I’m behind Kamala all the way.

She is my first choice for the position

I really hope the country is ready for its first woman President.

Let’s all row in the same direction, working to defeat Trump and Project 2025 at the ballot box.

Awesome news.

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Hear! Hear!

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Finally. Excitement. Renewed hope. But defeating Project 2025 and the gop ticket by electing democrats from the top of the ballot to the bottom requires each of us and all of us to do something each and every day to make sure everyone understands just what the stakes are. Lots to do. But now there is energy to do it and a real story to tell we can hold up with pride and patriotism.

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I love the energy behind Kamala and have always loved your fine words,TC. Power to the people!(right on)💪🏿

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In watching her speech to the campaign workers and seeing the bond she and her husband share with President Biden, I am so encouraged and, I confess, emotional with hope for our country.

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I have believed all along that Democrats would win this fall. I am more confident now, and I believe she is an excellent candidate. I also felt that way four years ago!

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Fired up! Ready to go! The mantra from 2008.

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Law and Honor, DUN, DUN

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There were MSM folks who were saying the R's were caught by surprise at President Biden's passing of the torch to VP Harris. They were sure they were going to win in a landslide. Those people are effing morons. I know, I know. NEVER listen to the mainstream media.

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Landslide in red states!

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It'll have to be an ongoing landslide to clean out the Augean Stables that those red-state legislatures have become, but hey, momentum is a thing!

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That's fantastic news! We donated today, and it felt righteous. That's the only word I can use to describe the feeling. Also, coming here has been a gift. In the past six weeks I unsubscribed from WAPO, the NYT, the Bulwark, and a few others who felt like an albatross of doom, woe, and depression. I stayed with Rick Wilson and happily joined TC and Another Fine Mess. I told my husband - I've found my tribe. It feels good.

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Such a GREAT tribe💙

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Crying tears of joy

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Go Kamala! Go America! We can do this!

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As Churchill said, “I am an Optimist, of what use is it to be anything else?” I am also, but the road to where we were has been as fraught with losses and setbacks as his was. Or so it seemed to me. And I know well what he faced. I admit to being in the doldrums, and I cannot express the glee with which I sail with the wind. Bless you Joe. It’s time to treat him with the respect he deserves. I wanted him to stay but somehow, by his leaving, he has given us a gift that was not his to give if he stayed. As I know well, the vagaries of age cannot be denied, even though some seem to have made a deal with the devil (Rupert first on that list). I hope Kamala can mop the floor with the aspirations of tyrants and use Joe’s expertise to bring his vision of a just world to us all.

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The way to win - is to always get up and try even harder.

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We can do that

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I'm proud to be one of those first time donors! I love that she has such broad support. Having that should be enough to blunt any of the lies the GOP can come up with. I have the greatest respect for Biden, but the difference that 48 hours has made in my perspective is pure magic!! I give Biden credit for LOT, but especially for engineering this explosion of excitement!

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Mark Kelly or Roy Cooper for Veep.

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Door #2.

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Seriously, either one would be fine by me. Kelly could bring along his wife, who fucking survived an assassination attempt far worse than El Guapo of Queens. Cooper would make a better AG than Vice President.

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Nah Coop is the person for veep! Down home charm; steadfast poise in debating ‘plantation mentality’ magas who control NC legislature !

Kelly a fine person! As a Senator he is a spoiled prince of the realm!

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Mark Kelly!

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Roy Cooper is the Best candidate! Down home charm to balance alleged prosecutor’s edginess! Can’t let Coop resign before New Democrat Gov Shapiro is sworn into office! NC lt Gov scolds out of wed lock pregnant women ‘shoud have kept your skit down’!

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Monty!!! Monty!!! Monty!!! LOL

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There is strong support for Arizona ex-Astronaut, MARK KELLEY. but, I support Governor GRETCHEN WHITMER of MICHIGAN a key state that must be won.

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Whitmer has already announced that she is not interested in the job. There's also the fact that two women on the ticket violates the "one fight at a time" rule. Personally, I think it would be great, and as a political realist I am always glad when Reality slaps realism in the face, as the past 40 hours shows, but on this I think we are going to find the fight hard just with Harris as president. Getting too far out in front is not a route to victory. Or it hasn't been.

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I'm with you there Tom. A lot of women objected when I said it had to be a white man. Kamala will be the first WOMAN to be President. Thank you to Joe Biden for making her the FIRST FEMALE Vice President. But you can't look at the folks on SubStack. Americans as a whole tend to be more centered. Remember all the racism surrounding our nomination of Barrack Obama? Why do you think he selected Joe Biden as his running mate? Barrack knew he had problems enough with his skin color and the "birthers" Hawaii WAS a State before Barrack was born.

I've already read snide suggestions from the maggots that they are starting the same damned birther crap. Her father Donald Harris was born in Jamaica, her mother Shamala in India. Both Kamala and her sister Maya, were born in Oakland, California which, no matter what the trumpster/dumpster says, has been in America since 1850. Therefore Kamala and Maya are absolutely 100% American citizens

That was a bit off track, but this and other reasons are why Kamala will choose a pale skinned man as her running mate. Kamala is exceptionally intelligent.

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Whitmer's got time. And she could be a good Cabinet pick. It's got to be a white male because populations evolve in increments.

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Totally agree

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Don't want to lose our Great Governor yet

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A few minutes ago, the count was 1,992, so she's over the top.

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I haven’t been this excited for a very long time. Not only is she a good choice, but wouldn’t the ultimate slap at Trump and MAGA-land be his defeat at the hands of a Black female? Delicious. We’ve got work to do!

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I honestly did not expect the rapid coalescing of Democrat support for any Biden replacement and while having complete confidence in Harris as a capable President, my gut told me it would be an up hill battle to gain any inertia moving toward Nov

I did not have enough faith in the People. It feels great to be wrong. What would be even greater is to witness the media, recognizing where their audience’s preferences lie, do a 180 turnaround and begin focusing on the destruction of Trumplican MAGA; the indecency of their mantras and the gross spector of their standard bearer. He’s now saddled with his own deteriorating mental state and the women hating two headed snake of a ticket

The low hanging fruit is abundant, but please Democrats, be smart. Don’t eat of the apple

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I too had the same thoughts. I does feel great to be wrong.

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Hallelelujah! For once, we have thoroughly out-performed and proved false Will Rogers old saw that we do not belong to an organized political party--we are Democrats.

Proud Democrats, I might add. We've had a fabulous, successful Presidency with Joe Biden who has proven to be among the best twenty Presidents in U.S. history and we are on a trajectory to (finally, FINALLY) elect the first female President of the United States. There's still much, much work to be done--we have only104 days to election--but Kamala is off to such a great start! The R's are going to fight like wounded rhinos but I believe we can and will WIN...

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This is a blitzkreig that's sent the wingers to their bunkers. The smirking serpent known as Stephen Miller may be forced back to what he does best: self-loathing.

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