"Senior women support her by a more than 2-to-1 margin, 63% to 28%" WHOO-HOO!!! YAY, US!!

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Might have something to do with the fact that they REMEMBER "before Roe v Wade"!

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It has a lot to do with reproductive rights. These women fought had for it in their youth, and are NOT GOING BACK!! Bless them all!

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My mom and I both fought together for Women's Liberation in the 1970s and up until her death in 2013. Mom, this one's for you.

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My thought, exactly.

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Actually should have said WE remember!

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We sure do. I had an illegal abortion before Roe. It wasn't that hard to get. Picked the most expensive Republican doctor in the most expensive area, and he asked no questions. It was outrageously pricey. I looked about 12, but as long as I paid...

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Thank God you weren't harmed. As always, the rich (where you had to go, and the doctor who did it) are fine. The rest of us? Meh.

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That is as it should be. Not sure why any senior women would be supporting Numbnuts at this point period.

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I LOVE Ruth!

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Any stats on the black/white breakdown on that? Black women's support for Biden and (IIRC) Clinton was upwards of 90%. White women's support for Trump was in the mid/high 50s, to my eternal embarrassment as a white woman. There have been indications since the Dobbs decision of slipping Trump support among "suburban women," which seems to be a code for "white." So I'm wondering . . .

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What I read was that RURAL white women are now going for Harris!! And as you write, the suburban white women have already ditched the dead pumpkin-head.

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I'm actually daring to hope that Dan Osborn is going to pull it off in Nebraska -- something I'd love to see for several reasons, one of them being that the DNC needs its urban white-collar butt kicked into gear.

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Wouldn't that be FABULOUS?! Are you from Nebraska? I'd never heard of him till recently. When I read about who he is and what he stands for, and that his campaign really needed funds, he went up toward the top of my "Who To Donate To" list. ;-)

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Same here. No, I'm not in Nebraska. I'm in Massachusetts, where I was involved with the local Dem group for several years and got to see the elitist myopia of the established Democratic Party up close and personal. There's a Democratic trifecta in my state, but the state legislature, especially the House, is near the bottom of every national list on transparency, effectiveness, and other criteria. I envy the activism and resourcefulness of Dems in states like North Carolina and Wisconsin.

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"the elitist myopia of the established Democratic Party" -- this statement/observation is so interesting to me. I am a lifelong Dem, but oblivious about the inner workings of the Dem Party.

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You and Bill Maher are privy to the elitist Dems, I never was. I just slog along with the sheep. And glad to be far away from the “elite.” Always thought that was a Repub thing

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Senior women? I resemble that statement! I am feeling optimistic after the PTSD bomb in 2016.

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With Joyce sharing her emotional support chickens, we're in good hands!

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Her molting chicken looks how I feel! 😜

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I've now watched the SNL cold open three times, but I've gotta say, Nate Silver saying he wouldn't play poker with Ann Selzer is right up there.

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Thanks, Tom. Another old white lady and my vote has already been counted - for Kamala of course.

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Mine too!

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I so want this to be over. I'm done with TFG. Just done.

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Let's all have the guts to HOPE (and VOTE, of course, but I'm pretty sure everyone who reads TC has already done that).

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Ya know why Kamala will win? Because she has run a virtually flawless inclusive and active campaign that hit all the critical states and engaged audiences that traditional political campaigns usually do not..... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e6Funs6yyEw I rest my case.....

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While every Repub has been busy cheating, and planning what schemes they can come up with post-election

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I saw on one of the Facebook campaign groups that at one campaign office in Wisconsin, they had literally run out of doors to canvass! Democrats are renowned for their ground game, but this cycle they have way exceeded expectations.

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Yes. Do not mess with Ann's very sharp Iowa data. Got it right in 2016 & 2020 & 2024 🎶 Sister & brothers, we gotta join hands & Let Love Rule🎶 ... 🎶 Love can conquer anyone ... jus'

L-E-T L-O-V-E R-U-L-E 🎶

'We're turnin' the page & we're not going back.'

