How scared is Donald Trump of being convicted and going to jail? He’s this scared:
In a video released on his Truth Social account on Wednesday, he says over a threatening image of his face followed eventually by his campaign logo, “If you fuck around with us, if you do something bad to us, we are going to do things to you that have never been done before.”
Apparently, the audio comes from 2020 when Trump was talking about Iran. But the context of the new message was unmistakable: Trump is doing his best mob boss intimidation tactic in this video. Not only is he putting out what, given his history of incitement, could fairly be described as a stochastic terrorism call to any unhinged lone wolf supporters, he is also potentially poisoning the jury pools and vaguely intimidating them.
Trump continues to maintain his hold on the GOP through threats to the cowards who claim to be the party’s leaders.
Yesterday, Politico reported that, after Quiverin’ Qevin suggested in an appearance on national television last month that Trump may not be the GOP’s best presidential nominee in 2024, the former president was furious and he demanded that Qevin rectify the slight immediately by publicly endorsing his candidacy. “He needs to endorse me — today!” Trump fumed to his staff on his way to a campaign event in New Hampshire, according to people familiar with what happened.
Qevin believes he must stay neutral during the primary so as to not box in his own members. So, to calm Trump, McCarthy made him a promise, according to a source close to Trump and familiar with the conversation: The House would vote to expunge the two impeachments against the former president. And they would do so before August recess. That recess looms a week from today.
The vow was obviously another demonstration of Qevin’s spinelessness, made reflexively to save his own skin, but he is now in a bind because Trumpworld plans to hold him to his promise.
Several moderate House Republicans have no desire to revisit Trump’s impeachments, especially the second regarding his incitement of the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol. While only ten Republicans voted with Democrats to impeach Trump after the Jan. 6 attack, it’s known that several more wanted to but were too worried about threats to their offices and families to take the plunge.
If Qevin buckles to Trump on this, those members won’t have a choice. Given his tenuous position with the GOP MAGA wing in the House, - the threat of his ouster looms over his every move - he has no real option but to bow to the former president’s whims.
Qevin now claims he made no such a promise to Trump, but merely indicated he would discuss the matter with his members.
Newly-MINTED Trump Today, Striver Stefanik, who many believe wants to be Trump’s running mate should he win the nomination, has pushed for such an expungement vote, having teamed up with Marjorie Traitor Goon back in June on a resolution to clear Trump of the impeachment charges.
But in a recent leadership meeting, moderate Republicans pushed back on the idea, arguing that any expungement vote would be poisonous to the reelections of members in Biden-won districts.
(Fun fact: there is no constitutional provision for an impeachment to be “expunged,” but given the moron stupidity of the Red Hat Brigade, he can go to his hatealongs and claim they were “expunged” and the dumbasses will believe his every word. Even Qevin has publicly admitted such a symbolic resolution would be meaningless. )
However, it’s unclear whether an expungement vote even has enough support to pass the House, given the GOP’s slim five-seat majority. GOP Representatives David Valadao and Dan Newhouse voted to impeach, and are unlikely to support any attempt at expungement.
There is also the “constitutional conservatives” who are privately skeptical the House has the constitutional authority to erase impeachments.
Given that Quiverin’ Qevin only has a 5-vote margin and would need every Republican vote to counter the unanimous Democratic “no” vote, the math doesn’t add up. Thus, taking the vote regardless would embarrass Trump if it lost.
Thus, though McCarthy has publicly backed the push, senior Republicans speculate his words were merely an attempt to curry favor with TrumpWorld. Regardless of the likelihood of passage, Trump knows he is cannot stop the indictments coming his way in the next weeks, and believes the House has the power to erase the stain of impeachment.
Trump brings up the matter in every call he has with McCarthy, who recently told Trump the House will vote by the end of September. However, the House is in session only 12 days that month, and will be caught in the rush to shutdown.
In the meantime, Trump has been working with his other allies in the GOP House caucus and the Senate to coordinate a public defense regarding the coming indictments. It appears to be working, since every time any GOP representative or senator has been questioned on the topic this week, they have responded with variations of this from Qevin this past Tuesday:
“Donald Trump is the victim of his own success. If you noticed recently, President Trump went up in the polls (Fun fact: no, he hasn’t) and was actually surpassing President Biden for reelection. So what do they do now? Weaponize government to go after their number-one opponent. This is something that has been happening time and time again and the American public is tired of this. They want to have, see equal justice and the idea that they utilize this to go after those who politically disagree is wrong.”
Since then, they have all been singing the same hymn.
That tat statement came from the man who said, in the immediate aftermath of the events of January 6, 2021: “The president bears responsibility for Wednesday’s attack on Congress by mob rioters,” proves that Irony is dead and Cleo, Muse of History, just opened a jug of 20-year old corn squeezins.
Marjorie Traitor Goon was more direct: “It’s absolute bullshit That’s my reaction. This is the only way that the Democrats have to beat President Trump—is to arrest him, smear him, charge him with ridiculous charges, all in a cover-up of Joe Biden’s crimes, Hunter Biden’s crimes.”
(Fun fact: Hunter Biden holds no political office in the United States and there is no authority for Congress to go after a private citizen; such restraint is lost on Republicans.)
Former White House “Dr. Feelgood” now Texas congresscritter Ronny Jackson tweeted with lots of exclamation points: “STAND WITH TRUMP!! STAND WITH TRUMP!! Democrats KNOW they can’t beat Trump in 2024, so they’ve weaponized the FBI YET AGAIN to try to take him down. These people will deeply regret this when Trump is BACK in the White House!! Will they ever!!”
Demonstrating just how scared shitless he is, DonnieBoy posted the following on “Truth” Social regarding the letter he received about his pending indictment:
Whatever the downsides of four more years of Joe Biden, it is clear that the constitutional democratic republic cannot survive another Trump presidency.
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A friend alerted me to Trump's 8 seconds of horror., but it didn't scare me. We are witnessing his levels, moving up the scale of madness. The trickiest part is the number of others so attracted to the beast - it is the beast within the US. That is what is the most frightening.
Actually, the Constitution cannot survive a republican presidency. The fault, dear Brutus, is not in Trump, but in themselves. The republican party has been building toward fascism for about a century. Only those who ignore its history ignore this reality.