Trump will continue his disparagement of the legal system, judges, and democracy in general (all uttered with increasingly unhinged undertones of racism and fascist authoritarianism) and we will, no question, face the biggest test our country has faced in a very long time. Trump is cornered. Those who have a reason to destroy the US as it is now, using him as the battering ram, are also cornered. He knows his only way out is to win the race for President. He wins, and all of this goes away. Yes, there are and will be non-Fed cases. But this one is the big Kahuna. He really is running to keep himself, his financial benefactors, and the various other bad actors who want to see an autocratic government put into place from being prosecuted. It’s quite a dangerous situation. Sociopaths don’t like to be cornered.

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A very gimlet-eyed observation, Holly. :-)

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Why thank you. :-)

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How many predicted your last sentence and were ignored as he bullied his way into the hearts and minds of fools.

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I have to say I am perplexed and anxious. At first I was pleasantly shocked at Lauro throwing his client under the bus. Trump bring Trump, you know he’s going to employ the trashiest lawyer he can find. So it’s all part of a pattern and Trump is going to jail ultimately. But.

But, what if it’s all part of a scheme to try the case in the MSM, poison the jury pool, as you suggest, find a way to build sympathy for Trump in the swing states, and win the election in the Electoral College. That’s the only strategy they got, right? The indictment builds such a strong case. We all know the details from the Jan 6 Committee. Not even Clarence Darrow could get Trump off the hook. So the only strategy is to string out the trial, lots of motions, taking them up yo the Circuit Court on appeal, then the Supremes, where the Dirty Half Dozen (yes, Tom, you can use that), will sit on the petitions snd then remand for further proceedings, and string things out so it’s impossible to get a trial scheduled before November 2024. It has to be their strategy. It’s all they got. Then Pres. Trump (so hard to write that), gets to cause endless Constitutional crises as he pardons himself, gets a corrupt AG to pull the prosecutors, and whatever else he and this deplorables can dream up.

Also, in my experience as a civil lawyer (never tried a criminal matter), I found that my hardest cases were against the stupidest lawyers. They screw everything up, cause lots of delays, make you spin your wheels knocking down the dumbest shit, and judges just don’t have the energy to rein them in. It’s so aggravating. Lauro doesn’t have to be playing 3D chess to delay the trial. If he’s a genuine f--- up, that’s sufficient.

I really hate feeling like American politics and law is nothing more than the human equivalent of Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle. And it’s felt that way since 2016.

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Very good. And yes, Trump's presidential campaign is a getaway vehicle. And yes, he's going to poison the jury pool in front of us and they won't lay a hand on him because he won't say a word.

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One hopes that holding the trial in Washington DC will make it more difficult to poison the jury pool than it would have in rural Florida. And the assigned judge has been tough on the wretches who stormed the Capitol, so I think she will not tolerate real shenanigans from Trump or his lawyers. And I still think Trump will run afoul of the magistrate judge and end up in jail or house arrest and unable to campaign, so delaying the trial would be a non-starter for him. Lay in a good supply of popcorn.....a single malt would be nice too.

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Trump and his cohorts are playing to the jury of the American people. They are looking to grow MAGA, call Trump innocent and win the presidency. WINNING THE PRESIDENCY COMES FIRST. Trump never ever does anything wrong and never loses; he's been victimized. They've been playing the same script all along.

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Fern, I agree that he thinks he never does anything wrong. Typical sociopath thinking, because they don't have an ability to see right/wrong. He doesn't see the gravity of the charges and assumes he'll get off, like every other time in his life

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GarySanDiego, we share a sense of what -- sadness, uncertainly, a foreboding, the sense of a lost society - not a society but a mass of contradictions ….and of hate ?

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Exactly. It’s like God is playing dice with democracy and I just can’t get my head around it.

(Yeah, I recently watched “Oppenheimer.” Apologies for the physics metaphors. 🤦🏻‍♂️)

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Gary, you've summed this up nicely. Thank you.

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My fears so well articulated

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He’s past the point where anything competent or capable will come sniffing around.

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Remember that 50% of members of any trained profession graduated in the bottom half of their class. Two examples of ass-end Charlies who rose to positions far beyond their competence and showed it were George Pickett and George Armstrong Custer, and any lawyer representing trump is definitely among such luminaries…

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I thought those licenses came from the vending machine in the men's room of the courthouse..."Cheap Combs, Condoms and LAW LICENSES."

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In all seriousness, imagine trying to be Orange Hitler's attorney. You KNOW he's getting screamed at on a regular basis.

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I could tell just by looking at his face Laura is a jerk— and what sane attorney would bother working for Chump now. Also his tie was crooked.

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point well taken. any man who can't do a decent Windsor knot shouldn't be trusted with the Public Good. I boast ten thumbs, am not that smart and I could still do a Windsor knot at twelve.

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What is this Windsor Knot you speak of? :-)

(I haven't worn a tie in 42 years)

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LOL! The tie!