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On mornings I don't have to go to work, I go to the gym. Above me, side by side, are CNN and Fux Noise. And it was interesting to see the two different world views. Granting that I was only watching for about half an hour, all Fux seemed able to talk about was alleged "gaffes" by Joe Biden. Meanwhile, CNN was giving air time to Tim Scott, the other extorted senator from South Carolina (as Charlie Pierce calls it, the home office of American sedition), to try to defend his candidate's election lies. Dana Bash actually stood up to him, but that begs the question: Why are these traitors even given air time?

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I have a good feeling about this, too. This isn't a game show. This is for real, and you can't fake true love.

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We need to take the House and hold the Senate or Harris will have a very bumpy two years!

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Trump's magas in the GOP have been pulling off another version of the Green Bay Sweep; that is, they've flooded the airwaves with bogus polls showing him leading so as to capture the herd-follower vote and to create a narrative that will set the stage for him to jump up down like Elon and scream that the election was stolen. It'll be like "Groundhog's Day," the movie. Sigh.

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We have all been held hostage to the MAGits for way too long. It's time to reclaim our country and our collective sanity. Turn the page. It's my mantra now. Turn the page.

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The MAGAts need to go back to living under their rocks.

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It's gonna be hard to convince anybody of a "steal" what with the groundswell of Dem enthusiasm for Harris/Walz, the early voting leads and Trumpy's "Turnout Problem".

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Your optimism is just what I needed today! A friend shared the following on my FB page - if those midwestern states that are still close read this, I wonder if they would like their country run by a guy with a fried brain:

This is verbatim from his closing message yesterday in crucial North Carolina:

"When I say insane asylums, and then I say, Doctor Hannibal Lecter, does anybody know? They go crazy they say, oh, he brings up these names out of - well, that's genius, right, Doctor Hannibal Lecter. There's nobody worse than him. Silence of the Lambs. Who the hell else would even remember that? I have a great memory but they always hit me. I don't bring it up too much because they have to take such a - he brought up Hannibal Lecter. What does that have to do with this? What is it? It has everything to do with it, right? He was - that’s who we are allowing into our country and we can’t allow it in our country. So I've done something for you for you that I haven't done in 20 speeches, I brought up Doctor Hannibal Lecter and we're allowing him, you watch, you watch these fake people will say again, he brought up Hannibal Lecter has absolutely nothing to do. You know I do the weave, right, the weave it’s genius. You bring up Hannibal Lecter, you mention insane asylum. Hannibal Lecter. You go out, now there'll be a time in life where the weave won't finish properly at the bottom and then we can talk. But right now it's pure genius hey, I have an uncle, my uncle, Uncle John, my father's brother, 41 years at MIT longest serving professor has so many degrees he didn't know what the hell to do with them all in the most complicated, I understand a lot of this stuff, you know, I believe in that. Like, I mean, Jack Nicklaus is not gonna produce a bad golfer. Right you know, that's the way it works it's just one of those things and it's in the family and it's whatever.”

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I just want his worthless ass six feet under.

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Let him suffer from a stroke which keeps him alive, but unable to talk or text, for another decade. He’ll have a as-needed diaper change regime, with a daily hose-down. All the pureéd BigMacs & Taco Bowls he wants. The guy’s brain is mush, and will never get better.

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Me too.

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On the 18th hole..

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"So watch out, Barron is going to be a sleazy smelly groping lying cheating wannabe fascist scumbag, just like his old man." Is that what you're saying Donald?

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Or a gigolo

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HUH???? If he actually did do a "weave" there's no sign of it there. I haven't YET seen "a weave" finish properly at the end. He is so full of bullcrap, I'm surprised it isn't oozing out of his ears.

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Thank you?

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Word salad at its finest...

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Certifiably non-human

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This White, older, rural women voted Kamala on September 24. Let's go!

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TC, It's good for us that rump and his maga cronies never learned anything from WWII history.

You well know what Yamamoto said after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor:

“I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve”.

American women are going to win this election for Harris & Walz and all of us.

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That' a nice myth (written by an American screenwriter in "Tora Tora Tora,") but Yamamoto never said it. He might have thought it, it fits our desire that at least one of them knew what was coming - he did, after all, tell his superiors "I will run wild for six months, after that I can promise nothing." (He actually came up 3 days too long on that one, his wild run lasting from 7 December 41 to 4 June 42) But this one is a myth.

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