Lordy, I can tell you why no Repub will “do the right thing.” Take Roger Williams, for example. He was the local fundraiser for W during his decades-long effort to be what chump eventually was -the mover and shaker. Using Goebbels-style propaganda (courtesy of Rove and Luntz) to masquerade as “compassionate conservative Christian, he helped republicans abandon any semblance of the “GOP” and become the evil we see today. James Baker had signed on in 2000. So, it’s not that these cretins are newly minted republicans with any link to their past glory, but they have been awash in the politics of cheating, lying, and “the end justifies the means” no matter what, for half of my long life. I’ve watched it metastasize into the cancer that it is today. Roger Williams and his ilk, and there are plenty in Parker county Texas, masquerade as human every day, just like Santos. There is no Repub, save Liz and Adam, who fought back. Irony is that Dickie was the architect of much that Liz has opposed. One wonders…

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George Santos, or whatever his real name is, is a sociopath. He has lied about his entire life, down to the smallest, most insignificant details, all in service of his theft. He is mentally unstable, as are the rest of the Republicans. Relying on office holders to have good character is not a good foundation for the country. I was more vetted to be a preschool teacher.

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Ripping off donors contributing money for a homeless veteran’s dog’s operation, so CONservative and trumpian, so de rigeur for membership in today’s GOP. Abraham Lincoln would be so proud of today’s Republican Party…NOT! The GOP attracts all these bunko artists and hustlers like manure draws flies…because those miscreants will be welcomed with open arms.

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Jan 19, 2023Liked by TCinLA

Bravo, TC! I couldn’t quite put my finger on it when I saw images of this fraudster on tv (I don’t watch enough tv!) during the House leadership fight. He looked weird. Now, you and others have explained it to me. His committee appointments speak more volumes about McCarthy and party rot than anything to-date. This actually shocked me and made me think, « AG Garland, this is what a too slow to act DOJ enables. »

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Reading about Santos’s clothing choices made me remember that the 911 terrorists wore cologne so they would “fit in”. There is definitely something off. This guy is really starting to freak me out.

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This story is so disturbing! My disgust and anger have risen to the top of the mountain! I'm so upset that I immediately want to sign up to write letters and make phone calls and get something done about this criminal! I suppose we're stuck with Quevin until he leans too far center and he's blown out by his captors, but please tell me that there's something I (we) can do!

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In a way, the most horrifyingly amazing thing about the Qevin/MAGAt caucus’s embrace and defense of Santos is that it is the clearest possible demonstration that “Yes, we have Zero moral compass, Zero integrity, and Zero dedication to public service. But we have POWER, HAHA! And we are going to use our power any way we like, and we don’t give a damn that you can all see we’re rotten to the core—because now WE CAN DO WHATEVER THE LITERAL F**K WE WANT AND SCREW ALL YOU LIBERALS WHO STILL CARE ABOUT ETHICS AND SERVICE, SO 20th CENTURY!”

I hope that House Democrats are at this moment figuring out not only how to metaphorically bury the 18 Biden-district Repub House members in the 2024 election, but also every possible way of quietly maneuvering MqQarthy, the wRingNuts, and their R collaborators into every possible kind of self-sabotage.

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Jan 19, 2023·edited Jan 19, 2023Liked by TCinLA

Just when you think the Republicans have reached the bottom.....you find there is no bottom. They have accepted a cowardly mountebank and a creep unworthy to be the piece of gum stuck to the bottom of democracy's shoe. To call him a piece of shit is to insult the shit our dogs deposit in the morning.....

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You left out his history of performing in drag in Brazil. 🤣

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Jan 19, 2023Liked by TCinLA

Santos, elected to represent the grifters, conmen, and packrats who scurry off with the shinny medals of the needy and struggling? A new constituency to serve with distinction. As a dear older aunt of another generation might advise the Chairmen of the committes, "Count the silver after every meeting."

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Jan 19, 2023Liked by TCinLA

🤔 So with the tucked in collar is he trying to go with the Holy Father Santos look ?? My thoughts before I read Friedman’s article about his costume. She nailed it !

Kidding aside, I’m outraged by Santos. I’ve called my Freedom Chaos Rep and will do again…for what it’s worth but makes me feel better. Wrote Letter to Ed and contacted local reporter covering Santos “biz” connections here and pleaded to question Repubs about their silence. His response…” Stay tuned. More coming.” When dude ??? We are the frigging Space Coast !!! This fraud is already representing us!

Rant over😜

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"He was elected" ranks with "It's not my job", "It's not my section/table" and "Orders are orders" as the least viable justification for failure to do what is not only right, but obligatory in a world where there are standards of ethics and morality. That Congress is no longer part of such a world has been a suspicion for some time but the behavior of the 118th GOP caucus removes all doubt.

On a separate note, call your congresspersons and express your opposition to H.R. 25, the "Fair Tax" bill introduced by Rep. Carter of GA who, one hopes, is not related to the former President.

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I particularly like the stuff about what he wears and why. Good one.

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"How pathetic can the republicans get" thought I. HOW WRONG I WAS............. 2 years is gonna be agony .... BUT HOPEFULLY WE WILL BE ABLE TO VOTE THE A>>Holes out at the end of this...... I'm gonna work towards that goal.....

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The costuming analysis is spot on and partially explains why he looks weird to us. I suspect there are other "tells" that we are subconsciously picking up on that are our instincts' way of waving a "danger" flag regarding his sociopathy.

It is interesting and telling that the ideal origin story for a Republican in 2023 is to have come from inherited wealth, gotten into the "best" schools via connections vs academic accomplishment, and been handed life on the proverbial silver spoon rather than the old fashioned American dream origin story of "rags to riches". It seems a strong indication of who they are, who they actually admire, which company they aspire to keep, and who they represent.

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The explanation of that weird "look" he has chosen is spot on. I keep hoping the FBI will show up and confiscate that phone to which he is so attached and maybe perp walk him away for questioning while they're at it.

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