"Observers have pointed out that the Supreme Court’s decision granting presidential immunity to Dilbert for anything he does in office as president means that the concept of an “illegal order” that the military must disobey has been taken off the table." The observers are wrong. Unless the underlying law is changed, an illegal order is still illegal, the issuer, having immunity, just can't be prosecuted for it. Anyone following such an order, however, would be subject to prosecution and, if convicted, appropriate penalty. Any JAG who counsels otherwise should be made to join their deceived clients in that punishment. If the DoDrunk follows through on his discharge threat, I'd hope the three service JAGs would sue as Hegseth has no immunity from anything, and "Befehl ist befehl" has never been a great defense.

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Yeah, but the traitor can also pardon those who follow illegal orders now.

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True, but it's what we've got. Our best hope is still the hamberder.

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Agreed. And the idea that there is no such thing as an illegal order needs to be nipped in the bud.

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DoDrunk is perfect for him.

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As someone who served his country 1965-1969 USMC, and flies the US & USMC flags at home … to remind myself and my neighbors and those who pass by, there will NO SURRENDER to those destroying our DEMOCRACY!! It may be a long slog to end this insurrection, but true Americans will see this through and come out on the right side of LIBERTY & JUSTICE FOR ALL!! 🇺🇸

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I hope I’ll be brave and tough enough to be one of the millions to stand up to the military if (when) they obey trump’s unlawful orders. Good to be in the company of other resisters.

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As a friend of mine said she would tell them,” better not miss and you better shoot to kill.”

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I hope I'll be brave enough also.

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They'll have to lower their aim

a bit to kill me since I can't

stand anymore, but good

optics killing an old lady in a


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And you'll have more than a few friends standing with you.

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Love the ‘good news’…hide the razor blades

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Thank you all the lawyers for the advice on illegal orders. I will make not of that in the post.

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Democrats can act now and can BE EFFECTIVE. What to do: 1. Write and call Democratic senators and tell them to put holds on any replacements for those who were fired in the Friday Night Purge. 2. Also tell those senators to filibuster anyone nominated to succeed those dismissed. Even in the minority, if Democrats are resolute they can tie up the Senate completely. Here is the email that I sent to my senators about the firing of the commanding officers on Friday:

You can and should resist the purge of our military that Trump and Hegseth have announced. I call on you to: 1) Announce that you will place a hold on any nomination to replace Gens. Brown and Slife, and Adms. Franchetti and Fagin. 2) Organized a filibuster to prevent the replacement of those officers, which will only go to persons who would abandon the traditions that have made our nation strong. These are steps you can take now that will be effective, even though Democrats are in the minority.

I sent a separate email about the firing of the top JAG officers in Army, Air Force and Navy:

I call upon you to resist the attack on law in the military represented by the dismissals of the Judge Advocate Generals, Lt. Gen. Joseph B. Berger III, Lt. Gen. Charles Plummer and Rear Adm. Lia M. Reynolds. You should 1) immediately announce that you will place a hold on any nomination to replace those officers, and 2) organize and participate in a filibuster to replace them. These are steps you can take now that will be effective, even though Democrats are in the minority.

The subordinates to Gen. Berger, Gen. Plummer and Adm. Reynolds can be counted to uphold the idea that the military is accountable to the law. Their successors almost certainly would not. You should act now.

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The whole subject of vaccines falls under the heading "really ironic" for me. Because I suffered through TWO sets of Shingles vaccines, the old less effective and the new more effective--I say suffered because for me and for most people I know who've had them, the shingles vaccine has the worst side effects. So--guess what I am down with--Shingles. The vaccine is 90% effective and I am in the unlucky 10%.

That said, I've heard from a bazillion FB friends who have had shingles or know people who got it, who hadn't taken the vaccine. And I have to say though I am uncomfortable, I can tell my case is REALLY MILD. So yes, I would do it again and get the vaccine. My case is limited to one nerve, in my jaw, and the worst effect is that it hurts to turn my head, rather like a really stiff neck, which means I can't drive. But if I sit real still, there really isn't any pain. It is the epitome of "it only hurts when I laugh.

Has ANYONE ever taken a vaccine without having to read, or claim to have read, a list of risks and side effects. Why can't the advertising say "important to get flu shots but also be sure you read the risk thing you have to sign."

