A friend alerted me to Trump's 8 seconds of horror., but it didn't scare me. We are witnessing his levels, moving up the scale of madness. The trickiest part is the number of others so attracted to the beast - it is the beast within the US. That is what is the most frightening.

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Yes indeed.

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Actually, the Constitution cannot survive a republican presidency. The fault, dear Brutus, is not in Trump, but in themselves. The republican party has been building toward fascism for about a century. Only those who ignore its history ignore this reality.

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I completely agree Michael. I recommend everyone read Thom Hartman’s post today. Linked here....I hope.


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Thanks for sharing this. I also recommend Heather Richardson's writings--not just her daily journal, but also her books on republicans and How The South Won the Civil War.

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Yes, I have read several of her books including that one. It is excellent. I also subscribe to her on Substack. I highly recommend her writings too.

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Already pre-ordered the next book. And I had to stop reading Karen's link above but will go back to it once I get rid of the bile that rose.

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Thanks for the link to Thom Hartman's post. I just read it and subscribed. Actually, I haven't finished reading it yet. The revulsion overcame me and I had to take a break.

Organize Democrats to vote, people! Write postcards, join phonebanks, donate what you can, talk to your sympathetic friends and relations. It's up to *us* to avert any Republican from becoming President, and to take back the House and increase our Senate majority.

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I know Elizabeth, it’s hard to read. I’m sure because it’s actually happening around us. Which makes what you say in your 2nd paragraph so important. Thank you for reminding us of the work we need to do to save our democracy.

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I had the same experience, Elizabeth. I've kept the tab open to go back to; it's repulsive and really scary.

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Holy crap!

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Hartmann’s post is about the scariest one ever.

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I have a scarier one. Miles Taylor's new book, "Blowback: A Warning to Save Democracy From the Next Trump." He interviewed the people who are planning all this, and they're very open as to what they're doing.

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I just ordered that on audible yesterday after seeing his interview on MSNBC. Glad to hear I can continue to scare the crap out of myself. But my thought is I would rather be uncomfortable knowing their strategy and plans, with the hope of informing and waking up many that are not necessarily complacent, but just living their lives and not paying attention while “it happens gradually, and then suddenly” to quote Ernest Hemingway”

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I was wondering if it was a worthwhile purchase. on your say-so, I'll get one.

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I'm going to pass, Tom. I've got far, far too many unread books already. Plus, I'm scared enough. But thanks.

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Read it first thing today, Karen RN...thanks for posting.

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Thank you for the link...that is the scariest article I've yet read. No wonder I have developed alopecia.

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Thank hou Karen.

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The choice between Biden and Trump is like asking "Would you like this nice hot bowl of unseasoned oatmeal? If you prefer, we have this lurid purple cocktail... What's in it? Let's see... 2 ounces of vodka, two ounces of white rum, one ounce of creme de violette and... a teaspoon of cyanide--almost forgot to tell you about that last one. Oh, and don't forget the orange slice and the little party umbrella!"

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Very good.

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What has the world COME to when prosecutors can indict politicians for committing crimes? The Horror? The Horror!

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I wish I had a dollar for every exclamation mark and every capital letter.

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"Whatever the downsides of four more years of Joe Biden, it is clear that the constitutional democratic republic cannot survive another Trump presidency." Absolutely correct TC. There is another effort to destroy democracy coming from the guys who brought you djt, alito, thomas and so many others - this whole No Labels fraud. I mean - really? Mansion, Lie - berman and others. Frankly I like Dick Gephart but he's acting the fool to get involved with this crowd. Of course how neat - a 504.c or whatever that allows this group to keep their donors secret! That in itself is a huge RED FLAG for every person who wants democracy and democratic institutions rather than the fake stuff like orban, putin, erdogan and the other autocrats and dictators have instituted. I mean, when I hear NATO talk about nations in the alliance having democratic bona fides, I would ask, what happens when nations turn those in for pretend democracy? Ukraine, as far as I am able to ascertain is further ahead on democracy that hungary and russia combined. No wonder President Zelenskyy uses the word "absurd" with regard to not getting an invitation and timeline! And Ben Wallace wants thank you's. Good Grief. Wake up Ben and smell the smoke! The folks who supposedly support democracy are making a mess of it, BUT another djt administration would be a greater disaster than Barbie and the bomb together. What a strange f*****g world - Ukraine is bleeding for the democratic world, democracy hangs by a thread and we are getting in the movie theaters Barbie in pink along with Oppenheimer and the mushroom cloud. I guess I'll return to studying Ukrainian language today.