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I saw that the consensus on Lawrence's show was that Lauro was trying on every defense to play to the public..... He seems to have forgotten that the only REAL audience that makes a difference in this case are 12 jurors, good and true.....and he just sealed hi client's fate. At Trump's age, waistline and eating habits, ANY prison sentence of longer than six months is likely to be a life sentence, to say nothing of the damage losing these cases will do to his narcissistic fantasy self-image as a winner.....

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Time for that gag order!

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Whatever the legal strategy is and whatever its outcome, the most important thing is to break Trump's ham-fisted clutch on American politics and remind voters that it is the nation, all of us, who face domestic problems and international threats that a pork butt in a suit and red tie is not capable of shepherding us through (Remember the attempted destruction of NATO, the undoing of the nuclear agreement with Iran, the plan to move the USSF to the brain trust of Alabama, the relentless grifting from the WH, and Covid!). The media must focus on that as we get into the campaign season. Making Trump a preliminary bout and not the main event is critical. He is clogging the arteries of the entire nation now, and we need to stop consuming while we still can. Time to read one of your really good books, TC, and to volunteer for Joe's campaign.

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again, the metaphors are much too kind. for example, I LOVE me a good smoked pork butt.

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Yikes. I wonder if Lauro is trying to bolster the “acting on advice of counsel” defense by attempting to demonstrate that someone Pence hasn’t labeled (yet) a crackpot can believe the crackpots’ advice was somehow worth heeding.

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The "acting on advice of counsel" defense is killed by the fact that Co-conspirator No. 2 (Eastman) told Trump to his face the plan was illegal and then refused to have any more to do with it. There are witnesses: Pence, Pence's Chief of Staff, Eric Herschman (Deputy White House Counsel) and Eastman's written email that Smith has.

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I remember Herschman being particularly eloquent on precisely this point. something like "you'd better have a fucking attorney."

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Yes: "I want to hear two words out of your mouth: peaceful. transition. Say it! (Eastman finally does) And now I'm going to give you the best fucking advice you'll ever get: get yourself the best fucking defense counsel you can, because you're going to need him."

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Still it’s being actively bruited about by the same folks yowling about Free Speech. The Court of Public Opinion is the audience for this. It would be fun to get this count out of the way by summary judgement thought I don’t think that can be used in a criminal trial. There should be a whee of a jury instruction, however.

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I don't know if any of you heard an interview on Here and Now yesterday but if not, look it up - Lawrence Tribe had a number of cogent things to say regarding this third indictment. One of the most important was his comment on what has happened to the legal system which given all the attorneys involved shows just how "amoral and even immoral the system has become" and that all of them should "be disbarred and convicted" for their role in this mess. BTW Kenneth Cheseboro was someone he worked with early in Cheseboro's career but they parted company long, long ago. It is interesting that the 137 house members and 8 senators who wanted to go along with all the shenanigans and even voted against the slates of electors AFTER they came back to the capital once the "poopoo" was cleaned up, were also involved in the scheme. Some of them admitted to receiving the fake elector paperwork. So what about these folks? And the senate had a chance to convict not ONCE but TWICE and failed the United States and the Constitution TWICE. Yes - Pence has gotten religion and it is in his interest to finally speak up publicly. He called Dan Quayle !!! way back when to ask him IF there was any way he could possibly DO WHAT DJT SUGGESTED!!! Quayle said no. That may have been the most astute thing Dan Quayle ever said in his entire life.

I have begun looking at some of these "attorneys" and seeing where they got their degrees. Eastman - University of Chicago. Lauro - Georgetown and NY Law School. Sidney Powell - North Carolina. There is an "attorney" here in Michigan, near where I live, who has been charged with taking voting tabulators - he ran for AG in the state - thank God he lost - endorsed by djt. His office website opens with a plea in inch high letters for donations for his defense fund! His name is Matt DePerno. Talk about a crook. He has two law degrees - one from Detroit Mercy. His own clients have taken him to court for shady practices!!! See where they got their degrees and make it known. The institutions that awarded them degrees should be held to account. Can degrees be rescinded? Wouldn't that be great! Of course djt apparently got some kind of degree from the Wharton School. I remember when I took a course in accounting at a local community college, and one thought I had was - "it all depends where you put the numbers and what you call the numbers." That may be the beginning of "business plans" . What a crowd of grifters! And now Barr, according to Tribe, has come around at last, but of course he wants to sell his book. He's getting lots of air time these days. What I wish people would ask is this: What is going on with the gop/aka republican party? It seems to be fully against democracy and democratic institutions. Even the Atlantic has an article asking whether Tennessee has a functioning democracy. This is where we are as a nation. Don't normalize djt - that's another reason as Tribe suggested yesterday, the trial in DC should be televised so that people can see the defendant and hear exactly what is going on because when djt walks out the door he gets quoted with all the most ridiculous blather that can be said - and it gets repeated ad nauseum everywhere, even PBS! Tribe indicates that a televised trial might put a mirror up to the nation that has been needed ever since this guy took the escalator down!

