Fighting Fascism is a life long ardous task.

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Yes, there is no end to the supply of control freaks. And should violence come from the oppressed, well, the gang in charge now has already shown they're fine with that if they don't like who wins elections.

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Thanks for this - we look forward to your posts on the wars in the air!

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This is good work and important to hear; good for you for doing this! Thank you.

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I noted that nitwit DoD memo listing the no longer observed “days” and “months” included Martin Luther King Day and Juneteenth, both of which are actually federal legal holidays. They should retire the trophy for that one.

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The actions of the current Musk- Trump regime in dismantling the citizen protection shields in government does not auger well against the resurrection of the JimCrow laws fostered by the resurgence of anti black, anti jewish, and mysogenistic acts and the reintroduction of felons into society. This coupled with the stripping of the checks and balance function of Congress and the politicization of the justice department and the supreme court threatens to bring back the corruption and bigotry of the earlier eras of America. Non violent resistance deserves a chance but one wonders if the level of frustration at its failure will engender domestic internal violence. A disheartening prospect and a prelude to the destruction of America as we know it. Then our new Mt.Rushmore wiil have Trump,Musk,Putin and Xi on it.

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The US just can't seem to shake its ugly, and worse, the US embraces it as evidenced by the last election.

Your military history pieces are the best, and this one locks in real history that the AI can't scrub from digital archives because we've got hard copy.

We just lost one of the Tuskegee Airmen living nearby, Henry Stewart, who came home and became a successful engineer and businessman. He won a Distinguished Flying Cross. I'll bet he had some of your books on his shelves, Tom.


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This is brilliant writing about history I have previously not heard. Thank you, Tom.

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"More power to you, Buckaroo!" said Emilio Lizardo (John Lithgow).

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Buckaroo Banzai forever.

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I'm still waiting for the sequel.

But seriously, your history is eminently worthy. Calling out the bad actors is needed.

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Thank you Tom for this wonderful piece. The country needs people like you to keep these histories alive. You are much appreciated.

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Thank you for sharing this history.

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I admit I dont always read the posts about ww2, but this one was a doozy. NOT a surprise considering the crap we are going thru right now. Years go by & prejudices just stay the same! Shameful - says so much about the US - well, and other countries too.

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