deserve.

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This makes me as pissed as the shenanigans of the evil interlopers. The “office” needs decontamination before it will be habitable by humans .

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In case you weren’t aware, DOGE is a now verb as DeSantis claims he is going to DOGE Florida.

No negative comments here yet on the Space Coast🚀 with my STOP Elon signs/attire.Check out Etsy!

Also, please read and share this excellent article by Thom Hartmann:⬇️

Trump and Musk’s Plan to Destroy Social Security Started Tuesday Night


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I called Moskowitz’ office and told staffer Rep Green stood up for of us as other Dem legislators weren’t doing so…

“The 10 Democrats who voted with Republicans to censure Green were: Ami Bera of California, Ed Case of Hawaii, Jim Costa of California, Laura Gillen of New York, Jim Himes of Connecticut, Chrissy Houlahan of Pennsylvania, Marcy Kaptur of Ohio, Jared Moskowitz of Florida, Marie Gluesenkamp Perez of Washington and Tom Suozzi of New York.”


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Vichy collaborators all.

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Thank you for this, will make sure no dime of mine ever go to any of them…

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Tangent here but… These days does it seem DEI is being used interchangeably with practices of Affirmative Action, meant to address inequities in hiring practices, but then became viewed as a quota of system for hiring, discriminatory by design?

DEI relates to practices within a given body, aiming for equity and equality across the board of the population of that given body.

Society consists of a mix of people. Even the now fired director of the Kennedy Center just remarked that people attend more and more when they see themselves represented on the stage. Joe Biden aimed for this in his administration, that it be populated to mirror our society, but certainly with no compromise of staff quality.

So DEI is embedded while Affirmative Action is preliminary.

This blame game in the news by highly visible figures citing DEI has blurred the lines; they’re actually speaking of affirmative action, from what I read, their message being that hiring practices create built in incompetence in a given cohort.

Please forgive me detour, but it’s been needling me.

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Barbara's got it - it's how to say "ni--er" without saying it. And it's identify everything they don't like as DEI after it's been turned into that. Like Heather Cox Richardson points out frequently and in her books, its "your stuff is being stolen and given to those DEIs." Same thing the Unreconstructed Confederates were doing in1876.

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They can't even tell you what DEI stands for! They've become the RIE party - Racism, Ignorance and Extremism party. Let's bring back the draft for only white 18 to 29 year old white boys - the ones that chug Joe Rogan and that group. No women, people of color or LGBTQ because that would be the dreaded DEI! Let these macho dudes go fight the next war.

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Okay, I get it… As I suspected… kind of like CRT, it has become a generic reference, abandoning the original definition, use or application.

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In this little enclave of ignorant red hats, someone recently asked what this DEI business was all about. When she was told, she said, "Oh, in other words we can openly discriminate again?"

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To be clear, I meant the red hat enclave I live within, not this forum!!

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I think “DEI” is code for the n- word. It is a “polite” way of saying an individual is not qualified for whatever because of their skin color. Neither DEI or affirmative action was ever about elevating unqualified people.

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Yes, exactly, and b*tch for misogynists. DEI is being freely used as the catch-all phrase for expressing any term of bigotry.

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It's people of color, women and the LGBTQ community.

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Amen, yes, neither DEI nor affirmative action was ever about elevating unqualified people… as I wrote and mentioned the Biden administration, I guess it was that thought in my head, prompting me to state the societally representative staff was fully qualified… The voices of naysayers running around in my head, and I overcompensated… TMI

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No worries.

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Great point, they have corrupted everything we thought we knew and the rewriting is our future. Orwell couldn’t do it better.

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Reading this entire thread, with great appreciation for the conversation, I’m so aware I click on what shows up as a red heart when I really, really really wish Substack offered a wider variety of basic emoticons…

Buzz words, click bait, red flags, straw-men, so many templates in play and not for good.

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This just came over my virtual transom from The Guardian. The Enola Grey??? DEI??? Seriously???

References to a second world war Medal of Honor recipient, the Enola Gay aircraft that dropped an atomic bomb on Japan, and the first women to pass US marine infantry training are among the tens of thousands of photos and online posts marked for deletion at the Pentagon.

The preparations come as the US defense department works to purge diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) content, according to a database obtained by the Associated Press.


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Katherine, you're spot on. And BTW, when was the last time we heard anything about QAnon? The right loves their short, pithy code words, don't they?

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I love you and what you're doing too much to not say I don't think you should broadcast where you're going for events. But I'll be there too. Thanks and keep up the good fight.

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Hoping to get more like you, Don. Look for the older guy in a WW2 leather flying jacket with two Nikons.

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Thanks again. Three questions: What time? 2. How are people learning of these events if they’re not a subscriber? I’m delighted to see it happening, but so far demonstrations seem puny. 200 people outside a congressional office isn’t that far removed from 30 of us holding up “honk your horn” signs at an intersection. And 3. Do you think Friday’s economic boycott had any effect ? I haven’t heard a peep. Hard to believe there aren’t some simple, effective things every one of us could be doing to hit back. This writing letters and sending money to the Dems is getting old.

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Europe, Canada, and Mexico are united against Trump and the United States. China countered with "You want a war we'll give whatever war you want". Trump and Musk are finding out people have had enough and it's causing Trump to lose his grip. Tariffs! No tariffs! Tariffs! The deserved anger toward Trump has done more to unite people than anything else has. Burn it all fucking down. It's the only way to kill these vermin and they are vermin. According to reports I read, Musk has met with Republicans and given them his cell number. You know, in case they need to let him know their constituents are going to throw them out and he can reverse some things. Someone needs to bitch slap those DOGE adolescents threatening to bring in US Marshals. Remember when the Nazi sympathizer, ketamine chugging asshole threatened people with jail if they published the pictures and names of his boy toys? Everyone went fuck it and shared their info all over social media. Anger can be a righteous thing, and we're angry. The mistake of Maga is thinking we're all weak and easily threatened. Violence goes both ways. And SHAME on the ten Democrats who voted with Republicans to censure Rep Green who is a hero. They still do not get it. They're nothing more Nazi sympathizers.

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I'm rereading Montesquieu.

The train didn't even slow at Monarchy, we rolled through Tyranny like it wasn't even there.

Onward to Despotism.

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Short but powerful…

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He backed down with Canada about an hour ago, as well. Had a friend who lived in N. Hollywood, off and on, for 25 years (died last year at 68). He was a sound tech.

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Thanks for Muck's email address, which is probably a dummy inbox that's emptied regularly without reading. I plan to send him and select others daily emails that I hope will irritate and perhaps even alarm them inasmuch as there will be no message, only a subject line: "In the twinkling of an eye..."

As for that so-called foreign policy realignment, that's hardly what it is; it's treachery being committed by traitors. They should be treated as such. Think of the poopfits the wingers would have if they learned Canada, Mexico, Australia, EU, Japan, etc., decided to align with China and the wealth of all those nations consolidated while the US got stuck carrying Russia.

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"Elmo has lambasted judges in more than 30 posts since the end of January on his social media site X, calling them “corrupt,” “radical,” “evil” and deriding the "TYRANNY of the JUDICIARY" after judges blocked parts of the federal downsizing that he’s led. '"

Call me paranoid, but the above made me wonder if any of this was in Elmo's mind when the bought Twitter? It is one of the biggest, loudest platforms around. Or maybe why it made me curious is that I've just started reading Anan Giridharadas' new book, "The Persuaders", about the Russian disinformation campaign that is on-going. And I'm only barely into Chapter One!

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