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If you are interested there was a good article on how the agenda of part of the Republican party decided to takeover the party and there would be some "housecleaning" with the current moderates-they could go along or step aside. And it worked. The number I recall was 150+ retired or decided not to run again. I believe one day in the news 6 GOP congressmen from TX! just decided nope, no more & no comment not coming back.. I am thinking the publication date was sometime in 2018 from The Atlantic magazine.and the subject was The Heritage Foundation and THEIR agenda for the GOP. I recall Senator Corker from TN comments on adult daycare was needed in the WH. Not much of that going around these days. They have won the party.

In today's NYT an article on what Project 2025 is and what is planned for whoever gets the GOP win in the WH. A really scary agenda no more renewable funded or built and drill baby drill. Climate change? Well no worries they don't believe in it. And apparently just eliminate government agencies, laws...the Constitution? I am sure they have that rewrite ready.

It started with removing the critics & moderates in the party but most certainly won't end there.

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I saw that agenda tonight on PBS, which had quite an extensive report on the climate crisis and the agenda from the heritage foundation. I'll take a look at the NYT article. Yes - the gop has taken a very wrong turn way back but especially renewed its turn with reagan IMO.

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Totally agree.

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FYI My original comment was lost by my fat finger keyboard stroke. Oops!

A very fine argument.

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I HATE when that happens.

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I watched Lawrence last night. He comes on late here, but it's worth the late hour to hear informed guests and LATE breaking news. (It seems that news is always breaking whenever there's a clueless, media hungry MAGAt desperately trying to get on faux noise or noisemax.) I wondered last night if Lauro would still be on the "payroll" this morning, after Senor Hamberder watched his implosion on live TV and realized from the commentary following that his "defense" had thrown him under his own bus. Then, this morning came further news down south from Loose Cannon's direction, not about the documents case but about another case she screwed up in June. Maybe Jack has just washed his hands and moved on, given that she's not even competent enough to properly manage swearing in jurors. Is it just Florida, or is something in the water down there?

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TC, ad hominems aside, I think it is all very calculated. In the perverse, upside down MAGA world, this somehow makes sense. Reversing the conspiracy by claiming political motivation.

While rooting for the Rule of Law to win, I dread spending any more time in the dysfunctional projections of tfg-- his sick, destructive charism

and the illusions of his followers and allies.

It is, as if, the longer he is bigly in public, the more he spreads his twisted mantle over all of us, using what to most of us would be humiliating as fodder for his current campaign.

I wish the arraigning judge had placed more stringent restrictions on him. On the other hand, he is constitutionally unable to keep from talking about it and probably will flout the law and discuss with co-defendants and even try to bully witnesses.

Maybe you are right about one thing. His attorneys are probably not strong enough to contain him for the long haul of this trial. He may self immolate! But, then, the judge needs to be as strong as she can be and immediately call him in contempt if he disregards current restraints.

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When Trump was running for President in 2015-16, he reminded me of the cartoon character on Rocky & Bullwinkle Mr.Big, Fearless Leader of Boris * Natasha no less. Then he provide in Helsinki.

How is it we could all clearly understand this cartoon back in the day and not this AssClown now?

This nosedive from reality seems to be accelerating, which I guess it must - increase or decrease. And Trump & Co. including his lawyers most certainly prove it. Will his continued crazy finally break the grip he has on his cult? Will they realize this is like dropping acid and smoking dope 24/7?

Trump lives in crazytown of his own creations and his base came along for the ride... I just think there has to be a limit. But then I realize it hasn't happened yet, so not likely? If he only appeals to the Q believers, well ok. But not 75% of the Republican vote.

Can people be this stupid...I guess. Sheesh

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Yes, they can, they prove it over and over. Some I’m not surprised about and some I’m shocked about. Stupid is bad, but willful ignorance is way worse. Are there media outlets that will push back against the pathetic but vocal lawyers? After all, it is the court of public opinion and propaganda has ruled for chump and it still is the go to, as TC pointed out

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I guess it was a rhetorical question! Asked out of general exasperation and Trump fatigue! It is still hard to believe he crimes more and they cheer him on...

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Trump fatigue, have a terminal case

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And the Trump circus continues but underneath this clown parade is the rot and corruption of the organizational donors and specialists working on Project 2025 supported by The Heritage Foundation by proxy the Kock Brothers. Not just promoting oil and gas but full speed ahead on Fossil Fuels Titanic with equal hubris to the dangers and removing all renewables, etc. As one person on Substack said it was wind that kept the creaky grid in TX on and the AC making this summer "bearable," someone might want to let the folks know, iceberg ahead!

Truly the Death March Is the Republicans political parade choice. Not just crazy, with self-denial but a death wish.

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100% correct

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Absoluement a man who screws up his tie before being introduced on national television is completely doomed just like the clueless one who hired him.

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