As to Observers, NO, I don't think the immunity decision means there can't be an illegal order to the military. The decision just says he can't be prosecuted for acts that would be prosecutable if done by anyone else: it doesn't make his acts "legal." The way the minions who carry out illegal orders are protected is by pardons, not by the fact of the act being legal. At least so far. Once this stuff gets to the Extremes we will see whether the Unitary Executive really is a King.

I remain utterly agnostic on Amazon vs 007, but couldn't find any information about how control of the Bond Franchise got from Ian Fleming's heirs to Broccoli (Barbara got it from her Dad, but I couldn't see how DAD got it.). Do you know?

And I agree. It may only take a Kent State, particularly one with minimal provocation from the protestors, to perhaps end this reign of Error.

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Broccoli's dad bought it from the Fleming estate, which at the time was nearly broke because the novels weren't selling that well.

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I look forward to any new Bond movies bombing. And, I hope, any decent actor refusing to to take the role of 007.

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I send my sympathy regarding the shingles AND the vaccine!

My primary was not pushing the vaccine - I had a vaccine in 2012 - supposed to be due again, but she said the side effects were bad AND still chance of getting shingles, so I should think about it - I did! I still have to get a tetanus & pneumonia ones - when I feel better! I dont know what the heck is going on but have had days of feeling so wiped out & exhausted. Did have two normal days just to show me what they felt like. Getting old isnt for the weak & infirm!

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I have to say that I've had the diagnosis 5 days and already am feeling a lot better. Hard to MOVE but not to sit anymore. Since the duration of shingles is measured usually in weeks, I'm still glad I had the vaccine. I had the last round in 2020 and my journal shows the side effects lasted 3 days. If sick from both vaccine and disease adds up to 1/5 of what the disease itself brings in much more painful form, I'm going to stay glad about the vaccine.

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It just occurred to me that the CDC has a big role to play in figuring out what strains of the flu should annually be covered by the flu shot. What is RFK Jr going to do there? God damn him double if he shuts that down or delays it so I end up getting the flu. The flu fuckin’ sucks.

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Don't be surprised if he shuts down flu research altogether. I know far too many people who insist they got the flu from the flu shot and will never get another one. My belief is that many were exposed to and caught the flu before the vaccine had time to ramp up the immune system, or they got sick from a strain not included in that year's vaccine despite the likelihood that - if that was the case - they may well have experienced a less severe case of the flu due to having had the vaccine.

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I got the flu 5 days after getting the vaccine because I forgot that year. I wasn’t stupid enough to think that the vaccine gave me the flu. I just waited too late. Damn, logic is so hard..

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I got SIRVA (shoulder injury related to vaccine administration) after my flu shot! It is a b**tch! Then had a reaction to prednisone! And I was late getting my flu shot too. Nothing but fun fun fun.

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The ❤️ means I appreciate all the work you put into this article, considering your looming deadline. It’s important to get the whole picture. I have 2 questions—1. I thought the supremes only gave him permission for presidential actions. Not everything he does. So much of it makes no sense or enriches him. A coup is not a presidential action. 2– how many days has he played golf this month?? Inquiring minds with brains want to know. Thanks TC!

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The thing that really chaps me these days (top of a mile high list) is muskrat’s absolute glee over the pain and chaos he is visiting on innocent people. He is as evil as chump. Both are totally invested in causing as much hell for the innocent as any Nazi ever was. They are like kids with the voodoo dolls which they can torture ad nauseam and witness the pain first hand. Evil by any measure

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Broccoli was backed into a corner. Bezos (Bozo) badgered her to submission. Puck reported that she was having problems finding a suitable replacement (there is none) for Daniel Craig and that much like 'Star Trek,' (at least in the short-term) no Bond movies will grace the silver screen. My suggestion has always been to cast a new actor and start from "Dr. No," and go from there. She got $8.3 billion to go away.

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Since she won't live forever, I can understand her taking Bezos' dirty money and running because he'd likely get the franchise in the end, after she died.

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Anything but money important these days

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Mary Trump has the best idea about Dilbert, she speeds up his voice so he sounds like one of Ross Bagdasarian’s chipmunks.

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