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"Whatever the downsides of four more years of Joe Biden, it is clear that the constitutional democratic republic cannot survive another Trump presidency."

It cannot and would not survive another Trump presidency...he will declare himself president for life, wipe out all the good of the past 2.5 years, and give America over to whichever dictator promises the most to him. It won't matter which one, and it won't matter what "we the people" want because HE DOESN'T CARE...and if you think that threat he made on liarsocial is idle? Think again...that is why all these people are kowtowing to him now...they have been threatened and are scared.

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He will bow to Putin, no shots fired

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And Murkowski would cross the "aisle" & support Mansion for Pres! Couldnt "pick the lesser evil between Biden & Trump"! Seriously? I used to think she still had a tiny bit of common sense - guess not.

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Sorry - Manchin!!!

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Not one iota. She/they are still pretending it’s politics as usual.

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bottom line is she's still in that failed, ugly "party," so what are you really gonna expect?

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Honestly? Not a thing - anymore than I would from Liz Cheney. My only tiny bit of surprise was that she would vote for a Democrat - altho he isnt really.

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You help offset TSD, Fern, along with TC and so many others. As Joyce Vance says, “We’re all in this together .” TC, dare I suggest you come up with a closer for your posts? It might be therapeutic for us to offer suggestions.

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Suggest away! :-)

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I’m working on it. So far, too scatilogical or obscene to post.

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At the risk of sounding hopelessly out of it...what is TSD ? (I'm almost too scared to ask)

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No, we cannot survive another tRump presidency. Thanks for the facts and fears. With Judge Cannon setting his classified documents case for April, 2024, what are the chances it will knock him out of the presidential race before November 5, 2024?

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She revealed she's still a Trumper - set it as late as she could without making it obvious (which then made it totally obvious).

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today on MSNBC, I hear some of the usual former prosecutors saying that when there are multiple indictments, the more important ones go first. so the documents case might actually be scheduled for later than this newer set of charges, which definitely have precedence.

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Plus the newer indictment is in DC, not in front of Lucy Cannon.

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The judge has now set mid-May 2024 for the documents trial though I've no doubt that tfg's attorneys will, as the date approaches, go to her court and ask that it be rescheduled.

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Trial in Trump Documents Case Set for May 2024.

Agreed, MaryPat, our country, a damaged democracy, could not survive another Trump presidency. My hunch is that he'll consume himself or justice will finish him off before then.

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I for one don't know if I can survive a Trump candidacy until November 2024!

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I'm with you, MaryB. In addition to so much else, such as the Climate Crisis and the country infected with hate and social discord, we have the Trump Stress Disorder.

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TSD. Bad case of it. Solution is section 241. Isn't that an insecticide?

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Had W/Dickie stress disorder before that.

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I'm with you too, MaryB! I think my alopecia is a result of TSD! Already I have less hair than Donnieboy. Thankfully, writing postcards and phone-banking doesn't have to be done in public!

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We know now that the only Republican whos can stand up to Putin, Xi, Kim, et. al. are Cheney and Kinzinger. None, not one of the rest of them can even stand up to a big-mouthed thug like Trump; therefore, not one of them can ever be POTUS, none of the current ass-pirants certainly. I'm holding with my proposal that Joe keep taking all the incoming from the wingers and their propaganda machines and at the last moment hand off the baton to a fresh and less sullied Dem candidate. Joe deserves the rest, and lovers of democracy deserve a fresh Dem who can knock the wingers out of the way and forge ahead to ensure a successful completion of Biden's outstanding delivery to the country. Such a sudden emergence would knock Trumpers on their brains and make Trump himself more irrelevant.

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That video didn't scare me, but it's a warning. The GOP and MAGA faction of it, are totally off the rails. Donnie

is a cornered rat and that

makes him dangerous.

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We cannot survive another election if he refuses to accept a loss, either. He is poison, no matter what. Sad that so many cult nuts love poison.

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