Well done. Project 2025 must not be allowed to come to fruition.

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It is Nazi time redux

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WTF is wrong with these people? I'm 63. I hope to live a bit longer. Until I think how the world has changed in 20 years, and how the next 20 may look.

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Gail, I have children and grandchildren. The Republicans started losing the Millennials with Dubya Bush. It wasn’t just the wars, it was race and gender issues, and everything else. And they’re just the beginning. I have hope.

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Hope that is true in Texas, don't see it so far

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not something I recommend trying...

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What's happened to the GOP is indeed a microcosm of what happened in Germany with the rise of Hitler and the nazis, which is why the neo-nazis and militias in the US proved appealing to Trump; they are a readymade force for carrying out his depraved ambitions. Because they got their tax cuts for the wealthy early on, Romney and Ryan apparently missed the stench that was all around them as they nurtured the illusion that Mitch was the one truly in charge.

Trump, Flynn, Bannon, Stephen Miller, Tuberville, the 'dumb Caucus, et. al. (the uneducated that Trump said he loves) must be stopped. The only control they should be allowed to have is over their own bladders or we are truly doomed.

Thanks for laying this out in a way that none can fail to see the handwriting on the wall.

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at least a few of those guys lack even THAT control.

TFF's reliance on diapers is well-documented. Adderall can, in fact, become very embarrassing.

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My sentiments about Romney exactly. Daddy George was a much better man. What happened to Mittens, just another “conservative” crook. In 2012, it seemed to me that his only qualification for president was that he was white and rich. So he’s an iota better than the average republican bear, he’s still white, rich trash.

Your quotes from Hitler’s cult are the same ones I posted on Twitter and FB which they felt were against “community standards.” Thanks for reminding us of what republicans have been spewing on us for decades…

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Sep 14, 2023Liked by TCinLA

You know, this all sounds really familiar. This is flat brilliant. Nice work; thank you!

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That it does sound familiar is the problem.

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Sep 14, 2023Liked by TCinLA

I can't love this enough.

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Sep 14, 2023·edited Sep 14, 2023Liked by TCinLA

Great rehash of the German Nazi years and the pointed parallels with our ongoing experiences, TC. We all need to know and remember these things.

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well, this was one of your excellent arguments, Tom. complimenti.

the parallels with the rise of Hitler sure do rhyme. and yeah, Project 2025 might as well have stolen its "strategies" from the Nazis...that's exactly what's so shocking about it. I'd always thought of the Heritage Foundation as being just another group of the useful idiots on the other side. I should have paid closer attention; these guys are as straight-ahead fascists ass, say, DeSantis.

senators worried about death threats? my heart bleeds...or maybe "seeps?" or "trickles a little?"

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Sep 14, 2023Liked by TCinLA

I fear when history repeats itself this time, it won’t be farce.

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Chef's kiss Tom. Preach it!

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Sep 15, 2023Liked by TCinLA

Very well said Tom. And to all of the sleeping morons out there that say they’re too busy to pay attention to anything but their day to day lives: Wake the Fuck Up!!

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Holy shit. This should be published far and wide. I’ll share where ever I can.

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Go right ahead.

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This reminds me so much of Milton Mayer's book- They Thought They Were Free, The Germans, 1933-45. Limited in scope as sociological research, still those interviewed repeatedly talked about waking up too late to what was actually happening. As long as the small things of their daily life were still there they did not pay attention to how the ground beneath them was shifting.

It does sound familiar and old; but, watching Putin and Kim Yong Un cozy up and China sniffing around fills me with dread at what new horror is about to be unleashed on our already "boiling" earth. As Blinken said in his recent speech the enemies of democracy are both without and within.

Romney may be leaving because he faces losing re-election; he could be leaving because his wife has a degenerative disease; or, he could be leaving out of the same disgust that was on his face and in his voice when he told George Santos, " You don't belong here."

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George Santos is not the only who doesn't belong in Congress.

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Well done, TC. Reading this is frightening -- and more. The parallels are too "close" in the past behavior of the GOP,;their present lying, greed, and hatred; and in the plan for 2025. There will be terrible deeds if Trump returns.............. It is difficult to face the truth of where this country is. We are seeing how hard (and life threatening) it is to preserve liberal Democracy.........

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Sep 14, 2023Liked by TCinLA

This!! Mitt is not a hero. He’s a rich, entitled jerk.

Such a great article. One of the many reasons I’m a paid subscriber. You’re worth it.

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Thank you.

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Thank You! I think...

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And Romney probably doesn’t realize how he has disrespected his father’s memory by indulging in his own outsized ambitions, or how he has contributed to the rise of Trump. When the history is written he will be a sad figure, an example to be avoided.

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