As proof that the average American is too fucking stupid to pour piss out of their proverbial boot, I submit the experience I had 15 minutes ago, crossing a busy street (with the traffic light) and nearly being killed when the brain-dead @#$%$$#@!! who was so busy with her fucking cellphone that she didn't notice her foot had slipped off the brake pedal of the @#$%##@!! SUV she was too busy with her cellphone to pay attention to and looked up in complete amazement when I smacked the hood of the damn oversized collection of scrap iron when it moved right in front of me as I was crossing in the damn crosswalk.

That's your average American: glued to their fucking cellphone (why oh why can't Skynet send the Terminator back to kill the inventor of the fuckinggoddamncellphone a year before he mentions the idea to anyone?), driving an ugly piece of shit too big for them to control, oblivious to the world beyond the end of their nose.

And that wasn't the first time such a thing has happened, merely the most recent.

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You can never go wrong expecting the moron in the oversized SUV to do something incredibly dangerous - to you! - at any moment.

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A friend told me yesterday that “an old lady” was driving down The Legacy Trail yesterday peering over her steering shell wondering why joggers, bicycles, and walkers were fleeing out of her way. 🙄

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*steering wheel”

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Thank you for the WWII history lesson. I am working on a blog post on Khalkhin Gol/'Nomonhan. I visited the area in 1995. Woke up last night and tried to remember the name of the place.

Democrats didn't show up will be the epitaph on the tombstone of democracy.

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The bloody nose the Japanese Army got at Nomonhan was why they didn't decide to attack the USSR in 1941 as Hitler requested, and instead went "the other direction."

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Loose cannons like the Kwantung Army or MacArthur can sure make a mess.

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Let’s plan it to be “Democrats didn’t show up but then they did just by the hairs on their chinny chin chins,” on the tombstone of “Fascism tried and failed in America.”

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The "average" American voter shouldn't be voting in the first place. To vote, you should have to pass a test of critical thinking ability as well as be screened for mental health fitness. By that I mean certain diagnoses should preclude both holding public office and electing someone to public office. I know that's probably not going to be a popular sentiment. Oh well.

I guess we'll keep slogging along until the whole thing eats itself.

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Now wait a minute TC & Penfist. Whatever happened to "We, the People, All if Us This Time," and "Every Vote Counts?" You sound like a First Congressional Congress and a First Constitutional Convention I know of that not only failed to "remember the ladies" but also the Negroes and Indians. This government has a responsibility to educate all our citizens so they all can vote responsibly. Democracy also requires that we shut up the liars and present the truth.

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My agreement comes from the fact the "average American voter" might not have been that good 80 years ago, but they're positively useless now. Wish it wasn't the case.

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Here is a response I wrote earlier on HCR site (and am copying I just raked my lawn for 2 1/2 hours and too tired to be original):

"I do think this country has a responsibility, though, to take the microphones away from all the liars. People are busy. People work for a living. People go to church. People aren't bad because they didn't read the play by play in the Washington Post on the January 6th insurrection, or the college thesis on Critical Race Theory. They listen to folks like themselves who they trust, or to charismatic leaders and broadcasters who persuade them. Putin, along with other foreign and national oligarchs, have fed the airwaves and internet and church lecterns with crap, dressed up in Sunday suits. Enough. If not a resurrection of The Fairness Doctrine, we need an ascension of The Truth

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MaryPat, you cannot educate delusions once they take hold. I work in mental health and I feel quite certain of this. I was sure someone would compare sex and race to mental health status and here you are so thank you for that. Racism and sexism are not remotely the same as pointing out someone is not mentally competent to vote rationally. Let me restate that as gender or race labels should be irrelevant to determining voter eligibility. Mental health status should not. A malignant narcissist, for instance, should not be allowed to run for office, hold office, or vote for someone else to hold office.

The courts already have a process to declare individuals incompetent, and this removes their right to vote in elections at all levels. I am suggesting that we should re-examine this mechanism and enhance it. Do you want the people who traveled to Dallas to welcome a dead man back to life to vote? I do not. I think they are mentally ill. I want them to be legally barred from voting until they receive appropriate services and can pass a screening process that ensures they are capable of critical thinking and rational decision making.


