I would vote for pond scum over a Rethuglican. I would vote for tree bark and fungus before I would vote for these pathetic pitiful "no platform except no" haters of humanity. And they all claim to be religious. Based on their behavior they must worshipping Satan. No I take that back. Some Satanists are nice. It must be Sauron.

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Since they're Orcs, Sauron's a good bet. :-)

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Tree bark and fungus serve useful purposes in life. 😈

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This is very true. That's what makes them more valuable. Too bad trees can't vote. They are certainly wiser and tougher than these Repunklicans.

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Maybe that’s why Herschel said “Don’t we have enough trees around here?” 🤣

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As does pond scum.

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Then turn them into mulch!

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Beating an 82 yr. old man with a hammer

because his wife is Speaker of the House

is reprehensible. He can kiss his butt goodbye for at least 20 years, if he survives long enough to have a trial.

The MAGGOT crowd are lowlife, ignorant,

bigoted domestic terrorists. A lot like

Hitler's crew in the Brownshirts.

I wonder how many Republicans have

disabled people in their families? Hitler's

goons didn't just euthanize disabled

children. Lots of experiments, sort of

like Oz and his pacemaker experiments

on those Beagles. Republicans should

be careful about throwing stones in

glass houses. If they think they're going

to get away from the tumult they're

trying to bring on here, they have no

idea what they're bargaining for.

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So far, they've gotten away with everything they've tried, including an assault on the Congress while it was in session. Until there are adverse consequences for the leading conspirators, this behavior is likely to continue. 4 months in jail for one of the leading co-conspirators isn't really impressive, especially since he is free pending appeal.

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Lord, I hope a reckoning is coming.

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Lock and Load, Ready on the right, ready on the left, ready on the firing line......10 rounds automatic......blast these Mother fuckers. !

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They'll be benefactors of their own

reckoning and they're not going to like it.

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Once you turn to the dark side for the power, you lose it all.

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Good for you for speaking your mind and expressing your justifiable anger.

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Your outrage is my outrage, these subhumans are beyond vile, and that more assuredly includes Youngkin and Hewitt. They, and McDaniel are the proof that republicans have tainted politics to the point that they should not be allowed to pretend legitimacy any longer. They are as traitorous as any Confederate official from days gone by. And this is a close election, WTF

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If these guys think that by trying to kill her husband they will intimidate Nancy to the point that she will immediately quit, they have another thing coming. That is what they want. To get rid of her. But if she caves then they will do the "trumpian think" which is to repeat whatever works, no matter how loathesome or evil or criminal. They will think they have a winning tactic and will be martyrs for the cause! Nancy is a million times tougher than all of them put together! Imagine the courage it takes to be in her position. I wonder if any honest people will want to run for public office again.

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Slight correction to the beginning of your post:

'"Good Republican" is an oxymoron, which means you have to be a moron on oxy to believe that.

Thank you

PS I know you know there are no "good" republicans. I couldn't resist the joke.

Get well soon, Mr. P.

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Any Republicans disclaim the attack or condemn violence? I 'll wait.

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The rest of the world is watching this pathetic show.

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DJT and the rest of his pawns, along with the militias and so on, have mandated violence for how long? It's righteous anger that you have expressed, you might call it something else. But these rotten snakes are now beside the point. What are we going to do? It is what folks, including, yourself, have been shouting for how long? The truth, yeah, it still exists; spell out what these bums have done to the economy, stolen our money, rigged the so-called, rule of law, made it impossible to have affordable housing....I won't count the ways. When did the people need to organize, ORGANIZE? Quoting, Bernie, one of my favorites, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!

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I've observed political campaigns since 1960, and this one is the nastiest of all. I THINK. but in terms of one side being overwhelmingly hypocritical while having virtually no platform at all (wasn't the same lack a sort of point of pride in 2020), the remains of what used to be called the Republican Party may end up being the GOAT, which is an abbreviation I'd hoped to die without ever once using. a vain hope indeed.

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The only thing wrong with today's post is in the header; should have been ' Inaction', not In Action.

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I heard a comment today that is hopefully somewhat encouraging. The commenter said that polls usually cover "likely voters", and most polls seem to be close or within the statistical margin of error for such polls. He thought this election will likely be decided by unlikely voters, those who usually do not vote, especially in mid-term elections. The side that can get more unlikely voters to vote will more than likely win their elections..... If we can get out the vote, we have a chance to save the whole ball of wax. The very heavy early voting is encouraging to me, as heavy turnout usually favors Democrats.

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'PORTLAND — BERNIE Sanders’ barnstorming tour to rescue the 2022 midterms for Democrats took a spicy turn in Oregon on Thursday. The populist Vermont senator and serial Democratic presidential candidate appeared at a downtown Portland concert venue to stump for Democrat Tina Kotek, who is locked in tight race for governor — thanks largely to the political spending of one billionaire, Nike co-founder Phil Knight.'

'Sanders called out Knight by name for the corrupting influence of his campaign cash. “Democracy is not billionaires — Phil Knight or anyone else — buying elections,” Sanders insisted.'

'Knight is Oregon’s richest man. He’s made a habit of trying to buy the governor’s race in a state that does not limit individual political donations. In 2018, he spent more than $4 million in a failed bid to install the Republican nominee in Salem. This year, Knight began by backing an unaffiliated candidate, former state senator and machine gun owner Betsy Johnson, staking $3.75 million to a politician who has vowed to keep the state’s CEOs on speed dial.'

'After a strong start, Johnson has faded in recent polling. She’s no longer a threat to win the race, but she is playing an effective role as spoiler. The former Democrat is drawing enough support from Kotek to give the pro-Trump, anti-choice Republican nominee, Christine Drazan, a shot at the governor’s mansion. Republicans have been shut out of that office since the Reagan era. Knight has recently given Drazan’s campaign $1.5 million — explaining himself in a rare interview to The New York Times that he’s “an anti-Tina person.” Knight has also given $2 million to a PAC that seeks to elect GOP legislators in the state.' (RollingStone)

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As an Oregonian I’m livid and terrified right now that Drazen is going to win. Phil Knight has manipulated the race by throwing his money behind machine gun Johnson then dumping her after she had a significant following, but not enough to win. Then threw his money on Drazen because he really wants a Repub in the office like all of the other oligarchs . It makes me sick.

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You know, there is a good argument to be made about the theory of prophylactic assassination, with regard to people like Knight.

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Karen, Am I wrong in believing that Drazen is just a hairline ahead? Also, I put Bernie here because he goes after the big money men, who they are and what they get in return from the candidates they fund -- and quality of the candidates they buy in terms of what they bring and do not bring to being a public servant is also important. Bernie is an honest fighter on our behalf. I think that we need to support our best leaders ,along with the candidates. It's not over yet, Karen.

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I agree Fern, I like and respect Bernie very much. The last I heard Drazen had a very slight lead. And you’re right, it’s not over yet!

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Or, to invoke Sondheim, the best of them is no damn good.

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The attack on Paul Pelosi is horrific and it’s an example of the environment that Rump and the repugnant party is promoting. They know exactly what they are doing, and are increasingly adding oxygen to ignite the fire of their base towards violence. Their goal is to normalize violence and destroy democracy. I’m afraid they are succeeding

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