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The two seconds before it went behind the paywall was enough. We. Are. Screwed,

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I pay for every publication I read regularly, but I cannot afford to pay for EVERY publication that needs support. There is an add-on for the problem of these paywalls. A way to bypass them. I don't feel the slightest bit of guilt about using it.

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I’m on iPhone. When an article goes behind paywall, I go back and just hold link until menu pops up where I can access “download linked file”. A little arrow then will appear on the forum address and that will take me to a downloaded file where I can read article. Format is different but article is there with no paywall.

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I think the file is "sneaky". There is a black/dark background, but if you look closely, you see a barely visible "close" x in the left side. I closed it and the story opened for me. Good luck!

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Seriously, that is crazy.

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I too work in mental health as a psych nurse and I still strongly disagree that the "average American voter shouldn't be voting in the first place." In my work I see paranoid schiz, schizo-affective, a variety of personality disorders, bipolar, alcohol and substance abuse, depression, and autism. I diagnosed tRump as malignant narcissist before his 1st national tweet. Plus, I have a neighbor who went postal 20 years ago (when he was working at a post office, with a gun. Thank goodness no one was hurt but he isn't allowed to bear arms (which he has many of, and is able to con local hunters to pick up ammunition for him). He is now feeling vindicated and validated by tRump, as a Proud Boy now who became violent even before he drove to the insurrection (I alerted the sherrif and state police). I agree he should not be voting - he is certifiable, but no one in our broken system will question his right to vote to keep Biden from killing babies. (Fortunately he thinks I am really nice). I think we professionals see so many with mental and emotional maladies, that our view of our population as a whole gets skewed. Enhance the courts ability to declare individuals incompetent, yes. I agree: Take away their right to vote. Just don't assume that every tRumper or redneck is delusional and crazy.

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Too true.

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I’m sorry to say I agree with you. A certain level of mental illness has become normalized and therefore supported as people recognize themselves (albeit unconsciously). In the limited mind space they choose to live it is a matter of survival (of their ego-who they think they are-which thrive in chaos and have no understanding past the immediate fear of ‘losing’). A greater instinct I don’t know of except love which unfortunately hasn’t translated in the majority of Democrats to urgency. Tfg is our prime example. His instability and mental illness and destructive history could not be any clearer and does not even penetrate the mind of his supporters. That is delusional thinking made mainstream. Those who see it and support it (most/all of the republican Congress) have sold their soul to

money and power. I am discouraged. I thank TCinLA for your insightful and no BS analysis and am educated and heartened in some way by everyones responses even when they invoke despair. We care. Thank you.

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We won’t stop caring till we stop breathing.

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Thank you for the history lesson, TC. Very enlightening. I try to be an informed citizen but I keep learning how much l don’t know. This newsletter is perfectly titled, “That’s Another Fine Mess.” America lurches on.

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Oh. Damn. I will leave this article, though, with the image of FDR, crippled, in his wheelchair, wheeling through ward after ward of newly crippled soldiers and sailors, an inspiration to every one of them. Thank you for that TC.

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Yes, MaryPat Sercu Randall, that image of FDR’s selfless compassion and his recognition of the sacrifice made by the soldiers and sailors under his command, provides me with a thin thread of hope that there are still among us others with that moral and ethical character.

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Wow! So much here! First, the information on FDR and MacArthur is so very interesting. Thanks for the inside information! Next, the comparison to the election of 1944 and what is facing Biden is uncanny. But, for me, one of the things that stick out is the blackmail traits of MacArthur and Manchin. They are looking out for their own interests and USA be damned! Both public servants...not!

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Thank you, TCinLA for this succinct, powerful, and very pertinent history lesson!

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I realize that many supporters of the orange dookie master are sane. Rottenly so. Let’s remove the “average Americans “ terminology and agree that criminally malignant, toxic hatred spewing people with homicidal predilections should be removed from the voting rolls. Along with those diagnosed as detached from reality. Can we agree on that?

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